Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Truth about the Crusades and Islam

     What we learned in High School and College about Mohammed and Islam was dependent on the personal feelings of the instructor and the particular text book presented. Everything we were taught was prejudiced to some great degree. One thing is sure, there was nothing Holy about the Roman Crusades, they murdered as many Jews as they did Muslims, stole, pillaged, raped, pretty much anything bad they could imagine. They stole Muslim Prayer Beads, that’s where the Catholic Church gets its Rosary today. But the Crusades were in response to centuries of Muslim invasions, with rapes, beheadings, burned cities and burned & leveled Churches & temples of other religions. Over half of Europe had been conquered over several centuries and the Crusades were pretty much an act of Desperation to drive out the invaders. But, The Catholic Church was anything but Holy in the Process as were the Pagan Muslims. The dark ages in Europe were because of centuries of Islamic invasion not Germanic ones. Islam took false credit for stealing Algebra and the sciences, not actually inventing them.
      Another sure thing, Mohammed did not write anything whatsoever that came from God. He was a worthless, lustful, and cowardly Thug and brute. He had at his disposal all the Torah and most if not all of the Epistles. He rejected Jesus outright as Creator and Savior; meaning he was Lost and forever condemned to Eternity in Hell. Anything he wrote or said of any so-called religion after rejecting Christ is blasphemy and false teaching. Everything he or his followers wrote was a political scam to conquer lands, territory and followers; it was for financial wealth and political power only. Using the name of the Moon God Allah was a ploy to rally the religious but uneducated Bedouins allegiance was a tactic nothing religious at all. Islam is not and was never a religion by Godly Standards, only by man’s foolish standards. Hindus worship cows and spiders and we call that religion. It is not. It is foolishness that God laughs and yet despairs over. Political correctness calls us to respect anything called religion when it fact most religion (All outside the Biblical Christian Church) is cults, false teaching and fairy tales. The truth is that Islam prays to a black meteorite cornerstone in the Kabbalah at Mecca. The prayer is not directed toward Allah it is commanded that all Muslims pray in the direction of a black rock? The same black rock Bedouins were praying to centuries before Mohammed fabricated Islam. The pagan moon god allah was already included in dozens of Bedouin idols/gods inside the very same Kabbalah. Manmade Idols on manmade shelves in a manmade temple with a Black meteorite as a cornerstone. Like many false teachers today Mohammed simply used peoples religious superstitions to control their allegiance.
      Nothing Holy, nothing from God could possibly condone the many Evil things contained in the Koran. It allows sex abuse/rape of 6 year old girls, sexual mutilation of her sex organs, Homosexual Slavery & Sodomy of prepubescent young boys, sex with goats and cows, Slavery, beating and maiming wives who don’t comply with the demands of the husband, beheading of people who don’t submit to the moon god allah and repent of worshiping their own God or gods. And don’t forget outright Murder of God’s Own Chosen People Israel. It is all contained in the Koran. No God put those words there, Satan did. What we have been taught is a lie. Politically Correct perhaps in a perverted kind of way, but a Lie from Satan nonetheless. The entire Koran needs to be trashed and burned over pig dung. The pig dung itself is much more Holy than Mohammed's Evil book. Mohammed rejected God's Son. Muslims don't have to follow him to Satan's Hell.
     Jesus came to earth a substitutionary Savior for all man's sin. Whatever you are guilty of was nailed to the Cross with Jesus on Calvary. Simply accepting His Gift is all you have to do. Accept that Jesus is who He said He was and then make Him the Lord of your Life. So easy a child can do it. Don't make it complicated, just believe and be Saved.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Barack Hussein Obama is No Christian, not even Close

     Greg Jaffe of the Washington Post obviously knows nothing about what being a Christian means. He got it all badly wrong in a recent article about Obama, "The quiet impact of Obama's Christian faith" (Dec. 22, Washington Post), calling our President both a Christian and a man of faith. Faith? Perhaps? But obviously any faith Obama exhibits is directed at the Pagan Moon god Allah, and not the Creator of the Universe, Jesus. Jesus said:  " Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. "
Matt 7:15-20
     So what exactly are Obama's Fruits? Two of the primary fruits he has promoted are Abortion (Premeditated Murder of a living Child in the Womb), and Same Sex (Homosexual) Marriage. Nothing even remotely Christian about either of these disgusting political agendas. The Bible clearly condemns the shedding of innocent blood in Abortion; and God considers homosexuality a Major Abomination akin, in fact condemned in the same sentence as sex with animals (Bestiality).
am the Lord. 22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination, 23 Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. 24 Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: "
Lev 18:21-24 (KJV)
     Not only is the act of Homosexual Sex an Abomination (meaning, Stench in God's nostrils), promoting Homosexual Marriage is a literal Attack on God's Marriage Covenant, defined in the Bible as between one man and one women with God Himself as a key Participant in the Covenant. " 
But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. 7 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; 8 And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. 9 What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. "
Mark 10:6-9 (KJV)
     Calling for same sex marriage is a direct violation of verse 9 above.
     Obama has exhibited Anti-Christian fruit in so many other instances it is hard to pick just a few for examples, but let's start with his blatant disdain for Israel, God's Chosen People. The Bible could not be any clearer about the fact that anyone who curses Israel will be cursed by God Himself. When Christ returns for his Millennial Reign it will be to Jerusalem the Eternal Capital of Israel. (Obama openly wants to turn Jerusalem over to Muslim Terrorists). Jesus (King of the Jews among other titles) will rule the entire world from His Throne in Jerusalem. There will be no more Muslims, there will be no more false religions like Islam. All Nations will come to Jerusalem to Worship the One True God, YHWH/Jesus and once yearly to Celebrate His real Birthday The Feast of Tabernacles, where Jesus as a Babe first fully Tabernacled with men. The Lord, King and Creator of Earth lay in a feed trough to be born as a man and a lamb.
     Yet Obama still arrogantly clings to his Muslim Brotherhood and Islam, which denies Jesus as Savior of Mankind relegating The King of Kings to merely a Prophet. Greg Jaffe was dead wrong in saying Obama was not raised in a religious home. Quite the contrary Barry Soetoro was raised in Indonesia a happy little Muslim boy, with his religion listed in all official documents as "Muslim". In fact Obama's true name may still be Barry Soetoro, as it may have never been officially changed; further his Indonesian Citizenship may have never been changed either.
     A Christian Fruit is telling the Truth; something Obama has never been noted for. In fact his most famous Quote is, "if you like your Health Insurance you can keep it", something some 7,000 Arkansas Teachers and School Employees now re-quote every year when their new Bronze Plans go up 300% each year, (forget the Cadillac Plan Obama said they could keep), or as they reflect on their $1,000 - $4,000 Deductible that makes paying insurance a useless waste for the average holder. Obama has lied so much and so often that Americans no longer expect the truth from him.
    No neither Greg Jaffe of the Washington Post, nor Barack Hussein Obama know anything about being a Christian, which in the original language meant "little Christ" or one who lives, walks and talks like the Christ. Obama even got the words and melody wrong when he tried to sing Amazing Grace at Charleston; the one specific fruit Mr. Jaffe tried to attribute to Obama in his article. Jaffe failed in his article and Obama has failed America.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Why ISLAM IS NOT a Valid Religion

     In Today's Society, Every leading Terrorist Organization (Hamas, Hezbollah, Boca Haram, ISIS, al Qaeda, etc., etc.,  claim Islam as their "Religion". Why? Because Islam as an ideology espouses and condones their hate, their desire to maim and behead non-believers, their sexual perversions, their lusts, and their desire to conquer and rule the world regardless of the needs and desires of those conquered.
     So, is ISLAM a Religion in any strict traditional sense whatsoever? The answer is clearly NO. Here are the defining points of where and how Islam fails:

 1. Islam has no god. Allah was the name Mohammed chose for his new sect or cult. So, who is this Allah? Nothing more than a pagan, man-made, Moon Idol among a warehouse of pagan idols called Mecca. Mecca was a place of Bedouin Worship for centuries before Mohammed's time. Allah was merely one of a multitude of false gods on a shelf. Mohammed chose the name possibly because of its vague spelling and the fact that it is similar in meaning to the Arab word for god. A point Islamic apologists are all too quick to point out, especially since it is their ONLY argument that Allah is the same as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Not true of course, but a clever tool to deceive the less educated members of the Judeo-Christian into a sense of tolerance.
     One more note on Mecca; Mecca's significance is a black meteorite, a large one, contained in the buildings Cornerstone. Of supposed magical properties, the stone was the primary object of worship. Even today all prayers are directed not so much to Allah but toward this magical black rock. The moon idol Allah and dozens of other false idols were housed inside in a multicultural zoo of cult symbols. Since Mohammed's dictate the Crescent Moon and Satan's Star have been the primary cultic focus on all Arabic Flags and coins.
 2. Islam has no Savior. Mohammed failed to find Salvation in his time on earth. Whether he could even read or write has been debated, but regardless he rejected the Torah and the many early copies of  the Christian Epistles he had at his disposal. He freely plagiarized the Torah; changing the wording to emphasize Abraham's illegitimate son Ishmael instead of God's Chosen heir Isaac.
     From the early Epistles, Jesus was rejected by Mohammed as the Son of God, Savior, Lord, and King of Kings, and negated to just a Prophet. This proves that Mohammed was Lost. By rejecting Jesus as his Personal Savior and Lord, Mohammed condemned himself to an eternity in Hell with the lord he chose, Satan. He did not rise to heaven in a fiery chariot in Jerusalem. He was never even near Jerusalem, and he is suffering in Hell this very day.
 3. The Qur'an has NO godly inspiration. It was entirely dictated by Mohammed, a man who many called a madman and by his own admission thought he was Demon Possessed. When Mohammed needed a verse to allow him to sexually abuse a 6 year-old girl, he wrote one, married the poor girl and began groping her while bathing her. When he wanted to sodomize young boys, he wrote a verse saying pre-pubescent boys were not men and thus it wasn't homosexual to have anal sex with them. He even wrote verses allowing Bestiality. In the Qur'an if a man wants to have sex with a goat it is the goat's fault so the goat has to die for the man's sin. But so the farmer won't lose money on the goat it can be butchered and the meat sold in the next adjoining village. The meat is of course tainted by the man's sin so it can't be sold in his own village. How could any sand person believe that the One True God could ever condone such sick behavior? Proving there is no godly inspiration in this sick book called the Qur'an or Koran.
 4. Mohammed was nor even a religious man, nor is religion the focus of Islam as practiced today. Islam is an ideology of war and conquest, not a religion. Mohammed was a greedy, covetous, thug and a thief. He took what he wanted by force and deception. He was vengeful and ruthless. He lacked any moral compass, yet arrogantly wrote his own dictates as somehow being moral law, and forced his community to live by his evil precepts. Followers were followers out of fear of beheading not out of any sense of loyalty or faithfulness to any religion. If they wanted their heads they joined the façade.
 5. Islam has no redeeming qualities. It has been said that Islam is a religion of peace. Nothing could be farther from the Truth. The truth is that Islam has murdered more innocent people than any tyrannical force in History. Not even Hitler or Genghis Kahn can rival the Evil, horror, and destruction of Islam's Invasions on Humanity and Civilization. The Qur'an clearly dictates that all non-believers must be wiped off the face of the earth.
     Speaking of Truth, the Qur'an places no value on truth. In fact lying, called Taqayyi, is encouraged any time a non-believer has to be deceived to enable the advancement of Islam. Islam doesn't mean Peace at all. It means submission. Submit or die. I could list the millions of Hindus and Buddhists and Christians, and others murdered, butchered, and beheaded by Islam, but such information is readily available on any search engine. There senseless cruelty and destruction of Churches, Temples and archeological sites and relics is well known and documented.
 6. Islam denies the One True God and the only door to Salvation and Heaven. Islam has a very Evil view of Heaven and how to get there. Every single participant in the Cult of Islam is a victim of Satan's plan to give man false roads to Heaven. Unrepentant murderers do not go to Heaven and they surely don't get rewarded with 72 virgins, (an indication of Mohammed's lustful, evil mind). As stated earlier whether Mohammed could read or not, he did have access to early copies of the Christian Epistles. He understood when those Epistles said clearly that Jesus was the only door, and His steps the only path to Heaven, yet Mohammed arrogantly and foolishly chose instead the "wide road to destruction", openly rejecting Jesus as his personal Savior. Mohammed had the chance to be forgiven of his sins and become a great man. Instead he chose to be recorded in History as a vicious fiend.

     No Islam does not qualify as a Religion. It has been exposed as anything but Good, and Peaceful, and Redeeming. It has no Savior, no god, no good qualities, nothing to recommend it as righteous or Holy. And while much the same can be said for Witchcraft and Atheism, even they qualify more closely as religions, though false ones. Islam is a Lie from Satan; a Death Cult, and Satan's own Church of Choice.
     We have Freedom of Religion in America. Yes, we even allow Witches and Warlocks to conjure up Satan's Demons, we allow foolish Atheists to worship their own fears and delusions, we allow the Westborough Baptists to masquerade as Christian, and let Hindus worship cows and spiders. But being foolish enough to worship a false god is not the same as practicing religion. Voodoo and magic don't hurt anyone in today's society. These aren't designed to harm and conquer innocent people. Islam is. Islam is not a Religion. Islam is a movement to conquer and rule the world that must not for the sake of Peace, Love, and Brotherhood; must not for the Love of the One True God be allowed to succeed in its Evil mission. Islam is the Problem America. Let's Preach the Gospel of Christ and destroy it with Truth.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Muslims need Salvation

Islam is a Cult that preys on the uneducated, the gullible, the idiots who have no idea who God is. Any 8 year old could figure out that Allah is not a real god if they were allowed to study, but 99% of Muslims have never really even held a Qur'an much less read one. If Muslims knew what the Evil Qur'an really said they would instantly know that no real God could ever condone such EVIL. No god condones having sex with a goat and then blames the Goat, That is what the Qur'an does Worse it goes on so that the owner of the goat doesn't lose money, the goat can be butchered and the meat sold in a different village, just not the village in which the Bestiality took place. The Qur'an says prepubescent boys with no facial hair are not men yet so using them as sex slaves for Sodomy is not homosexuality because they are not men yet. That is what Mohammed said. He said beating wives is good for them. He said groping a six year old girl is not child molestation and raping them at age 9 is not rape. He says if a Christian won't renounce Christ and submit to Islam they should be beheaded. That is what this supposed man of god says. That makes Mohammad a Liar and a Thug, a Bigot and a Barbarian, a rapist and a Murderer, certainly not a Prophet. Muslims are Lost and bound for a sinners hell with Satan. They need our prayers and our Christian Witness. Only Jesus Saves but they are among the most uneducated Spiritually in the entire world and don't know who Jesus is or what He did for sinners at Calvary's Cross. Pray for them and Preach the Gospel. These hopeless slaves to this Evil Cult need Salvation. Help them find it.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Encyclopedia Britannica Makes Bad Error on Israel

