Wednesday, December 26, 2018

What;s Going on in the Stock Market

According to Reuters, this holiday shopping season has been the best in 6 years due to a robust economy. There is nothing at all wrong with the Stock Market. While it is a fact that this has been the biggest Christmas selloff since the 30's Depression, it has nothing to do, or at least very much, with tariffs, or China Trade, or certainly not Trump's Tweets. No, the two main reasons for the Stock Market dropping, are first of all; Computerized Algorithms based on the needs of Fearmongering Traders. These Algorithms are designed to make sure greedy traders never lose a penny and that all loses fall on every day Stock Holders and not on themselves. As soon as there is any bad news, any whatsoever, regarding the Stock Market these programs are designed to sell off quick at the first hint of trouble. The Programs themselves are the Trouble. They start a Landslide, Snowballing, Multi-day selloff when a simple correction is all that is called for. The Second Problem is the Fed overcorrecting and selling off assets from their own ledger. The Chairman could have avoided a selloff by a few carefully chosen words in his last report, but he chose not to. He chose instead not to say a word and let the Stock Market react negatively. He wanted to hurt Trump; to make him look bad; to get even for Trump Tweets he didn't like. Yes, Fat Cats are Always Greedy, the Fed is Greedy, big time Traders are Always Greedy. Artificial Intelligence, (eg. Algorithms), is never intelligent enough to do the right thing. Cold and Callous, all Computers know to do is make money for their owners, Damn the Stock Market, and innocent 401K Owners. Grab the Cash before someone else does. So quit listening to the Nay Sayers and the Leftist Media, (but then that's the same thing isn't it?). Nothing here is Trump's fault. That may be the way the Media and the DNC want to Twist it but Trump is doing a completely marvelous job. The only ones Squawking are the Swamp Creatures going down the Drain, and the Media who need Swamp Creature drama because they can't write a True Story and make it interesting. We all had a Wonderful Christmas because Trump has put our money back in our own pockets. Trump even thought enough of our Troops to make a Midnight Run to Iraq and visit them to build Moral. The Stock Market will Rebound, in fact it is doing so as I write this. America is in Good Hands. We Elected a Champion. Happy New Year!

Monday, November 19, 2018

Good Guys on the Battlefront

      Do you consider yourself a Good Guy? Me too! There are two related Battlefronts in America that we Good Guys maintain. One is Political. We occupy the ranks of the Patriotic Conservative. Our Enemy is every mind, and every thought, on the Left no matter how slightly left that might be. Fundamental Conservativism is the only way to protect our Country, our Morals, our Virtues. Everything else is tainted with Liberalism. Saying you are a Moderate is saying you will accept being infected and corrupted by Partial Liberalism. All Virtue: Capitalism, Our Constitution, Religious Freedom, Justice, in fact everything we value depends on a firm foundation of Conservatism. Without it Truth, Liberty, and Freedom are lost and meaningless.

       The Second Battlefront is Christianity, Believers are an Army. The only way any Person will ever see Heaven is through Jesus Christ. No Buddhist, or Muslim, or Hindu will find Heaven. Christ is the only Way, the only Door. Jesus is the Gate Keeper. Even our Catholic Friends are in Danger. So many Catholics have never been taught that they need a Personal Relationship with the Savior. They don't know they must be Born Again. Catholic Rituals, Relics, and Prayer Beads mean nothing. Priests can't forgive Sin. Only the Blood of Christ can accomplish that. Cults like Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, and others are also in Harm's Way. We are Commanded to carry the Gospel to every creature. 

Matthew 28:18-20 (KJV) 18  And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
19  Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
20  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
      It is a Solemn Charge we have been given. The Souls of Millions of sinners are in our hands. Those we do not reach will spend their eternities in Hell with Satan and his Demons. Many will look into our face, as they are cast into Hell, and say, "Why did you not tell me about Jesus?" Who is it you should be telling?
      Again, everything Left of Center is the Enemy no matter how slightly to the Left; and everything short of Pure Righteousness is Sin no matter how slight the Sin might seem it is still Sin. That is Satan's oldest ploy. Saying, "surely God didn't mean that." Well, God meant it. Sin is Sin, black is black, dark is dark, and only Light is Light.
      Christians cannot accept Sin in any form. They can't Vote for it in a Democrat Ballot, they can't vote for people who support it, they can't do it hypocritically on Tuesday and act differently on Sunday. The same on the Political Front. Patriots can't support anything Left of Center. No Lotteries (taxes on the poor and unknowing), Minimum Wages (again taxes on the poor and uninformed) Abortion (Premeditated Murder of Unborn Souls) Legalization of Drugs (Again this is a tax on the poor and uneducated. Drugs and Alcohol always hurt the weak.) and the Left's pet Sin, it seems, Sexual Perversion. God Created only two sexes, man and woman. God created Marriage between one man and one woman. God had it right but Satan and the Left are still trying to find a loophole.
       Does it begin to seem as if the two Battlefronts are one and the same. Yes they are. Satan is the foe and the Commander on both fronts. He invented Sin and he invented Communism, Fascism, Socialism, Progressivism, the Democrat Party, Antifa, Occupy, Resist, and the Nazi Party. They are pretty much all the same thing. Pushing Drugs, Pushing Sin, and Pushing Socialism are all pretty much equals for Satan. They all work to destroy everything good and Righteous.
      When you Vote, and you must Vote; every Vote must be based on your very best interpretation of the Bible and God's Will. Every person you Vote for MUST be a Christian, a Patriot, a Conservative and Trustworthy. That last trait is tricky. Legislators and other Elected Officials have power as they legislate. They are subject to Lobbying and bribes. Term Limits are needed to cut down on the temptation to accept bribes.
      So are you a Good Guy. Act like it. Vote like it. Stand Up Patriot. Stand in the Gap. Make a difference.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Privileged Kid

