Poor Barry; His News Conference today was so stressful for him and yet such a waste of everyone's time and energies. The Problem is not guns; it is Family Values, Biblical values, gun Safety, kids joining gangs instead of Sunday School classes & Vacation Bible Schools. The Problem is Fathers missing from the home, single mothers trying to raise children while working two jobs, little boys with two mothers or two daddies instead of a traditional marriage household. These are the problems.
Obama missed the whole Problem. A gun no more kills on its own than an empty plastic bag smothers someone on its own. A bullet doesn't enter a chamber on its own and a knife doesn't come out of its scabbard on its own. It is a problem of the HEART, not of any weapon. Cain after all used a rock to kill Abel. If man had outlawed rocks would we still have murders today? Of course we would, because it is men's hearts that are either good or evil. Do we teach gangs or Sunday School? My contention is Mr. President that your Policies are teaching gangs and violence.
Where are the full time Jobs young black men need to overcome the 21-25% Unemployment they are faced with each morning? Instead of lessening regulation to create jobs, you have cooked the books to make it look like we have 5.1% unemployment. Shame on you. Instead of Town Hall Meetings to end Gangs you are calling for mindless & meaningless gun control Executive Orders that wouldn't have stopped one single death. You are talking about one thing while doing absolutely nothing about the real problem.
Gangs aren't murdering hundreds of innocent people on the streets of Chicago because they have too many guns, they are doing so because they are gangs and that's what gangs do for recreation. Thugs aren't burning CVS's in Baltimore because they have too many matches, they are rioting because they are thugs and want free Sports Shoes and liquor and even toilet paper. Why? Because thugs like Sporty ?Shoes when they are wasting time on street corners, they like to drink and party, and they don't have a job so they can afford toilet paper.
Look at the news broadcasts Mr. President and see what you are doing to once proud America. See the riots you caused, see the poverty you created, see the racial divide you have recreated and the work of Martin Luther King, Jr. that you have set back 20 years. See the homes hopelessly broken by the sin of Homosexual Marriage that you and the LGBT community have generated. Imagine the embarrassment of a young child with two mommies or two daddies having to go to Grade School with kids from normal families. Kids that have been taught family values instead of how to live in sin.
No, limiting gun sales won't change a single evil heart. Mental health screening will only catch a small fraction of evil hearts. Jealousy, greed, selfishness, lust, and human ugliness will create all the anger needed for a human who has not Biblical Values to murder another without warning. Limiting guns won't help, but helping others find Jesus in their lives will. Town halls to end Gangs will. Christian education centers will. Ending Common Core Communist Indoctrination and teaching Patriotism and American History instead will.
Throw away, better yet burn your Koran; there is nothing in it that will make a better world. Instead pick up your Bible. Find the Jesus you have never found Mr. President. Find the Values you have forsaken and ignored. Teach American children to love each other like Martin Luther King, Jr. taught. Stop the racial division you have initiated. Tell kids to stay out of gangs. And tell the NRA to initiate Gun Safety Classes for kids in every neighborhood, which they will happily do without a single dollar of taxpayer funding.
You still have a few months to create a new legacy. Don't waste it. Repent. Clean up some of the damaging mistakes you have made. Become a new man in Christ and do some good for a change. That's Change we can live with. Get with the NRA ( the leading gun safety organization in the world) and change American Neighborhoods for the better. Stop fighting righteousness and fight sin.
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