Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Thanksgiving, The Last Untainted Christian Holiday

     Thanksgiving was the Pilgrim's attempt to Celebrate God's Feast of Tabernacles. Some day soon now, after Christ's Return, The Feast of Tabernacles will be the Only Holiday Celebrated in this World. (And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles. 17 And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain. 18 And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that have no rain; there shall be the plague, wherewith the Lord will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles. 19 This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles. )
Zech 14:16-19

     Thanksgiving has remained the least tainted of Christian Holidays. Christmas is not only on the wrong date, it is totally corrupted by Pagan elves, magical flying reindeer, a fictional Santa roughly based on a comedic representation of God's own face somehow making fun of God's own white beard and his laugh. But God isn't just a jolly man; He is a Just God who never laughs at Sin; and it isn't whether we are Naughty or Nice that gets us to Heaven, it is whether we accept Christ as our Personal Savior or Not?

     Likewise Resurrection Sunday is tainted by the Goddess Ishtar so badly that we have renamed God's Most Holy Day in Dishonor "Easter" for the Goddess of Fertility. Ishtar, Easter and Astarte are all names for the same False Goddess and Idol. Her Pagan symbols were the Rabbit and the Painted Egg. Long before Christ, pagan children painted eggs and hunted for them in decorated baskets in honor of pagan deities, now we Celebrate the same Pagan Holiday as "Easter".
     Thanksgiving, at least thus far, has remained untainted, except for Gluttony, Turkey Gravy, and Sales Quotas at Department Stores and has escaped the Onslaught of Paganism. It is still a Day to Thank God for His Many Blessings; and boy do we have a lot to Thank Him for this year. Franklin Graham has rightly said, "I believe that God’s hand intervened Tuesday night to stop the godless, atheistic progressive agenda from taking control of our country." Graham was one of the Thousands of Christians who had called for Prayers of Millions more Christians to Deliver our Land from the clutches of Leftists Bigots.
     This Election saved our Church, our Constitution, our Republic, our economic futures, our Stock Market, our job prospects, and so much more. If Hillary had been elected we would have lost it all. Satan would have been rejoicing instead of Patriots.
     The Question on this Morning's Talk Shows was "can Families survive Political Discussion at the Thanksgiving Table?" No one asked that question 4 years ago when Obama was reelected. I was badly depressed and devastated that voters had so blindly elected such an inept and unqualified man for a 2nd term; but no one worried about my feelings. They simply implied, falsely, that I was a Racist for not wanting Obama.
      One of my Family Members says she can't trust Trump. What??? Really??? We just get rid of the most untrustworthy President in U.S. History, and she can't trust Trump? The man is transparent to a fault with an endless parade of Cabinet Candidates easily visible; no secret meetings, no smoky back room politics. A happy end of Politics as we knew it.
     So carve the Turkey, spiral slice the ham, pile on the dressing, heap on the sweet potato casserole, and have a second helping of Cranberry Sauce. While you slice the Pumpkin Pie reflect on how much we accomplished by electing Donald Trump. Our kids, our Grandkids, our Great Grandkids will still have Thanksgiving thanks to this election, thanks to this election we still have our Constitution, our Freedom, our Liberty. We almost lost it all folks. It was almost all gone forever. The people that voted for Hillary voted to end it, they may not have understood that was what they had been programed into voting for, but that was the truth of the matter. We almost lost it all.
     Thanks to getting the Christian Vote out we Saved our Country. Thank You Jesus!!!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Why these Idiots are Protesting

     Most Americans are happy with the thought of a Donald J. Trump Presidency. The Stock Market so many wrongly presumed would tank, is more than happy with the Presidential change. So why are these Leftist Idiots protesting? Very simply, they now realize they are about to have to go to work for their living. Gone are the free Food Stamps, Obama Phones, and projected further handouts. Gone is the assurance they can stay in their little corner of Mom's Basement and live off the Government while playing Video Games.
     It suddenly becomes apparent that a Philosophy degree, with a minor in Tree Hugging, won't make Little Johnny a living in the Trump Business World. There has been an abrupt realization that the Leftist Professors have been Lying about all they have said. The Free World after all is built on Capitalism and not Communism. Henry Ford didn't build his empire by hugging a tree, or attending a class on stress. He did it by hard work and Logical Thinking; something sadly absent in the American Educational System.
      So instead of studying why Fruit Flies stress out over the presence of Pesticides, it seems Johnny may have to give up his degree in Fruit Fly Happiness and Security, and go to a Trade School to learn to fix his neighbor's Air Conditioner, or how to Weld a Boxcar.
Welding is hot, and smelly, and not as much fun as blasting Purple Sea Urchins before your Unicorn's Horn implodes into a Blue Plasma Screen. Not as much fun, but far more necessary; Work is a Four Letter Word to Today's Leftist Student.
     With not enough actual Education to flip a burger, these Common Core Communist toddlers are not prepared for a trade school or an actual job. They can barely get their shoes tied and out the door by Nine, much less compete in an actual Job Market.
      They neither understand Capitalism, nor a Logical Work Ethic. Pampered and un-Bullied, they have never had fight and work their way up an Economic Ladder and they don't like the thought of learning how to do so.
      So like any other Spoiled Brat they throw a fit. They drag a mail box or trash can into the street and light it with their Bic Lighter. Instead of waving a Flag to celebrate the Election, they stomp on and Burn Our Stars and Stripes. The Symbol of Freedom becomes their enemy. They no longer Love Freedom they now turn to Anarchy; to Rebellion, and Rioting, and Law Breaking. Everything they suspected Donald J. Trump of representing; they have become. The Puppets of George Soros and the Left have become the very identity of what they protest. Insanity rules in their street. A natural result of Communist thinking.      

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

My Election Prediction

     Back in early August I made a prediction that Donald J. Trump would win the 2016 Election in a huge Landslide. I stick by that Prediction and here is why:

     Donald Trump is gaining daily in the Women's Vote, especially the Black Woman Vote and with the younger women.

     Donald Trump is also gaining daily in the Black Vote. Blacks everywhere are wising up. The Democrat Party has failed them, in fact enslaved them for many years now. They are beginning to see the reality that the Democrat Party wants to only use them and keep them by Poverty in their evil grasp.

     Latinos and other Legal Immigrants Love Donald Trump. They see their Jobs and benefits going to illegal immigrants just like the rest of us do.

     People are beginning to see how dishonest the American Media has been in reporting. Journalism, as I studied it, is dead and gone. The Media of today is so ensnared by Political Correctness, and the Leftist Ideology that it has no eyes and ears of its own. The George Soros owned Media Matters has pushed the Associated Press and normal Media Megastores out of business. The Evening News is read to a waiting U.S. Audience off a Media Matters Approved Propaganda Sheet each evening. Viewers are spoon fed Government and George Soros approved stories no matter what the actual news is, and Americans are sick of it.

     The Polls like the media are biased. Almost uniformly the Polls are constructed with a 7 to 10% Democrat Sample Bias. If you sample 10% more Democrats then of course Hillary is ahead. Worse the questions are biased. My wife had a pollster beg her to change her opinion; and not only the questions are biased, the list of people being called is weighted so that Leftist leaning respondents are in the Majority. Again Voters are sick of it. Polls are alarmingly dishonest and are used by the Crooked Media to warp the election in the Democrat Party's favor. Don't Believe the Polls; at least not until you go inside the data and subtract the Democrat Weighted Bias. eg: Poll says Hillary by 7% go in, subtract excess Democrats Polled say 10% in our example. What you wind up with is a 3% Trump advantage. I say again; Don't Believe the Polls.

     Don't Believe the Pundits either. Remember when Fox News sits two opposing Pundits across from each other for a "Fair and Balanced" Political Discussion, both Pundits are hired guns for their respective parties. They are not only being paid by Fox for the segment, they are paid by their Party and graded on their performance. Paid Political Guns don't say what they believe, most anyway, they say what they are paid to say.

      Many Democrats are voting for Donald Trump. Most people want to Make America Great Again, even those who have called themselves Democrats because their Daddy was a Democrat. Unbiased thinkers can easily see how Dirty Hillary is. They won't Vote for a Crook. Many Bernie Democrats are voting mad. The Bernie crowd may not be very smart or Politically enlightened, but they are rightly mad at Hillary for cheating. But the majority of thinking Democrats will simply Vote for Donald Trump because it is the right thing to do.