      For a Pipefitter's Kid from a small town in Arkansas, I was a very privileged kid. We had the very first TV in the North End of Paragould. Since Dad was a plumber we had the first indoor toilet too, and Oil Heat which was a lot easier than splitting firewood. Mom had a brand new Electrolux, a G.E. Electric Range, and kitchen cabinets with a tilt down Flour Bin, and she made good use of it. She was the best cook and baker ever. We had the Preacher and visiting Evangelists over every Sunday and cranked Ice Cream Sunday Afternoon all Summer.
      I remember when Dad and his friends put up our 80 foot TV antenna. It took about 6 strong men on guy wires to hoist the steel pole which Dad made of pipe. We got our TV, a cabinet model, in spring of 1950. Speck Rhoades was playing as the delivery man hooked up the new antenna wire. He was impressed with the quality of the picture, no messing with rabbit ears. I was just impressed. Speck Rhoades and Bill Killebrew right in our living room. Later that year I saw Bill Killebrew visit Gene Stimpson's Grocery Store on the corner of Highland and Pruett. He was just about the biggest Star in Memphis at that time. 

      Dad's Friends, Tuff Baker, Roy Boggs, and Ed Stanton, would come over with their wives every Friday Night and watch the Friday Night Fights. Mom and the other wives would talk in the kitchen and watch my little sister Nancy or play Pinochle. I watched the early rounds with the men before they put me in bed, then I'd sneak out and crawl into the hall and watch the later rounds from behind the door way. Wrestling was better received and on a more equal footing in those days with boxing. I really enjoyed a wrestler named Gorgeous George, he had long curly hair and threw golden bobby pins out to the crowd.
      I enjoyed everything on TV including the News. That summer I watched every morning as the Indian in Headdress test screen went off and programming came on. Channel 5 had the Today Show with Dave Garroway host, Frank Blair news anchor, Jack Lescoulie sports, and J. Fred Muggs the chimpanzee Co Host. Later in the morning I usually switched to Radio Variety Shows. I liked Arthur Godfrey, Jack Benny, Lonesome George Goble, and Garry Moore.
      There was also some great music on the Radio in those days. I liked Hey Good Lookin by Hank Williams when mom wasn't listening. She liked stuff like How Much is that Doggie in the Window, Mocking Bird Hill, and Tennessee Ernie Ford.
      When the Evening News came on I was watching again. I saw the refugee camps filling up in the Middle East and the Tanks rolling by. It worried me back then and homeless people pushed into tent cities or living under a piece of roofing tin still bothers me. But one thing related to today's issues I remember is that there were no Palestinians. They were never called that. I actually watched as the Refugees came from Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Egypt. They were simply called Arabs. I wondered why other Arabs would force them out of their own Country where they wanted to live with their brother Arabs? Still doesn't make sense to me. But my research has shown me there was never a Country named Palestine which is a Roman misspelling of Philistine. Philistines were Greek and they are all gone now, centuries ago. 
      One of my favorite late afternoon TV shows (as a little kid) was Winky Dink and the Adventures of Mighty Manfred. They sold a plastic sheet that stuck on the TV Screen, you trimmed it with scissors to fit your particular screen. The basic screen came with 4 big crayons yellow, red, blue, and green. You could then draw on the plastic screen cover. When Winky Dink or Mighty Manfred got in trouble and needed a bridge for instance, you could draw in a big yellow bridge and they were safe. If you left the plastic on the screen it also made the grass look green. (no color TV in those days) Of course so did the sky and the clouds and Perry Mason, but…… Well you just had to use your imagination a little. 
      We all watched TV together in the Evenings. Families spent time together in those days and it was easier with only one TV and 3 channels. I watched the Evening News again and the Tanks were still rolling. I was glad I lived in America. Sometimes I'd sneak in after bedtime, turn the sound down and watch a movie or the Late Show. Then the Test Screen came on again with the same Indian in headdress. I'd watch that a few minutes and sneak back into bed. I was an adventurous sort. Goodnight.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

