In Today's Society, Every leading Terrorist Organization (Hamas, Hezbollah, Boca Haram, ISIS, al Qaeda, etc., etc., claim Islam as their "Religion". Why? Because Islam as an ideology espouses and condones their hate, their desire to maim and behead non-believers, their sexual perversions, their lusts, and their desire to conquer and rule the world regardless of the needs and desires of those conquered.
So, is ISLAM a Religion in any strict traditional sense whatsoever? The answer is clearly NO. Here are the defining points of where and how Islam fails:
1. Islam has no god. Allah was the name Mohammed chose for his new sect or cult. So, who is this Allah? Nothing more than a pagan, man-made, Moon Idol among a warehouse of pagan idols called Mecca. Mecca was a place of Bedouin Worship for centuries before Mohammed's time. Allah was merely one of a multitude of false gods on a shelf. Mohammed chose the name possibly because of its vague spelling and the fact that it is similar in meaning to the Arab word for god. A point Islamic apologists are all too quick to point out, especially since it is their ONLY argument that Allah is the same as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Not true of course, but a clever tool to deceive the less educated members of the Judeo-Christian into a sense of tolerance.
One more note on Mecca; Mecca's significance is a black meteorite, a large one, contained in the buildings Cornerstone. Of supposed magical properties, the stone was the primary object of worship. Even today all prayers are directed not so much to Allah but toward this magical black rock. The moon idol Allah and dozens of other false idols were housed inside in a multicultural zoo of cult symbols. Since Mohammed's dictate the Crescent Moon and Satan's Star have been the primary cultic focus on all Arabic Flags and coins.
2. Islam has no Savior. Mohammed failed to find Salvation in his time on earth. Whether he could even read or write has been debated, but regardless he rejected the Torah and the many early copies of the Christian Epistles he had at his disposal. He freely plagiarized the Torah; changing the wording to emphasize Abraham's illegitimate son Ishmael instead of God's Chosen heir Isaac.
From the early Epistles, Jesus was rejected by Mohammed as the Son of God, Savior, Lord, and King of Kings, and negated to just a Prophet. This proves that Mohammed was Lost. By rejecting Jesus as his Personal Savior and Lord, Mohammed condemned himself to an eternity in Hell with the lord he chose, Satan. He did not rise to heaven in a fiery chariot in Jerusalem. He was never even near Jerusalem, and he is suffering in Hell this very day.
3. The Qur'an has NO godly inspiration. It was entirely dictated by Mohammed, a man who many called a madman and by his own admission thought he was Demon Possessed. When Mohammed needed a verse to allow him to sexually abuse a 6 year-old girl, he wrote one, married the poor girl and began groping her while bathing her. When he wanted to sodomize young boys, he wrote a verse saying pre-pubescent boys were not men and thus it wasn't homosexual to have anal sex with them. He even wrote verses allowing Bestiality. In the Qur'an if a man wants to have sex with a goat it is the goat's fault so the goat has to die for the man's sin. But so the farmer won't lose money on the goat it can be butchered and the meat sold in the next adjoining village. The meat is of course tainted by the man's sin so it can't be sold in his own village. How could any sand person believe that the One True God could ever condone such sick behavior? Proving there is no godly inspiration in this sick book called the Qur'an or Koran.
4. Mohammed was nor even a religious man, nor is religion the focus of Islam as practiced today. Islam is an ideology of war and conquest, not a religion. Mohammed was a greedy, covetous, thug and a thief. He took what he wanted by force and deception. He was vengeful and ruthless. He lacked any moral compass, yet arrogantly wrote his own dictates as somehow being moral law, and forced his community to live by his evil precepts. Followers were followers out of fear of beheading not out of any sense of loyalty or faithfulness to any religion. If they wanted their heads they joined the façade.
5. Islam has no redeeming qualities. It has been said that Islam is a religion of peace. Nothing could be farther from the Truth. The truth is that Islam has murdered more innocent people than any tyrannical force in History. Not even Hitler or Genghis Kahn can rival the Evil, horror, and destruction of Islam's Invasions on Humanity and Civilization. The Qur'an clearly dictates that all non-believers must be wiped off the face of the earth.
Speaking of Truth, the Qur'an places no value on truth. In fact lying, called Taqayyi, is encouraged any time a non-believer has to be deceived to enable the advancement of Islam. Islam doesn't mean Peace at all. It means submission. Submit or die. I could list the millions of Hindus and Buddhists and Christians, and others murdered, butchered, and beheaded by Islam, but such information is readily available on any search engine. There senseless cruelty and destruction of Churches, Temples and archeological sites and relics is well known and documented.
6. Islam denies the One True God and the only door to Salvation and Heaven. Islam has a very Evil view of Heaven and how to get there. Every single participant in the Cult of Islam is a victim of Satan's plan to give man false roads to Heaven. Unrepentant murderers do not go to Heaven and they surely don't get rewarded with 72 virgins, (an indication of Mohammed's lustful, evil mind). As stated earlier whether Mohammed could read or not, he did have access to early copies of the Christian Epistles. He understood when those Epistles said clearly that Jesus was the only door, and His steps the only path to Heaven, yet Mohammed arrogantly and foolishly chose instead the "wide road to destruction", openly rejecting Jesus as his personal Savior. Mohammed had the chance to be forgiven of his sins and become a great man. Instead he chose to be recorded in History as a vicious fiend.
No Islam does not qualify as a Religion. It has been exposed as anything but Good, and Peaceful, and Redeeming. It has no Savior, no god, no good qualities, nothing to recommend it as righteous or Holy. And while much the same can be said for Witchcraft and Atheism, even they qualify more closely as religions, though false ones. Islam is a Lie from Satan; a Death Cult, and Satan's own Church of Choice.
We have Freedom of Religion in America. Yes, we even allow Witches and Warlocks to conjure up Satan's Demons, we allow foolish Atheists to worship their own fears and delusions, we allow the Westborough Baptists to masquerade as Christian, and let Hindus worship cows and spiders. But being foolish enough to worship a false god is not the same as practicing religion. Voodoo and magic don't hurt anyone in today's society. These aren't designed to harm and conquer innocent people. Islam is. Islam is not a Religion. Islam is a movement to conquer and rule the world that must not for the sake of Peace, Love, and Brotherhood; must not for the Love of the One True God be allowed to succeed in its Evil mission. Islam is the Problem America. Let's Preach the Gospel of Christ and destroy it with Truth.