What a visible contrast the 2 National Political Conventions have turned out to be. One, the RNC was a Literal Parade of Patriots, a Celebration of America's Greatness, a heartfelt call for Security and Safety for our Citizens, a call for Truth and Wisdom with all the Flags, Patriotic Music, bells and whistles.
The other the DNC a collage of clowns, of political shills, cheap hack propaganda, dancing organ grinder monkeys and puppets on political strings. It seemed that most if not all the speakers at the DNC were trying more than anything not to choke getting all the lies out, so embarrassed by the facts they hid all the U.S. Flags behind that ugly dull blue curtain.
Sure the delegates at the DNC have dreams of what America ought to be. Nothing wrong with that. Dreams are great. Look at Republican Martin Luther King Jr.'s Dream. It changed the world. But how to go about achieving a dream is not by electing the very people who got America in this present mess.
Yes, Trump is right; Leadership in America is a Mess; Obama is a Disaster, Hillary is a Disaster, Obamacare is a Disaster; and yet Obama is holding back an announcement until December (after the election) that Obamacare Premiums are going up 60% over an already unbearable level. More people are without Health Care today than before Obama took office. The "Affordable Health Care Program" is anything but affordable. Add the ridiculous $5,000+ deductibles and the increasingly hostile network of HMO dead ends, guillotines, and running the gauntlet of endless documentation is unbearable. We don't actually have a health care program at all. We have a Health Insurance Nightmare of Confusion, Insurance Companies and HMOs are making millions on Premiums innocent tax payers don't get anything for. All the funds are stolen or taxed away and even the doctors don't make anything. Good Doctors are just leaving the system and leaving patients to face long lines and rationing of care.
That is just one of the many issues the DNC is hiding and covering up. There are hundreds of hidden scandals and dark secrets the DNC doesn't want their little sleeping sheep to know about. Instead in their convention we got a parade of activists outlining problems. No solutions other than some list Hillary had put them on, no results other than vague studies, no plan other than saying "Hillary has a plan" well NEWS FLASH: Hillary has had many plans, but I have yet to see any of them put into any meaningful action. Empty talk, like $15.00 wages, always remains empty talk. It never accomplishes anything but increasing the confusion, and we all know that Satan is the author of all confusion.
So Slick Willie, Bill Clinton came out and told the story of how he courted Hillary Rodham? Big deal!
Who cares. At this point what difference does it make? He wasted America's time for an hour to get our mind off all her mistakes. He failed to mention all his mistresses, his and Hillary's Disbarments, his impeachment, Benghazi, Whitewater? Where were all the scandals Bill? Oh yea, all right wing conspiracy theories. All 500 or so of them I guess.
We had two men and at least one woman come out to endorse Hillary who had marched at one time with Republican Martin Luther King, Jr. How could they stand so close to this great man and not hear a thing he said? MLK would have been so embarrassed at the DNC2016. What ever happened to his dream, it was actively exorcised and demonized at the DNC in Philadelphia. Black Lives Matter would be a joke if it wasn't so sad. It has been rightly said if all lives don't matter none ever will. Black lives matter just as much as white lives matter. That has been true in this white boy's life for 70 years, not just because of MLK Jr. but because it is true. Police lives matter, Veteran's Lives Matter, and boy do Soldier's Lives Matter. Thug's Lives, and thug is a legitimate term, matter too but for a far different reason, a negative reason. Thugs are what caused a lot of the misunderstandings about Police. Trump said it right this morning. 1,000,000 times a day brave Police go out to protect Americans; but if out of one hundred thousand calls, even one goes bad, guess what the Press focuses on? Right, the mistake, the error, the one racist or maybe just stupid reaction out of 1,000,000 or even 1 Million.
Just before Bill came out at the DNC we saw a victim of Sexual Slavery. Her escape had nothing to do with Hillary of course, as scripted as it was, but it was comical in a spooky kind of way that Bill, has been caught again recently riding down to the Caribbean with a man under investigation for a teen sex slavery ring. Bill likes em young. I know that from personal experience, standing right next to him, while he eyeballed an innocent young lady of my acquaintance.
Enough of Bill. Hillary just recently won the Margaret Sanger Award. She has stated publically how much she admires Sanger. Who is Sanger? Just the single most racist woman in American History, that's who. Margaret Sanger went to the KKK with the plan to form Planned Parenthood and wipe out the black race. Her own evil words.
This whole DNC fiasco has urged blacks to fight against the KKK, Jim Crow Laws, and Segregation. Trouble is it was the Democrat Party who formed the KKK, wrote the Jim Crow Laws, and fought for Segregation. Here in Arkansas it was that staunch Democrat Orville Faubus who stood at the School door and refused blacks entry. In Alabama it was George Wallace another Democrat. The Republican party is the Party that supported the 15th Amendment 100% while 34 Democrats voted against it, not one for it. Democrat Lyndon Johnson was one smart racist cookie, he is Quoted as saying, I'll have those niggers eating out of Democrat's hands for years". His words, not mine. He knew that by using Republican votes to push the Voting Rights Act, Democrats could take credit they didn't deserve with blacks. It worked and today blacks blindly still cast votes for the party that keeps them in Slavery to Government handouts and programs designed to keep them poor.
There is a lot of money, big money, floating around in the hidden pockets of Washington, D.C. Lobbyists. It is there to buy Politicians an votes. The Democrat Party has also been successful in the Lie that the GOP is the Party of the 1%. Not so! The Democrats as a whole are far more corrupt than the GOP. And then comes Donald J. Trump, a man who admits he has bought a few votes himself. Wow imagine that someone telling the Truth. A man who doesn't need the money. Doesn't want big investors who expect big favors. How refreshing!
Hillary, she stole furniture and dishes out of the Whitehouse, got caught, and quietly returned the stolen loot. She sold a uranium deal between Iran and Russia for what? Big Profit via a Crooked Contribution to the Crooked Clinton Foundation, where far less than 10% ever, ever, ever goes to charity. The Clintons even made money off the Haitian Earthquake Disaster. Millions go into their family coffers, pennies come out.
We don't need any dynasties in America; George Washington told us that. Hillary has zero qualifications for any Governmental Position, any! She cannot name a single accomplishment because there are no accomplishments. She can't even bake cookies out of a package, or drive a car???? She can't handle a Blackberry or an E-mail account, she can't wake up from a drunken stupor and answer a 3:00 A.M. call from Benghazi? How in the Hell, is she going to run your Country America? And we sure don't need to groom Chelsea for 4-8 years. Puke on that!
Wake Up! Grow Up! Vote Up! Elect Donald Trump. If American isn't Great Again in four years, we can elect someone else; but one thing is sure, Hillary Clinton has never been the answer to anything!
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