A Little Golden Wire in Our Constitution

      Our Constitution is a Complicated Document. It is not just a bunch of words. It contains all the Dreams, Hopes, and Aspirations of not only Our Founding Fathers who wrote it, but also the Dreams of those who lost their lives fighting for it in the Revolution. It Contains Biblical Principles and Precepts, and most importantly it was Guided by God in His Answer to the Prayers of the Founders. Do you know the Story? It isn't taught in School anymore.

      The Constitutional Convention was in turmoil. Hour after hour had gone by and not one Word or Idea had been written down. Founders were grumpy, arguing, discouraged, about to give up. Ben Franklin knew they were trying to do it all without God's Blessing. He asked for Prayer. Sincerely the Founders did so, and the Constitution began to roll off the pens of the Delegates. Don't ever let any atheist rogue tell you God was not in the U.S. Constitution.

      But there is also a little Golden Wire Called Freedom, Liberty and Justice for All, that runs from one Paragraph to the others in the Constitution, a Golden Thread if you will. It runs not only from Precept to Precept, but it reaches out to the Hearts of the Founders themselves, and it is linked to every Patriot, Living and Dead; It is Linked to you if you Love America. You can't see it, but it is there. Gold you see is our best conductor of Energy used for Communication. Each tiny wire Links People in Atlanta to those in Florida, Texas, Minnesota, Alaska, and Even New York and California, as hard as many Liberals there are trying to escape it's reach, but the Constitution, Like the Bible, is a Living Document, it cries out.
      That Link is Patriotism, it is Love of Country and Flag, it is Pride in our Great Country. It leads to the vestiges of common sense and Bipartisanism. These ideas are not dead but they are sure hard to find within Liberals in today's Political Climate. Democrats, Socialists, Antifa, most Muslims, (also a Political Party not a religion), and all Communists hate Our Constitution, they are Vowing to Resist it at every turn. Make no mistake that is what they are doing when they Resist and Protest Donald J. Trump.

      President Trump has done something Wonderful for our Constitution, not just supporting it, which he does; but more he has Appointed Brett Kavanaugh, an Originalist, for the Supreme Court. As an Originalist Kavanaugh supports not only the entire Constitution, but the Original Intent of the Founders who Wrote it. This is Exactly what all Justices should strive to do with every Fiber of their Being. Our Supreme Court was in Danger from Liberal Justices foolishly Appointed by previous administrations. Our Constitution is a Conservative Document, Fiscally, Prospectively, and Morally. Liberals don't even understand it, and certainly don't Respect it. Kavanaugh is an Answer to many Prayers as we get our Country back to its Founding Principles. Thank God our President has appointed such a Superior Candidate.

      If you have a Midterm Election coming up, go Vote, Support the Candidates that best support Trump. True Christians can never vote a Democrat Ticket in good Conscience. Killing Babies, Homosexual Perversion, and Resisting God and the Constitution are not Options for Christians. Ever. We are in a Battle to Preserve our Country. Do your part and Vote Conservatively and Vote the Bible.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