     More Christians will Vote this Election. They wrongly sat on their pews the last two elections and didn't vote. They listened to False Teaching about separation of church and State and stayed home because they weren't enthusiastic about McCain or the Mormon Romney. They are now seeing that they should have Voted the Bible and done their Patriotic Duty of Voting. A Thinking Christian can only Vote for one Candidate. Not Hillary. She is pro Abortion, (Premeditated Murder), and Homosexual Marriage, (an Abomination). 

     Conservatives will be faithful. Even the Never Trumpers will come around when the are trying to hold their nose and vote for Hillary or waste their Vote. They will do the right thing when the time comes in the Voting Booth.

     Even so, if you haven't Voted, Get Out and do it. We need your Vote to Make America Great Again.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

The Duty of the Christian Vote

     What follows is a short Sermon from Dr. Jimmy A. Millikin. Dr. Millikin is a former Pastor and Friend. Like myself and as a Christian Jimmy finds himself in the same pickle as the rest of us; how to vote for a loudmouthed, hardheaded, candidate who is only our choice because he is the only logical choice. As Christians we have a duty to never vote for Abortion which is Premeditated Murder. We have a duty to vote against Sexual Immorality which is exhibited in the Democrat Party platform which supports not only homosexuality itself, but the destruction of God's Marriage Covenant and the Abomination of Homosexual Marriage. We have a duty to elect someone who will select Conservative Supreme Court Judges to prevent the current downward spiral of out Supreme Court into the cesspool of Progressivism. Donald Trump has released a list of very suitable Judges he promises to appoint, while Clinton has sworn to select Judges that would support Abortion and further sexual immorality.
     As Christians, our task is clear. Support the lesser of two seemingly bad choices and let God protect us. That after all is what we have to do every day in any daily situation. Trust God. I do, and I will be voting for Donald Trump. God used Pharaoh, and He used Nebuchadnezzar. Both were strong willed, and overly proud men. Yet when the time came for their decisions they did what God's Will dictated. Our trust is as always in God, not in Trump.
Here is what Dr. Jimmy said:

"I preached tonight on "The Cure for a Troubled Heart" (Jn. 14). I really needed to me reminded of that myself, for my heart has been particularly troubled today. I was troubled at the barrage of anti Trump comments from evangelicals, some in high places of influence. But more particularly I am troubled by some of my close and cherished friends, friends with whom I have stood, and in some cases at personal costs, who have joined the chorus with charges against those of us who
...have decided to vote for the lesser of two evils with hypocrisy. The plain fact of life is that there are times when one is faced with having to chose between two goods and must chose the better one, and in this fallen world one is faced with a choice between two wrongs and must chose the lesser one. In living out biblical principles there are times when a Christian is faced with two duties or commandments but cannot keep both of them. To keep one, one will be broken. For example a Christian wife is instructed to be in subjection to her husband as the head of the family (Eph 5:22), but as a Christian she is instructed to forsake not the assembling of herself with the church body (Heb 10:25). If her husband forbids her to attend church, which is she to obey? If she obeys her husband, then she disobeys the command to assembly herself. She must decided which has the priority. So, I am not happy with Trump but I am more displeased with Hillary. I deeply resent the implication that I am rejecting my Christian principles by choosing the lesser of two evils, especially since I believe the choice will eventually result in the most good.
So today I have had that troubled heart, and needed to be reminded of Jesus's instruction: "Let not your heart be troubled." I can actually claim, I was helped by my own sermon. I can now lay me down to sleep comforted with Jesus's words: "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth...Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid" (Jn 14:27). So with a clear conscience I will go on supporting Trump against Hillary and will rejoice with great joy if he is victorious. That joy may turn to weeping before four years are over, but at this moment I cast my vote for Trump and would like to invite all who may read this to join me."

     Join myself and Dr. Millikin. Please get out the Vote for Donald Trump. Our Republic depends on it. The current discussions about Donald are disgusting. But the revelations about Hillary and the Clinton Foundation are far worse. Your Country and your Church needs your Vote. Vote Donald Trump. We can work to rebuild a Conservative Party after the Election. Right now
we need to save a country. 

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Open Your Eyes Christian Voter

     And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.
2 Kings 6:17 (KJV)

     It does make a difference how we vote. The notion in today's Church that we are supposed to have a wall between us and our Political Ideology and Opinion is a Falsehood straight from Satan. God want's you to Vote the Bible. God wants you to get up off your Pew and Stand Up for Christian Values. He doesn't just want you to sit on a pew one Day a week and act like you're listening to the Preacher. He wants you out on the street Monday sharing with the world in whatever way you are capable The Witness and Saving Knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and ALL His Precepts. That's a huge job that most of us fail miserably at.
     Many of us are out in the world, doing our thing, practicing our own form of being a Christian while mostly forgetting that we are the Only Bible many Lost Souls will ever Read. If they don't see us doing the right thing, how will they know not to do the wrong things? We are the ones who are supposed to have a Personal Relationship with the Living God on a Daily Basis. Why do we forget to show it and march out on paths that God did not Ordain for us. We trounce blindly down our Path like Balaam.

Then the Lord opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the angel of the Lord standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand: and he bowed down his head, and fell flat on his face.
Num 22:31 (KJV)

     Like Balaam many Christians ramble down a path to please our Government, our Clubs, our Sports Teams, our Civic Organizations, and our Political Party without ever praying and asking God how He wants us to behave in those endeavors. Even what some Pastors are teaching on Sundays is False to God's Doctrine. The Bible is clear on that. Even Satan Himself will be Preaching from a Pulpit somewhere this very Sunday. It will probably be a Big Congregation somewhere or on TV, but it might be your Church, your Pastor who had fallen for Satan's deception. Open you eyes, look at you path, look at what you are being told and taught. Check it out in the Bible yourself in Prayerful Meditation. The Lord will not fail to show you the lighted path. He will however wait for you to Open Your Spiritual Eyes. Pant for that enlightenment just like it was Water from a Brook.

     Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth.
Isaiah 40:26 (KJV)

      And Jesus said unto them, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
Mark 4:9 (KJV)

     So just who are we supposed to Vote for? We know from the Bible that whoever wins the Election in Question will be Ordained (for whatever God's Reason) to be our next President. Like Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar God Himself will control His/her actions, OR God will allow Satan to use our new Leader to continue the Evil Path we are currently following.
      Don't just look at the outward man Donald Trump. Sure "if" he is a Christian, he is a baby one. Sure he is sometimes loud and bullheaded. But he is a winner. Look at the Bible. How many times did God install the Greatest Spiritual Warrior in the Country as the King? Not very often. Usually the men and women God chooses for his purposes are the most moldable in His Eyes.
     I cannot see Hillary Clinton as moldable to God's will. She is NOT a practicing Christian. She has called for the Church to allow the Barbaric Practice of Premeditated Murder by Abortion in the place of Birth Control and sensible thinking before a woman gets get Pregnant. You don't kill a Baby because your boyfriend forgot to wear a condom. Our Permissive society passes out condoms in Grade Schools but ignores the Godly Precept of not having sex before Marriage. Then like Canaanites sacrificing live babies on the Molten Hot Arms of Moloch, American women sacrifice their babies to the God of Selfish Escape from Responsibility. Hillary Clinton is the Champion of that mentality.
     Hillary talks falsely about Donald's temperament, but lies to cover up her own. She is known in all her circles as a Mean, Nasty, Vengeful, Crude, foul-mouthed tyrant, and even Ruthless in her treatment of Staff, Security Guards, Secret Service Agents and of course Bill. She is documented as giving Bill a Black Eye, and throwing a blue vase at him at the Whitehouse. She is also documented as cussing Secret Service Agents for just saying "hello". She hates bomb sniffing dogs too and cusses them. She has a violent, wild, and uncontrollable temper. These bad personality traits are further complicated by an all too well reported penchant for Drinking too much.
     That's all for Hillary except to mention carelessness in handling E-mails and classified materials, and of course disregard for truth and Human Lives in Benghazi. Oh!, and dark relationships with Rich Saudi and Iranian donors and even Russia, for dark and dishonest favors, like gun running and uranium deals, from the Whitehouse and the State Department.
     No Christian in their right mind could vote for Hillary, but What else are we supposed to vote against? Here is a list:

* The Democrat Party - Their Platform calls for the Murder of Infants by premeditated Abortion, the sin of Homosexual Marriage and the destruction of the American Family and Godly Marriage Covenant. The Party is also now more properly classified as The Socialist Democrat Party. Hitler was the original Socialist Democrat.

