We waited in the turn lane on Stadium Blvd. to turn into the Mall entrance for a full sixteen minutes, and then the Mall entrance lane another 22 minutes or so. We took a few pictures, laughed and watched others as they waited, took their pictures, and tried to better negotiate the traffic. Some were parking at the Mall by Target and walking across the entrance roads to get to Chick-fil-A's parking lot, others braved parking inside the lot, still others went back out on Stadium Blvd. and got in the south lane to wait on the drive through. We prayed for the staff working so hard inside, holding hands while we waited, it made quite a date. Soon we were actually in the drive through lane, just 34 cars ahead of us now and we'd get to order. Another 20 minutes was spent still watching the traffic and reading the 3 bumper stickers on the truck in front of us. "Obummer", it said, "One Term Only", and "End the Error".
Finally we made the final turn toward the speakers to order. Now only 14 cars ahead of us. We had a great view of God's blue sky, our American Flag waving proudly in the wonderful breeze God was supplying, and the Patriotic line of Chick-fil-A supporters marching as a mighty Army to the walk-in entrance. The Christian Supporters were quite a contrast to the small handful, (about 8), of homosexual protesters on the street corner near the stoplight. They held up scribbled signs on white poster board, that read "Love knows no Gender" and "Love thy Brother" with a scripture reference of John 13:34:
34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. 35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
I don't think they understood that the verses they were quoting were about Brotherly Love between fellow Christians, but all the Scripture references apply directly to the special Love between disciples and other disciples, as vs. 35 clearly shows. Sure we Love sinners, and the greatest form of Love is witnessing to the lost and sharing that wonderful Gospel so that they can be a Brother of Christ Himself, and thus our Brother in Christ as well.
One thing must have been evident to the lonely protesters, as they waived their posters in frustration to the thousands upon thousands of happy Christian customers leaving the Restaurant, and waving back with their own Chick-fil-A bags and drink cups in hand: Satan and his lie about same sex marriage lost a Huge battle, and lost it Big Time Today. People all over America stood up for Truth, and Eternal Wisdom, and Traditional yea, Biblical Marriage.
Vera and I placed our order, and rounded the last corner toward the pick up window. The first thing we noticed was the smiling face of a young lady Cashier leaning out the window with an order. After thousands of rushed orders all day, this young lady had a Genuine smile waiting for each and every customer, and that was well before we handed her an $18 tip for the tip jar. Vera and exited the Mall and found a quiet, shady spot near the ASU Farmer's Market to park and "Eat Mor Chikin", we prayed a blessing for our food, and another for the hard working staff at Chick-fil-A, and yet another prayer for the Protesters who we do Love. A prayer that they would find the Joy of Brotherly Love and forgiveness in Christ Jesus and understand the beauty of Christ's Creation, and the Beauty of His Covenant Relationship called Marriage, that they would renounce the choice they have made to go outside the bounds of normalcy and be cured of their sexual addiction to deviancy.
I must mention that the Chicken Sandwich was one of the finest tasting, and well prepared sandwiches I have had in a long, long time, notwithstanding all the hurry and pressure that must have been on the workers today, and the waffle fries were perfect, as was the drink.
Vera and I had a very good Date, and a Very Good Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day!
What a wonderful date! The chicken sandwich was great and the service even as a drive-thru customer was nothing less than supberb. The friendly waitress was obviously a Christian being led by the Holy Spirit, she remained wonderously calm and collected while serving hundreds. Hats off to Chick-fil-A today and everyday! I hope Christians all over America continue their support to such a degree that years from now it will be described as "miraculous".