Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Obama Wrong Again, this time Challenging God

            I get tired of speaking about this subject, but "President" Obama who is already masquerading as POTUS without being a natural born citizen, came out after last night's dismal primary results Desparate for homosexual votes (or any kind of votes) and endorsed Homosexual Marriage.
          @ All the immoral (or too silly to understand) people who don't support the Bible and God's abhorance of what He calls the Abomination (or rotten stench) of Homosexuality, you are arguing, as Obama is, with your Creator, not mere public opinion. What homosexuals do and what they believe is between them and the same God who destroyed Sodom, but it is certainly not wise. Jesus said of marriage between a man and a woman, "let not man put assunder, that which God hath joined together", in a foolish comment one poster on MSN's page earlier today wrongly said, "Jesus would endorse his gay neighbor". That is simply not what the Bible proves and clearly teaches. It was specifically The Angel of the LORD (preincarnate Jesus) who personally destroyed Sodom and Gomorah for the specific sin of Homosexuality. The book of Daniel also tells us that the Anti-Christ himself will be a homosexual. Satan always trys to pervert God's way of Living and perverting wholesome and natural marriage between a man and a woman is a perfect example of Satan's work here on earth. Wake up America. Jesus Destroyed Sodom for the same thing America is becoming, a den of homosexual depravity!

1 comment:

  1. I must agree. How sad to watch as the country we love steadily stumbles toward the fall that could so easily be prevented if people would only wake up to what is really happening and turn once again to the one true God.