What is Socialism by John Porter

A Letter From: John Porter
To: Americans Everywhere
August, 2018

       I have been asked by many people around the Country if I would write a definition of Socialism, its inherent evils and the effects it would have upon us as individuals. The following is my attempt at answering that request.  For certain, it would be a death blow to capitalism as well as to the God-given freedoms which we have enjoyed for so long in the United States.
       Our country’s economic system is called capitalism. It is based upon private ownership of property, which includes the means of production for the creation of goods or services for income and profit by individuals. It is a free market economic system based on the recognition of individual rights to own property (lands, businesses, goods, etc.).  Such rights give individuals security and a means to control their own affairs, thus their own destiny. Under capitalism, private citizens, with their ownership of property, are responsible for the production and distribution of goods. 
       Whereas, Socialism is government ownership of property and control of production and distribution. The essential characteristic of Socialism is the denial of individual property rights. Individuals have no control over their own affairs and destiny. Almost every aspect of living will be regulated by the government.
       It has been said, "Socialism is the doctrine that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that his life and his work do not belong to him, but belong to society, that the only justification of his existence is his service to society, and that society may dispose of him in any way it pleases for the sake of whatever it deems to be its own tribal, or collective good."
       I do not believe the majority of the American people would knowingly or willingly adopt Socialism, once understood, even though a poll conducted this week showed 57% of the Democrats polled would. It has been seeping in, little by little, over the past one hundred years pushed by the Democrat Party's progressives and liberals.  If we aren’t careful, every fragment of a socialist state will be adopted a little slice at a time, until one day America will be a full-blown socialist nation, without realizing how it happened.
       Karl Marx, the nineteenth century German socialist revolutionary, taught that “Democracy is the road to Socialism” and preached that “Socialism represents the stage following Capitalism in a country transforming to Communism.” The platforms of Liberals, Progressives and Socialists such as Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and other Democrat Party leaders are drawn from either Communism, Marxism or Fascism. They are all varying degrees of Socialism known as totalitarian concepts, differing in degrees only. There is not one example of a Socialist country, past or present, ever producing the level of prosperity and happiness for the people which our Capitalist system of private enterprise, individual ownership of property, has accomplished. If there were, people would not be cutting fences, climbing walls, swimming rivers or loading onto boats to escape those countries to get into the United States.
       The Representative Republic of the United States with our Capitalist and Free Enterprise Market System has been the world’s dominant economic system for over two hundred years. Within it, the means of production of goods and the distribution of those goods are owned by individuals. Since America’s beginnings, the freedom of private ownership and free enterprise with its spirit of competition, have led to the abundance of food and products, more efficiency, lower prices, better products and rising prosperity. The production of food and materials and private individual prosperity has never been – can never be – equaled by any socialist country.
       The people of almost every country on the continent of Africa are starving to death. Daily, we are shown the fly blown faces of these starving people. Venezuela is in total chaos with hungry people rioting in the streets. Every one of those countries have Socialist governments of some form. Every country on the continent of Europe is today experiencing the results of the evils of their respective degrees of Socialism with extremely high taxes. Despite tax rates of 75% and more Socialist countries all over the world are without enough food and goods to support the people. The Democrat Party, now becoming a strong proponent of Socialism, is wanting to lead our Country toward that same end.
       How would Socialism affect YOU as an individual? By necessity, tax rates in America will reach upward of 90%, and our way of life will be exactly like that in Europe, Africa, Central America, Asia, Russia and elsewhere. Socialized health care will mandate who your doctor will be, even whether or not you are a candidate for treatment of an illness. It will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to buy a new home, land, a car, or reap the benefits of your own labor.  Birth control will be mandated, private ownership of property will be denied, starting and maintaining a business impossible. Even the small things in our everyday lives such as the kind of windows you may put in your house and the type of light bulbs you may buy.  The list of evils of Socialism is a long one. We hear a great deal from the proponents of Socialism about the sharing of wealth.  Be warned – Socialism is nothing more than the sharing of misery.
       The preachers of Socialism use the plight of the poor, the disenfranchised and the jobless with their promises to equalize income, share the wealth, level the economic playing field, take from those who have and give to those who have not, every thing will be free. The concept that with hard work and perseverance anybody can get ahead economically in the United States will be destroyed. Again, misery will be shared by all.
       Most Americans think this could not happen here. I used to think that … until I realized differently.  Not only can it happen here, IT WILL happen here if we allow the Socialist Democrat Party to gain control of our government. In the primaries now going on and the general election on November 6, this year we are being given the opportunity to choose our destiny. The choices are clear, the bondage of one world Socialism and its miseries or America first with the individual freedom of Capitalism and its prosperity.
       The Democrat Party being lead by Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Cortez, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren and others are committed to destroying capitalism, that which has made America great, and replacing it with Socialism. Their giant first step will be to destroy President Trump because he looms large in their path with his dedication to America First Capitalism and Constitutional mind set. Today, the Democrat Party stands on the rocket launching pad for a Socialist States of America and a farewell to the Constitutional Republic of The United States of America. The date for launching is set for November 6, 2018. The American people who love freedom and responsibility can cause it to fizzle or watch as it soar in flight. No one will be exempt from the evils and misery of Socialism, not you, not your children, not your grandchildren.
       We, that would be you and me, have got to fight what is happening.  We cannot sit this one out.  We cannot rely on someone else doing it for us.  We have a duty and an obligation to protect, defend and preserve our Country, our freedom, our way of life. We don’t have a lot of time. IF we lose, that loss will come at an unthinkable cost to every American.
The price of freedom has always come with a hefty price tag. Not a single American soldier has ever died in defense of Socialism.
You are free to distribute this letter in any way you wish.