* Liberalism, Progressivism, and Socialism are just varying degrees of Communism which discourages the Worship of God by replacing it with worship of the State.

* Libertarianism - Freedom is great, Liberty is wonderful; but Freedom from ethical and moral responsibility is Sin. Libertarianism goes too far. Smoking Pot and drug use is not what God wants His Children doing.

* Gambling, Casinos, Lotteries - Every election somewhere each year we hear Politicians, usually rich schemers from outside our own State, tout bringing in the Casinos so other states don't get all the money and it stays within our borders. What a farce. The Money goes to line the Fat Cat's Pockets somewhere else and our schools get a few leftovers while our innocent citizens shell out grocery money for a one in Ten Million chance at nothing.

* Homosexuality - An Abomination in God's Eyes, any venture into Homosexuality is a Sin. No one is Born Homosexual, it is a choice to venture into sexual perversion and eventually leads to a reprobate mind. The word Transsexual is a manufactured concept to deceive and cover sin. It has been said that God would have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah if he fails to punish the United States for the evil road into Homosexuality they are following.

* Never Trump Movement - I refuse to pull any punches here. Never Trump is Stupid. I believe that Donald J. Trump is in this race to Make America Great Again. God Himself knows we need someone to do exactly that. Unemployed coal miners and people forced to work 2 or 3 part time jobs know that. You as a voter should know that. Only two people on the ballot have a possibility of winning the election. A vote for the Green or Libertarian Party is a wasted vote, but worse, far worse, it might be the one vote taken away from Donald Trump that might allow Hillary and her Evil Cohorts to steal the election. So Stupid. So Wasted. So uneducated. As stated earlier, God Ordains all Governmental Officials. God will direct the path of Donald J. Trump. Timidity on our part in voting is counterproductive. You Vote, let God do the Leading. He can and will use Donald Trump. 

     So go Vote. It is not too late for most people to register for the November Elections. Study the Ballot. But Vote the Bible. Don't vote for Democrats, don't vote for homosexuals. Don't vote for drug and gambling advocates. Vote for Judges who will oppose Abortion. Vote for local School Board members who will get rid of Common Core Curriculum which is really Communist Indoctrination. Think what would Jesus do and vote. Vote the Bible. Act Like a Christian. Be one. Vote like one.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

America's Status in understanding Islamic Ideology

What is America’s Status in understanding Islamic Ideology?

      America is not at a Crossroad in its relations to Islam. America is sound asleep. The average American Citizen has no idea, even a wild idea, of what the Koran says, who Muslims worship, or what their risks are as this huge Army of Islamic Invaders March on Europe and the United States. Even our Christian Churches, which should know better, tout the old stale Lie that Islam is a “Religion of Peace”. Nothing could be farther from the truth. If that is being taught in your Church you Pastors are victims of false teaching.
      First of all the word Islam DOES NOT mean Peace and never has. It means Submission. Either you submit and convert to Islam or you are an infidel and must be eliminated. The Koran allows one to pay taxes and live in peace temporarily but only temporarily. Eventually you either convert to Islam, or lose your head quite literally. There is no tolerance of other Religions in Islam; they kill all other faiths equally, with the exception of specifically Hating Christianity.
      To understand Islam one must go back to the reason for the Crusades. Far from being a mistake by the early Christian (Catholic) Church the Crusades began as a desperate attempt to drive back an overwhelming Muslim Invasion of Europe, the Mideast, and Northern Africa. Muslim barbarians were everywhere, burning, looting, raping, and brutally taking anything in their path they wanted. Crusades were organized to drive back these armies of thugs, thieves, and rapists. Sure there were evil things the Crusaders did especially their treatment of innocent Jewish People who should have been protected instead of persecuted, but the Crusades began as a defensive push to rid Europe of Barbaric Invaders.
      The entire 1,400 year history of Islam has been one of Hate and Persecution of all people not worshiping the moon god allah. Let’s get this one Fact Straight! Mohammed was NOT a Religious man. He was a common thug with his sole mission to grab all the Power, wealth, and influence he could to build his own fortune. He took the Torah and the early Epistles of Christ, plagiarized them, and took what he wanted as he reorganized it into an ideology to fit his own very Political needs. He picked one Idol, out of hundreds of Bedouin Pagan Idols, to be the god of his new religion. Bedouins had long prayed to the Black Meteorite Cornerstone in the Kaaba, so he kept that ritualistic custom as part of his new Religious Cult. Islam was never about Religion, it was all about Controlling Masses of People. Whole verses of the Bible were turned around, twisted, rewritten, and reversed. Abraham’s illegitimate son was turned into the primary heir and so on. Jesus, the Creator of the Universe, was relegated to the lowly status of just a Prophet; while Mohammed the thug himself became his own great prophet. In common language the entire Koran is a bunch of barbaric Phooey and Pork Baloney. Mohammed told so may Lies he had to make up new verses to cover it. Now, if you want to Lie to promote Islam, it is called Taqaayi. Supposedly, A verse from god to cover a sin? Sad!
      Now the average Muslim out there has never even read the Koran (Qur’an). He or she has no idea of what it says inside. They just know they are expected to pray to a supreme god at appointed times, bow toward Mecca, and do what the Imams and other leaders tell them. So where do these extremists and terrorists come from?
      Some people, for whatever reason, are more spiritual than others. Some search for God and begin to read and study Religion. Muslims who search for God, have only the Koran where there is only a paper and ink god; a pagan idol. But in the Koran, the Evil mind of Satan is revealed. The reader looking for god, finds greed, power, satisfaction for lusts, along with all the ritualistic devices he needs to make them a reality in his own life. Islamic Power is absolute, it steamrolls over everything and every person who stands in the way.
      ISIS, not incorrectly pronounced ISIL as Obama says, is busy on the internet recruiting these souls in the early stages of adulthood; redirecting their search for god into enlistment in Satan’s Army of Islamic Terror. Other recruiting groups call themselves Al Qaeda, or a dozen other names all trying to fill their niche in the world of Terrorism. Children are taught to murder, slash, and hate from the age of three. Mock Executions of Christians and other infidels are practiced in preschools on a daily basis. Children are taught to hate and kill and conquer.
      Sharia Schools don’t teach factual history, they don’t teach love thy neighbor, they don’t teach many actual events even denying the Holocaust. Young Muslims have no concept of Freedom, Liberty, Justice, Equality, Absolute Truth, or even Love. They don’t even think about those things, to the point of being totally or almost totally uncivilized as a people. But they are raised to know how to kill infidels. (That is You). The one thing a Muslim understands is how to kill.
      Right now we have thousands upon thousands of Syrian and other Refugees marching in waves into Europe. Fleeing from their own intolerances, hate, and violence. No one other than God Himself knows who these individuals are. They have no records, just their clothing and a bedroll. (and of course cell phone and/or burn phones). If they have a Passport, Visa, or ID chances are it is fake or stolen. Any Bureaucrat claiming these ratty throngs can be Vetted is an idiot. Other than facial recognition software picking up the faces of known terrorists and fingerprint records for some convicts, there is no data base for 99.9% of unknown refugees. No such data base yet exists.
      Hillary Clinton and the Progressive (communist) Left want to usher thousands of completely unknown and non-vetted refugees into our country, thinking (not thinking actually) that the refugees will automatically be Democrat Voters. The left should know there is no democracy in Islam, Never! Islam and Sharia Law is incompatible with any other form of government. Islam must rule over all other laws and precepts. Sharia is Supreme.
      American Immigration used to be by peoples who were coming to America to become Americans, to live the American Dream, to enjoy and celebrate American Values and Freedom. Immigrants used to come to America with the understanding that they had to learn the Language, the Customs, and the basics of the Constitution to assimilate into the general Population. We should not encourage any immigration that does not fit into these parameters.  We, not a bunch of Imams, have the right to decide who comes to our Country and under what circumstances. If an immigrant cannot contribute to the Economy and Society in a beneficial manor we don’t need them. If they cannot fully assimilate, we don’t need them or want them.
      Sure we need to be compassionate for those displaced by Middle Eastern Warfare. We need to select a section of territory in Syria, build a refugee camp, and supply the residents with food, water, shelter, and medical supplies. Herd them in till their compatriots stop fighting and take care of them. Not import them and all the troubles they bring with them. If they can’t get along with each other, how are they supposed to get along in a country they can’t understand?
     Until every single Muslim can be identified, vetted and certified sane and non-terrorist, we need to prohibit all Muslim immigration to the United States. Further all travel to Muslim Countries should be one way, with no return. Too many kids travel to Muslim Countries and are radicalized. Once they are infected we don’t need them back. Islamic Doctrine is a disease of the mind that always ends in violence and terrorism. It is written into the Koran that way. There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. Moderates just wait patiently for the radicals to do their dirty work. Sadly the only way a Muslim can contribute to the vitality of the United States is to cease being a Muslim and their own cultish religion even forbids that.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Do You Want to Talk Black or get a Job

