The Democrat Party pretty much invented Racism. They fought tooth and nail, kicking, screaming and cursing while only Republicans fought for Civil Rights for Blacks. Not one single Democrat voted to end segregation and discrimination. When LBJ was forced to concede that the Republican Congress had the votes to change the tide of discrimination he turned the issue around to make it look like it was his idea. He said, (and this is a quote), : I'll have those Niggers voting for Democrats for decades". (LBJ's Words).
What else can I say? Democrats in their very Platform say they want to Murder as many babies as possible. This started as an effort by KKK member Margaret Sanger, (the founder of Planned Parenthood), to, "wipe out the Black Race via abortion centers". No wonder they have tried during several conventions of late to erase all mention of God out of their Platform, to the point of God actually being Booed and Shouted down on TV during convention activities. When the Jim Crow Laws, Segregation, and KKK tactics became embarrassing, they went undercover and got even more nasty in their tactics. We have Blue Dog Democrats, Yellow Dog Democrats, Dead Dog Democrats and whinnying, whining, stubborn, crybaby Mules resisting any effort to Make America Great. Now we have the Pro-Communist Thug Organization Antifa and millions of individual Snowflakes Protesting everything our President is doing to improve out Country.
They have a buzz word Tolerance, but never in all history has a bunch of political idiots been less tolerant of Christian Values, Ethics, Morals, Values, and Qualities like Hard Work and Patriotism.
Not just the Democrat National Committee, but the heads of many Government Departments have willingly made themselves part of an Obama-led Shadow Coup Group in a direct effort to overthrow our Republic and destroy our Constitution. The National Leftist Media is also involved as are dozens of Left Wing Radical Federal Judges Appointed by Obama. No Lie has been to large or heinous. No dirty trick too dirty or too nasty for this group. When you are void of Morals and Ethics and when you have erased all things Godly from your mind and heart; in other words when you have sold out to Satan anything goes.
No Leader in America has ever been more divisive than has been Obama; No Party more than this evil Democrat one; No Media more than this one now actively complicit in The DNC's and Obama's attempted Coup of our Great Country.
You ought to be Mad my fellow Patriots. You ought to be very Mad. We must stamp out this Mental Disorder of Liberalism.