Monday, December 30, 2013

Resolution for American Security 2014

 Resolution for American Security 2014
                                            Larry Clifford ©2014

While most American News Services are blindly focused on “Plus-sized Barbies” this morning, and the New York Times shamefully publishing a cover up article to whitewash al Qaeda’s (and I believe Barack Hussein Obama’s) obvious direct involvement in the well planned Attack on Benghazi and the Kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens, (before it wrecks Democrats election hopes in 2014); Radical Islamic Terrorists are, this very morning,  well organized and actively planning more harm in every State in the United States, in every Major City in the Country, in every Mosque, and this treachery is actively being executed on a daily basis.
     What should we be doing? The answer is easy, but the resolve completely missing by our cowardly press, sold out Congress, treacherous Muslim President, mindless liberals, and otherwise sleeping general public. All of these solutions are extremely reasonable and totally just considering recent Islamic activity in the world.  What should we do?:

1.  Close every Mosque in the United States, and (at least temporarily) confiscate all Bank Accounts (remember 1/8
th of all monies collected by Muslims, including innocent sounding Charities, is by Islamic Law required to be spent on Jihadist Terrorism), safes, computers, disks, jump drives, cell phones, records, files, recordings, tapes, photos, and handwritten notes for examination by the CIA and FBI. (Not TSA, DHS, FEMA or any other Obama corrupted Agency). All monies from the sale of Mosque Property and funds in any way suspect to be applied toward directly reducing the Nation Debt or to further reduce Islamic Terrorism directed toward U.S. Citizens. Every person named in association with any form of Jihad should be immediately deported or if warranted jailed for planning such crimes.
2.  Stop all entry of Islamic peoples from all Countries of origin into the United States or any of its territories, with the exception of only certified ambassadors of State for specific and pre-certified and arranged,( including traffic routes and departure dates), meetings with U.S. Officials. It must be remembered that 100% of those responsible for the Terrorist Attacks on 9/11 were clearly Islamic in name and culture, so all entry into the United States henceforth should be profiled specifically to prevent Islamic entries into our Country.  Islamic traffic from the U.S. would be one way, unless return trip is Pre-approved for humanitarian reasons approved by a Court or by the State Department with a reasonable period of time for Public comment being required before any reentry.  Any Islamic person wishing to remain in the U.S. would be lovingly subject to the Strictest Form of investigative vetting, even where marriage and family relationships are involved. Islam is not, and has never been,  a Religion but rather a Cultic Political Movement to Control the world and destroy Freedom of Religion wherever it is found. Members of this Political Movement are uniformly sworn and required to vow their allegiance to the destruction of America, so none can be trusted without intensely thorough verification. Some of course are in this country as refugees of this evil false religion and its ruthless persecution of exiled leaders and/ or defectors and should be seriously and lovingly considered for humanitarian relief. Those who have publically Confessed conversion to Christianity (or other religious faiths) should be given special consideration to prevent their beheading, crucifixion, stoning or other persecutions for leaving Islam’s terrors.
3.  Burkas should be immediately banned for travel of any sort, or entry into any crowded venue. Burkas are potential instruments of Terrorism, hiding even the sex of the individual contained therein. These lose fitting garments are easily used to conceal identity of the wearer (even felons and wanted terrorists) as well as weaponry, bombs, contraband,  documents of war, stolen data on recording devices, and messages to foreign enemies. All garments worn by Muslims, male or female, traveling or entering public venues should be small enough to prohibit weapons or bombs being carried, with the head fully visible for instant facial identification.
2.  Immediately suspend any and all Foreign Aid, Military and Economic, to all Islamic Countries. If they wish to engage in war with the U.S. let them do so with their own monies. This includes Iran for which sanctions should be strictly increased and reinforced including confiscation of all Iranian designated bank funds for application to our own National Debt. Make no mistake, these countries are to a greater or lesser degree all at War with the United States whether we wish to admit it or not. Islam is an Evil we must acknowledge and stamp out in any free country. Europe is finding this out the hard way, and we must if we are to survive as a free Republic.  
     That is my opinion of the ideal New Year’s Resolution for America in 2014.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

 The Difference in our Heads and God’s                                                            by
                                          Larry Clifford ©2013

My Dad Tom used to tell me, “Son, as long as you fall on your head, you’ll be alright.” What he was telling me was that I was hard headed. He was right of course. Like all other men and women I was born with a head requiring all Logic, Reason, and Common Sense be hammered in, not merely absorbed the first time I read or broached a subject.
     So what is the difference between God’s big head, and our little one? Let’s start with our head, because we can understand that a lot easier. Let’s take the average man, he knows:
1.  What he thinks.
2.  What he thinks his friends and family may or may not think.
3.  What he recalls of what he has read and seen.
4.  What he has studied in schools, colleges, seminars, and personal studies.
5.  What he has understood from the News, Commentators on TV, and so on.

