Most of us, myself included, have things in our past we would prefer stay far forgotten in the past. I am sure Trump has any number of embarrassing things himself. But he doesn't deserve ten thousand Pit Bulls digging up his back yard looking for bones that are only malicious gossip and rumor. Reporters never mention the awards he has received from Black groups for instance; No, Trump is wrongly portrayed as a racist. Likewise his acts as a Good Samaritan are never lauded by the press. The only news reported concerning Trump is Negative News, and that I contend is blatantly unfair.
A Rumor or Malicious Gossip never rises to the level of a News Story deserving coverage. News Outlet after News Outlet has piled on anything relating to Trump like a feral pack of ravenous Pit Bulls instead of practicing honorable Journalism. The attacks on Trump were vicious, they were relentless, and they were deliberate. Whether these idiots have the sense to realize it or not Donald J. Trump is the Duly Elected President of the United States. He is our elected Leader. He deserves our Respect whether we like his Tweets or not.
Trump will likely be our President for Two Terms. That is Six more years of Make America Great Again, keeping Promises, Creating Jobs in the Private Sector, and Solving Problems. Obstructionists be damned. We have to support Our President.
The Media needs a crash course in Real Journalism. I studied Journalism under and Old-Time Professor named Tex Plunket. He believed, as do I, that a Story must be more than a Rumor to be reported on. There has to be a Who, a What, a Where, a Why, a When and even a How to a real story. If the Writer cannot define these things the story is not newsworthy. If you cannot report honestly and impartially, don't report. If you can't report fairly and balance or eliminate Politics then you have no business calling yourself a reporter.
The Media needs a crash course in Real Journalism. I studied Journalism under and Old-Time Professor named Tex Plunket. He believed, as do I, that a Story must be more than a Rumor to be reported on. There has to be a Who, a What, a Where, a Why, a When and even a How to a real story. If the Writer cannot define these things the story is not newsworthy. If you cannot report honestly and impartially, don't report. If you can't report fairly and balance or eliminate Politics then you have no business calling yourself a reporter.
These common courtesies have rarely been extended to Our President. It is time for dozens upon dozens of Media Giants to take stock of themselves and Apologize to Donald J. Trump, and do it Formally and in Bold Type. If they really look critically and honestly at Our President, they will see a Great Man, a Budding Statesman, and I believe History will soon record this man so scorned and abused by the Press as The Greatest American President since Abraham Lincoln. Wake Up America, it is time to smell the Roses of Prosperity.