These beasts don’t want the Washington D.C. Swamp to be drained, they don’t want Progress in its genuine definition, they don’t want jobs or infrastructure, or Manufacturing brought back from overseas, they want continued stagnation and dependence on corrupt Government Programs that feed the pockets of the Swamp Creatures who in turn pay off and feed the lower level slime, sluggards, and maggots.
If you want Genuine Health Care Reform as most intelligent people surely do, you have to help President Trump open the valves of Sanity that will drain this putrid D.C. Swamp. We must get a new Governor here in Arkansas where our own Swamp is just as bad as D.C. Frankly we are losing the War because Voters are sound asleep to the genuine issues. We all want our piece of the pie, regardless of how many empty calories and hidden, poisons, pesticides, and noxious chemicals are hidden within. We bite right in and to Hell with the other guy.
Responsibly we should all have our own Personal Health Care Savings Accounts years before we need them. We should demand it. No more should we be forced to purchase an Insurance Policy we neither want or require. Yes, novel idea, if we want Erectile Dysfunction Medications we need to pay for them ourselves. We should be able to check off on a list the kinds of treatments we do not wish our Insurance Policy to cover, if we want an insurance policy at all. Catastrophic Policies should be exactly that, and paid for by those in the Catastrophic Pool. We should shop for Insurance and FORCE Insurance Companies to compete for our purchase of their Services. They must be forced to provide those services or they will go on doing what they have been doing these last 20 years; stockpiling consumer money for their own rainy day, not that of the Policy Holder.
We need to promote health living. Not giving in to the Illicit Drug Industry, including cigarettes, e-cigs, Marijuana, Alcohol, and designer drugs. Moderation needs to be the mindset, not I’ll try anything. Drug Highs are always temporary, the ride coming down is always a runaway rollercoaster with no brakes and no soft-landing spot. 90% of all Drug use is unneeded and unwise including Prescription Drugs. We need healthy eating, prudent exercise, early and frequent checkups, healthy water resources, responsible clean air. We need to quit listening to the egghead food experts, and eat some eggs, butter, milk, peanut butter, Corn Oil, Olive Oil, and real cheese not rubber made from hydrocarbons. We need to get our Corn out of our Gas Tanks, and Non-GMO Kernels in hungry bellies. We need to severely limit pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, nematicides, and Companies like Dupont, and Monsanto that produce them. Roundup should be forever banned and Monsanto required to collect it and dispose of it safely.
Five Percent of Health Care Patients soak up 50% of all Health Care Payouts. It is easy to see in that Statistic, the waste and inefficiency of our Current system. Fully 30% of that Sickly Five are themselves responsible by their own very unhealthy living habits. Under our present system Doctors can’t be paid, they can’t refer patients, they spend their time at a computer screen trying to protect themselves from lawsuits instead of time spent with the patient in examination and question and answer sessions. We need to free our Doctors to do their jobs.
We need to free our Teachers to teach American History, Math, Shop, English, and Civics and not force them and our Children into endless but meaningless Multiple-Choice Tests to feed the Political Machine of the Left. We need kids graduating to become Plumbers, and craftsmen, and salesmen for great American Products. There is only so much room in the job market for Philosophy Majors. Not everyone goes to Hollywood. There is no shame in working for a living at an honest profession. We need more Community Colleges teaching kids’ professions, and less Multi-Million Dollar Universities making their millions off Student Loans and fake studies for Chemical Companies to promote their products. All such studies do is torture rats, monkeys, and beagles to make unneeded products look good.
What can the little guy like us do? Get serious about Voting, get serious about Studying the Bible and revisiting our Great Constitution, get involved in local politics (not the showy kind, the do something kind). Churches need to get their parishioners off their padded pews and get them active in the voter’s booths. And while we are at it we need to get quality voting inspections overseen by both/all parties, and go back to paper ballots that can’t be manipulated remotely by hackers. In 2008, it is estimated 5.7 Million illegal votes were cast for Barack Hussein Obama. (dead, multiple votes often in multiple states often bussed in by Union drivers, and Illegal aliens). At the same time, some 60,000 to 150,000 fake or bot Twitter and Facebook Accounts spouted propaganda and fake polls many over our own Whitehouse Web Page. No wonder millennials are so poorly informed. They graduate unable to read any more than perhaps a marijuana rolling paper or a lottery ticket, with totally zero exposure to an American History Course, while being deeply steeped in Communist and Socialist Propaganda, bound to fail, certain to implode.
Help us dear God! We cannot make this Constitutional Republic work again without Your Devine Providence! May You give Donald J. Trump, the few Statesmen we have left, our Police, our Teachers and our Local Leaders Your Godspeed! And ever-present help. Amen! and Amen!