noun - a course of action to which one has an excessive and irrational commitment. On a beautiful sunny day about 1968, my particular view of the Pacific Ocean was glassy smooth, with a slight swelling roll. With binoculars I noted a small dark object ahead and thought I caught the flutter of wings on the horizon. As we approached the object it turned out to be a Giant Sunfish, Species Mola Mola. The giant beast at least 12- 13 feet in length was resting her head on a bed of seaweed, with a cluttered assortment of floating plastic bottles and ocean trash ensnarled among the stems. About a dozen Sea Gulls were perched upon the giant body prying barnacles off her scales. No doubt this was why she was here basking, so the birds and fish could relieve her body of these pesky parasites. Occasionally a gull would pry too hard, painfully lifting a scale and getting a little too rough in the cleaning process, causing the fish to rise and shake her body like an old coon hound shaking off fleas. Then the gulls would flutter and circle back to resume the cleaning process.
We sailed within mere feet of the giant beast and I saw a brownish Sea Snake slither into and under her Seaweed pillow. The sight was memorable and one of the reasons I told my Operations Officer I wanted to become a Marine Biologist when I got back to the States from Vietnam. He laughed that a boy from Arkansas wanted to study the Ocean, and truly I did know more about Largemouth Bass and Goggle Eyed Sunfish than I did about Molas, Sea Snakes, and the Flying Fish that sometimes sailed with the wind, and slapped us in the face as we stepped out of the mess deck. There amidships where the sea spray was mere feet from the deck we would laugh at fellow sailors who got a slimy face slap.
As we sailed on past, I thought how at peace with God were these His happy Creatures. I stopped for a moment and Thanked Him for allowing me to see this wonder of what we call Nature. I loved the still water. It reminded me of mornings on my favorite Oxbow Lake back in Arkansas. A break between the seven full fledged Typhoons I would see during my time in the Navy. My ship was too small and too slow to outrun the giant storms, especially when we had another vessel in tow, and our crew saw, and yes survived, some harrowing times; even more physical evidence of God's Power and Grace.
An event on Twitter yesterday reminded me of this wonderful memory. Several Atheists Twits had attacked me for a post about the foolishness of atheism. I must have blocked a dozen or more. One of the silliest called herself a Marine Biologist. They sent me a variety of crudely photo shopped memes and cartoonish 5th grade textbook illustrations of Darwinian Evolution as somehow proof that Darwin's Theory did not fail. It did of course by Darwin's very own criteria. A relatively few stubborn researchers are still vainly searching for the Fossil Evidence Darwin said would be necessary if his theory was ever to become fact. He died seeing none, and in fact science saw Piltdown Man Eoanthropus dawsoni , Darwin's long hoped for Missing Link turn out to be nothing but a hoax. An orangutan jaw glued to a fully developed, modern, human skull with teeth filed down to make the apes teeth look more human. Someone was indeed desperate enough to try and fake the needed missing link, but the real link has never materialized. Still we have an educationally treasonous effort by unscrupulous textbook publishers, bought off by anti-Christian forces, to push Darwinism as fact and at the same time scrub Science and American History of anything resembling Christian foundations in America and the World.
No, Atheists are desperately trapped in their Cult Fetish. Feeding off each other, like guppies in a feeding frenzy, because Science is so silent of any real proof of any concept other than Intelligent Design. Afraid to read the Bible or Heaven forbid, Think! They draw crude cartoons, draw upon the same stale rhetoric, and try to laugh at the Creator they know in their hearts is there. Meanwhile it is God that is laughing: He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Psalms 2:4
We sailed within mere feet of the giant beast and I saw a brownish Sea Snake slither into and under her Seaweed pillow. The sight was memorable and one of the reasons I told my Operations Officer I wanted to become a Marine Biologist when I got back to the States from Vietnam. He laughed that a boy from Arkansas wanted to study the Ocean, and truly I did know more about Largemouth Bass and Goggle Eyed Sunfish than I did about Molas, Sea Snakes, and the Flying Fish that sometimes sailed with the wind, and slapped us in the face as we stepped out of the mess deck. There amidships where the sea spray was mere feet from the deck we would laugh at fellow sailors who got a slimy face slap.
As we sailed on past, I thought how at peace with God were these His happy Creatures. I stopped for a moment and Thanked Him for allowing me to see this wonder of what we call Nature. I loved the still water. It reminded me of mornings on my favorite Oxbow Lake back in Arkansas. A break between the seven full fledged Typhoons I would see during my time in the Navy. My ship was too small and too slow to outrun the giant storms, especially when we had another vessel in tow, and our crew saw, and yes survived, some harrowing times; even more physical evidence of God's Power and Grace.
An event on Twitter yesterday reminded me of this wonderful memory. Several Atheists Twits had attacked me for a post about the foolishness of atheism. I must have blocked a dozen or more. One of the silliest called herself a Marine Biologist. They sent me a variety of crudely photo shopped memes and cartoonish 5th grade textbook illustrations of Darwinian Evolution as somehow proof that Darwin's Theory did not fail. It did of course by Darwin's very own criteria. A relatively few stubborn researchers are still vainly searching for the Fossil Evidence Darwin said would be necessary if his theory was ever to become fact. He died seeing none, and in fact science saw Piltdown Man Eoanthropus dawsoni , Darwin's long hoped for Missing Link turn out to be nothing but a hoax. An orangutan jaw glued to a fully developed, modern, human skull with teeth filed down to make the apes teeth look more human. Someone was indeed desperate enough to try and fake the needed missing link, but the real link has never materialized. Still we have an educationally treasonous effort by unscrupulous textbook publishers, bought off by anti-Christian forces, to push Darwinism as fact and at the same time scrub Science and American History of anything resembling Christian foundations in America and the World.
No, Atheists are desperately trapped in their Cult Fetish. Feeding off each other, like guppies in a feeding frenzy, because Science is so silent of any real proof of any concept other than Intelligent Design. Afraid to read the Bible or Heaven forbid, Think! They draw crude cartoons, draw upon the same stale rhetoric, and try to laugh at the Creator they know in their hearts is there. Meanwhile it is God that is laughing: He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Psalms 2:4
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