Zech 14:16-19
Thanksgiving has remained the least tainted of Christian Holidays. Christmas is not only on the wrong date, it is totally corrupted by Pagan elves, magical flying reindeer, a fictional Santa roughly based on a comedic representation of God's own face somehow making fun of God's own white beard and his laugh. But God isn't just a jolly man; He is a Just God who never laughs at Sin; and it isn't whether we are Naughty or Nice that gets us to Heaven, it is whether we accept Christ as our Personal Savior or Not?
Likewise Resurrection Sunday is tainted by the Goddess Ishtar so badly that we have renamed God's Most Holy Day in Dishonor "Easter" for the Goddess of Fertility. Ishtar, Easter and Astarte are all names for the same False Goddess and Idol. Her Pagan symbols were the Rabbit and the Painted Egg. Long before Christ, pagan children painted eggs and hunted for them in decorated baskets in honor of pagan deities, now we Celebrate the same Pagan Holiday as "Easter".
Thanksgiving, at least thus far, has remained untainted, except for Gluttony, Turkey Gravy, and Sales Quotas at Department Stores and has escaped the Onslaught of Paganism. It is still a Day to Thank God for His Many Blessings; and boy do we have a lot to Thank Him for this year. Franklin Graham has rightly said, "I believe that God’s hand intervened Tuesday night to stop the godless, atheistic progressive agenda from taking control of our country." Graham was one of the Thousands of Christians who had called for Prayers of Millions more Christians to Deliver our Land from the clutches of Leftists Bigots.
This Election saved our Church, our Constitution, our Republic, our economic futures, our Stock Market, our job prospects, and so much more. If Hillary had been elected we would have lost it all. Satan would have been rejoicing instead of Patriots.
The Question on this Morning's Talk Shows was "can Families survive Political Discussion at the Thanksgiving Table?" No one asked that question 4 years ago when Obama was reelected. I was badly depressed and devastated that voters had so blindly elected such an inept and unqualified man for a 2nd term; but no one worried about my feelings. They simply implied, falsely, that I was a Racist for not wanting Obama.
One of my Family Members says she can't trust Trump. What??? Really??? We just get rid of the most untrustworthy President in U.S. History, and she can't trust Trump? The man is transparent to a fault with an endless parade of Cabinet Candidates easily visible; no secret meetings, no smoky back room politics. A happy end of Politics as we knew it.
So carve the Turkey, spiral slice the ham, pile on the dressing, heap on the sweet potato casserole, and have a second helping of Cranberry Sauce. While you slice the Pumpkin Pie reflect on how much we accomplished by electing Donald Trump. Our kids, our Grandkids, our Great Grandkids will still have Thanksgiving thanks to this election, thanks to this election we still have our Constitution, our Freedom, our Liberty. We almost lost it all folks. It was almost all gone forever. The people that voted for Hillary voted to end it, they may not have understood that was what they had been programed into voting for, but that was the truth of the matter. We almost lost it all.
Thanks to getting the Christian Vote out we Saved our Country. Thank You Jesus!!!