     If I were a small business owner looking for bright new employees what would I look for? Enthusiasm, neat appearance, training potential, and language skills. Pretty simple. I was raised in the era of MLK Jr.
    My generation of white folks was about the least racist that had come along in many generation. Paragould was almost a white town back then. I didn't have much experience with blacks, but I sheltered no hidden animosity. How I dealt with blacks in the Navy and later in life is a long story and not the subject here, but suffice it to say I learned blacks sometimes had that hidden animosity towards me. Today I have a whole host of black friends on Twitter and Facebook. But what do I see in the outside black community today?
     The Picture isn't good. Enthusiasm in the black community is low if not missing. I see, (mind you this is my minds picture and I am not there among them), young black men hanging out on street corners, or basketball courts, having given up going out and looking for a job. That is what I see on TV; that is my mind's picture of what daily black life is like, but I hope it isn't true.
     As far as neat appearance goes, some blacks are neat dressers, some dress for black community acceptance. I see some who dress for approval in the business community ridiculed by blacks in that other community. That is unfortunate.
Training potential is low based on education. Blacks from many neighborhoods don't do well in school. This is not just my opinion, it is based on well published testing.
     Now to a main point regarding language skills. If I were interviewing a young black man or woman and they pronounced the word ask as axe, would I hire them? Sadly no! My personal opinion is that if they do not care enough to learn to enunciate the English Language properly, they probably won't take any more care in learning job tasks.
     When I see video of rioters in Milwaukee, Chicago, Baltimore, or Ferguson I see angry protesters who have apparently given up hope of being heard in traditional political channels. I also see community members practically illiterate when trying to communicate in the English Language. No wonder they feel hopeless at being heard. I don't see stay at home mammas overseeing kids homework and correcting their hanging participles. The mammas are not there because they are out working as single mothers. Daddies are not there at night reading a newspaper and/or Bible around the fireplace. Grandma may go to Church on Sunday and take the Grandkids, but Church isn't the Family Institute it used to be in America. No, kids do homework on their own if they do it at all. They get dressed for bed on their own and are fortunate if they see mamma fix breakfast. They see their dad pointed out by mom on a street corner once or twice a month. No wonder the do poorly in a Common Core School with regimented tests. They were left behind before the school year even started.
     One of the main talking points for Black Lives Matter is their bullet against Charter Schools, even though Black Students have proven to excel in Charter Schools and test far above those taught by the prepackaged, Teacher Union Taught, students in public school. Black Lives Matter is ironically doing all it can to make sure that Black Kids don't matter. BLM is teaching kids all the wrong things. Common Core Curriculum, which is nothing more than Communist Indoctrination, is doing the same, dumbing down our kids, black and white. We need Parents helping kids with homework daily. We need after School Church led study hall tutoring programs. We need the Bible taught in school like our first Congress of this United States dictated it be taught; In the English Language our kids need to succeed in business and in daily life.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Democrat Denial Deceit Deception

     What a visible contrast the 2 National Political Conventions have turned out to be. One, the RNC was a Literal Parade of Patriots, a Celebration of America's Greatness, a heartfelt call for Security and Safety for our Citizens, a call for Truth and Wisdom with all the Flags, Patriotic Music, bells and whistles.
     The other the DNC a collage of clowns, of political shills, cheap hack propaganda, dancing organ grinder monkeys and puppets on political strings. It seemed that most if not all the speakers at the DNC were trying more than anything not to choke getting all the lies out, so embarrassed by the facts they hid all the U.S. Flags behind that ugly dull blue curtain.

     Sure the delegates at the DNC have dreams of what America ought to be. Nothing wrong with that. Dreams are great. Look at Republican Martin Luther King Jr.'s Dream. It changed the world. But how to go about achieving a dream is not by electing the very people who got America in this present mess.
     Yes, Trump is right; Leadership in America is a Mess; Obama is a Disaster, Hillary is a Disaster, Obamacare is a Disaster; and yet Obama is holding back an announcement until December (after the election) that Obamacare Premiums are going up 60% over an already unbearable level. More people are without Health Care today than before Obama took office. The "Affordable Health Care Program" is anything but affordable. Add the ridiculous $5,000+ deductibles and the increasingly hostile network of HMO dead ends, guillotines, and running the gauntlet of endless documentation is unbearable. We don't actually have a health care program at all. We have a Health Insurance Nightmare of Confusion, Insurance Companies and HMOs are making millions on Premiums innocent tax payers don't get anything for. All the funds are stolen or taxed away and even the doctors don't make anything. Good Doctors are just leaving the system and leaving patients to face long lines and rationing of care.
     That is just one of the many issues the DNC is hiding and covering up. There are hundreds of hidden scandals and dark secrets the DNC doesn't want their little sleeping sheep to know about. Instead in their convention we got a parade of activists outlining problems. No solutions other than some list Hillary had put them on, no results other than vague studies, no plan other than saying "Hillary has a plan" well NEWS FLASH: Hillary has had many plans, but I have yet to see any of them put into any meaningful action. Empty talk, like $15.00 wages, always remains empty talk. It never accomplishes anything but increasing the confusion, and we all know that Satan is the author of all confusion.
     So Slick Willie, Bill Clinton came out and told the story of how he courted Hillary Rodham? Big deal!
Who cares. At this point what difference does it make? He wasted America's time for an hour to get our mind off all her mistakes. He failed to mention all his mistresses, his and Hillary's Disbarments, his impeachment, Benghazi, Whitewater? Where were all the scandals Bill? Oh yea, all right wing conspiracy theories. All 500 or so of them I guess.
     We had two men and at least one woman come out to endorse Hillary who had marched at one time with Republican Martin Luther King, Jr. How could they stand so close to this great man and not hear a thing he said? MLK would have been so embarrassed at the DNC2016. What ever happened to his dream, it was actively exorcised and demonized at the DNC in Philadelphia. Black Lives Matter would be a joke if it wasn't so sad. It has been rightly said if all lives don't matter none ever will. Black lives matter just as much as white lives matter. That has been true in this white boy's life for 70 years, not just because of MLK Jr. but because it is true. Police lives matter, Veteran's Lives Matter, and boy do Soldier's Lives Matter. Thug's Lives, and thug is a legitimate term, matter too but for a far different reason, a negative reason. Thugs are what caused a lot of the misunderstandings about Police. Trump said it right this morning. 1,000,000 times a day brave Police go out to protect Americans; but if out of one hundred thousand calls, even one goes bad, guess what the Press focuses on? Right, the mistake, the error, the one racist or maybe just stupid reaction out of 1,000,000 or even 1 Million.
     Just before Bill came out at the DNC we saw a victim of Sexual Slavery. Her escape had nothing to do with Hillary of course, as scripted as it was, but it was comical in a spooky kind of way that Bill, has been caught again recently riding down to the Caribbean with a man under investigation for a teen sex slavery ring. Bill likes em young. I know that from personal experience, standing right next to him, while he eyeballed an innocent young lady of my acquaintance.
     Enough of Bill. Hillary just recently won the Margaret Sanger Award. She has stated publically how much she admires Sanger. Who is Sanger? Just the single most racist woman in American History, that's who. Margaret Sanger went to the KKK with the plan to form Planned Parenthood and wipe out the black race. Her own evil words.
     This whole DNC fiasco has urged blacks to fight against the KKK, Jim Crow Laws, and Segregation. Trouble is it was the Democrat Party who formed the KKK, wrote the Jim Crow Laws, and fought for Segregation. Here in Arkansas it was that staunch Democrat Orville Faubus who stood at the School door and refused blacks entry. In Alabama it was George Wallace another Democrat. The Republican party is the Party that supported the 15th Amendment 100% while 34 Democrats voted against it, not one for it. Democrat Lyndon Johnson was one smart racist cookie, he is Quoted as saying, I'll have those niggers eating out of Democrat's hands for years". His words, not mine. He knew that by using Republican votes to push the Voting Rights Act, Democrats could take credit they didn't deserve with blacks. It worked and today blacks blindly still cast votes for the party that keeps them in Slavery to Government handouts and programs designed to keep them poor.
     There is a lot of money, big money, floating around in the hidden pockets of Washington, D.C. Lobbyists. It is there to buy Politicians an votes. The Democrat Party has also been successful in the Lie that the GOP is the Party of the 1%. Not so! The Democrats as a whole are far more corrupt than the GOP. And then comes Donald J. Trump, a man who admits he has bought a few votes himself. Wow imagine that someone telling the Truth. A man who doesn't need the money. Doesn't want big investors who expect big favors. How refreshing!
     Hillary, she stole furniture and dishes out of the Whitehouse, got caught, and quietly returned the stolen loot. She sold a uranium deal between Iran and Russia for what? Big Profit via a Crooked Contribution to the Crooked Clinton Foundation, where far less than 10% ever, ever, ever goes to charity. The Clintons even made money off the Haitian Earthquake Disaster. Millions go into their family coffers, pennies come out.
     We don't need any dynasties in America; George Washington told us that. Hillary has zero qualifications for any Governmental Position, any! She cannot name a single accomplishment because there are no accomplishments. She can't even bake cookies out of a package, or drive a car???? She can't handle a Blackberry or an E-mail account, she can't wake up from a drunken stupor and answer a 3:00 A.M. call from Benghazi? How in the Hell, is she going to run your Country America? And we sure don't need to groom Chelsea for 4-8 years. Puke on that!

