Seniors and school kids don’t Remember 9/11. They didn’t see the towers fall. They didn’t know about the hundreds of people trapped and waiting to be rescued. They didn’t see the First Responders rushing toward those trapped victims at the risk of their own lives. They didn’t feel the anguish of those family members watching their TVs that morning to see if their Loved Ones made it out. Or the horror when the Towers fell and they realized those Loved Ones were not coming home. They didn’t see people in desperation hurling their own bodies out of windows to avoid being burned alive. They didn’t see the second plane hijacked by Islamic Terrorist slam into the other tower. They didn’t see, and we haven’t done a good job of telling them the story. We don’t like to talk about such an unpleasant subject, but we must. We must do a better job, history must not forget. Our kids must not forget even if they didn’t see it themselves.
The Newspaper Publishers won’t do it. The Fake News Mainstream Media certainly won’t do it. Our Liberal-leaning School Systems won’t do it because the Textbooks will barely have two Paragraphs relating to the horrible story. It is up to we Patriots to tell this story. It’s survival depends on us. Freedom and Liberty are depending on us.
9/11 was an Act of War against all Americans by Radical Islamic Terrorists, it was an act of War against Christianity and all the Church Stands For. It was an act of War against Freedom, Liberty, Truth, Logic, and all forms of Good and Kindness. It was an Evil act by a False, Godless, Authoritarian Cult claiming to be a Religion. It was Satan Himself who guided Mohammed, made him a pedophile and a creep, and penned this False Religion to deceive mankind.
It wasn’t other Christians who stole the planes on 9/11, it wasn’t Buddhists, it wasn’t Hindus, it wasn’t Atheists; no, it was all Muslims who hijacked the planes. It was Satan’s Army who attacked us. We must never forget.
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