     The Encyclopedia Britannica has made a major mistake about Israel in Jesus' time; stating that Israel was really Palestine when Jesus conducted his ministry? I know it is a stupid claim but apparently their desire to be Politically Correct for readers on the left outweighed their desire to be accurate and truthful.
     Unscrupulous left-wing Ministers such as rev. (yes, I used a small r in Rev.) Jerimiah Wright (former pastor of Barack Hussein Obama, and gay men's Bathhouse Imam; in addition a "former" Muslim) have picked up on the misprint and are unfurling it from the Pulpit, lie or not.
     Such a blatant Lie has no place in the world's once most respected Encyclopedia. Where was  the fact checking, where was the editing, what was the editor thinking?
     The real story is this. When the Romans defeated Israel in A.D. 70 the commanding General thought it would be funny to scratch out the word Israel and relabel the map Philistine, (the name of the Israelis historically most hated military foe). Done on the spot, Philistine was misspelled Palestine by the overly-hurried Latin scribe.
     So why is it still on the map that way today? Pure anti-Semitism by mostly Catholic Bible Historians who seem to have hated Israel. But the clear fact is there has never been a nation of Palestine. It was merely a name on a map, never a real country. Never an elected government or even a single dictator. The Jewish Governors were always there, always in charge, and never relinquished power behind the scenes even to the conquering Romans. In more modern times, Arafat himself was an Egyptian refugee.
     As a child I recall watching the evening news with my father in the 50's. I saw sad refugee camps placed in the west bank and Gaza, with refugees from Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt. Miserable living conditions, forgotten by their own people they did not call themselves Palestinian, not then. Israel and the U.S. did their best to care for the "Refugee Camps as they were referred to at the time.
     The word Palestine is a bad joke, gone even worse after being used by those who hate the Jewish People. Palestine is incorrect both Politically and Historically. A racial slur.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Oh Liberty of which we once did sing,

Oh Liberty, of which we once did sing,

                                              Larry Clifford, Sr. © 9/11/2015

Oh Liberty, of which we once did sing,

Oh Liberty, once special thing.
We trade thee now so easily,
for things not nearly sacred.

The Left paints political correctness with wide brush strokes,
in the colors of Sodom and Gomorrah.
While the Right sleeps on padded, air-conditioned pews;
too quiet and comfortable to even flutter the fans of The Gospel.
Talking of Revival since 1964;
But never once calling on The Gospel of Christ.
Never leaving the security of that favorite pew to vote,
forgetting the lost souls they are neglecting,
forgetting Liberty, and Truth, and God’s Justice;
content in man-made reality.
Content in the Marxist Doctrine of Common Core as it is shoveled down the throats of own Grandchildren.

Oh Liberty, where did thou go,
while this Obama organized this strange, un-American community?
This pacifist community of fools, so easily placated with free gifts.
They know not the value of a day’s work.
so much less the value of Truth, Justice, and the once proud American Way.

Oh Liberty, where have you been,
while this Traitor was elected once again?
23,000,000 Christians sat, glued to pews,
and never witnessed, nor even voted.
Yes, one or two brave preachers cried,
while the masses allowed the Church to die.
Jesus still cries Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem.
How many times I would have gathered you under my wings as a mother hen; but you would not.
You did not call, “Baruch Haba Bachem Adonai”.
You did not pray,
you did not preach,
failing to even fight Satan’s Plot.

Have we learned so little in 6,000 years?
That we must seek out the same mistakes which doomed the man of old?
A single set of footprints lead from Jesus to Heaven.
Yet, millions follow a single layer of filthy tissue as their course.
Frail tissue alone hides the land mines beneath our path to destruction.
We know each step is disaster, yet we step on and on,
triggering the Wrath of God and acknowledging it not.
Great, corrupt Senators step up to the podium.
They cough like men to gain attention,
and then spew the Devil’s Doctrine and Lies, like unto the next.
Frivolous, busy women line up beside them in Congress;
too haughty to cook, or sew, or run a house.
They lift up their stiff necks and vote for that which none has read.
Unable to run their own house,
they poison our Legislature,
Voting for the ungodly.
Killing babies with a chainsaw should seem barbaric;
yet these encourage murder in the name of health.

Oh Liberty, come back to me.
Light up the path to freedom.
Shine fast on Truth at last,
and lead quickly the road to Victory.
Cast out this Politically Correct nonsense and give us Moral Values.
Let fly again the red and blue,
that is the song of our Republic Proud;
let us sing it, all, and loud.
Let us preach it once again,
beside the Gospel, Freedom’s closest friend;
while Revival pours down our streets again.
Rise from your pews Oh Christian Throng,
and March and Sing the Victors Song.
Liberty can come back once more,
as can the Church of the Living God.

Jesus can fill hearts again,
as our Constitution once more fills our minds;
as our Republic once again stands,
and America is Great Again!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

I Almosf Died This Past Week

     Yea, I literally almost died this past week. I had been feeling rough, breathing, for a little over a week. I had a foot care appointment with the Veteran's Administration where as a 100% Service Connected Vet, I get all my treatment. I wasn't breathing well so just prior to leaving for my Appointment I told the wife we'd stop off at Urgent Care on the way out to make sure I wasn't coming down with Pneumonia.
     I was looking and feeling quite bad, they gave me a breathing treatment, then two, and told me they better put me in the Hospital and in fact did have Pneumonia. Before the evening was over I was on Oxygen and my kidneys were not working as they were supposed to. Next day my kidneys were worse instead of better and my breathing much worse.
     Things really got bad after a wrong turn trying to urge my kidneys to function. Lasix didn't work so they tried hydrating my body. Trouble was my body from the chest down was already saturated and more fluids made my breathing even worse. I was scared, then I had a full blown panic attack.
     A Doctor and 2 Nurses came in and I told them I simply could not breath. They called the Paramedics to transfer me to the nearest place for emergency Dialysis. One of the nurses , a social worker, was trying to help me breath properly.
     She tried to tell me something about a quiet, still lagoon and it was the very last thing I wanted to hear. I was as irritated as I was scared, and man was I scared, but this woman wasn't helping much and the main problem was that I didn't know if she had enough Faith to Pray with me and for me. Surprisingly at the very time I feared death the most I was worried about this stranger's Salvation. I sat forward with all the strength I could muster, and took what I thought might me the final gasp of my life, and some how said: "Heavenly Father unto you and your Holy Spirit, I commit my Soul." Later she told my wife, "don't worry about your husband, he has great faith."
     Suddenly they were putting some kind of a BPAC mask over my head that sounded like a vacuum cleaner on steroids. Cool Oxygen-filled was gushing in, and whether you opened your mouth or relaxed your nose the slightest, air was forced in, then sucked out and immediately the process was repeated. I was seeing double, and it seemed like there were about 50 paramedics. I had calmed down but was still hallucinating when they got me inside a transport.
I thought I was going through some sort of warehouse but it was intensive care dialysis. Then there stood what looked like a Muslim Doctor with a scalpel in his hand about to place dialysis ports in my jugular. If you are familiar with my posts on Islam you know that was not my most comfortable situation, but God was in control, and I turned my head to allow his access to my throat, and heard his first word: "Oops! I'll have to put a stich in that."
Now after three days of dialysis there in intensive care and two days back home here in a much more modern dialysis clinic, I am getting stronger slowly, today is the first time I really felt like blogging and facing the twitter sphere.  God is Good.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Psychotheraputic Drugs vs Demonic Powers

