Resolution for
American Security 2014
Larry Clifford ©2014
While most American News Services are blindly focused on “Plus-sized Barbies” this morning, and the New York Times shamefully publishing a cover up article to whitewash al Qaeda’s (and I believe Barack Hussein Obama’s) obvious direct involvement in the well planned Attack on Benghazi and the Kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens, (before it wrecks Democrats election hopes in 2014); Radical Islamic Terrorists are, this very morning, well organized and actively planning more harm in every State in the United States, in every Major City in the Country, in every Mosque, and this treachery is actively being executed on a daily basis.
What should we be doing? The answer is easy, but the resolve completely missing by our cowardly press, sold out Congress, treacherous Muslim President, mindless liberals, and otherwise sleeping general public. All of these solutions are extremely reasonable and totally just considering recent Islamic activity in the world. What should we do?:
1. Close every Mosque in the United States, and (at least temporarily) confiscate all Bank Accounts (remember 1/8th of all monies collected by Muslims, including innocent sounding Charities, is by Islamic Law required to be spent on Jihadist Terrorism), safes, computers, disks, jump drives, cell phones, records, files, recordings, tapes, photos, and handwritten notes for examination by the CIA and FBI. (Not TSA, DHS, FEMA or any other Obama corrupted Agency). All monies from the sale of Mosque Property and funds in any way suspect to be applied toward directly reducing the Nation Debt or to further reduce Islamic Terrorism directed toward U.S. Citizens. Every person named in association with any form of Jihad should be immediately deported or if warranted jailed for planning such crimes.
2. Stop all entry of Islamic peoples from all Countries of origin into the United States or any of its territories, with the exception of only certified ambassadors of State for specific and pre-certified and arranged,( including traffic routes and departure dates), meetings with U.S. Officials. It must be remembered that 100% of those responsible for the Terrorist Attacks on 9/11 were clearly Islamic in name and culture, so all entry into the United States henceforth should be profiled specifically to prevent Islamic entries into our Country. Islamic traffic from the U.S. would be one way, unless return trip is Pre-approved for humanitarian reasons approved by a Court or by the State Department with a reasonable period of time for Public comment being required before any reentry. Any Islamic person wishing to remain in the U.S. would be lovingly subject to the Strictest Form of investigative vetting, even where marriage and family relationships are involved. Islam is not, and has never been, a Religion but rather a Cultic Political Movement to Control the world and destroy Freedom of Religion wherever it is found. Members of this Political Movement are uniformly sworn and required to vow their allegiance to the destruction of America, so none can be trusted without intensely thorough verification. Some of course are in this country as refugees of this evil false religion and its ruthless persecution of exiled leaders and/ or defectors and should be seriously and lovingly considered for humanitarian relief. Those who have publically Confessed conversion to Christianity (or other religious faiths) should be given special consideration to prevent their beheading, crucifixion, stoning or other persecutions for leaving Islam’s terrors.
3. Burkas should be immediately banned for travel of any sort, or entry into any crowded venue. Burkas are potential instruments of Terrorism, hiding even the sex of the individual contained therein. These lose fitting garments are easily used to conceal identity of the wearer (even felons and wanted terrorists) as well as weaponry, bombs, contraband, documents of war, stolen data on recording devices, and messages to foreign enemies. All garments worn by Muslims, male or female, traveling or entering public venues should be small enough to prohibit weapons or bombs being carried, with the head fully visible for instant facial identification.
2. Immediately suspend any and all Foreign Aid, Military and Economic, to all Islamic Countries. If they wish to engage in war with the U.S. let them do so with their own monies. This includes Iran for which sanctions should be strictly increased and reinforced including confiscation of all Iranian designated bank funds for application to our own National Debt. Make no mistake, these countries are to a greater or lesser degree all at War with the United States whether we wish to admit it or not. Islam is an Evil we must acknowledge and stamp out in any free country. Europe is finding this out the hard way, and we must if we are to survive as a free Republic.
That is my opinion of the ideal New Year’s Resolution for America in 2014.