     That is pretty much it. Some may even have Photographic Memories and actually be able to recall all these things, but not many. Now let’s consider God’s Head, God knows:
1.  What he thinks.
2.  Every single thought of every single man and woman ever to live, whether openly expressed or retained without verbal expression. Oh, and every single thought of the Millions of Angels He created also.
3.  All the physical, mathematical, and what we call natural Laws of the Universe.
4.  Every step, flutter of feather, or flip of fin of every animal ever to walk, fly, slither, or swim on the face of the earth, (or any other planet).
5.  To illustrate my next point God also knows the climate and geophysical data of every solar body in every Universe, down to the exact millisecond of every Century since creation and what that data will be in the future.

     Man has Questions. God has no Questions, not a single one. Man can argue about any subject. Not God, he has already worked out all the details of every conceivable question long ago, within His Mind alone He worked out all the possible tangents, twists and turns of every possible variation of outcome, and said, “Yep, that is how it will be.”
      Take man’s issue of Global Warming, a foolish issue if ever there was one. False Science based on man’s manufactured and most often lied about data, manipulated and twisted to fit Al Gore and the United Nation’s corrupted plans. Now God knows the earth isn’t warming right now. It hasn’t for about 15 years now. God has all the climate and sea level data, for every port elevation, for every port, every rock on every point, every creek outlet into every cove, down to that exact millisecond we talked about. God has no Questions. God deals only in Facts.
     God knew in real time what your Grandmother was thinking on any given day in your memory. You don’t; but God has it in Perfect and instant recall. God in his Omnipresent Mind is reading my thoughts as and even before I type, and at the same time is guiding the stone that just left David’s sling headed toward Goliath; at the very same time, He is parting the Red Sea, attending some little girl’s piano recital, and watching little Billy reluctantly brush his teeth. He just comforted a male bluebird as its mate was hit by a Studebaker Convertible in 1954; He just watched the sweat pop out on Harry Truman’s brow as he ordered the Atomic Bomb strike on Japan; His mind is everywhere, as at the same time, He just watched the last breath of every victim of the Titanic. God’s head is so enormous in content and capability that we little humans can’t begin to comprehend his unlimited knowledge. Why oh why, do we even try to figure God out, when we can’t even figure ourselves out.
     And what is the most wonderful thing about God’s Mind? The most Amazing thought God ever had was that in all his perfect Logic and Reason, He took time out of His busy schedule, to devise a way to Forgive man and woman for all their many sins. He, the Creator, named Yeshua (which we pronounce Jesus), decided that the walking, talking part of His Triune Godhead would come to earth, born as a baby laid in a feed trough, and die as a sacrificial lamb for all the sins of mankind. What an amazing Mind. Now if only man would use his limited mind to accept that wonderful Gift without questioning why God decided to do it that way, and not some other. But then………. our heads are harder than God’s Head.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


                                                      by  Larry Clifford ©2013 Quote but Please Share

Twas the night before CHRISTmas,
and all through our house,
we were waiting for CHRIST’s Birthday!
even one mouse.
Grandpa took down the Bible,
and sat in his chair,
all the family was gathered,
for the Gospel he’d soon share.
It wasn’t the tree, or the tensile, or trim,
no Santa in our house, it’s not about him.
This day is for Jesus, the King of all Kings,
and all of the wonderful Blessings He Brings.
Grandpa read of His Birth,
How Angels Sang of His Worth,
and Reminded us Wise Men still Seek Him.
The only tree that matters,
is the Cross where Jesus bore,
your sins, and my sins, and more we don’t know;
And Conquered Death and hell’s fires below.
Happy Birthday Dear Jesus, On Your Throne way Above,
We Praise You, and send You All of our Love!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Yea, I Got a Little Carried Away Happy, Happy, Happy!

Yes, I have got a little Carried Away Supporting a Certain American Hero named Phil Robertson. More of us should. Phil Robertson may be the one man alive today who can awaken the sleeping Giant Body of Real Deal Christian Conservatives in America, nay. the World Today. Phil DID NOT make a mistake. Phil has a Masters Degree in Education, so don't let his Cajunesque dialect fool you, he knew Exactly what he was sayin, and I believe he was led by the Holy spirit to say exactly what he said to exactly who he said it to. Phil Quoted from the Old Testament book of Leviticus, (which I personally believe is the 'Pre-incarnate' Jesus dictating the words to Moses, and the reason I believe they are Jesus' Words, "walking through the camp at night", in another verse). In Chapter 18:22-23, which are actually one sentence in the original Hebrew, Jesus puts both Bestiality and Homosexuality in the same sentence. Then Phil goes on to almost perfectly Quote by heart 1st Corinthians: 6:9-11 a somewhat lengthy section where Paul lists several sins including homosexuality and adultery in almost the exact manner as Paul under his inspiration of The Holy spirit used them. Few 'Namby Pamby' Preachers Today use them in such an inspired manner as did Brother Paul and Brother Phil Robertson, a Preacher in his own right, who has lead many a sinner to the Lord. Yes Phil is an Evangelist and preaches Quite Often. His You-Tube Videos behind the Pulpit make some, including me, cry, and no doubt, have saved some men and women right over the Internet. Yes I got carried away and for good reason; A Great man of God, Spoke God's Word in a Mighty Way that caused Satan's Army to cry out using Satan's own and oldest weapon, "Yea hath God said"? Well Yes, God did say, Exactly what Phil said He said, and it has been a long time since a Preacher got as much international Attention saying it; maybe never before in History if you count the Mass Media and Social Media. Phil is The Man, standing tall, standing in the gap, and Serving The GOD Faithfully.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