Thank you until next time;
John Porter
118 Approach Drive
Harrison, Arkansas

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Woe to the Spiritually Blind

      I have a quite Liberal Facebook Friend who doesn't get it on most Political Issues. That is OK!, most Liberals don't get it on any issue. But Moral issues are another matter. This man is a Church Member. When the Democrat Party Platform specifically calls for Murdering Unborn Babies by using our Tax Dollars to fund Planned Parenthood, it becomes a Moral and an Ethical Issue. When this Party Boos God at its National Convention with Live TV Coverage; it becomes a Moral Issue. When the Platform encourages Abnormal Sex as if it were Normal; it becomes a Moral issue. My contention is that no person calling themselves Christian can in good Conscience vote for any Candidate supporting the Democrat Platform or running on their ticket.

       I told my friend recently to Wake Up on a certain issue. He told me he was both Awake and Alert. I contend he is not. I contend in fact that somewhere around 90% of Christians are not. They are in many ways Spiritually Blind. Oh, they may know Jesus. They may have Professed Him as their Personal Savior. They may Pray every day, attend Church 3 or 4 times a week, tithe, work in some Missionary Effort, Volunteer at VBS, etc., etc., etc. But are their eyes open to the Whole Picture? I say not!

      You can see Poverty. You can care about it deeply. But if you don't realize the world has no cure for Poverty, what good does seeing and caring do? Jesus said: 
Matthew 26:11 (KJV) 11  For ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always. 

      We will always have the poor to feed and clothe. There is a new Crop of Poor every day. We feed them, clothe them, dress them for a job interview, buy them some tools, get them hired and trained and then what? Some succeed, some quit and we get to start the cycle all over again, I used do exactly what I just outlined in a Welfare to Work Agency I headed. One day a girl I had had pity on and helped with the down payment on a car was found by the Police, the same day she received the car, passed out from sniffing glue, in the driver's seat of the car I had helped provide so she could drive to work.
      It isn't the clothing, the job, or the car that the poor need. It is a Life with Purpose, and that Purpose has to be Jesus or it won't work. Jesus is always the answer to whatever the Problem.
      You can see Pain. You can have very real Sympathy, but if you just say "I'll be Praying for you.", there has been no real intercession on their behalf. I always try to make myself Pray right there on the spot. How dare we forget to do what we say? God never forgets. He keeps every tear we cry in a bottle with our label on it.
Psalm 56:8 (KJV) 8  Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?
      God knows every wrong turn we have ever made, and he has kept a record of every tear our wanderings have caused us. We need to share how God wants to help when we are hurting. We may understand it as Mature Christians, but baby Christians may not, they need support. 

      Finally as Christians we should be able to See The Truth. Jesus said:
 Mark 8:18 (KJV) 18  Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember?
      We Christians are supposed to have been taught the Truth. We have heard it and read it in Sunday School Class for all these years. We have had Discipleship Training. We should be able to look at the Democrat Platform, or the News, or a Late Night Comedy Routine and see what is behind it from a Spiritual Perspective. The Holy Spirit is supposed to Guide us in All Truth.
 John 16:13 (KJV) 13  Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
      Yes, You can tell if say David Muir of ABC News, or Steven Colbert, or Nancy Pelosi is telling you the truth, no matter what the format. Unfortunately we even have to watch our Pastors, especially those that don't open the Bible in their Sermons like they should. If what your Pastor is saying does not line up with the Bible, you need a new Church and a new Pastor. Even a Pastor, like my friend, can be Asleep at the wheel, or worse Spiritually Blind.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Baby Christians

      Baby Christians eat Pablum and Milk, they don't have Spiritual Teeth to chew Steak or even Potatoes. Of Course I speak of Spiritual Meat and Potatoes. There is nothing wrong with Spiritual Milk, it just won't put on the Spiritual Mind Muscle a Baby Christian needs to Grow. Grow we must. We need to Pray for Spiritual Understanding, we need to Read our Bibles and Devotionals, (reading a Devotional or Sunday School Lesson is good but it is not Substitute for Reading the Bible Daily). We need to attend "Good Preaching". Just Preaching won't do. We need Good Preaching, Good Bible Preaching. If you are stuck with a Namby-Pamby Preacher who is afraid to Present the Whole Gospel, find another Church. Finally we need to
Study to find ourselves approved. We need to attend Discipleship Training and Sunday School and attend conferences. If we don't do all these things we revert to Baby Christians.
      Many Baby Christians have been in your Church for 40, 50, 60 years. Many are Teaching Sunday School, playing in the band, singing in the Choir, or even Preaching a Sermon to you each Sunday. It may seen impossible that an 80 year old man can be a Baby Christian, but it is an every day reality. Paul was faced with the same problem in his day. 

1 Corinthians 3:1-2 (KJV) 1  And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ.
2  I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able.
Hebrews 5:11-13 (KJV) 
11  ...…......seeing ye are dull of hearing.
12  For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat.
13  For every one that useth milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.