     Wake Up! Grow Up! Vote Up! Elect Donald Trump. If American isn't Great Again in four years, we can elect someone else; but one thing is sure, Hillary Clinton has never been the answer to anything!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Both Sides of the Coin

     Once upon a time, I used to think that baby Christians grew up and became Mature Christians. The older I get the more I realize that the vast majority of Christians remain babies most if not all of their Christian Lives. Yes, they have been redeemed by the Blood, but their vision of being a Christian remains sitting on their favorite pew on Sunday, singing "Oh how I Love Jesus," and going out to eat fried chicken. Even those that come back on Sunday night, and come to Pray on Wednesday, pretty much limit their Spiritual Growth to singing in the Choir or helping reheat the chicken in the Fellowship Hall.
     Babies in Christ have a hard time understanding Doctrinal issues, especially Doctrinal Precepts. When I repented and came back to Church, my local Church was soon seeking a new Pastor. I listened intently to the new Preachers being presented. One stood out to me (Brother Rudy) when he said, "The average Southern Baptist has no idea what he or she truly believes, and/or why, and not a clue where that concept is found in Scripture." I prayed that very minute, "Lord don't let me remain that kind of Christian." I started that very night making a concerted effort to read the entire Bible every year. I couldn't put my Bible down, it was cool water to my soul, and meat I wanted to chew on daily. Sure I had some serious issues with my favorite sins, but I had prayed for Spiritual Wisdom as a teen, and verses I had studied came back, magnified and highlighted in my mind. I loved Isaiah and the Old Testament, and I loved finding Jesus everywhere I went in the Old Testament, especially when I found Him in Deuteronomy and Leviticus where I had not really expected Him to be so prominent.
     But to the Baby Christian Jesus is always Love and Grace. "God is Good, all the Time, all the time, God is good". So true but at the same time so misleading. There is another side to the coin. God is also a God of Wrath. We don't like to talk about that side of God's Personality. It isn't so politically correct in Sunday circles.
     A Gideon Friend of mine, Mark Tipton, who was often my partner in Jail Ministry, would always pull a coin out of his pocket to explain the two sides of God. One side is that unlimited, Perfect Love we all value; the other side is Perfect Justice we all deserve, but fear, and fear talking about. God's Wrath is as sure as His Love. Just the other side of the coin. God gets very angry with us, He absolutely Hates sin; yes I said Hates. God talks a lot about Hate in His Holy Word.
Was not Esau Jacob's brother? saith the Lord: yet I loved Jacob, 3 And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness.
Mal 1:2-3
These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood(abortion), 18 An heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
Prov 6:16-19 (KJV)
And let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbor; and love no false oath: for all these are things that I hate, saith the Lord.
Zech 8:17 (KJV)
     Hate is just as absolute a truth as is Love. God hated sin so badly that when His Own Son, actually His Own Body, Jesus was hanging on the Cross in Shame with our sins nailed to the Cross, God the Father was unable to even look upon those sins represented there. Even though Jesus was part of the Godhead and the focus of the Plan of Salvation, God the Father can't stomach or even look upon sin. The only way God the Father can look at us as Children of Adoption is because we are literally covered in the Blood of Christ. Jesus' Blood makes us white with Righteousness.
     The reliability of the coin is represented on its face. That is the Love side. God's Love is so great we can rely completely on every Promise He gave us in the Bible. The Love is the Testament of unquestioned value. But the other side denotes the denomination. The other side calls out for our obedience to God's Commandments. Remember Jesus said, "If you Love me, keep My Commandments." Obedience is God's test of our Love, the more we Obey the more His Coin is worth in our pocket. If you want an old worn out dime, go to Church on Sunday and sit on your favorite pew. If you want a brand new shining silver Dollar, get there early, open the door for the elderly, and usher a stranger into your favorite seat; spread the Gospel, be instant in season, pray, worship, praise, meditate, and study to show yourself approved.
     That coin often gets scratched up and worn as we travel our rocky paths to Sanctification; if we climb that pathway at all. I once owned a 1860-O Seated Dime. The O stands for New Orleans Mint. When the Confederacy took over the Mint in 1860 the retooled the U.S. dies and started minting Confederate dimes. Less than 900 1860-O dimes survived and I got to own one for a short time. It was unevenly worn especially on one side, and I often have imagined who's pocket or hand it traveled it. Did Jefferson Davis, or General Lee, or maybe even Abraham Lincoln spend it for a cigar, if it made it up north?
     I also own a copper Roman coin minted in Alexandria, Egypt during the time of Emperor Hadrian. What famous person from my History Book might have owned it before I? What cities in Egypt did it see before it made it to my house in the USA? Did it buy slaves, or camels, or maybe some special cargo from the Orient? Our Spiritual coin takes on some scratching and wear as we fidget in our pew and rub it through our trousers to see how serious we are about Jesus.
     Get deadly serious. Seek to do exceedingly and abundantly above all you think God would have you to do. Find out what Spiritual Gifts The Holy Spirit has endowed you with, and use them. Use them often, use them wisely and mightily. Make even your little dime shine. But if Possible, pull out a big shiny Silver Dollar and let it spin for everyone to see. Not in a bragging way, but in a conquering way.
     God Hates sin and we have to expose it in a way that will magnify His Love and Grace to overcome it. We have to do that two way. In our own lives daily, and in an unashamed Voice when we rebuke sin in our midst. Tolerance IS NOT a word found in the Bible. We can NEVER tolerate sin, especially in our Churches. God certainly Hates that. We cannot check a box in a voting booth that might support murder of an unborn baby, or "medical marijuana", or the perversion of Homosexuality. God sees you vote. Don't flip a coin to vote, vote the Bible and you'll always do the right thing. God has ordained a candidate for every situation, and He will show you who that Candidate is, if you ask. It is called prayer for those of you who have gotten rusty in what to do.
God always answers sincere and fervent prayer.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Who are the Children of God?