What a Perverted Bakwards World we Live In

It is a Perverted/Backwards World we live in. Satan has convinced the Left that we need to be Tolerant of Sin. Tolerant is a word not found in God's Word. God doesn't want us to be Tolerant of any level of Sin. Homosexuality is sin. It is that Simple. Twerking half naked is sin, especially when your a gawky green kid, with no talent, and a body that hasn't filled out enough to interest even a lustful man anyway. Like Righteous Lot trapped in Wicked Sodom, we Christians in America are Vexed with the Filthy animalistic, and Satanic conversation/behavior of the Homosexual Community, the welfare sloths, and of course the druggies/choom gangs, and Death Cult false religions like Islam. Fortunately Phil and we Born Again are just aliens in this world as it waxes worse and worse each day. I thank the Lord Daily that Christ's Return could be any day now and we will be taken away before the Tribulation. Phil Robertson is Preaching a wonderful Sermon this week. It is a great Awakening in America these past two days. People in general, even Bill O'Rielly and a bevy of so-called Christian Commentators haven't figured out that Phil exactly quoted the Bible and perfectly stated God's all knowing opinion of Homosexuality, Bestiality and Same Sex Marriage. God said all three are the same sin to Him and an Abomination, (translated foul stench in His Nostrils). In the original Hebrew there is no "period" between Homosexuality and Bestiality. Leviticus 18:22-23 is really all one sentence translated properly. Phil interpreted God's Word Perfectly and Exactly, also Quoting 1st Corinthians 6:9-11 in perfect Cajun. Phil's position and opinion is nothing short of Exactly what God's Word says. The Truth. Absolute as only God's Word can be. Good Going Phil, I know you are at perfect Peace today and I wish the Robertson Family and all their Millions of Fans a very Merry Christmas!!!!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Every News Story this morning can be summed up in one word: STUPIDITY
Stupidity in Spending for Congress and "OSpendama". For instance, Russia/Ukraine makes headlines for a $15 billion Bailout, while our Stupid media hides an almost $18 Trillion Debt amounting to literal Bankruptcy for the U.S. Congress is spending, Stupidly, more than ever while Cutting Pay for the most important Government sector, our Brave Military. A woman using Facebook on her cell phone Stupidly walks off a pier, she can't swim yet she, Stupidly, while Drowning holds her beloved Cell Phone above water placing its value above that of her own life. And then Health Care/Obamacare gets Stupider than ever with a call to include $100,000.00+ sex change operations for PERVERTS in Health Plans? Now that is STUPID! Meanwhile FACEBOOK Stupidly persecutes/blocks Conservative users, violates the 1st Amendment, and irritates younger (really all) users with ads that will drive even more young people and the aforementioned Conservatives to other Social Media outlets. Liberals of course continue to grow in Stupidity with Barbara Walters thinking little Barry Obama is the Messiah, Rachel Maddow thinks the Nuclear Option makes the Democrat led Senate less Obstructionist ignoring the King of Obstruction Dingy Harry Reid, Anti-2nd Amendment Nuts continue to miss the Obvious that every shooting of late has occurred in a "gun free zone", and of course the Anti-Christian crowd continue to not understand that Christmas is named for Jesus "The" Christ and has nothing to do with the Fiction of manmade Santa and his flying reindeer and pagan elves. Can it get any Stupider? Yes! As long as there are Liberals, Democrats, Progressives, Marxists, Communists and Cults like Islam; it can.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Wake Up Christians!

Wake Up Christians, Speak, Be instant in season and out, Share the Gospel, at the Jail, in the checkout line, on Street corners, God describes the Lost as so close to Hell's Fire He already sees them as "Burning Sticks". Do what you must time is short, some will see your life as a Beacon, some need a shock, Jesus' earthly half-brother Jude put it this way:
And of some have compassion, making a difference: 23 And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.
Jude 1:22-23 (KJV)

Jesus Himself pulled Joshua out of that fire for an example.
1 And he shewed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him. 2 And the Lord said unto Satan, The Lord rebuke thee, O Satan; even the Lord that hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee: is not this a burning stick plucked out of the fire? 3 Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, and stood before the angel. 4 And he answered and spake unto those that stood before him, saying, Take away the filthy garments from him. And unto him he said, Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment.
Zech 3:1-4

Saturday, September 21, 2013

How does a Demon Enter a Human Host's Body?