      Baby Christians underline their Sunday School lessons in their book, but the have to come back every Sunday for the same lesson. Time after time. It is very frustrating for a dedicated Teacher. Baby Christians sing in the Choir and they get the notes right but never hear the Words. Baby Christian Preachers even read the Words right out of the Bible from a Pulpit but the Words fly right over their head and never soak in.
      So how do you really know if you are a Mature Christian? One of the surest ways is knowing that you take every opportunity to Share the Gospel. Sadly some Christians, far too many, have never once shared the Gospel with any Lost Person whatsoever. Satan is not afraid of this kind of Christian. He is laughing at them. He will however take time to distract Baby Christians in their daily life with meaningless drivel and unproductive hobbies and activities to waste their time.
      Don't just ask a person if they go to Church, or if they are a Christian. It is too easy for them to mention a Church or a Denomination or tell you, "yes I was Baptized in 1974". That may sound like good information, but it won't tell you if they have a Personal Relationship with Jesus. "Do you Know Jesus as Your Personal Savior?", is the most decisive way to ask the Question.
       Mature Christian yearn to know the Bible and their Savior better. Psalm 42:1-2 (HCSB) 1
 As a deer longs for streams of water, so I long for You, God.
2  I thirst for God, the living God. When can I come and appear before God?
      Finally a Mature Christian is willing to Forsake the Worldly things for Spiritual Truth and God's Will in their lives. For instance, in today's society, a Mature Christian has to Forsake and Disavow the Democrat and Socialist Parties. Both are as Anti-Christian as they can be. Democrats actually Boo God at their Conventions. They Support Murdering Babies in their Party Platform. They push normalizing homosexuality and recently even Pedophilia. They call for the legalization of Drugs. On and on, they support Outright Sin in one form or another. A True Christian cannot be associated with this form of debauchery. 
2 Corinthians 6:17 (KJV) 17  Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
      Don't settle for a Baby Portion. Go for the Big Platter of Meat and Potatoes. Milk of Kindness never hurts, but feed on Heavy Proteins and be ready to Witness for Christ!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

      Yes, today I am a year older, but that won't be worth celebrating. What I plan to celebrate is getting one year Wiser. Wisdom is America's most needed Commodity right now. I know my Facebook Friends may not have known it was my Birthday, but I don't tell Facebook everything like they wish I'd do.
       We need to be Wise to survive the Daily Liberal Onslaught. We Conservatives are Bombarded, Trolled, Lied to, Harassed, Censored, Ridiculed etc., etc. Twitter and Facebook are not our Friends. Last week Facebook stood up for a Holocaust Denier's post, by a group of the most outlandish Anti-Semitic Thugs on the internet. The Holocaust is well established Historical Fact, yet Facebook took the side of the Bad Guys not History and the Facts. Also Twitter realized last week that I was about to reach 10,000 Followers, so they erased about 50 of my Followers and cut off my ability to Follow New People until I do reach 10,000. 
     Wisdom would tell me I need more Patience to persevere against all the Lies of the Media and the Dirty Tricks of Facebook and Twitter. Normally I am a patient man. But trying to teach a Liberal, any Liberal, anything is Frustrating at the least. Most don't read, never think, but will listen to the most dubious Leftist Propaganda without even blinking. It's hard to have patience with that kind of Stupidity. I have said often that Liberalism is a Mental Disorder.
       I tried at one time in my life to be the very Best Sunday School Teacher I could be. I had to go deep into the Scriptures to prepare a lesson. I wanted to instill God's Principles, Precepts and Doctrines in the minds of my students, many of whom were Ordained Ministers, Deacons, and Teachers themselves. I wanted to make a difference. I still do.
      Now with my Blog I try to present Christian Conservative perspectives to Moderate and Liberal voters. It isn't easy with the Fake News from the Leftist Media working against Reason and Logic, and Dead Set against Reporting the News fairly and accurately. Every sentence they write is skewed against Conservatism, Capitalism, and Christian Logic. Journalism has turned away from good reporting and taken up Trump Bashing, and damn any Journalistic Principles that get in the way. Very unethical. They fight Dirty.
      So we Conservatives must Pledge and Resolve to Patiently use the Wisdom God has granted us to sway these lost sheep back into Green Pastures of Conservatism and Christian Precepts. I am also a Fiscal Conservative where Economics is concerned and a staunch supporter of Capitalism. If you want a job, you would be a fool to work for a Government/Socialist job bank for Minimum Wage. A Job is not a Gift it is a Responsibility, a Privilege, an Opportunity to advance and prosper. Minimum Wage Laws are nothing more than a way to hide Taxation Without Representation. Supporters of the $15.00 Minimum Wage don't realize that Corporations base their Prices on cost of Production. So after inflation, say in the year 2030 at the $15 pay level, Real Wages (actual value) will be at the same level as in 1980 at $5.00/hr. Inflation erases every Minimum Wage increase because manufacturers Price In Wages, technically they don't even pay wages, you the Consumer pay it all. Liberals have trouble understanding this fact. But it is still Fact! Minimum Wage is a tax on the Consumer.
      I have referred to a certain Friend on Facebook, as my Pet Liberal. I use him as a litmus test on Educating Liberals. So far I have made few dents in his Anti-Conservative Armor. Only tiny glimmers of hope are on the horizon. He shows Promise because he is a Baby Christian; and if he would only listen...…….but alas he never or seldom does. 
      But go ahead Conservative Friends, use your wisdom to teach Liberals what you can. Don't give up. Get a Liberal Pet of your own and try to Paper Train them. I have a Twitter Friend who takes the opposite track. He exposes Liberal Trolls daily, and shares their name with all his Followers, then Blocks them. He must have blocked at least 10,000 by now. It may give them a momentary shock but they won't learn much except how to find another Conservative to Pester and Annoy. No, use your Wisdom to teach, even if it is just lowly Paper Training. America will benefit, even from tiny improvements in their thinking. Be Wise my Friends.
Deuteronomy 4:5-6 (KJV) 5  Behold, I have taught you statutes and judgments, even as the LORD my God commanded me, that ye should do so in the land whither ye go to possess it.
6  Keep therefore and do them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Roar Like a Warrior or Quack like a Liberal

