Why did the School shooting happen? We don't have a gun problem we have a culture problem. Mike Huckabee said it well this morning, he said, " When I was a boy we had gun racks in our trucks. We had guns in them. At school. We went hunting before school and we went hunting after school. We had a different culture and didn't have to worry about shootings." I remember exactly what Huck was talking about, the trucks weren't even locked. No one worried about someone getting one out and shooting another person, it was a different culture. There are two primary reasons our culture today creates such events.
One, our Department of Education and government in general have miserably, yes fatally, failed every child that grew up in the last 50 years. We failed at teaching morals, and ethics, and love for fellow man.
We did not teach American History, and what was taught by that name was skewed and terribly revisionist propaganda of the left. We took the Bible, and Prayer, and the Ten Commandments out of our schools and put dumbed down political correctness and tolerance for the abnormal and the lie in their place.
We quit producing teachers intent on preparing children to face the world and conquer it, and instead we trained our teachers in herd mentality, to push out little half baked Twinkies on an educational conveyor belt; not young men and women who know what they want to be, but indecisive little college freshmen who will maybe figure it out after a few drunken spring breaks in total drugged stupor and debauchery.
No, America we failed those kids in the first and second grades. They never had a chance because we forgot how to educate with goodness and purity and patriotism in mind. Those kids never knew they were supposed to have a work ethic, a moral standard, a mission and vision for their lives. My teachers in the fifties taught me those things and they can teach them again if we search out those types of teachers and again encourage that kind of teaching.
The second death blow to our culture is what has happened to our kids via TV, Movies, and Video Games. It is disgusting and in many cases CRIMINAL. We don't produce wholesome family TV anymore on our major networks. It is all about being loud and rude, and lewd, and racy. No more Leave it to Beaver, Lucy, or Father Knows Best. We only have Mayberry reruns to remind us of purity in family programming.
Of late we do have a refreshing program on cable, and I highly recommend Duck Dynasty. In it a real family patriarch leads the entire family in prayer, at a family table, as they thank their Heavenly Father for the most basic of daily blessings. In the Robertson family we see how basic ethics, values, and morals fit into our daily lives, and how to live with others and appreciate our differences, and even learn how to teach our children about guns.
No, Huck's story and the Robertsons prove it; We don't have a gun problem, we have a culture problem. Our kids play video games where an imaginary but realistic looking array of humans, zombies, monsters or even babies are mowed down with atom smashers and sprayed with flashing bullets without a thought of mercy or humanity. Souls become cartoons, and cartoon people's rudeness and fake personalities become those of our children, as their minds become a media directed mush instead of thinking, and reasoning intellects.
What do we do. Easy. Put the Ten Commandments back on the wall at school and at home, Put the Christian Flag and the American Flag back in their respective corners in our classrooms. Say Our Pledge of Allegiance, Pray for God's Blessings on our daily studies ( In Jesus' Name), and teach our kids the principles on which our Constitutional Republic was founded. Lets get our Culture back America!
We all have our different Jails, our own walls, peaks and Valleys, we all have got Problems, and when we do we need a Brother in Christ to Pull us out of the Fire. Join this Blog so you can share our Fire Extinguisher, The Sword of the Lord, The Word, God's Tried and True Get Thee Behind me Satan Gospel. When Jesus faced Satan's temptations He always used the Word. You can too and we'll show you how to do it every time.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
My Post Election Thoughts
Friends, We didn't lose the Election. We gave it away. We stayed home and didn't Vote. The Democrats got out the vote, OK, sure, lots of it was Unions bussing in illegal voters over county lines to vote two or three times, and dead voters, and even Mickey voted more than a few times, but Conservatives, esp. Christians stayed home in droves, Santorum fans didn't vote, Gingrich fans didn't vote, lots, (millions) of Ron Paul fans didn't vote or wasted their vote on Johnson. (I only say wasted because it was impossible for him to even get a single electorial college vote). Even Roseanne Barr got out her vote, over 49,000 were stupid enough to vote for her. Am I cryin? No! Well maybe a little. But we will all regret it while we try to even survive as a Nation for the next 4 years. Hard times are coming and we'll have a whole lot of new conservative voters in 4 years, and it is a good thing when liberals finally grow up and mature into conservatives, because we have far too many pew sitters in church and in the GOP.
It is Obvious the rest of the world Questions or marvels at what we did Nov. 6th, one day America as a whole will say: "What were we thinking?" The Smart ones already know we made a huge mistake. I think even Obama knows it. He obviously was suprised he won, and he obviously knows he is not qualified to run anything larger than a hot dog stand. He may actually try this time to live up (what little he can lacking any skills) to making this a better country. If he had any reason and logic in his ideologies it would help. Let's just hope and pray he has a little common sense. I haven't seen it anywhere yet, but maybe in his desparation it will come out.
Hillary is leaving as fast as she can run. She and Bill have her lawyered up, and she has all the E-mails and documentaion she can carry, ready to lower the boom on Benghazi-Gate and Obama and Valorie Jarrett/Chicago.
Hillary is leaving as fast as she can run. She and Bill have her lawyered up, and she has all the E-mails and documentaion she can carry, ready to lower the boom on Benghazi-Gate and Obama and Valorie Jarrett/Chicago.
