So this morning, The Media, including The Arkansas Democrat Gazette, The New York Times, Face the Nation, even Fox News are Piling on the President, his Wife, Sarah Sanders, and making excuses for Mean, Callus and Foul Restaurants, Nasty-mouthed Peter Fonda, our Governor A$A "Big Money" Hutchison, and anybody else that will take a swipe at Trump.
My friend won't read between the lies, he only sees the Propaganda. He believes the Lies; that is much easier than thinking. He believes the Fake Polls that is easier than actually counting. He thinks it is Trump who is Lying no matter how obvious it is the other way around. He looks at the Lying Time Magazine Cover and sees (He thinks!) Donald Trump looking down (literally) at a helpless child yanked away from her mother. Not so! That child, was a pawn of her mother they were never separated by Homeland Security or Ice at any time, she was separated for the photo op by Trump Protesters. The reason she was crying was that her mother had kidnapped her from her Father so she could enter the U.S. Illegally and could use the child as a pawn to claim asylum. The Mother knew the ropes, she had already been Deported once in 2013 and had been coached by Leftist Lawyers on what to say this time. She was NOT escaping Violence that was a Scripted Lie coached by the Lawyers. She had Paid Human Traffickers $1,600.00 (U.S value) to help her cross the Border, ignoring available Ports of Entry to come in Legally. No, she was looking for Work and Welfare Payments and Freebees, not Asylum.
Time and the other Media didn't Apologize for these Lies and all the misinformation. They didn't print a Retraction. They didn't care that my Friend remained uninformed and without a clue of what was really going on. He stares at the fake Time Cover and assumes the little girl is crying because of the Rich Guy Trump. If anything Trump is the little girl's Beacon of Hope. The Government didn't separate her from her Custodial Father, a greedy Mother did. Now she has been handed by Judges and Trump's Executive Order back to her mother. The Left got its cruel way, she is once again a Pawn. But hopefully the Judge will separate her from her kidnappers and send her home to her Father.
As I sit here disgusted, watching Fox News; Trying to be Fair and Balanced? Maybe. But what I see are more lies from the Left than balanced counterthought. More confusion than accuracy in reporting, exasperated Republican Congressmen and Senators, Vindictive and Dishonest Democrat voices. We have to build a Wall and force all entry through Legal Ports of Entry so we can end this nonsense and sadness. We have to Reform Journalism, bring it back to the Standards in once Strictly Enforced when I studied Journalism in 1970. For as I judge Journalism Today it is Dead. Truth, Values, Ethics, and Morals are totally Absent. Absolute Chaos for lack of Truth.