Demons cannot apparently enter and indwell a person who is focused to his or her environment and alert to his own thoughts and actions. It is when the potential host allows external inputs, stimuli, and experiences to so take over and become his own thought processing, that a Demon can move in through the stimulus created gap in mental awareness. Think about reading Tom Sawyer or any other novel.  The reader gets so involve in what the character is thinking and doing that for a brief period the reader feels as if they really are Tom Sawyer. Fortunately Demons are not into Tom Sawyer, they prefer Harry Potter, zombies, porn, and gory novels.
Demons all have their own favorite sins. An old farmer once put it this way, “The old Devil sure knows what you like in your soup”. Demons were tempted to follow Satan out of Heaven because of their own personal temptations. Demons specialize. Perhaps nothing explains it better than Pokémon Cards. On the back of each card is a summary of the particular demonic powers of that particular Demon. I personally believe that Satan and his Demons played a very scary and dirty joke on society by using actual Personal names and descriptions of all too real Demons on these cards. Whatever you do, don’t let children play with these cards, don’t hid them or bury them where some unfortunate might find them, Burn them,

So what are the most likely vehicles in today’s busy society where Demons might find easy entry to a human host? Here is a partial list:

Harry Potter and/or any other book, tape or video on the Occult
Video Games, especially the bloody gory ones and repetitive shooting of lifelike human victims
Pokémon (Japanese for Monster or Demon) esp. dangerous, 
Gambling, especially online where the gambler is alone with his vice
Horror, Vampire, and Zombie Movies
Drugs and Alcohol including all Prescription Drugs, esp. anti-Psychotics and pain pills
Pot I’ll list separately since so many in today’s society wrongly don’t consider it a drug
Runaway Anger
Rap and heavy metal music
Indoctrination tapes
Horoscopes, Ouija boards, Crystal balls, and Tarot Cards
Indoctrination by Islam and other cults, gangs, and association with criminals


The Scriptures tell us how to avoid Demons and Temptations in general.

 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Phil 4:8 (KJV)
When we genuinely focus on the good stuff, the bad stuff can’t hurt us, even Satanic forces.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Bastion of Freedom and Truth, or Satan’s Bastard Leech on Society?

As I did a little personal reflection this morning, as a Christian and a Vietnam Veteran who volunteered to preserve the Freedoms of the Constitution of our Republic, the Freedoms and Values other Patriots before me had died for, bled for, suffered for; I could see quite clearly what is going down in Today’s America; moral and ethical values are way down. It is obvious really, there are but two real choices, only two perspectives to consider.  

Are you part of the Solution to the World’s Problems or part of the Problem?
Are you a good person and a survivor of Satan’s Temptations, or happily writhing in the gutter of worldliness and/or utter lechery?

Either one is a Patriot and a Bastion of Faith and Freedom, standing on the Principles of our Christian Founding Fathers, OR a leech, a Bastard son or daughter of Liberalism, defying, using, and laughing at the Freedoms Conservatives have wrought through their Courage, and Blood, and Sweat even when freezing in their brutal march to battle. The only sweat these liberal leeches experience is the fear their EBT card may not have enough credit left for their Beer, Gasoline and Lottery Ticket, and they’ll have to sell their Obamaphone. They have nothing invested in society, they only withdraw.

There is only Lie or Truth. Are you a user and abuser, or a producer and provider, a liar and deceiver like Satan, or a Truth-teller and Preacher of the Gospel of Christ?

As I pray to God for their redemption and Salvation, these others, these usurpers, spout their atheistic tripe and pray vainly to some unknown source that there is no God, no Justice, and that somehow they will escape the very real hell they realize their sin and perversion requires from a Just God who they really do know exists.

There is Absolute Truth and Good, or there is EVIL. God Created Evil, “I am the Lord, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil:” Isaiah 45:6-7.  Why, did God Create Evil? He did it, because without seeing the utter depravity and failure of sin, we can’t see the Beauty and Wisdom of Goodness and Truth.

God offers us a Perfect Example of Truth and Wisdom, and Satan offers us his best imitation and lie. As an example, God gave us the institution (Covenant Relationship) of Marriage; a union of one man one woman blessed by the additional cord relationship with God the Father. Satan gave us homosexuality cursed as a lie, (Daniel the Prophet tells us the antichrist himself will be a homosexual), “Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.” Dan 11:37.

Are you living in the shadow of Satan’s Lies, or are you basking in the sunshine of Jesus’ Love and Truth? Humans can’t make it, on their own, Lost without a Savior.  I see so many intelligent people, (an intelligent person has the hardest head), vainly, and hopelessly thinking they are smarter than any god could possibly be. Some even read the Bible, but even the smartest person on the earth can’t understand the truths of the Bible without the guidance and inspiration of The Holy Spirit. You have to surrender your thoughts to God’s Wisdom. Accept His free gift on the Cross, His Lordship, then and only then, does He give you the keys to His Wisdom in The Scriptures. Our Founding Fathers had that Wisdom and His Blessing. Do You?