     Often you hear people, especially baby Christians, say "we all are Children of God". Not true. We are all created in the image of God, but we are NOT His Children until we are Born Again, (accept Jesus the Christ as our Personal Savior and Lord). Yes, He wants us all as His Children, but until we make the personal commitment we don't attain that status.
     The word Image, Tselem tseh-lem in Hebrew, means Shadow. When people see other people, (each other), they see a shadow or phantom image of God represented. We are a daily imprint of God's work, his fingerprint. We are in a sense representative of God.  

      Unfortunately the word is often also used in the Bible as Idol. An empty dead shell, a lifeless, powerless, image that no matter how earnestly worshipped cannot act or react. A False god. We all have our idols. Even our Church is often our idol. We spend a lot of time playing church without ever knowing who Jesus is. Even Music Leaders, Deacons, and Preachers only play church. TV can be our idol. Hobbies and video games are idols. Whatever soaks up your time to keep you away from daily interaction with Jesus becomes an idol.
     So if we are not born again, who are we? We are children of perdition, children of Satan, children of the Devil, Jesus described them as tares, some lost sheep, who will at some point accept Christ, some are goats who will never be saved. In God's eyes perdition means we are already in a state of eternal punishment. He sees children of perdition as souls already lost in damnation. (He knows our final outcome.) Even if we attend Church every Sunday, sing in the Choir or even Preach from behind a Pulpit, if our soul is not Born Again and committed to the Lord's Service; we are tares and not Saints; our tabernacles (bodies) are empty without the Oil or Holy Spirit as in the five foolish Virgins. All ten virgins were members of the Church but only five were found faithful and eligible for the Wedding supper. The other five were locked out just like it will be at the Lord's Second Coming.
     There are more people who are not going to Heaven than those who will find the straight and narrow path to Jesus' Side. Jesus said so. He said the pathway to destruction is wide.
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in that way: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Matt 7:13-14
     Yes, Jesus said it. Many of our friends, neighbors, and family members are going to Hell. Their choice, not His. We all decide our own fate by the very simple decision of what we do with Jesus. Is Jesus just a word in the dictionary or Bible, or is Jesus your Lord, Savior, and daily Friend and Brother? Do you study about Jesus on Sunday, or talk to Him daily? (or maybe once every year or two?) Do you really know Jesus personally, or merely think you do? Do you understand God's Word and know who Jesus really is? Jesus is our Creator. Jesus is the Heavenly Father. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Yes, the Heavenly Father, as Jesus, came to earth personally, as a baby in a manger (meaning feed trough, not a barn {that's another sermon}). God separated His three parts, Mind, Body and Holy Spirit, so that his Body (Jesus) could come to earth as a Sacrificial Lamb to die for the sins of Mankind.
     Jesus did his work on Earth. What we do with Jesus determines what God does with us on Judgment Day. Faithful Virgins, (Born again Believers) have the indwelling Oil of the Holy Spirit and are filled with the Oil of The Holy Spirit and ready to enter in for the Wedding Supper. Those unprepared who never allowed the Holy Spirit to enter, never said "Jesus come into my heart", are locked out of the Ark of Forgiveness, forever to suffer for their failure to listen to God's call. He has called. What are you doing with that call?
     You can be a Child of God this very day. Just ask Him to come into your heart, ask His forgiveness, tell Him you want to make Him your Lord and Master. That's all there is to it. He is always faithful to accept you as His Child. Amen! and Amen!

Monday, July 11, 2016

Satan's Favorite Tricks

     We are in a constant battle with Satan and his Demons, whether you and I want to recognize it and battle it or not. Fail to battle? You and your family lose. We lose a lot. We Christians as a whole never reach near our potential. Even the best of us fail miserably at times, nay often times. We lose our focus, drop the ball, trip over the net, pull out our hair, bite the apple, and let Satan win. Satan is more intelligent than is ANY human, though we don't want to admit it. None of us are as smart as we think we are. It is even hard to say, but absolutely true.
     What are these tricks? Satan's oldest trick is to challenge God's Word and make us wonder if God would really write a particular Word in His Holy Word the Bible? "Yea, hath God said?", began Satan's list of tricks in Genesis.
      I have a cousin who is sure there is no hell. He says a good god, couldn't send good meaning people to hell. Now that is pretty foolish cuz. Jesus talked twice as much about Hell as He did Heaven. Hell is a basic concept of the Bible. Throw Hell out of your mind and Satan has won. Game over. Chalk one up for Satan's Army. I hate that; Satan won that one too easy. Pray for my cousin.
      Let's list some more of Satan's tricks. Number one, He wants to keep us confused. That's pretty much the same trick as his first one with a few added nuances. Satan the Bible says is "the author of confusion". He wants to keep us off stride, focused on problems rather than solutions, on trouble rather than God's Precepts. It is a pretty slick plan actually. My wife often tells me, "get your mind off Twitter, and Fox News, they keep you focused on trouble". True they do, but I am engaged in the Battle, and I have to know what Satan is up to in order to stay ahead in the fray, I say. I spend all my time fighting from a wheelchair. A keyboard is my legs and my fists. I face Satan's Army via the written word. Literally. I share God's written Word, to conquer Satan's cheap substitute from Media Matters, MSNBC, CNN, and yes Fox News itself. What Satan offers up as the "fairest" is often the most skewed and deceptive.
     Watch out for good news as well as bad news. A lot of good people just ignore bad news, turn off the TV News, and just play or think whatever. We hear that someone in Indiana just one the Lottery and think Wow! What I could do with all those millions. A complete waste of our time, not to mention how the poor Lottery winners ruin their own lives. More money just means more folly if you didn't learn life's lessons working for it. You don't respect what you didn't work for, but Satan will never remind you of that.
     Vacation, video games, hobbies, reality shows (did you ever notice they have the very least of any reality), sports, NASCAR, music, parties, sex, drugs, alcohol. We recognize those latter ones as Satan's tricks, but they are still all too easy to get involved in. Even a good book can keep you away from the real Good Book. Idle time, even at a good preoccupation, can keep your mind enslaved to this present world and off focus for God's Kingdom.
     This week America has been focused on Elections and Election scandals, on Protests and Police Shootings, and oddly enough on a silly new Cell Phone App involving Pokémon cartoons. Now Pokémon in Japanese means Monster or Demon. Actually it is the only word they have for Satan's Demons. Isn't it ironic that Satan's Demons can so successfully cause Church Members Children to play games involving Demonic Challenges. Too silly and harmless to be Satanic? That's what Satan wants us to think; just a harmless little cartoon.
     I was told online last night, what a well-meaning Arkansas Church Member and their Youth Minister were planning, "
We are talking about using the poke gym and Pokestop at our church as an outreach tool for the community. The youth pastor and I are looking at ways to reach all ages playing". Here was a supposedly Born Again Christian, playing Pokémon with his kids at home, and plotting with a Youth Minister to teach innocent minds to chase Demons around and collect them for fun? In God's own House? Jesus warned us that Satan had planted Tares in the Church, and here is a perfect example. As I write this, yes at this very second, Region 8 News is broadcasting how much fun the new Pokémon App is and showing some kids, one with purple hair, running around the streets of my home town collecting Demons. How sickening and sad. 6:27 A.M. and Satan is on the airwaves recruiting.
     How will you spend your time today? Will you be focused for the battle? Or will you be confused and distracted by the buzz around you? Pray, that focuses the mind, the soul. Read God's Word, not just the cross word. Get a devotional to make yourself think, but focus most on the Bible. Drink in goodness, wisdom, grace and mercy, and "think on the good things". Keep your Spiritual Eyes and Spiritual Ears open to watch for Satan's tricks. Don't let him get you angry at all the confusion around you. Focus and meditate on God's Word. This is your day to Win!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

And a Cry went out!

