2 Kings 6:17 (KJV)
It does make a difference how we vote. The notion in today's Church that we are supposed to have a wall between us and our Political Ideology and Opinion is a Falsehood straight from Satan. God want's you to Vote the Bible. God wants you to get up off your Pew and Stand Up for Christian Values. He doesn't just want you to sit on a pew one Day a week and act like you're listening to the Preacher. He wants you out on the street Monday sharing with the world in whatever way you are capable The Witness and Saving Knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and ALL His Precepts. That's a huge job that most of us fail miserably at.
Many of us are out in the world, doing our thing, practicing our own form of being a Christian while mostly forgetting that we are the Only Bible many Lost Souls will ever Read. If they don't see us doing the right thing, how will they know not to do the wrong things? We are the ones who are supposed to have a Personal Relationship with the Living God on a Daily Basis. Why do we forget to show it and march out on paths that God did not Ordain for us. We trounce blindly down our Path like Balaam.
Then the Lord opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the angel of the Lord standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand: and he bowed down his head, and fell flat on his face.
Num 22:31 (KJV)
Like Balaam many Christians ramble down a path to please our Government, our Clubs, our Sports Teams, our Civic Organizations, and our Political Party without ever praying and asking God how He wants us to behave in those endeavors. Even what some Pastors are teaching on Sundays is False to God's Doctrine. The Bible is clear on that. Even Satan Himself will be Preaching from a Pulpit somewhere this very Sunday. It will probably be a Big Congregation somewhere or on TV, but it might be your Church, your Pastor who had fallen for Satan's deception. Open you eyes, look at you path, look at what you are being told and taught. Check it out in the Bible yourself in Prayerful Meditation. The Lord will not fail to show you the lighted path. He will however wait for you to Open Your Spiritual Eyes. Pant for that enlightenment just like it was Water from a Brook.
Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth.
Isaiah 40:26 (KJV)
And Jesus said unto them, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
Mark 4:9 (KJV)
So just who are we supposed to Vote for? We know from the Bible that whoever wins the Election in Question will be Ordained (for whatever God's Reason) to be our next President. Like Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar God Himself will control His/her actions, OR God will allow Satan to use our new Leader to continue the Evil Path we are currently following.
Don't just look at the outward man Donald Trump. Sure "if" he is a Christian, he is a baby one. Sure he is sometimes loud and bullheaded. But he is a winner. Look at the Bible. How many times did God install the Greatest Spiritual Warrior in the Country as the King? Not very often. Usually the men and women God chooses for his purposes are the most moldable in His Eyes.
I cannot see Hillary Clinton as moldable to God's will. She is NOT a practicing Christian. She has called for the Church to allow the Barbaric Practice of Premeditated Murder by Abortion in the place of Birth Control and sensible thinking before a woman gets get Pregnant. You don't kill a Baby because your boyfriend forgot to wear a condom. Our Permissive society passes out condoms in Grade Schools but ignores the Godly Precept of not having sex before Marriage. Then like Canaanites sacrificing live babies on the Molten Hot Arms of Moloch, American women sacrifice their babies to the God of Selfish Escape from Responsibility. Hillary Clinton is the Champion of that mentality.
Hillary talks falsely about Donald's temperament, but lies to cover up her own. She is known in all her circles as a Mean, Nasty, Vengeful, Crude, foul-mouthed tyrant, and even Ruthless in her treatment of Staff, Security Guards, Secret Service Agents and of course Bill. She is documented as giving Bill a Black Eye, and throwing a blue vase at him at the Whitehouse. She is also documented as cussing Secret Service Agents for just saying "hello". She hates bomb sniffing dogs too and cusses them. She has a violent, wild, and uncontrollable temper. These bad personality traits are further complicated by an all too well reported penchant for Drinking too much.
That's all for Hillary except to mention carelessness in handling E-mails and classified materials, and of course disregard for truth and Human Lives in Benghazi. Oh!, and dark relationships with Rich Saudi and Iranian donors and even Russia, for dark and dishonest favors, like gun running and uranium deals, from the Whitehouse and the State Department.
No Christian in their right mind could vote for Hillary, but What else are we supposed to vote against? Here is a list:
* The Democrat Party - Their Platform calls for the Murder of Infants by premeditated Abortion, the sin of Homosexual Marriage and the destruction of the American Family and Godly Marriage Covenant. The Party is also now more properly classified as The Socialist Democrat Party. Hitler was the original Socialist Democrat.
* Liberalism, Progressivism, and Socialism are just varying degrees of Communism which discourages the Worship of God by replacing it with worship of the State.
* Libertarianism - Freedom is great, Liberty is wonderful; but Freedom from ethical and moral responsibility is Sin. Libertarianism goes too far. Smoking Pot and drug use is not what God wants His Children doing.
* Gambling, Casinos, Lotteries - Every election somewhere each year we hear Politicians, usually rich schemers from outside our own State, tout bringing in the Casinos so other states don't get all the money and it stays within our borders. What a farce. The Money goes to line the Fat Cat's Pockets somewhere else and our schools get a few leftovers while our innocent citizens shell out grocery money for a one in Ten Million chance at nothing.
* Homosexuality - An Abomination in God's Eyes, any venture into Homosexuality is a Sin. No one is Born Homosexual, it is a choice to venture into sexual perversion and eventually leads to a reprobate mind. The word Transsexual is a manufactured concept to deceive and cover sin. It has been said that God would have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah if he fails to punish the United States for the evil road into Homosexuality they are following.
* Never Trump Movement - I refuse to pull any punches here. Never Trump is Stupid. I believe that Donald J. Trump is in this race to Make America Great Again. God Himself knows we need someone to do exactly that. Unemployed coal miners and people forced to work 2 or 3 part time jobs know that. You as a voter should know that. Only two people on the ballot have a possibility of winning the election. A vote for the Green or Libertarian Party is a wasted vote, but worse, far worse, it might be the one vote taken away from Donald Trump that might allow Hillary and her Evil Cohorts to steal the election. So Stupid. So Wasted. So uneducated. As stated earlier, God Ordains all Governmental Officials. God will direct the path of Donald J. Trump. Timidity on our part in voting is counterproductive. You Vote, let God do the Leading. He can and will use Donald Trump.
So go Vote. It is not too late for most people to register for the November Elections. Study the Ballot. But Vote the Bible. Don't vote for Democrats, don't vote for homosexuals. Don't vote for drug and gambling advocates. Vote for Judges who will oppose Abortion. Vote for local School Board members who will get rid of Common Core Curriculum which is really Communist Indoctrination. Think what would Jesus do and vote. Vote the Bible. Act Like a Christian. Be one. Vote like one.