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Wake Up America, A Peaceful Solution to the Syrian Cris

Wake Up America,
A Peaceful Solution to the Syrian Crisis
by Larry Clifford

Think for a change Congress. The solution to War and the killing of innocent people within any affected population is the End of Hostilities. That is what America, Russia, the United Nations, NATO and all countries surrounding Syria should be working toward, not the escalation of killing by Air Strikes and indiscriminant Rocket fire that may encounter more innocent women and children used as human shields
The only plan should be to stop fighting.

What the United States should demand is:

1. An Absolute and total weapons ban, with zero tolerance for weapons shipments by or from any Country including the U.S., to either side in Syria’s internal conflict.
2. Withdrawal of all forces. The Government forces to within established Military Compounds with only Certified Police, NATO, or United Nations Patrols on Public Streets; but more importantly the withdrawal of all al Qaeda led foreign nationals to their own countries of origin. This to be established by:
      A. Revocation of all travel visas and passports of all foreign nationals masquerading as Syrian “freedom fighters, or rebels”. This said order of revocation, to include all; Saudi, Chechnyan. Iranian, Egyptian, African, and all other foreign mercenary fighters, with the countries involved immediately ordering the recall of all combatants into the confines of their home countries.
     B. Other legislative actions as necessary by all Nations in the area to insure withdrawal and cease fire by both sides.
3. United Nation inspectors would initiate full and comprehensive criminal investigation into the source of illegally released nerve gasses leading to the arrest and trial of those who authorized such release, whether they turn out to be either, al Qaeda or Syrian Governmental officials.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A little of Solomons Wisdom

I looked at Syria today; al Qaeda on one side an Oppressive Dictator on the other. But we still have No Idea Whatsoever which side really released the Nerve Gas. More Rockets and bombs won't make the poor people in the middle any safer, they are most likely being used as human shields. Secretary Kerry falsely stated that the Rebels didn't have Chemical Weapons (he also released a 2007 photo from Iraq of nerve gas victims as a Syrian Photo of last week) ; but very shortly after Benghazi Leon Panetta in two separate news conferences announced that Syrian Rebels had captured a portion of Syria's Chemical Weapons Supply. So al Qaeda has had the Nerve Gas and almost a year to plan its use. In fact one report commented on by Rush Limbaugh who is no conspiracy buff in 3 separate reports which he checked out carefully, said one of them states that Obama himself may have encouraged the use of gas to make Assad look bad. Think about it three Dictators have... been targeted by Obama, Egypt's, Lybia's and now Syria's. None of these dictators were sweetie pies, but they were much more stable than the Muslim Brotherhood/al Qaeda buddies of Obama which he wants to install in their place. Obama doesn't care about the common populace of Syria or Egypt. Kerry doesn't care; Assad cares more than anybody perhaps, because the foreign-led al Qaeda Rebels don't care in the least, they are just Islamic Thugs at best. Only true Syrian Refugees, American Citizens and the World's Christian Population really care what is going on, and Only God knows for sure.
Solomon saw the exact same kind of Oppression in Ecclesiastes 4:1-3
4 Then I returned and considered all the oppression that is done under the sun:
And look! The tears of the oppressed, (Syrian populace)
But they have no comforter- (neither al Qaeda or Assad care about the people)
On the side of their oppressors there is power,
But they have no comforter.
2 Therefore I praised the dead who were already dead,
More than the living who are still alive.
3 Yet, better than both is he who has never existed,
Who has not seen the evil work that is done under the sun.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

A Dream not Transferred to America’s Black (and White) Youth

A Dream not Transferred to America’s Black (and White) Youth
The Forgotten Parts of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Message

Larry Clifford, Copyright 2013


     When white Republicans joined in Martin Luther King, Jr.’s call for an end to discrimination based on race, (still violently opposed at that time by white Democrats), and, “sat down at the table”, in political fellowship with Dr. King’s Dream, some very integral things of Dr. King’s dream were missed. At the time, most of what was missed was missed by the Blacks involved in the Social Justice movement.  Mostly forgotten was the fact that MLK Jr. was first and foremost a Christian Pastor. All if his dream can be attributed directly to his vision of Jesus and the work ethic taught by Jesus and exhibited by both Jesus and Dr. King in the way they carried their selfsame message to this sinful world.

     It is extremely hard work, and dangerous, to Preach when nobody wants to hear the truth. Both Jesus and D. King found this out in their daily activity. The message of Work Ethic was very clearly there when one looks back. Grueling marches, long, long hours, sleepless travel between stops, unanswered pleas for help, endless setbacks; many less devoted followers dropped out on both Jesus and Dr. King. But MLK kept working, kept marching; no worry about the cost, no wages but sweat and tears. Others who stayed with Dr. King saw how hard he worked and copied it in their own steps and tears. Jesus spoke of earning one’s way in life, the faithful steward working the Master’s Fields, and so did Dr. King. MLK Jr. never talked about handouts, never mentioned entitlements, never once said, ‘the white man owes us’, never once said he any such thing. Dr. King only called for basic Justice, Just a chance, just an opportunity, just an opening, to live and work and prosper just like any other man. That was the message I and Republican and Independents my age remember hearing. Republicans joined Dr. King and after his sad assassination, by a racist Democrat, they overrode Democrats objection and passed racial reforms.