And a Cry went out!
This cause for which Freedom Still Stands
A Plea for Truth,
which the few righteous men still seek.
How long Oh Lord shall the Wicked Prevail?
the twisted words of Evil, to what avail?
For Country Oh Lord my Heart Yearns.
May Truth Oh Lord be our main concern.
May the folly of unfruitful words,
be dissipated for lack of righteous worth.
May Truth and Substance be the desire,
in the pursuit of our most treasured American Freedom.
(C) Vera Clifford
On the occasion of the Hillary Clinton/#ComeyHearing
July, 7 2016

Monday, July 4, 2016

And My Thoughts Higher than your Thoughts

      For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. 10 For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: 11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
Isaiah 55:8-11

     Have you got stinkin thinkin? If you think you've got things figured out better than God you certainly do. Oh! Wait, Wait! No, No, No, I'd never do that you say. But your actions, your behavior, your voting history, your character as judged by your friends and acquaintances say more about where you and God disagree than does your personal opinion of yourself. Have you ever said or thought, 'this just isn't fair'? Only God Himself has His Finger on what is really fair and just. We can't see the whole picture, only God can.
     As I write this essay this morning it is July 4th. People are thinking about Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, and shooting off fireworks to startle old Vietnam Veterans like me at the most unexpected times. Hot Dogs and Flags are OK I guess, but Americans need to be thinking about Higher things, about How George Washington knelt and fervently Prayed for God's Providential Aid in our quest for Freedom. How 81 year old Ben Franklin stopped the confused hubbub of the First Continental Congress and led a fervent Prayer for God's Wisdom to complete our Constitution. About how bravely men with frozen, bloody, cracked feet fervently stood their ground against better equipped and paid military forces in 1775. And about how our brave Military has unselfishly preformed in every War since. Some like my fellow 1965 Paragould Graduate Tim Clark gave it all, some like Greene County Tech Graduate Robert Moore who fought in Tim's same Company gave their legs up, for in Robert's case, 49 years since in a wheelchair. What are you thinking about today?
     I have spent almost 3 years in a wheelchair myself. I have certainly asked why more than a few times. Severe Diabetic Neuropathy they say? Or was it the Agent Orange of Vietnam? Truth be told perhaps God put me down so I could look up? If that is the case, He certainly knew what He was doing. I have written more, thought more, studied the Bible more, and I hope Listened more. Losing your legs makes your ears grow.
     I have spent a lot of my life focused on big ears. Seems my Father's grade school friends made fun of his big ears. It troubled my dad greatly, but he used his great sense of humor to remedy the situation. With the aid of a little bubble gum for glue, he fastened strings run secretly through his belt loops and shirt, to his ears. When the children began to stare and laugh, he carefully manipulated the strings to make his ears flap. They got in trouble for disrupting class and Dad got the last laugh. Later on he even figured out how to wiggle his ears with his own facial musculature and could still do so in his 80's.
     But making you ears grow is important in other ways. We have to train ourselves to listen to God. His "still small voice" is extremely difficult to hear; one misses hearing it more often than not. It isn't always what we want to hear, it's easier to ignore than heed. Word from God is easier to not mention, it's easier to go the other direction, easier to cross the street and circle around it somehow than it is to confront and acknowledge it. God has wisdom waiting, but we have to train ourselves to listen.
     Eyes are important too. God is doing all sorts of things around us daily, even hourly; if you are truly waiting and watching it happens second by second. But, are we looking? Are we really watching? Are we watching through the eyes of the Bible, and what we know is everlasting truth about God, or are we allowing the Media Pundits to mold our opinion of what we see on the TV?
     But God? A good God? If God was Good He wouldn't let children starve in Bangladesh? Would He? He wouldn't let 50,000,000 unborn be butchered in Planned Parenthood chop shops? There is an answer: No! He doesn't approve of it, but He does allow it to happen. Actually he allows us, you and I, to allow Satan and his underworld forces to promote and execute Evil. God says in the Bible that He created Evil. Why? So we could see better. Think! If we had never seen the evil of War, how would we know the value of Peace? If we had never known suffering, how would we value calm and success?  If we don't understand the depth of Hate, how can we understand the heights of Love? One has to look on both sides of a coin to understand its value. God has given us eyes and let us taste from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We have to taste carefully, and make good choices, or get chased out of the garden into the briars.
     There is also a higher level of understanding. It comes not by sight or sound but through the enlightenment of The Holy Spirit, and the Gift of Spiritual Discernment. You have to look and listen on a Spiritual Level. You have to Pray and sometimes Fast, and ask God very Personally to show you the answer. It isn't easy, it comes with a price of trust and Faith. It sometimes, yea offtimes, leads you into areas you didn't think you wanted to go. People will be telling you to go the other way. You have to keep your spiritual eyes and ears focused on what God is telling you and off the TV and the newspaper. You have to turn your big ears away from the gossip where they naturally reach out. Itchy ears are always searching for false teaching. Scratch your ears. Stick gum in them if someone besides God is whispering in them. But open them wide for God's tiny whisper.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Great Social Media Experiment

     I may be a small fish on Twitter and Facebook, but I get my opinion passed around pretty well. With a little over 6,000 followers on Twitter and another 600 followers on my 3 Facebook pages I reach what I consider a lot of people. My posts are shared by a wide variety of other people including several Radio Hosts with a considerably larger viewership than I can garner.
     Last week I inadvertently started a major firestorm as far as my little page goes, when I shared a post calling for Prayer for Donald Trump. The post included information about Mr. Trump fairly recently accepting Christ as his Personal Savior. Quoted was Dr. James Dobson, a generally well noted Christian Leader. It seems a friend of Dobson led Mr. Trump in his Salvation Prayer and personally vouched to Dr. Dobson that he/she believed the conversion was genuine and heartfelt. Good news, I thought, a nice uplifting story that could calm the fears of the doubters out there.
     Little did I imagine the vulgarity of personal  attacks that myself, Mr. Trump, and Dr. Dobson would receive regarding my simple post. All three of us were called names, cussed, and ridiculed. And not only us; Christianity itself was challenged and derided. The Bible was also targeted for ridicule, and I was chided for even thinking of quoting what Jesus really said.
      The next morning while undergoing a dialysis  treatment I passed the time watching Congressman Trey Goudy and his Committer deliver the Republican report on Benghazi. I had kept up with this issue in the media and online, and though I was aghast, and appalled by their findings I was not at all surprised. I knew from other reports I had studied that Obama and Hillary were running confiscated weaponry to the Libyan Army and probably illegally to the Syrian Army as well, (that was the whole point of the Benghazi attack) the attack came in a long line of U.S. supplied trucks with mounted 50 caliber guns. Where did they get the keys to our trucks if not from traitors within our own ranks? The weaponry was stored in the Annex for the express purpose of letting the raiders carry them off to enemy forces. Our forces were kept at a minimum on purpose so the Embassy and Annex could not be adequately defended. Yes I am talking about TREASON at the highest levels of the Obama Administration and with the complicity of Sec. of State Clinton. Just one of dozens of evil plots by Obama to destabilize the U.S. and aid his Muslim Brotherhood allies, in this case the precursor of ISIS itself.
     Immediately in the News Conference the Liberal media viciously attacked Goudy and questioned the Committee findings as both Political and nothing new. They were of course wrong on both points, wanting to question months of hard works in support of the Democrat Political Candidate, without ever reading much less considering the actual report. Again I was appalled. A well prepared, well worded and yes, Fair report with just clear facts, completely ignored by the Media again.
     I looked over from my dialysis chair to the TV of the lady seated next to me. Guess what she was watching? Sickeningly it was "The View" on ABC. That is were she was getting her news, her view of the world; from that sick, post estrogenic gaggle of Mad-Hatter Liberal hags.
     Young people are no better. They get their news from late night 'comedy' hosts. I used the word comedy lightly, since after the departure of Letterman and Leno, none of these newbie evening comedians has hardly been able to maintain a time slot, much less actually entertain anyone. These idiots are certainly not Journalists and can't even broadly be considered news reporters, they are hack comedians trying to host a late night variety show.
     No our general public, and especially our Millennials, read and research very little or nothing and recall very little Civics and American History from School; Hell, our kids are not even taught the truth anymore with our scrubbed, Politically Correct, Liberal Biased Textbooks devoid of any reference to our Founding Fathers or Patriotism. Millennials are far more likely to watch Sponge Bob Squarepants than the Evening News; and if they do, it has been pre-scrubbed of any and all Conservative truths by the George Soros funded Media Matters. All evening news goes through their Propaganda Machine before being delivered to the Networks. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC and all major Newspapers read or print their daily news right off the George Soros/Obama Administration Propaganda Sheet. This most definitely includes my own Region 8 News on ABC and my local Newspaper the Paragould Daily Press.
     No wonder Twitter and Facebook are such a vast non-intellectual wasteland. There are 65,000,000 people on Twitter every month. Of that number only 38% are Conservative. (24,700,000) Most of these will keep their mouth shut politically; posting or reposting mostly breaking stories or cute animal videos and such. Only perhaps 1/3 or about 9 Million openly post their Political Positions. Although Conservatives should actually outnumber Liberals and progressives on all Social Media, their presence is somewhat negated by the sly and dishonest behavior of Liberal trolls. It has been estimated that the Obama Administration had a million or more fake Twitter Accounts chiming in on the Democrat side on polls, reposting Propaganda, and trolling Conservative Accounts, previous to the last election. There is absolutely no reason not to believe the Clinton Foundation is not following suit for the Clinton campaign and pulling the same dirty tricks. It is well know that Anti-American and Communist George Soros openly paid Protestors at Ferguson, MO and Baltimore, MD to increase racial and political unrest. It would be foolish to believe he doesn't have a fund to pay Liberal, Progressive, and Communist trolls on Facebook and Twitter. He funds thousands of Anti-American activities every month along with openly supporting Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration. Russia has recently put out a warrant for his arrest for international crimes. Pretty bad man when even the Russies want you arrested.
      In short I made a positive post that day, asking people to pray for Donald Trump. Sadly I was attacked by trolls from the Left: homosexuals, Clinton Supporters, atheists, religious/anti-religious nuts, and just plain rude and obnoxious Democrat/Socialists. They used every trick in the book, name calling, anti-Semitic and racist comments. Not one of them was well read and politically informed. It is a sad day in America when mean spirited people try to bully well meaning honest people at every turn, and worse when they know nothing of the facts.
     Friends we have to do our part and keep Social Media informed of the Truth. Our 2016 election will decide the very survival of our Constitutional Republic. Hillary Clinton wants to continue in the feckless, anti-American ideology of the Obama Administration. We have to get out the truth about her and stop her. Our only choice is to vote for and support Donald Trump, staying home is a vote for Hillary because Democrats are too dumb to stay home and not vote for her. They will be voting blindly. Make sure you vote the Bible (against murdering babies, and sexual perversion) and vote for Donald Trump a man God can use to Make America Great Again. 

