Monday, August 20, 2012

The Corruption of The Classrooms in America

      We have the Greatest Teachers in the Civilized World right here in Northeastern Arkansas, mostly because we are in the center of the Bible Belt, though that is making less and less distinction in today's world. That being said, my, my, my how the schools in America as a whole have deteriorated. We have gone from the World Leader in Education to the point where we only rank 25th in the world. Not even near the top tier. Why has our once proud Educational System sunken so low? Let's take a look at how America's School System began.
       First let's look at the original textbook in American Schools. Do you realize that first textbook was the Bible? Yes the English Bible. And it was with Congressional intention. Did you know that one of the very first acts of the very first Congress was to unanimously authorize printing of an English Bible "to be used in all School Rooms". All classroom subjects were taught from the Bible; math, English, geography, writing, reading, science, civics and social sciences, manners, morals and ethics, business, History, and agriculture. All subjects were taught from this one text. The McGuffey's Readers and such came later, but they too were based on, yes the English Bible. 
      America's colleges also were originally Bible Seminaries, with a large percentage of the Signers of the Constitution being either Deans of Christian Colleges or founders of Christian Colleges or Board members of yes, Christian Colleges. Hundreds of our best know Universities today originally began as seminaries. Bible Study was not only encouraged, it was the very center of the curriculum from Grade School to Post Graduate Studies the Bible perspective was never neglected, Christian Prayer was openly and visibly a major part of the Educational activity every single day.
      Christian Discipline was also a cornerstone of American Education. The Bible could help us understand not only the facts of historical names, dates, and edicts; but more importantly why wars, and revolts, and edicts were necessary in the first place, and it was and always is a straying from the Precepts of God that gets the world in trouble. I dare say every world conflict in all of history involved one or both parties straying from the Word of God. So too does the dumbing down of American Schools reflect a straying, nay total neglect of God's Word, save a brave handful of Christian teachers working in the background here in the Bible Belt, and hoping their actions don't bring on further ungodly intervention from the Teacher's Association.

      We took discipline out of the classroom and wonder why kids don't mind anymore. We took the Truth and Wisdom of the Bible out of the classroom and we wonder why moral and social decay have overtaken our communities. We took the moral model of Business and government out of the classroom and wonder why ethics is a thing of the pass and Statesmen an utter rarity. We put a non-Biblical word "tolerance" at the forefront of education and wonder what happened to Pride, and Respect, and Moral Heroism. We took Prayer out of School and we wonder, where the Reverence?
       That is what I see as the reason for the decline of the American School System, it is now built on a foundation of sand instead of the once solid foundation of God's Word, and now the very walls and roof is caving in and destroying the hopes and futures of America's youth.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, spoken so well! I must say we should be thanking God daily for the brave souls including many many teachers and support staff still willing to stand for the Godly principles on which our great nation was founded, and many certainly at risk of loosing their jobs or being sued by the "tolerent" immoral idiots opposed to anything resembling Christianity.