     It is extremely hard work, grueling work, and sometimes, in today’s Society, Politically Dangerous, to get out and get an education and work for a Job. Granted it may be especially hard for a poor black kid being raised in a Fatherless household. But who I ask in positions of Leadership is telling out this part, the work ethic part, of Dr. King’s Message? It was his Message and Courage that secured the Dream. Is Barack Hussein Obama telling America’s Youth to quit partying and work harder to advance in the Capitalistic realm and not only succeed but prosper and get rich? No. He is not! He sends out teams to sign them up for food stamps. Is Rev. Jessie Jackson? No. He too calls only for handouts. Only Bill Cosby and a handful of Conservative Republicans are carrying that message to America’s Youth. Sadly the other message, the party, choom, and get all you can get from the Government handouts message, has spilled over to white youth via Hollywood, and Liberal left-Wing Media, and Education-Free, street gang Rappers with their monotonous work-free message.

     Yes, Dr. King was first and foremost a Preacher. If he could bring again today his message, (the forgotten part), it would be the same; ‘work hard, study hard, think hard, learn hard, work hard some more’. He would say, “You have your chance, you have your opportunity, you have your opening, we have, ‘sat down at the same table’ with our white brothers and sisters”. “Now”, he would say, “Now, it is our turn, Now we have our opening, Work, Study, Grow, Learn Job Skills, Learn Teaching Skills, Learn Communication skills, Learn how to talk like a successful business man, or President, Learn how to ask a question without using the word ‘Axe’, show us you can walk in a room the same as anyone else, not expecting a handout but rather to help someone else up off the floor”. I think that is exactly what Martin Luther King, Jr. would say today if he were here to say it.

     He would tell us we missed the work ethic part of his message, but just as important we missed the Brotherly Love portion, and the Family portion, where Marriage IS between one man and one woman for Life and that God Himself is part of that Covenant Relationship, and that Daddy doesn’t go off somewhere so mamma can get more food stamps. He would tell us to Read our Bibles and take that Family to Church regularly, help our kids with their homework, encourage them to read and learn good English Skills, do chores so they knew how to work at a regular job, Not to depend on sports but rather good education and hard work, to respect their elders, to Love people who were different than ourselves, to help our neighbors even before they asked for help. He would tell us to believe in America, and in the Constitution and to enjoy all the success that Capitalism gives us a chance to experience, and he would tell us to shun Socialism, Communism, and yes the Evil False Religion of Islam. MLK Jr. would say so, in all these things, because God says so in His Holy Word and MLK was and is a Man of God.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Evil Truth behind Boston Bombings

People if you don't understand what is going on in Boston right not or why, remember this: The entire Muslim Clerical community is criminally Suspect. Every Mosque is suspect. These clerics preach Jihad, they recruit and indoctrinate Jihadists, train them, and 1/8th of every dollar they raise in contributions/offerings by Sharia Law goes back to Middle Eastern Jihadist Groups like Al-Qeada for the ongoing and openly declared War on all non-Muslims and specifically Christians. Every Mosque, many of them built Unconstitutionally and thus illegally with U.S. Tax dollars are centers for the destruction of the U.S. Government and any Christian. Many Mosques store weapons and explosives. That is Satan's Plan, that is Islam's Plan, for they are one. Yes there are innocent individual muslims who don't understand and are only being deceived and used by this Evil false religion, but the more devout individuals have been so brainwashed they are willing to sacrifice their own lives to murder Christians.
      Jesus said: " The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. 11 I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. "

      There is one cure for sin and terrorism, Jesus. Only by Salvation, only by Jesus' Love can these depraved and misguided lives be changed, Pray that the Holy Spirit will come to America with Power and that Revival will sweep our Nation and through that Revival the minds and lives of at least some of these poor Muslim victims can be saved.

Barracuda Brigade: Gosnell Trial Witness ~> Baby Who Survived Abortio...