Monday, June 20, 2016

Degrees of Spiritual Blindness

Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not: 22 Fear ye not me? saith the Lord: will ye not tremble at my presence?
Jer 5:21-22

      Jesus talked a lot about eyes and ears. He said some of us have Spiritual Eyes and Spiritual Ears, and he said some don't. He said His Holy Spirit would come to gives some of us Spiritual Discernment, but that not all would receive this particular Spiritual Gift. Among the Apostles only Paul is said to have possessed all the Spiritual gifts. All Christians have at least one Spiritual Gift. Playing Piano is not a gift, it is a Talent. Being able to Teach a Sunday School Class is a Spiritual Gift, singing in the Choir is a Talent. We have to understand the difference, Talents  are great, Gifts are Divinely Appointed. Let's start with eyes and ears before we get into discernment.
     Humans, regardless of perfect eyesight, do not see all of God's Creation. We don't see Angels in the room with us, or in the sky:
"And when the servant of the man of God was risen early, and gone forth, behold, an Army compassed the city both with horses and chariots. And his servant said unto him, Alas, my master! how shall we survive? 16 And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them. 17 And Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha."
2 Kings 6:15-17

 Then the Lord opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the angel of the Lord standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand: and he bowed down his head, and fell flat on his face.
Num 22:31

     In the first instance a servant saw clearly the human army that surrounded the city, but when his Spiritual Eyes were opened he was able to see the much greater Army of the Lord, with mighty Angels, great horses, and fiery Chariots ready to defend the city at God's calling. In the second verse Balaam sees Jesus Himself as Angel of the Lord, with His great sword drawn, the mightiest force in Heaven or below.
     We all have mighty Angels, at least two of them, assigned to us on a daily basis. They are in the room with us wherever we go. If we go into the kitchen they are there. If we go into a bar and drink a few beers they are there watching over us. If we go into a little church with 43 members there are at least 130 beings present within the church walls. My math is wrong you say? 43 X 3 = 129. But Jesus is there anywhere 2 or 3 are assembled so that makes 130 beings in that little country church. Only one or two perhaps of the Congregation will have the Spiritual enlightenment to understand the depth of what is going on in that worship service as a Heavenly Choir joins in. Our Spiritual Ears rarely hear the Angels singing.
     We don't see Demons either. They can be in the room with us also. Now a Demon can't invade and indwell the body of a Christian who has the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, but much like the cartoons we see, Demons can sit on our shoulder and whisper temptations in our ears. Demons are fallen angels who followed Satan's revolt and were cast out of Heaven. They cause trouble any way they can, by giving us sinful suggestions, or at times they may make themselves semi-visible as what we call ghosts. Spirits of the dead don't return as witches known as diviners, or mediums would have you believe. The medium may think he or she is talking to a ghost, but they are actually communicating with Demons who have the ability to know facts, times and places from the dead persons former life.
     So we cannot naturally see or hear the Angels or Demons in the room but it our responsibility to at least realize they are there and understand the reason they are among us. There is a Spiritual Battle going on for this Planet.
     "But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days:"
Dan 10:13
     In this verse the Angel Gabriel is telling Daniel that he first heard his prayer three weeks ago but the Demon angel, the prince of Persia, wrestled with him and prevented him coming when Daniel had first began his prayers. It took the help in fact of Micahel the Arch Angel who helped hold the demon forces off until Gabriel could give Daniel understanding and guidance.
      Elsewhere the New Testament explains:

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. "
Eph 6:12-13 (KJV)
     The gift of Spiritual Discernment gives those Christians who possess it, the ability to see demonic influences working against us. Sometimes it is a terrible gift to possess. We that see the truth can come off very judgmental and look pushy. We can spot false teachers, lies, plots, deceptions. Not every preacher behind a shiny new (or old) pulpit is a man of God.
     "For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light."
2 Cor 11:13-14
     False teachers (I think of former President Jimmy Carter) may teach a Sunday School Class for decades. Carter claimed to be a man of God, yet he wound up denying the books of Timothy and Titus and tried to split the Southern Baptist Convention. He worked hard, producing evil indoctrination tapes, in an effort to Kill an entire denomination.
     Joel Osteen is another such false teacher. Smiling and saying "it's gonna be alright", yet never preaching the Word. If ever there was a false teacher for those with "itching ears", it is Joel Osteen.
 "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables."
2 Tim 4:3-4 (KJV)
     The fable is that there is more than one road to heaven, more than one gate, one door, one way. Osteen has been know to openly say these evil things, but Jesus told us CLEARLY He was the way, the truth and the Life and that no man came to the Father except by Him.
      How open are your eyes? Can you hear even the "still small voice" of the Lord? Are you really listening? Are you sure? Do you have a Spiritual Gift? Do you have the slightest idea what your Gift is? If you don't have a Spiritual Gift are you even Saved at all? If you are Saved, if you have accepted the Lord as your personal Savior, you do have at least one Spiritual Gift. What are they:

  1. Apostleship
  2. Prophecy
  3. Teaching
  4. Evangelism
  5. miracles
  6. helps
  7. healing
  8. Administration (governments)Elders, Deacons
  9. tongues
 10. interpretation of tongues
 11. Preaching (preaching & teaching often together)
 12. giving
 13. Love (charity)
 14. Spiritual Discernment
 15. Chastity (if you don't have it get married)
 16. Encouragement edification (encouraging others)
 17. Knowledge (Biblical understanding)
 18. Mercy

Open your eyes, find your gift, look for ways to use it for others. Open your ears for what God is leading you to do. Pray so God will answer. Study to show yourself approved. Get to work.