     One more thing has to be addressed today in light of the Charleston mass shooting. Dylann Storm Roof did indeed have a "Storm" inside; he was Demon Possessed. It was the Demon inside who spoke to the victims, it was the Demon inside who hated Christians and wanted to start a new Civil War to divide America racially, while at the same time dividing Conservatives and Liberals, Democrats and Republicans, believers and non-believers, gun advocates and pacifists. Talk about a perfect storm, Satan gave his minion Lieutenant a great battle plan.
     As I have previously posted the Science of Psychotherapy/Psychiatry is the least Scientific and least proven of all medical specialties, primarily because the adherents do not understand the nature of what they call mental illness, because in their schooling they nowhere address the actual cause of all but simple depression as being Demon Possession.
     As for anti-Psychotic Drugs, they only affect the Brain and thus the Demon invader by putting the brain to sleep, or at least partially asleep, so that the indwelling Demon cannot control his captive body. So for the time the drug is present two main things may happen; either the brain controlling the limbs and other activity can't preform the task the Demon wants done, or the person is completely unaware of what the Demon is trying to convey. Secondary drugs like Pot, pain meds, and street drugs further complicate the situation, maybe keeping the patient awake, confused, or perhaps violently "crazy" and agitated to the point of actually not knowing how to act or behave.
     Doctors don't want to admit Demons exist because their presence is not taught in Colleges and Universities, (part of the anti-Christian bias of Left wing academia).
     Now Jesus certainly knew Demons existed, and the Demons recognized Him on sight and by name since as fallen Angels they were both created by Jesus and had lived in His Presence in Heaven prior to their Fall with their new leader Lucifer. Nothing in the Bible leads anyone to believe that Demons are not as active on Earth today as they were in Jesus' Earthly Ministry.
     One of the clearest Bible pictures of Demons indwelling a human is the case of Multiple Personality Disorder where the Demons speaking to Jesus identified themselves as Legion, (A Roman Legion being up to 6,000 but often reduced to 1,040 individuals for greater speed and mobility). When released into the herd of pigs, the swine still each had so many spiritual invaders they went crazy and dove into the sea to drown themselves in their madness.
     The human body is designed as a "vessel" for God's Holy Spirit to indwell. But God doesn't invade like Demons often try to do. God waits for a person to accept what Jesus, the Creator and Savior, did on the Cross and invite The Holy Spirit in. A believer with the indwelling Holy Spirit cannot be invaded by a Demon. A lost or unsaved person however can in weaker moments when they unwittingly give Demons a chance to invade.
     Séances and other experimentation in the Occult are one such time, focus on evil, occult, or horror movies or porn is another, or attending racist groups like Roof seems to have done, still other times of weakness are drug and alcohol binges, pot smoking, violent video games, experimentation in false religions like Islam and other cults, Pokémon cards, Ouija Boards, Taro Cards, tattoos, piercings, and all forms of Witchcraft.
     I know Dylann Roof had many opportunities for Demons to invade, namely watching Skin Head Videos, video games, and Drugs. I know he was tortured inside by both drugs and Demons. I know the combination may have made him quite angry and unpredictable. Gun or not, I know he hated blacks and Christians or at least the Demon inside him did. Lastly I know that Psychiatrists don't know how to adequately treat Demon Possession and drugs are at best a temporary measure to put the host body to sleep. The only way to remove a Demon is by Fasting and Prayer through the Name of Jesus Christ, by a true believer not a mere person calling himself an "exorcist".

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Invaders within the Obama Whitehouse

     Despite Barack Hussein Obama's vain attempts to classify ISIS as "the Junior Varsity" or some form of minor problem, ISIS is a Major Force of Evil and the Major Danger not to just America's future, but to the entire future of Human Civilization. Islam is itself a vile metastasized Cancer on Society and ISIS is only the visible canker.
     But the "Junior Varsity" is really the Obama Administration itself, not ISIS who is currently winning the war on Civilization. Obama is at best a third string Quarterback. Totally lacking any form of Military training or experience, Obama is as lost as a goose in the Sahara Desert when it comes to his duties as Commander in Chief. I have often said Obama couldn't lead a Girl Scout Troop through McDonald's for chicken nuggets, and I stand by that statement.
     Add then, to his ineptness as Commander, his disdain for America and its Constitution, his hatred of our Flag, (according to his own book having attended many Flag Burning Ceremonies with wife Michelle), of our Christian Foundation, and of Christianity itself and you have a dangerous man. Add still his love of Islam and one has the formula for Tyranny worthy of a madman's dream.
     The history of Obama's key appointments bears out the fact that spies/operatives of  the Muslim Brotherhood are systematically being placed where they can best disrupt the operation of our Government, directly affecting the safety of all American Citizens and putting The United States of America in dire danger of an Islamic Coup. So many; (dozens upon dozens); of Muslim Brotherhood operatives have already been appointed. There are so many it is hard to list them all. Islam actually started secretly infiltrating the U.S. Government in earnest back in the Bush Administration. Bush unfortunately never really caught on to what was happening. But Obama has accelerated the process at a truly alarming rate.
     So who in the Obama Administration is a foe/spy? One has to start at the top. Surprisingly the top isn't Obama, he is number two. No, Valerie Jarrett is number one in the Oval Office. Born in Iran, I can only guess who Jarrett's boss is. Is it someone in the Islamic Caliphate? or perhaps rooted in the Chicago Mafia, or both? That is well hidden but we do know that nothing Obama does or says comes without Jarrett's approval. Born in Iran; Iran and Islam are the ruling loves of her life, and the rudder behind most of her decisions, but her power is also tied to the aforementioned Chicago Mob where she first obtained her Political powers and first put Michelle and her husband Barack to work.
     Even former Chicago Mayor Daily was sent packing, some say landing on his keister, when he tried to buck Jarrett's orders. Obama knows better than to question her orders. Next comes Barry himself a strict adherent to Islam's tenants and those of the Muslim Brotherhood. And what is the motto of the Muslim Brotherhood?
"Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest aspiration."
-- Motto of the Muslim Brotherhood

     That is right, Obama by his allegiance to the Muslim Brotherhood and Islam has tossed out his sworn Oath of Office and allegiance to the United States of America. Obama's Top appointments right up to the Secretary of State, and Secretary of Defense have been the result. When Obama appointed Hillary Clinton, she was pre-approved by the Muslim Brotherhood based on her intimate relationship with Huma Abedin her Deputy Chief of Staff and long time Muslim Brotherhood operative. The Clinton Foundation has since been the recipient of huge donations from Islamic sources. One can only imagine what favors were bought through the Secretary of State's office and or the Whitehouse when Islamic influence reached this level.
     Homeland Security itself is also now headed by Muslim Brotherhood operatives, with dozens of other agencies and departments governed by the same ugly tentacles of Islam. Obama has not even been secretive of late about openly appointing Muslim operatives to one key position after another, even inviting known sponsors of Terrorism to closed meetings, with the President, within the Whitehouse to both promote Islam and protect it from bad press.

     Former Secretary of Defense Hagel was appointed for two reasons I have uncovered. One he is himself a convert to Islam and two his software company installed remotely controlled software in the voting machines used in many key districts in the last Presidential elections. Several voters have reported they saw their votes for McCain change before their own eyes to a vote for Obama. Whether this turns out to be true or not Hagel was rewarded with the appointment to Secretary of Defense immediately after Obama won his second term.
     Let's just hope Obama's second term is his last, and that Huma doesn't just replace Valerie as Number One in the Oval Office. 

Sunday, June 7, 2015

What to do about Evil Islam

Our Founding Fathers had never been confronted with the Evils of Islam, (no matter what Obama lies he tries to spread about the Islamic foundations of America), The founders thought the Catholic Crusades had driven back Islam's atrocities to Camel Land. The founders first encounter with Muslims was our first war fought against the Barbary Pirates. Oddly where Islam is concerned it is our very Constitution that protects this Evil Cult from being forced out of America. But it should. Islam's very tenants in the Evil Qur'an prevent it from ever being compatible with concepts like Freedom, Liberty, Peace, Justice or the Pursuit of Happiness. Islam is all negatives and no positives, no Love, no Joy, no Peace, and no Salvation for anyone unwilling to submit. Islam must behead all that is not Islam or America must rid itself of all Islam. Not cruel at all, to deny Islam entry to America because they don't truly desire what we offer.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner??? Not!