Barracuda Brigade: Gosnell Trial Witness ~> Baby Who Survived Abortio...: There is a special place in hell for Gosnell !!! The last day before the prosecution rests in the murder trial of...
Baby seen swimming in filthy toilet trying to get out!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Prayer for America Today

Heavenly Father, The World today paints such a distorted picture of Marriage. Help us as a Nation to see and understand your perfect picture of it as outlined so well in your Holy Bible. Justice Ginsberg today talked of real marriage vs. "Skim Milk Marriage". Help show her and all liberal America that the only "real marriage" is the Marriage Covenant you have already Ordained. A 3 way Covenant: One man + one Woman + One God. How can mere men even dare decide they can define it better than the Master of the Universe? How Lord can anyone suggest that innocent children are in any way safe being raised in a home where homosexual perversion is the central theme? Please Father protect those innocent minds and heal them from the effects of the depravity they are forced to witness. How can anyone read the Bible and not see how the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah are always fatal to a Nation? Help them see these things Father. Help them wake up to truth and turn from homosexual Abomination before you have to deal with The United States the same way You had to deal with Sodom. Another Justice had the nerve to question any implication of homosexuality being immoral? Help her to understand that it definitely is immoral, that it is sin and open rebellion to You Father, that it is an Abomination, a stench in Your very nostrils in Heaven, a sin equal to Bestiality as You said: "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination, Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. 24 Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you:"Lev 18:22-24; not just adultery as sex outside marriage, but unnatural, and perverted. As You said in the book of Hebrews: Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. Heb 13:4 Lord Forgive and heal this Nation, help us stop trying to "tear assunder" the definition of Marriage You gave us, let the defiled see their sin and look to You for forgiveness Lord, In Jesus Name we Pray. Amen!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Evaluating Our Commander In Chief, Huge FAIL

      What a difference in our Military stature changing Presidents has made; what a downgrade the world has been witness to in a mere four years; how do you grade a President with obviously no military savvy, no experience of any sort related to the Military? We have foolishly turned our Country's total defence over to a man who even forged (or had forged) his own Draft Registration originally failing to even register as required in 1980. Experts have testified his draft records show a 2008 date stamp had the first two digits filed off before being turned over to crudely stamp the year "80". The trouble is all the other draft records that year are clearly stamped with all four digits "1980". Just like his faked records, Obama's attempts to Command have been faked. He doesn't know what he is doing, and hasn't even tried to learn.
      America passed the baton from a caring, compassionate Commander in Chief, with photographic coffers replete showing George Bush, bending in tears to hug and comfort the wounded warriors and the hurting victims of terrorism and flood. We went from sincere scenes of compassion, to those of an arrogant Jackass frolicking from one vacation spot to another. Obama had his hot breakfasts. Hot crepes and lobster at Martha's Vineyard, hobnob tea and crumpets with the "important people, the Hollywood Stars, the rich and wealthy snobs". While the hardest working men and women in the world, the most deserving, bravest humans on the face of the Earth, suddenly by Executive order were no longer deemed worthy or in need of a hot breakfast, they no longer deserved that long held tradition of a hot meal on the front lines as often as possible.
      What a Cruel and inhumane excuse for a Commander! What an EVIL JACKASS! There I have said it, and yet how else could I express it. Pure Truth overrides blind undeserved respect of a selfish overlord. Obama's actions have, for me, erased any possible call for respect.
      While Troops now languished on the battlefield; cold morning rations in hand, what could they be thinking? Morale? What Morale? Thinking back to Benghazi? When the order should have been, "Sound the Battle Cry", "Save Our Men"; instead came the order from Obama, "Stand Down". What an EVIL Epitaph for Our Country!
      So grading on a 5 Star system. No Gold Stars here. Obama gets a well deserved minus 5 Stars all colored in Blood Red.
      Now yesterday morning, when Obama should have been ordering cuts in waste to replace his self-inflicted Sequester, he foolishly ordered much of the Naval Fleet into one narrow harbour and ordered their engines shut down. A command that violates naval strategy so badly a 3rd grade girl would know better; a lesson of Pearl Harbour wasted on a talentless Commander in Least. Will our Military and worse our country survive his ineptitude? Doubtful unless God gives us Mercy. Do we deserve Mercy? Did Sodom? Scary Stuff America! Scary Stuff!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Don't Blame Guns, Blame what we Teach our Kids

The Media is a BIG BIG part of the Problem.They know nothing at all about Guns or gun Owners, (.17, .22, .223. 30/06, .308. 10 gauge, 410 gauge, .44, .45, .50, 3 inch 50, Center fire, Rim fire????), they don't know the difference, they spread misinformation and Leftist Propaganda at the drop of a hat. They don't know muzzle velocity from a muzzle on a pit bull. If you ask them which would make a bigger hole, a Bushmaster, like was in the trunk in Newtown, or a British Musket from the Revolutionary War they would get it wrong every time. They couldn't begin to tell you how the .75 Caliber British Musket was loaded with a .69 Caliber ball or why. Neither could they tell you about modern jacketed ammo, target loads, hollow points and so on. They know guns shoot bullets; so the scary looking ones shoot bigger and badder in their little minds. Never mind why kids grow up without a basic moral understanding of the value of human life, and why they think pointing a gun is the same as pointing with a joy stick in a video game. Never mind that the Christian teaching of the Bible in Every School in America once prevented the shooting mindset we see today. The Big Cities back East taught the Bible and the kids grew up Civilized. Out West where less kids went to School we had the resulting Wild West, and Billy the Kid types. Today it is reversed. Chicago and New York City crank out Al Capones, and Machine Gun Kelleys, and street names like Murder, and Bodysnatcher, and 50 Cent cause that's all a human life is worth Muthah. We need Gun education, but we need American History and the Bible taught a lot worse.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Obama's Progressing Socialist Insurgency