      I have a friend in my home town who will tell you over and over he is not a Democrat. It just shows how little he knows about himself. Yes he is a caring individual, but care as he might; he never stands up for anything and makes a difference. He is part of the problem, never the solution. He quacks like a lonely Duck, repeating the same old, stale, Leftist Propaganda lines he Quacked in his Democrat days. 
      Just saying you are not a Democrat, may make you feel more responsible, but it won't win the War the Left is waging against America. Battle Lines have been drawn and we all have to take a Stand or become slaves to the Leftist Lies. We have to arm people like my Friend with the Truth. He will never find Truth on CNN or MSNBC, but he is not wise enough yet to trust Fox and I don't blame him much. Fox's way of being "Fair and Balanced" is to put idiots like Juan Williams in the chair of the "Democrat Opinion", repeating the same old Leftist Propaganda lines as MSNBC. Meaning, my friend can still choose his lies over the Truth.
      Although early mornings on Fox and Friends is very good, and one of Donald Trump's favorites, I find a lot better coverage of the News on Fox Business. Oddly our Texas born Lou Dobbs and British born Stewart Varney have a greater love for America than any CNN or MSNBC personality. Neil Cavuto is also good at presenting the Facts. Economists see what Presidential Politics is doing to the Economy faster than Congress or Late Night TV Hosts. They see immediately what is influencing our Country, both negatively and positively.
       So how do I get my friend to listen to reason and value Truth in News Reporting? I simply do not know. He won't read; even when I post an article exposing the lies and presenting the Truth. He ignores it. So I am forced to be patient and lead by example; which he also hates. He won't actually debate, just deny and criticize facts. It is very frustrating and tries my patience daily. Why do I try? I guess I see something in his Christian faith, (baby Christian) that leads to a Hope he will Mature.
       We need Christian Conservative Warriors. We need them desperately in this Age of Media Deception. As Stubborn as my friend is he would make a Worthy Warrior should he ever grow up and start to think. So I plug away with the Truth, hoping some day he'll see it.
      The Book of Jude tells us to "have compassion on some" but "others you have to shock and save by fear". Jude 1:22-23 (KJV) 22  And of some have compassion, making a difference:
23  And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.
      I'll try to the end to maintain compassion for my friend, as obnoxious as he is at times, unknowingly I am sure. Perhaps some day he'll become a fellow Warrior.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Anti-Trump Nonsensical Dreaming

      Junior Contributing Writer for Politico Joshua Weitz really reached into Outer Space Fiction when his latest article hoped farcically that the tiny ranks of the former Never-Trumpers would somehow switch to the Democrat Party and swing the mid-term elections for his dying party. Never-Trumpism died a sudden death in 2016-2017, and today almost every one has happily jumped on the Trump Train.
      A fair Historian at best Weitz lives Foolishly in a world where Whigs still make up the base of the Republican Party. I don't think any Politician today could begin to describe the Ideology of a Whig, much less likely could they find an example of one. Weitz once said on Twitter:  “Not particularly obnoxious” 'is one of the nicer things anyone has said of me today!'

Perhaps with a little more honest respect for our duly Elected President and a little more honesty in reporting he wouldn't seem so Obnoxious. Of course that could be said for every Leftist Journalist in America today.