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.
1 Cor 6:9-11

     I think The Holy Spirit chose the categories of sin very carefully in the above verse, so as to reach out and grab each reader by the bowels of compassion and with identification of many of the same sins in our very own lives. We may not be a dyke or an effeminate transvestite ourselves but we may have once been a reviler, or partier; or thief or purloiner ourselves.
     Only non-believers or those in open rebellion can attempt to say that the Bible is not very clear on sin. No it is clear as a bell in a fog. Turn from your sin or wreck your ship in the consequences. Ding! Ding! It chimes out in the Storm. Closing the Bible's covers and hiding it from view won't change what we know God has Said. For God Himself has said:
  " For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: 11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." Isaiah 55:10-11

     No, there is no doubt as to how God wants us to live out our lives. It took an old Duck Hunter named Phil Robertson to correctly quote the Bible on the matter of Homosexuality for the America of 2014-15 to understand. Phil quoted directly from Leviticus, not as a backslidden American would read it, but rather in the original context where God Himself was reviled by the Stench in His Nostrils (abomination) by men having sex with other men. God in his disgust compared it to sex with a Beast (Bestiality). Phil quoted it grammatically correctly as one sentence in the original Hebrew language. There is nothing "gay" about homosexuality. It is vile, disgusting, evil, sinful, and an Abomination to God.
     But when you are going to bed tonight and about to say your prayers, don't gloat in self-righteousness; remember, "and such were some of you". Amen.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Islamic infiltration by the Obama Administration and the United Nations is Rampant like an Ugly Skin Cancer on Honest Society. Not only is this an active Invasion of our Sacred Soil, it is an assault on morality, and everything our Country Stands for, and an open attack on Christianity and the One True God. Satan formed Islam out of the most often uttered lies from Hell and he helped Mohammed write them down in his Evil Quran which is now being taught by Obama's Teacher's Unions via Common Core Curriculum. Our children are being forced to read that the moon god Allah is the only god. America is in dire straights and harm's way.…

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Truth and Marxism cannot coexist. Truth and communism cannot coexist. Nor can Truth and Islam, or truth and homosexuality, or truth and Abortion which is really Premeditated Murder. Truth and Obama cannot coexist that is why he and Kerry want the United Nations to take over and censor the Internet. Truth and Tyranny cannot coexist. Truth and the anti-gun movement cannot coexist. Truth and the Democrat Party which boos God and supports murdering babies cannot coexist. We never hear the whole truth from Liberals, Communists, Islam, or the Democrat Party because like Satan they only use enough truth to make their lies seem reasonable to the uninformed public. Absolute Truth is a reality and the Bible is its source. The Bible is God's message to a lost and dying world so deceived and buffeted by Satan's lies and those of his minions like Obama, the United Nations, George Soros and corrupt media like MSNBC. Take time to open your Bible this week. Every verse is a refreshing burst of Truth.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Understanding the Bible

     There is an all too common misconception in Academia, as well as in the general public, that so called Bible Scholars understand more about the Bible than do believers. Well, it ain’t necessarily so Professor. Often it is not the case at all. The Bible is not just another book. The Bible is alive. It is the Living Word of Jesus, our Creator, Lord, and Savior. Only a believer with the indwelling presence of The Holy Spirit can understand what Paul rightly called the mysteries of the Gospel.
     Take the shortest verse in the Bible. Jesus wept. Most Bible Scholars would scoff and say the two words explain all that is needed, all by themselves.  That would be nonsense. First one has to answer the question “who is Jesus?” Just saying He is God or God’s son is far from sufficient. Maybe John Hagee, or say Billy or Franklin Graham, or perhaps the late Adrian Rogers could say it concisely in 15 or 20 words, but even as well as my own mind has a grasp on it, I doubt I could explain it in 20 paragraphs. John said it best:
 “And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not
contain the books that should be written. Amen.” John 21:25 (KJV)
     Next one would have to answer, why would the all-powerful God, the Master and Creator of all universes, the omnipresent, the omnipotent Lord of all, sob and cry? Both questions are so complex a non-believer, even a non-believing Bible Scholar, would be totally incapable of a reasonably complete answer.
     For example; what kind of a Military Scholar would a man or woman be who had never shot a weapon or been shot at; never sought cover in a bunker or foxhole? Would you seek out a Legal Scholar who had never been to court? Many, (far too many), of our Seminary Deans and Professors are unsaved, yes, as lost as a goose in the Sahara. They have never had the indwelling Holy Spirit enlighten their studies, because they have never accepted Jesus as their Personal Savior.
     How could a Professor expound on a Bible concept like Faith if they have never experienced victory in a seemingly hopeless situation as a believer? Make no mistake; God’s Word will still “never return void”, at least not in the Student’s case, and God may even chose to show even non-believers a truth or two. But often the Student of a non-believing Professor learns as much from the Scripture itself and the Professor’s obvious ignorance on the subject, as he does from the misinformation the Professor spits out, and after all the believing student has the indwelling guidance of the Holy Spirit.
     One of the reasons we have hundreds of differing denominations instead of one unified Church is the tares, (false teachers, non-believing Seminary Professors, and so called Bible Scholars who never accepted Christ), pumping out misinformation. Tares are planted in strategic places of authority by Satan and his demons, and Satan’s oldest trick after all is; Yea? hath God Said? (Questioning and misquoting/misinterpreting the Bible).
     So keep your chin up Believers. Pray for the Holy Spirit to enlighten your Bible studies. Your Spiritual eyes and ears will be opened. Compare what your Pastor teaches with the Scriptures. A good Pastor will tell you so and not let his ego get in the way. And next time you hear unsound doctrine, don’t doubt what you read in the Bible, and doubt instead the understanding and or Salvation of the one spouting it.


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Foolishness of Earth Day

      Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. 24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
Romans 1:22-25
     As I watched the noon news broadcast on my local ABC affiliate today, the reporter knowingly read about Earth Day directly from a George Soros/Media Matters Propaganda Sheet. The above verses immediately came to mind. The propaganda went on to describe how Mr. Obama was flying to Florida just to make a speech decrying Global Warming/Climate Change and promoting the Illegal and Unconstitutional United Nations Climate Tax he has promised to initiate upon the American Tax Payer. No mention was made of course of the millions of gallons of jet fuel wasted by the President and all the Hollywood stars as they flew, on their separate private jets, to hug their favorite tree and bask in their own wealth and hypocrisy.
     This so-called Climate Change is nothing more than an Evil Plot by the United Nations to extort money from American Tax Payers to fund even more Evil intentions of the U.N., in the pretext of "Saving the Earth". There never was any Global Warming, (Thus the name change from Global Warming to Climate Change). Actually the Earth has been cooling for the last 18-20 years, the Ice Caps getting thicker and growing, and the Polar Bears thriving.
     Unethical Scientists were, and are today, being bought off by rich U.N. Supporters like Soros, to invent and/or skew climate data to support this imaginary Global Warming farce. All these Evil traitors know that CO2 is nothing more or less than fertilizer to the trees that the gullible environmentalists hug, yet they cry wolf with one fork of their tongue and sell Environment slaying Herbicides and genetically modified seed from Monsanto with the other. I call them Traitors because they are knowingly undermining the Constitution in favor of their allegiance to the U.N. and the easy money they are paid for their lies and faked data.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

"God's Not Dead", A Movie I Hope You Don't Miss, (I almost did)