      Democrats, (Excuse me Socialists), are happily rolling along thinking they are about to successfully expunge our U.S. Constitution and take over America, without a shot, and without the People knowing what is going on. They are doing a pretty good job as frankly, even with the Conservative Blogs screaming at the top of their Internet lungs, a full 90% of the populace is sound asleep at the wheel of Freedom, and nearing an abrupt crash with a reality they won't enjoy: Waking up in the United Socialist States of Obama, broke, helpless and hopeless. How is that for Change my blind Liberal friends?
      David Limbaugh said it well today, "President Barack Obama is not just a radical leftist; he is obviously so ensconced in his ideology that he believes — or wants you to believe — that anyone who opposes him must have sinister motives..."
David is right.
      Mark Twain once spoke of being ensconced (nestled, hidden, concealed) in the protection of three giant elm trees. Obama's trees are Marxism, Islam, and his own blinded vision of his own huge Ego. Obama is so deeply ensconced, that he doesn't even realize it has never really been his own self pulling the strings. No, Obama has always been a professional puppet, owned outright by the Chicago Mafia, groomed by them, even his Harvard schooling paid for by them and Saudi Arabia, personally chosen to usher in a new American Order willing to march in step to the UN's chosen tune and their Mission to bring on that final New World Order.
       Obama long ago became a talking stooge, reciting Marxist rhetoric he had heard from birth, he loved the rebel limelight it provided him, he gloried in it, breathed it, drank it, lived it, and grappled for more. No matter what the words meant, just so the audience cheered for more. It was all a game after all. Why study men's words? Affirmative Action was all a young International Student needed to advance, who cares what the words say, let the fools study, bring on the choom gang and lets have some fun.
      So Obama did advance, did as he was told so he could keep playing, and he played his roll well, organizing, making speeches, building a following of mindless followers. As he did his job Chicago did theirs. Political foes were quickly assassinated by a political hit man named Axelrod, they disappeared as fast as they appeared, and Obama ran, suddenly unopposed, on to political stardom. A few mistakes along the way like the election brochure openly stating he was foreign born, forgetting all real citizens had to register for the draft, forgetting his Social Security Number was stolen and traceable to a dead man; just a few random mistakes here and there, but onward and upward the make believe political star kept rising.

Political favors paid off, were covered up and paid back, and soon the chosen but unvetted Marxist son was a somewhat less than bona fied President, but President none the less.
      Now here we are; wonder of wonders, and no one more surprised than Obama himself, a second term has been bought, if not quite paid for. Unions and former ACCORN workers bussed in loads of fake voters, from district to district, with little index card identities in case the carefully chosen poll workers messed up and actually checked for residency. Computer nerds typed in the preset codes to hack into voter machine software and gave the command for GOP votes to register as Democrat, and suddenly Obama had 100% of the vote count in key swing State precincts. Heck he had 130%, 140% in some of them, but never mind that, the media is covering for us anyway. And of course loyal Democrat voters, as usual many of them long dead, voted in as many different districts as they could afford to travel to. Black Panther and Union thugs stood by at polling stations to intimidate mor honest voters. All things unethical were set into motion to accomplish the unfathomable; an Obama second term.
      Next step? Gun Control? No, perhaps more economic instability and chaos first, after all too many genuine Patriots are out there, and they have more guns than we do. Just use the sure to be found crises' involving guns to get the foolish to turn in all their guns, and change the laws all we can to even up the odds before we round up the guns. We can work behind the scenes to dry up supplies of ammo too, and stock up on our own.|
      Sound like fiction. Sadly it is based all too much on absolute truth. The truth is that the ideology of Obama is as dangerous as was that of Hitler. He that hath an ear, let him hear.
"and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority."

Rev 13:2


Monday, January 14, 2013

Obama's Contrived News Conference

Obama was Dead Wrong again today in his contrived "News Conference". Dead Wrong on every issue he addressed, alluded to, or circumvented the truth on. First thing I will note as did Rush Limbaugh today, the Republicans per say are not the town deadbeats. I'll grant there are still RHINOs that New Era Teaparty Republicans have not gotten rid of YET, and they are part of our spending problem. But the main deadbeats in town are Obama himself and the leading Democrats, Pelosi, Reid, etc. who won't quit spending, won't look at budget cuts in any Department Budget, (heck they won't even submit a legitimate budget); all they do is threaten to cut or delay VA and Soc. Sec. checks to scare the public and force increases in the Debt Limit. Sure America pays its bills Barry, but sensible, responsible, wise and caring leaders, stop spending when the wallet is empty. Your outrageous war gifts to Muslim Terrorists alone, amount to more than all the Tax increases on the rich you insisted on. Your foolish overspending is the deadbeat root of our problem.