      No there are very few Never-Trumpers left today. One of the best known, back in the day, during the Presidential Nominations was my friend on Twitter Chuck Nellis, (@NASCARChuck336). No other Conservative on Twitter has been more unfairly attacked by both Liberal Trolls and the unfair Algorithms which Twitter uses to purge their rolls of Conservative Voices. He has lost 4 Twitter Accounts and over 100,000 Followers to Political Censorship from Liberals. But Chuck has come around and gladly Jumped on the Trump Train with me. 
      I don't care which Economic or Political criteria you apply, every facet is better under the Trump Administration:

Unemployment - almost non-existent Workers hard to find.
Black Unemployment - Lowest in U.S. History
Hispanic Unemployment - Lowest in Decades
Workforce Participation Rate - Highest in Decades
Stock Market - Pushing all time highs in all markets
Consumer Confidence - at all time record
Take home Pay - increasing naturally for first time in decades

Forty hour workweek - common again vs. Obama years
Drug Prices - Coming down
Cost of Insurance - Coming down
Respect for America - Improving all over the world

Military Preparedness - Improving exponentially 
Consumer and Military Morale - highest in years
Consumer Spending - up
       No, Everyone is Happy on some level with the Job Donald J. Trump is doing. Whether they admit it or not, they are better off today than they were during the Obama Administration. The Day of the Never Trumper is long gone. By the time his second term is completed there won't be any hold outs. Everyone will be thankful to God for giving us this great President.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Leftist Vocabulary/Tactics

      It's Question and Answer Week -

          Dear Mr. Clifford, what are the 5 words that best describe Radicals like the Anti-Trump Crowd, Antifa, and the DNC?      I get this Question a Lot. here goes:

       1. Myopic -
 lacking imagination, foresight, or intellectual insight.

       synonyms:unimaginative, uncreative, unadventurous, narrow-minded, small-minded, short-term, shortsighted
       2. Apoplectic -  Overcome with Anger, extremely                                                     indignant

       3. Ignorant - L

acking knowledge or awareness in general;                                uneducated or unsophisticated.

            synonyms:uneducated, unknowledgeable, untaught, unschooled, untutored, untrained, illiterate, unlettered, unlearned, unread, uninformed, unenlightened, benighted; More
  •                                                       lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about something in particular.

      4. Obstinate - 

                 stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action,                                                              despite attempts to persuade one to do so.

stubborn, unyielding, inflexible, unbending, intransigent, intractable, obdurate, mulish, bullheaded, stubborn as a mule, pigheaded, self-willed, strong-willed, headstrong, willful, contrary, perverse, recalcitrant, refractory, uncooperative, unmanageable, stiff-necked, rigid, uncompromising, implacable, unrelenting,

This perhaps describes a man I call my Pet Liberal better than any other, no matter how hard I try to help him understand he remains clueless.
      5. Hypocritical - Behaving in a way in which you portray                     your actions and beliefs as to being more noble and                   honest than is the case. Claiming to have higher                         standards than is the case. Two-faced.

      6. Hostile - 
unfriendly; antagonistic.

          synonyms:unfriendly, unkind, bitter, unsympathetic, malicious, vicious, rancorous, venomous, poisonous, virulent;

      7. Entitled - 
believing oneself to be inherently deserving of                              privileges or special treatment. Pompous.
      8. Whiney - 1) an adjective describing a person prone to                                     complaining. 
                           2) Somebody who seems determined to gripe. 

                           3) Petulant, fretful; cranky
                           4) Thumb Sucking Baby

      9. Anti-Christian - The DNC Platform in it's entirety, every                     Evil sentence, is Anti-Christian. No Christian can                       support Abortion which is nothing more or less                           than Pre-Meditated Murder of an unborn Living                         Child. No Christian can Biblically support men in                       little girls restrooms, homosexual marriage,                                 legalization of drugs of any kind, etc. Likewise the                     Socialist and Communist factions of the Democrat                     Party call for the abolishment of all religion.                                 Recently many liberals are even calling for the                             normalization of Pedophilia brazenly claiming it is                     good for kids.

     10. "Sore Losers" - Wow are they ever, Hillary hasn't Lost                 enough, drank enough gin, or even began to Lie to her               full potential. And she is all too typical of this political               class of Losers.
      11. Snowflakes - too easily offended, too in need of “safe                                         spaces,” too fragile, wimpy.

       Oops! That's 11 and I was just supposed to do 5. I guess I got carried away. But then I could do 55 or 105. As wrong as the left is on every Subject there is almost a limitless number of derogatory words one could call them. It is like a snowball fight though, they'll be picking out words they think they can understand, turning them around, and throwing them back at we on the Right. One thing about being Right however, we have Right on our side and all they have are Satan's Lies.