Official Movie Trailer
     What a wonderful movie. It is such an accurate representation of God's daily providential work in the lives of believers and nonbelievers alike. Exactly as I have so many times found true in my own life. Wonderful casting and acting as well, with Kevin Sorbo of Hercules fame as the hate-filled Atheist Philosophy Professor, angry at God for the loss of his mother, as a teen.
     But God, as always, is in control in multiple homes and families. Cars fail to start, vacations are delayed, as traffic, weather, class schedules, and family squabbles over religion bring God back into the center of discussion, even through the haze of Alzheimer's deepest dementia. The Holy Spirit brings the call of Salvation to person after person until a challenge from Willie Robertson leads thousands of young Christians at a Rock Concert to text "God's Not Dead" to over 1,000,000 personal contacts at once.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Only a Fool Trusts the Enemy

     Iran for the last 37 years has been totally untrustworthy. All Muslim Imams and so-called Prophets, since Mohammed's time have been proven liars, (supported by the Qur'an where it is called "Taqayyi"), or worse (murderers, rapists, sodomites, pedophiles), and totally untrustworthy. Our own President with his radical Islamic tendencies and general ineptitude has also been proven a liar and totally untrustworthy. Our own Secretary of State since his Vietnam days has openly consorted with the Enemy, and in addition to being a general village idiot, is, you guessed it, totally untrustworthy.
     Why in the name of sanity, would anyone in their right mind think these men would, or could, in any way keep the best interests of America in mind as they negotiate turning a maniac and lunatic nation, and Satan's own religion (Islam) loose with an atom bomb.
     Iran for 37 years has sworn to destroy both Israel and America. Only a few weeks ago they towed a mock U.S. Aircraft Carrier out for target practice and vowed to Assassinate our President. Mr. President, do you enjoy being laughed at by Iran? I hope so, because you are the biggest guffaw in the Muslim World.
     Our undistinguished President has not a single accomplishment to his name, after six undistinguished years as President. Not one success to his credit. One disappointment after another, one mistake after the last, one lie, one flub, one pointless golf game after another, and never even a par to show for anything he has ever done.
    Who but a fool's fool would think anything to be trusted could come out of these months of negotiation between the idiot (Kerry) and the nation of liars (Iran)? No wonder nothing is in writing. No wonder every nation involved says something different about their own interpretation of the so-called agreement.
     Congress should immediately be called back into session to find remedy to this fiasco. The President should once and for all be put into his proper place under the runaway bus he put into gear. He is incompetent and foolish to such a degree as to require a dirty sock in his mouth (to filter any further lies and hot air coming out) until the remainder of his time in office or preferably his impeachment.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Wasting Time at the Oscars Last Night

     I knew better. I was watching the Memphis Grizzlies, but during the commercials I began peeking in at the Academy Awards to see if American Sniper would win all the awards. As a Vietnam Veteran I know I was prejudiced but Sniper really should have swept the Oscars. I really don't know for sure, but I don't think it won a single award.
     I should have known. One look at any of the awards being handed out and it was obvious. The people in attendance were there, not to see, but be seen. Not to glory, but to be glorious. Not to gaze at stars, but to bask in one's own stardom and beauty.
     The scripts prepared for the presenters cleverly skewed to glorify the left's pet ideologies, Homosexuality, cleavage revealing fashion, and non-ending selfies for the beautiful people. At least they have convinced themselves they are beautiful, with the biggest lips, hips, boobs, or bank account.
     Todd Starnes said it best. "  American Sniper doesn't need an Oscar from Hollywood when they already won the heart and respect of the nation."
     So the Grizzlies won and the Academy Awards were a total waste of
time. In the total scheme of things, the Grizzlies are far more important.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

A Higher Plane than I Have Found

     Pastor Matthew Hagee impressed me last week with an upbeat rendition of the song Higher Ground. Finding a "higher plane" of righteousness should be the central thought of every "man or woman of God". But is it? Certainly not in the Islamic Community. So are Christians on a higher plane that Muslims? Yes! If Heaven is up and Hell is down, Christians are light years higher than Muslims, at least based on their respective Holy Texts the Bible vs. the Qur'an.
     The Qur'an tells Muslims it is OK to marry/rape a 6-9 year old girl, it tells them they can keep a young, prepubescent boy for sexual slavery and sodomy, it tells them they can have sex with a goat or a camel as long as the goat or camel is killed for the offence. Not to worry the farmer won't lose money for the goat, he can sell the meat in the neighboring village, just not his own. Yes! The "holy" Qur'an makes those provisions for sinners.
     Not the Bible. In it, rape, sodomy, and bestiality are all serious sins. Even selling a tainted goat would be sinful. So which is higher ground? Obviously the Bible and Christians stand on higher ground.
     Islam does not mean Peace at all, it means one may obtain a level of Peace ( if you really want to call it that) if you pay a tax or submit and convert to Islam. Islam means submission, not peace.
     Islam and the Qur'an say that infidels who do not submit should be beheaded. Yes! the Qur'an says that. Beheaded, fingers cut off, burned alive; do you recognize anything you have been seeing in the news lately?
     Religious Freedom is NOT permitted in Islam. Only conversion to Islam can be the ultimate situation. One can pay a tax (tribute) for a time, but eventually you must convert to Islam or be beheaded, (your choice of course). Chop!
     Beheading in the Bible is reserved in Revelation to those who worship the Antichrist, and they behead those who will not worship the beast, (not the higher plane).
     I think I will stick to Christianity. I don't know of any Christians who have beheaded anybody this week or burned anyone alive. How high a plane will you and I attain this coming week is the question. You know how I feel about pew sitters, not much of a plane with your butt glued to a pew. Most First Baptist Churches will have about 3 people on a true Higher Plane this Sunday, and 1 or 2 of the 3 will be back on the low ground by Tuesday. But at least they won't be relying on the Evil Qur'an to forgive them for having sex with a goat.
     I thank God for Churches with Pastors who better instill their congregations with the Word. Congregations like the Hagee's Cornerstone where the Holy Spirit is moving, Baptist Churches, Assembly of God Churches, I don't care what the denomination, it is Preaching the Word and The Holy Spirit moving in the congregation that is important. Pray for your Pastor this week. Pray that he will deliver the message both you and your friends in your congregation need, not the one you'd like to hear, but the one you need. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move, Pray for Jesus to be there, Baruch haba b'shem Adonai. 

     I assure you that the Qur'an does in fact teach and condone the acts I have described above. I decided not to even print the terrible things it says. I find even the words there to be offensive, and chose not to repeat them in print. Plenty of sites on the internet have the words well documented.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Utter Stupidity of the Obama Administration

