Thursday, August 17, 2017

Will God Forgive Your Sins?

      What do you see when you look at the David Dukes of #Charlottesville? When you look at the Hooded and Helmeted KKK and White Supremacists? When you look at the black-hooded Black Lives Matter racists and Antifa hoodlums on the other side of the Police Line. Both were hateful, both were unruly and mean, both were crossing the line of anything we would call Peaceful or Loving.
      Who was the worst and most hateful person of all time? Let's say just for the purpose of illustration we pick Hitler. Can you forgive Hitler for his atrocities? Can you? Can God? Yes, God was waiting, ready and able to forgive Hitler. It may be hard to focus hard enough on God's Character and Grace, but He in his Omnipotence was capable of Total Forgiveness even of Hitler.
      Now Hitler would have been responsible for Repentance and asking for Forgiveness. He would have had to ask and be willing to repent. I seriously doubt he did that; but God was there Waiting and Willing to Forgive. Yes, that's hard for us, as mere humans, to understand, but for God it is quite reasonable. God takes our offenses, (if we ask Forgiveness), and places them so far behind His back, that He actually forgets what we did. When Jesus died and shed His Blood for our sins, we who have accepted what He did and asked His Forgiveness are covered with that shed Blood. When God the Father looks at a Believer, all He can see is the Blood of His Son. His Love and Forgiveness is all that is reflected to His eyes. He can no longer see our sin.
      This of course is a Godly trait that we humans don't possess. We have to try a lot harder to even approximate God's Grace. But even as humans we have a God Commanded Responsibility to forgive all others. All others. The David Dukes, the child molesters, the murderers, the liars, the thieves, the drug dealers, the pimps, the terrorists, the rapists, the thugs. All others, no matter what the offence. If we want our own sins forgiven we have to be willing to forgive the offences of others. A scary proposition.

Matthew 6:14-15 (KJV) In Jesus' own Words14  For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: 15  But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

  It isn't easy to forgive the bad guys, but it is our Responsibility. It probably wasn't easy for God the first time He did it either. But He has progressed to a level of Forgiveness and Grace we must strive to attain. I hate what the KKK and white supremacists stand for. But I must learn to forgive them, pray for their Salvation, and try my best to Love them anyway. I have to feel sorry for their Lost Condition. After all these mean Evil men were once some sweet Mother's suckling child. They were once cute little kids playing with their kittens and puppies. Their Momma's nursed and loved them, prayed for them, and tried to teach them right from wrong.
      For me it is just as hard to forgive Racial Hatred on one side as on the other. I see racial hatred on both sides, the white supremacists and the Black Lives Matter. Sure not all on the BLM side are hardened in their hatred of the white race, but many are. Is their Hate any less sinful from that on the other side? I think not. Both sides need God's Forgiveness just like I certainly do for other offences that I must own.

      Donald J. Trump is right. There are in Fact, Two Sides at Fault. Two Armies of Hatred to blame. It is my understanding that the very first act of aggression in #Charlottesville was the throwing of open bottles of urine by either the BLM or Antifa counter-protesters toward the KKK. Whoever started the fighting, both sides were swinging clubs, shouting obscenities, and spewing hate. Both sides were wrong in what they were doing. Neither was completely Peaceful and Lawful in their respective assemblies. There is nothing at all wrong in President Trump pointing that out. One must identify all sides of a problem to solve it.
      Both sides need our understanding and God's Forgiveness. We can't solve this problem until we admit where we went wrong. The President has a head start on the Media Pundits and the Newspapers. He is at least being Honest about where blame lies. Now we all have to admit part of the blame lies within us all. We have to Love and Forgive each other as God has taught us.

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