"The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God... " (Psalms 14:1 KJB)
Believe me, I take *NO* joy in posting this. It is sad to see any human being die alone and without a Savior. Left forever without a friend, without hope, without God; alone in torture for the rest of eternity. So Sad! The Bible says, "Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord God , I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked;..." (Ezekiel 33:11) According to his own testimony, Hawking is *eternally* separated from the God he didn't believe in.
The poor man Hawking was a brilliant mind according to most men, but he was trapped in a body that wouldn't work, looking for answers within himself instead of answers from his Creator he chose to deny believing in. He claimed to have searched for God and never found him. Today he has found he was Wrong. Eternally Wrong. Instead of a tortured body he will now spend eternity in a tortured mind thinking of all the good he could have done for man if he had discovered the Truth of Jesus instead of the Lie from Satan. One of the smartest men that ever lived they say, yet he died one of the biggest fools, by missing the biggest Truth ever told. The Gospel of Jesus Christ.
He could have skipped and played in Heaven, with a new body with new parts working perfectly (something I am sure he dreamed of his entire earthly life). Now, he writhes in constant agony with demons and other lost ghostly beings his only company; no one to talk to, screaming, writhing, groaning, begging for a single drop of cool water as did a certain rich man in the Bible; sadly able to see what he missed so far away in Heaven.
Luke 16:24 (KJV) 24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and
send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my
tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.
......... Luke 16:27-28 (KJV) 27 Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest
send Lazarus to my father's house:
For I have five brethren; that he may
testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.
...... Luke 16:31 (KJV) 31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets,
neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.
If you are reading this you have Moses, you have all the words of the Bible. Please don't follow Stephen Hawking's grave error!! "Thus saith the Lord , Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them." (Jeremiah 10:2)
If you Desire Salvation, if you want to go to Heaven and not Hell, It is and Easy thing to do. Making Jesus your Lord is not a Hard thing to do. It may be hard to put away your Pride and admit that you need Jesus, but the act of allowing Him into your Heart is extremely Easy. You just have to believe that Jesus is Who He said He was, The Son of God, Part of the Eternal Godhead (Jesus along with The Father and The Holy Spirit) God is Three parts, Body Jesus, Mind The Father, Spirit The Holy Spirit. Just like you are 3 parts, you have a body, mind, and spirit. It seems hard to believe but when you accept it, it is all remarkably simple. God in His 3 Parts Created you along with all the Universe. When you believe that and accept Jesus as your Personal Savior, a small part of His Holy Spirit moves into your Body making your body a Temple. Your once empty, meaningless, hopeless, tangle of unassuredness becomes a New Being full of Eternal Security and Peace. All you have to do is say, "Jesus, please save me". Oh how Simple! Do it today!
Thank you Officer Chris Bunch of Paragould for the Meme you had shared and the inspiration to share this message. Pray for Chris as he recovers his sight following serious brain surgery.
Well March 14th was #NationalStudentWalkout Day and supposedly a cool Million kids decided independently to show how little they understood the 2nd Amendment and walk out of school. Bull. There is No Way in Hell's Kitchen kids organized this walkout. Certainly there is no way they paid for the communication and logistics involved.
Sure, it's easy to believe that many kids don't understand the 2nd Amendment. Why would they? They are taught next to nothing about our Founding Fathers, their Faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Sacrifices they made to secure our freedom, and how the superior weaponry of the Colonists was largely responsible for the small rag-tag Army of Washington to overcome the vastly larger compliment of British and their hired Mercenaries with older muskets.
Our schools today teach to pass Standardized Tests not learn the three R's and Patriotism, Ethics, Values, and the Value of Truth. The Truth is guns don't cause violence. Bad attitudes and lack of understanding cause violence. Poorly educated kids with no hope based on historic wisdom and Faith initiate violence because they see no other way to break out of whatever mental prison this crazy world has put them in. Without Faith in the One True God there is no Peace of mind. Without Peace of mind violence often seems the only way out of hopelessness.
Standardized Tests are not Education. I can pass a test in Nuclear Physics, but believe me, no one wants me pushing buttons in a Nuclear Plant. Standardized Tests don't teach the difference between a fully automatic machine gun and an AR-15 which is just a sub-average, poorly accurate .223 Caliber Rifle that can shoot no faster than the average .22 that we also wrongly call a .22 Automatic. Both are actually Semi-Automatic where the trigger must be pulled each time a round is discharged. AR-15s and their cousins look different, they are black, with a pistol grip, maybe a flash arrester, fins for cooling the barrel and a funny looking stock that newbies find interesting. They sell well. But a seasoned hunter going after a deer, bear or even for targets, will pick a more standard rifle with good balance, a longer barrel, and a wooden stock and a scope every time. Accuracy is better.
AR-15 stands for Armalite (the manufacturer's name) Model #15; it is not an automatic rifle or an assault rifle; that is NOT what AR stands for.
So why do our Children know so little about History, Guns and Gun Safety, and Faith??? That is Simple. We Quit Teaching Them. We watered down our World and American History so they'd fit in a Standardized Test, we quit teaching Gun Safety (yes we used to teach it in Public Schools). We also quit, Shop, Home Economics, Civics, Bible Studies, Geography, and Cursive (we wouldn't want a kid to try and read a Colonial Document written in cursive would we?)
No, we now teach or rather Indoctrinate Communist Doctrine, now referred to as "Common Core Curriculum" by the Teacher's Unions. The Communist Doctrine is hidden cleverly in the Questions and Answers. The Problems cleverly made more confusing to cover up what is really being taught. No, problems that are too hard to figure out teach the child to rely on Government for their answers. No independent thinking, no confidence in their intellect, or Pride of Accomplishment.
No, these High School Scholars didn't come up with this #NationalStudentWalkout on their own, they were coached by the Obama/Soros/OFA Shadow Government and told where to protest to gain maximum Coverage by the Complicit Leftist Media. It was all part of the #ResistTrumpMovement. Obama and his OFA Community Agitators told them where to march and what formations and symbols to display. OFA planned the Routes, times and Press Coverage.
Obama and Soros used our own children as Pawns to help overthrow our Duly Elected President, and our School Boards stood down and allowed them to do it. Sad Day in American History. Let's Pray we Wise Up and Survive it. Amen!!!