I get so angry when I see the Liberal Media Lying and trying to skew their readers Opinion of Donald J. Trump. Clearly President Trump is the most Presidential occupant of the Oval Office in many decades. Clearly President Trump is getting more done, more changes made, more results than any President since Lincoln. Yet ABC News this morning had a Hit Piece by their “Hot Shot” director of Polling Gary Langer, (remember that name), Langer. The Gary Langer of Langer Associates.
Now Journalists, Responsible Journalists anyway, don’t use their own research to emphasize a point. Journalists are taught to go out and find independent Research whether it reflects well on their private opinions or not, and report only on the data. Not skew the data to add support to their Opinion.
This was not Mr. Langer’s methodology. There was nothing Journalist, Objective, Balanced or Fair about Mr. Langer’s Hit Piece on Donald J. Trump. Clearly not reporting the issues or the facts, Mr. Langer skewed the facts to blatantly machine gun the President in the Back with carefully manipulated Fake Polls; Polls intentionally devised with carefully designed Questions to make said polls come out in the worst possible light against the President. He sent his associates out to create Poll figures to make Donald J. Trump look bad.
If one can read the entire article without throwing up their breakfast; the Poll turns out to be only 1,025 “randomly selected people”. Careful wording to be certain. “selected” to reflect the purposes of the Author of the Hit Piece. “selected” to reflect the Opinion Mr. Langer wanted to leave his audience with. These 1,025 people have been polled many times. They are well known to Mr. Langer’s, Langer Associates. First the Poll, as always was heavily weighted to make sure more democrats and liberal leaning independents by far were represented than those of any GOP or Conservative leaning participants that might be allowed to express their opinion. Then the questions were carefully worded so anyone answering the Poll would inadvertently respond negatively toward their opinion of Mr. Trump.
Even though the Stock Market is surging
with Confidence in President Trump’s Policies, Even though the world is
resetting their thinking in regard to World Politics based on the new Strength
and Resolve seen in American Leadership under Trump, Even though Economies all
over the Globe are thriving in the results of Trump’s Leadership Style and
Class, Even though Pundits on both sides of the isle are touting Trump’s
Positive Accomplishments, Even though all these positive results are visible to
world leaders, the poll comes out saying exactly the opposite.
I have been saying for months that Journalism, as I studied it at least, is dead and gone. My old Professor Dr. Plunkett is tossing and turning in his grave, wondering what happened to the Journalistic Principles and Precepts he carefully pounded into his Students heads. Mr. Langer either never studied Journalism, or deliberately tossed all Journalistic Precepts aside in the heap of debris including any perceived objectivity.
If you get your news from ABC, may God have Pity on your Poor Perception of Facts. You may not have a single fact at your disposal based on their reporting alone. Everything you have heard from ABC since the Election has been totally biased and skewed. Fake News indeed.
I have been saying for months that Journalism, as I studied it at least, is dead and gone. My old Professor Dr. Plunkett is tossing and turning in his grave, wondering what happened to the Journalistic Principles and Precepts he carefully pounded into his Students heads. Mr. Langer either never studied Journalism, or deliberately tossed all Journalistic Precepts aside in the heap of debris including any perceived objectivity.
If you get your news from ABC, may God have Pity on your Poor Perception of Facts. You may not have a single fact at your disposal based on their reporting alone. Everything you have heard from ABC since the Election has been totally biased and skewed. Fake News indeed.