     I realize that Susan Rice and Valerie Jarrett are both more manly than President Obama. He isn’t much of a commander by any standard. But two girls throwing darts at a map is not an intelligent way to plan bombing missions. We have no shortage of Four Star Generals able and willing to pick our primary targets. Susan Rice picking targets for bombing missions is stupid, it is childish, and it is totally lacking in wisdom.
     No doubt Rice has a better understanding of military strategy than Obama could ever muster, and no doubt as well that Jarrett could better handle herself in a Chicago bar fight, but millions of taxpayer dollars have been wasted, perhaps a billion, because Obama is too arrogant, inept, and yes stupid to trust a General for advice.
     More important than the dollars is the inefficiency of bombing empty warehouses or bombing them at night when the bad guys are sleeping safely elsewhere. You get more bang for the buck when a real General, with a little bit of battle experience prioritizes the targets. Obama has no taste for really hurting the enemy, a sure course for losing a war. Obama’s heart lies with his Muslim Brothers, his ideologies more in tune with ISIS than the U.S., his love of Islam blinds what little logic he possesses.
      Meanwhile our National Security is at risk. Our borders are leaky sieves, with gaps the size of Arizona. The drug Cartels laugh at us, ISIS laughs at us, Putin and Iran laugh at us, and Obama plays golf. What in the hell kind of a way is that to run a Government? Obama will never change, never has, never will. He has no real talent or experience to fall back on. All he understands is ineptitude and making another campaign speech.
     Valerie Jarrett is even more entrenched in Islam and her loyalty lies with Iran and not the U.S. A veteran of the Chicago Mob, no level of deceptiveness and corruption is beyond her. It was Jarrett who for months and months protected Bin Laden and thwarted any attempt to bring about his capture; (now that is as un-American as anyone can get), yet Leon Panetta had to catch her out of the Whitehouse and Obama on the golf course before he, (Panetta), could order the attack on Bin Laden.
     Are you listening to what I said? Obama DID NOT order the attack on Bin Laden. Obama DID NOT get Osama Bin Laden. Obama was out on the golf course and Leon Panetta gave the order. Jarrett and Obama were called in after the attack was underway, and Jarrett was fuming mad. Obama was only flustered that his golf game had been interrupted.
     So here readers, is the “State of the Union”. Military Strategy in the United States of America is left up to two untrained, non-military, women. The Commander in Chief commands only a golf ball, while Four Star Generals are locked out of the decisions on what targets to bomb, while Susan Rice throws darts at a map. Brave Pilots risk their lives bombing less than the best targets because their Commander in Chief is absent and too untrusting to listen to Generals and Admirals. Makes you feel all warm and comfy inside doesn’t it? Wake Up America!!! We are in imminent Danger.

Monday, February 2, 2015

The Difference in Clint Eastwood & Chris Kyle

     First of all, Clint Eastwood shoots make believe holes in make believe bad guys. Chris Kyle the American Sniper shot real holes in over 160 real life bad guys.
     Now I do love me some Clint Eastwood. My old CB handle was Dirty Harry and I must have watched the final gunfight scene in Pale Rider a hundred times; but Clint Eastwood characters are among the tamest of modern day movies, and video games are even worse. On the Walking Dead our kids of today see brains blown out over and over and over and over, with no consequences. No wonder kids who are bullied to the limit go to school with a gun and shoot back. They are conditioned to do so.
     Thank God for men like Chris Kyle who know the value of human life. The other two men who come to mind Sgt. York and Audie Murphy, like Kyle, when asked why they shot so many enemy combatants, said the same thing, "I wanted to protect my men". They shot to save lives, to stop the shooting, to end the suffering; their brains computed what was going on out there on the battlefield and they did what was needed to stop the killing. One man, the enemy, was at fault, while your own men had to be protected.
     When the real Chris Kyle saw a young boy start to pick up a rocket launcher and point it at U.S. Soldiers, he said to himself, "don't do it, don't pick it up". He watched the boy through his rifle scope with the crosshairs right over the boys heart. When the boy pointed the launcher toward our Humvee, Chris had only milliseconds to decide whether to pull the trigger or not. "Don't do it", he said again, then gasped in relief as the boy threw the weapon down. Chris almost threw up, because he had been so close to seeing that young boys blood spattered dead body in his scope. Chris Kyle cared about human life.
     He cared about human life because he had hunted with his dad, and felt the heartbeat of a newly shot rabbit, stop in his hand. He felt the warmth of the rabbit in his hunting pouch as it slowly cooled and he talked about killing with his dad. Kids don't get this opportunity anymore. Absent dads don't take their sons hunting. Absent fathers don't pray at the dinner table with their sons and daughters like Chris's Father did. They don't tuck kids in at night and they don't supervise what they watch on TV.

     We have a whole generation of kids out there, with little or no human values. They have seen so many real looking brains blown out and spattered on walls that they can't separate real from fiction anymore. Pulling a trigger on a video game, over and over, makes it easy to believe you can do the same in real life. American History is no longer properly taught in U.S. Schools. Kids don't learn about the character and Spiritual beliefs of American Patriots. They don't think of our heroes as real men and women like I did when I read my History Text in the 50's.
     One of the actual shooters in the Jonesboro, Arkansas School shooting several years ago, was a participant in a Nature Program I did at the School earlier that year. It was a bat program and I remember the young boy well. He was up close watching the bat I had brought to class. When I asked the class what they should do if they found a nocturnal animal like a bat out on the playground in the daylight, (the proper answer would be leave it alone, it might be rabid). But this boy shouted almost evilly, "Shoot it!!!". The incident stood out in my mind as I watched in tears as, my Friend Trey Stafford did the live coverage of the breaking story on National TV. Somehow I almost knew that that very boy was one of the two involved. He was.
     What do we do? How do we instill values in a generation of young people who were never taught them at home? Our churches need to step up. Let me say that again; the people in our Churches need to step up. The pew sitters need to get off their butts and out in the Community.
     Let me ask you a personal question Mr. or Mrs. American Christian. How many people have you led to Christ this year? Last year then? Ever? Do you even know what a great feeling it is to see the tears flowing on someone who just heard the plan of Salvation from your lips, and fell to their knees in front of you? Is it even something you have ever experienced?

     Our American Kids and even men and women in their late 20's need Christian mentoring to teach them the compassion for others they never learned about at home. We have millions of Lost and needy out their and at the same time millions of butts glued to their favorite pew at Church.
     A Pastor Friend of mine was once in the middle of a sermon at a certain First Baptist Church. He actually had people sitting on the edge of their seats as he taught about the importance of soul winning. People who hadn't been Spiritually roused in decades were thinking about soul winning. Then near the end of his sermon he said, "Now I'm not saying you need to go out on a street corner and start preaching." My soul cried out, "WHY????" He had given the Congregation an out. They didn't have to commit to anything. At the invitation call only a couple of duty led deacons came forward and prayed at the altar. It should have been so full a double or triple row had to be formed.

     Now some say my particular form of street preaching is a little harsh here on my blog, Twitter, and Facebook, (I am limited by MS and a wheelchair now to how I can witness). Those who notice my posts calling for repentance on for instance the Rachel Maddow page, call me arrogant, rude, crude, a smart a**, and lots of names not so nice. They don't appreciate Bible verses being posted where they read and post. They scream "Get Out". Some people would question my methodology. So what does the Bible say about witnessing?
     We find the answer in the little book of Jude, written by Jesus' half Brother Judas. It says, " And of some have compassion, making a difference: 23 And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh."
Jude 1:22-23 (KJV)
     Here clearly, some lost people need a gentle, compassionate approach. It will 'make a difference' in their lives and they will respond to the Holy Spirit's call. But the 'others'. Others have to be saved by fear, literally jerked by their necks out of Satan's grasp and then shaken, (by the Truth and the Scripture), till their nasty, leprosy stained, sin stained, 'filthy' clothes are shaken away, and they are clothed anew in God's Own Righteousness. These people in my own experience have to be shocked into the realization that they are sinners, they are Lost, they are needy for Truth and the Gospel.
     My method may come off as arrogant, but it gets their attention. I do turn to compassion later when they are broken.
    However the Word of God is used it will never return void, people do listen, even when they try not to. The point is, no matter what your style of Evangelism, get out there and do it. God has Commissioned you to do so:
"And he said unto them, (that is You), Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15 (KJV)

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Importance of God's Family Plan