Larry Clifford ©2014
While most American News Services are blindly focused on “Plus-sized Barbies” this morning, and the New York Times shamefully publishing a cover up article to whitewash al Qaeda’s (and I believe Barack Hussein Obama’s) obvious direct involvement in the well planned Attack on Benghazi and the Kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens, (before it wrecks Democrats election hopes in 2014); Radical Islamic Terrorists are, this very morning, well organized and actively planning more harm in every State in the United States, in every Major City in the Country, in every Mosque, and this treachery is actively being executed on a daily basis.
What should we be doing? The answer is easy, but the resolve completely missing by our cowardly press, sold out Congress, treacherous Muslim President, mindless liberals, and otherwise sleeping general public. All of these solutions are extremely reasonable and totally just considering recent Islamic activity in the world. What should we do?:
1. Close every Mosque in the United States, and (at least temporarily) confiscate all Bank Accounts (remember 1/8th of all monies collected by Muslims, including innocent sounding Charities, is by Islamic Law required to be spent on Jihadist Terrorism), safes, computers, disks, jump drives, cell phones, records, files, recordings, tapes, photos, and handwritten notes for examination by the CIA and FBI. (Not TSA, DHS, FEMA or any other Obama corrupted Agency). All monies from the sale of Mosque Property and funds in any way suspect to be applied toward directly reducing the Nation Debt or to further reduce Islamic Terrorism directed toward U.S. Citizens. Every person named in association with any form of Jihad should be immediately deported or if warranted jailed for planning such crimes.
2. Stop all entry of Islamic peoples from all Countries of origin into the United States or any of its territories, with the exception of only certified ambassadors of State for specific and pre-certified and arranged,( including traffic routes and departure dates), meetings with U.S. Officials. It must be remembered that 100% of those responsible for the Terrorist Attacks on 9/11 were clearly Islamic in name and culture, so all entry into the United States henceforth should be profiled specifically to prevent Islamic entries into our Country. Islamic traffic from the U.S. would be one way, unless return trip is Pre-approved for humanitarian reasons approved by a Court or by the State Department with a reasonable period of time for Public comment being required before any reentry. Any Islamic person wishing to remain in the U.S. would be lovingly subject to the Strictest Form of investigative vetting, even where marriage and family relationships are involved. Islam is not, and has never been, a Religion but rather a Cultic Political Movement to Control the world and destroy Freedom of Religion wherever it is found. Members of this Political Movement are uniformly sworn and required to vow their allegiance to the destruction of America, so none can be trusted without intensely thorough verification. Some of course are in this country as refugees of this evil false religion and its ruthless persecution of exiled leaders and/ or defectors and should be seriously and lovingly considered for humanitarian relief. Those who have publically Confessed conversion to Christianity (or other religious faiths) should be given special consideration to prevent their beheading, crucifixion, stoning or other persecutions for leaving Islam’s terrors.
3. Burkas should be immediately banned for travel of any sort, or entry into any crowded venue. Burkas are potential instruments of Terrorism, hiding even the sex of the individual contained therein. These lose fitting garments are easily used to conceal identity of the wearer (even felons and wanted terrorists) as well as weaponry, bombs, contraband, documents of war, stolen data on recording devices, and messages to foreign enemies. All garments worn by Muslims, male or female, traveling or entering public venues should be small enough to prohibit weapons or bombs being carried, with the head fully visible for instant facial identification.
2. Immediately suspend any and all Foreign Aid, Military and Economic, to all Islamic Countries. If they wish to engage in war with the U.S. let them do so with their own monies. This includes Iran for which sanctions should be strictly increased and reinforced including confiscation of all Iranian designated bank funds for application to our own National Debt. Make no mistake, these countries are to a greater or lesser degree all at War with the United States whether we wish to admit it or not. Islam is an Evil we must acknowledge and stamp out in any free country. Europe is finding this out the hard way, and we must if we are to survive as a free Republic.
That is my opinion of the ideal New Year’s Resolution for America in 2014.