     A kid needs a family. A boy needs a dad for so many reasons: To show him how to use a pocket knife, to find night crawlers for fish bait, and yes to handle a gun safely.
     I got a 22 cal. rifle for my 11th birthday. I had to prove I could use it safely for a year before I got my next gun, a J.C. Higgins, 12 gauge pump with an adjustable compensator choke and ventilated rib from Sears. Wow what a gun for a 12 year old. I had to prove again I could load and unload it safely, knew how to carry it and cross fences safely, and if I accidentally pointed it at someone, I either missed that week's hunting trip, or worse I had to carry everybody else's gear and leave my gun at home. Believe me, I knew gun safety.
     A boy needs to know things; how to drive a nail, how to catch a baseball thrown low left, or high right. If you hold your glove wrong you'll muff the catch; how to swing a bat, throw a curve ball, and how to spiral a sweet pass with a football, (my dad missed that one with me).
     A girl needs a dad too, lots of times for the same reasons, because sometimes a girl just wants to hang out with her dad and learn the things that boys like. How to bat so she doesn't look so much like a girl, where the oil and antifreeze belong so you don't put oil in the radiator, and all the family needs to learn how to change a flat.
     Girls need a mom too, perhaps one of the most important relationships in all mankind. They need to learn how to sew, knit, and even cook, ( what a novel idea for today's society); not microwaving a hot dog, but real cooking and baking.
     There are however more important things a girl must learn, namely how to become a woman, go through the scary process of a first menstrual period, and most important how to date, plan a marriage, a family, and how not to get pregnant and ruin chances of having a long happy chance at one's dating years.
     Boys need moms too. My own best friend Dennis, lost his mother on the operating table to a drunk doctor when he was born. He never saw his mother, and as a boy of 5-7 rarely a day went by when he didn't mention that doctor and what he was going to do to him when he got old enough to punish him for killing his mom. Not having a mom traumatized Dennis for his entire childhood.
     As a very young boy I learned how to bake and cook. I stood on a stool next to mom's flour bin and watched every move she made in the kitchen; how to make cakes from scratch, whip egg whites, cook 7 minute frosting, make sugar cookies, fried pies, and cook dry beans in a pressure cooker. There were no mixes in those early years, no cake mixes or instant potatoes. I really learned how to cook. Oddly my sister didn't have as much an interest in the process and had to learn many of those skills later as a teen, but 20 years later I still remembered what spices went in a spice cake.
     Some things you learn through a blending influence of both parents; things like how to fight or not fight a bully. When to punch him in the nose or not, when to run, when to fight, and how to treat a black eye with raw meat when you did; or perhaps not. There was a difference in the advice you received from mom and dad, yet both were important to how you handled tense situations later in life. Dad demonstrated wrestling holds, mom emphasized more peaceful ways to exit a conflict. Both were important at times.
     So what happened to the Family? Today it is the girls that throw left hooks on the school bus. Boys carry pellet guns or worse to school to scare the bullies. Principals don't have big paddles anymore and the school discipline, (or rather lack of it), proves it. Bibles aren't allowed in schools anymore, so the precepts aren't taught there anymore, only Political Correctness, and tolerance, (neither those words or the concepts found anywhere in the Bible). No wonder there are School Shootings.
     The stats are in and dysfunctional families raise unhappy, unstable children. Two daddies or two mommies doesn't work, not ever. Whether it is the absent father, in the majority of black homes, or the homosexual sin that robs a child of a mother or father; the data proves children of these dysfunctional families suffer.
     Girls and boys need both parents, to find out what functions a Mom plays or a Dad plays in a home. If they don't fully understand the functions, guess what? It creates a dysfunctional home. It isn't rocket science but it is solid fact just the same.
     If the Family isn't able to teach these concepts and Biblical precepts, who will? The schools with corrupted Common Core Textbooks are teaching just the opposite. Worse the Churches aren't fulfilling this purpose either. The vast majority of Pastors don't preach anything useful anymore. The pasteurized, politically filtered, watered down mush from most Pastors is useless, boring, and the Bible hardly ever even quoted.
     Satan has succeeded in replacing God's Plan for the Family with his corrupted version, at home, at Church, and at school. So kids carry condoms instead of Gideon New Testaments, cell phones instead of slide rules, (heck they don't even know what a slide rule is). Cursive is gone from the classroom so they can't even read the signatures on the Declaration of Independence. Spelling is out the window because of texting abbreviations, and only one out of 3 children has had the experience of having both parents in their home for their entire life. The norm is dysfunction.
     Most dangerous of all, a danger to civilization itself, is Satan's false concept

of a homosexual marriage. An act of sin cannot be allowed to become the foundation of a marriage covenant. A once and sometimes still illegal act of sodomy cannot become an accepted function by a thinking court. The problem is our courts and justices are not thinking logically but rather "acting" in their own best interests, out of their own lusts and lewd behaviors. Laying down decisions to cover their own sins, instead of rightly dividing the Law. Media outlets and Hollywood too are infected with this same moral disease. The Bible is the answer. It is clear on all these issues. In the Bible as Phil Robertson accurately taught America, God equates Homosexuality with Bestiality:
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. 23 Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. 24 Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you:
Lev 18:22-24

Friday, January 23, 2015

Systemic Damage to our Country

     Changes come. Changes happen. Changes can go unnoticed or they can cripple and be very noticeable. Recently my own body has undergone a somewhat losing battle to MS and severe Diabetic Neuropathy. A little over a year ago, I was pushing a wheelbarrow and building a new patio and koi pond, today I am being pushed around in a wheelchair from one VA Doctor to another, and hopefully soon to a Private Neurologist who can do some good prescribing treatment for my MS.
     Quite a change. My body went from skipping and strolling through the garden, to struggling with a simple trip to microwave a cup of instant coffee.
     The same is true of our once proud Country, and every bit as systemic. The United States, founded on the Gospel of Jesus the Christ, is now groveling in its sin, attacked by Satan on 9/11; yet unrepentant, we elected a Muslim Traitor intent on furthering Islam's indecencies and severing the head of Freedom, our very Constitution. Barack Hussein Obama or whatever his real name is, is confidently, arrogantly, haughtily, signing illegal Executive Order after another in direct contradiction to every principle extant in our Constitution, with nary a whimper from our Congress as a body. Sure a lone Senator or Congressman or Woman cries out, a FOX News Commentator calls foul, or a brave Sherriff from a County in the heartland stands up to defend his people; but for the most part, our elected officials cower behind political correctness, and just plain personal greed.
     You and I watch the George Soros infected, Media Matters dictated, version of the evening "news", and wonder what in the world ever happened to the Country we love? Where are the Christian principles once so deeply imbedded in our Constitution that daily operation of Government was reflective of God's Glory?

     We watch babies murdered, sacrificed to the present day's god Molech with precision and premeditation, by gunslingers for hire, in Abortion Mills owned by Satan's own spawn. Millions of defiled dollars made by spilling the innocent blood of babes who thought themselves to be swimming in the safety of the womb.
     We watch sickening video of men kissing men as they are illegally "married" on the defiled steps of the County Courthouse, (Satan's Picture of God's defiled Ordinance), for his laughing pleasure. What happened? Sin has infected our Country. No one cried out from the Church. Our pew-sitters were silent. No one prayed, or if they did it was only one. No one voted, or if they did it was only one. No Preacher sounded the alarm on the wall, or if they did it was only one.
     What do we do? We wake up! We Pray! We unite behind Preachers who sound the alarm. We heed that alarm and put on the armor of the Lord! We tell the truth! We Vote the Bible! And read it again in our Schools as the very first Congress of the United States intended. We get out the old History Books and follow the old paths, teach the truth again and reeducate our masses as to the Christian Foundation of The United States of America. That is what we do, we impeach this imposter President and try him for the High Crimes, misdemeanors, and Treasons he has openly committed; and we elect a Christian leader again. That Country is what we do.
 "Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein Also I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, We will not hearken."
Jer 6:16-17