Patreaus' CIA job was a result of Obama's unability to understand Military Strategy, and the Joint Chief's inability to get the Whitehouse support, troop numbers, and resources needed to "WIN" the War. Patreaus was removed from command so Obama could force his pacifist ideology on the remaining field commanders and he was given the CIA Job, and his wife a nice Agency Position regarding Veterans Affairs, to get him to go along with the Presidents incompetent decisions in the War. A General is never happy deserting his troops for a desk job even one in the CIA, and he never felt good about never standing up to the POTUS like a Patton or a MacAuthur. The last straw came when Hundreds of Military Generals and Admirals came out in Support of Romney and in direct oposition to Obama's incopetence as a Commander in Chief. His affair was just a convienient excuse for getting out of a lousy sitiutaion. He was ashamed of giving in to the President on Benghazi too. I am NOT accusing the General of selling out but rather a gradual giving in to a series of bad decisions of the Commander in Chief, in which out of a strong feel of Military loyalty to your commander David went along.
So we live and Learn, Learn how to pray harder, and get ready for the Economic and Social bad times sure to come, and pray extra hard for Israel who has really been abandoned now, and that we won't see a drastic increase in terrorism here in the U. S. or there in Israel as they face Iran with only God's help. That is a funny thought to me as I recall the many battle stories of the Bible. The God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob can handle Iran with a few little wasp hives, He can certainly guide a bunker buster to it's proper target, disrupt Iran's communications networks, and he will "will" the right thing done at the right time.
But next time Please Vote!!!
So we live and Learn, Learn how to pray harder, and get ready for the Economic and Social bad times sure to come, and pray extra hard for Israel who has really been abandoned now, and that we won't see a drastic increase in terrorism here in the U. S. or there in Israel as they face Iran with only God's help. That is a funny thought to me as I recall the many battle stories of the Bible. The God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob can handle Iran with a few little wasp hives, He can certainly guide a bunker buster to it's proper target, disrupt Iran's communications networks, and he will "will" the right thing done at the right time.
But next time Please Vote!!!
Friday, November 2, 2012
Real Men Rise to the Occasion
Real Men, Wise Men, Brave Men (and Women) Rise to the Occasion. Mayor Bloomberg is a small small man. Barrack Hussein Obama is a small small man. Bloomberg (or some are saying Doomberg) has two huge Generators that would power two large neighborhoods, and get a gas station or two or three pumping. He wanted instead to pull Police, EMTs, and other emergency workers and equipment away from the Hurricane Sandy Relief effort for a single sporting event, of minor, very minor, importance compared to the freezing cold, hungry, homeless, jobless, stranded and vehicle starved storm refugees. The New York Marathon is a big deal I guess as marathons go, but there is a time and a place, and now is not the time, and New York is not the Place at this time. Bloomberg's arrogance, shortsightedness, thoughtlessness, selfishness, and foolishness will not be forgotten by the grieving, hurting, and now forgotten storm victims he has abandoned. Vote him out New York. He is Unworthy of the stature of Mayor. His is much to small a man for a city that towers, and the populace that built it, and rises above any crisis. Thank goodness you raised your voice and made the little man cancel the marathon. Don't stop. Get rid of the little man with little ideas and his one achievement, little drink cups.
Obama is another very small man. He could have been a great President, but he chose not to be that President. He chose not to lead. He chose not to build but to spend and waste resources. He chose not to drill and limited America to 1/10th or less of its natural resources. He talked of transparency but has covered up hidden agendas at every turn. He talked of bipartisanship, but refused to cooperate with conservatives who were merely trying to reel in the debt ceiling. He reveled in the two legislative bodies divisions and used them to falsely justify illegal "Executive Orders" and end runs around clear precepts of Our Constitution, literally tearing out the lines of that precious Document wherever and whenever those sacred writings got in the way of his Socialist agenda. He spent and he spend, he appointed Czars instead of the Cabinet the Constitution outlines and dictates. He appointed communists, and radicals, and devotees of Islam instead of Christians. He loaded the Czar positions with those opposed to capitalism and entrepreneurship, the ideals that built America and instead told us "you didn't build that".
Then the final straw burst into flames. 9/11 came and Obama; basking in the unearned fame of killing Bin Laden, wasn't ready. To save money for his green and social justice projects, the little man Barry had gutted the defenses of the CIA Outpost and the Lybian Embassy. He said, al Qeada was dead, but a company of 150 well armed with US Weaponry foolishly funnelled to terrorist henchmen used to help liberate the country with no thought of who would have weapons after Qaddafi was gone, attacked the Embassy and the CIA Annex Building. Brave Navy Seals fought off 150 trained al Qeada. They laser lit the targets and waited 7 hours of pure hell for the Air Strike they called in. But Obama, the little man, the little coward, instead gave a Stand Down order and let them die. The little man went off to bed, he had to get sleep for his trip to Vegas. The little man had a party to attend tomorrow, and it was too big for Navy Seal Heroes and Ambassadors dying in the night. We have another little man to vote out of office.
Obama is another very small man. He could have been a great President, but he chose not to be that President. He chose not to lead. He chose not to build but to spend and waste resources. He chose not to drill and limited America to 1/10th or less of its natural resources. He talked of transparency but has covered up hidden agendas at every turn. He talked of bipartisanship, but refused to cooperate with conservatives who were merely trying to reel in the debt ceiling. He reveled in the two legislative bodies divisions and used them to falsely justify illegal "Executive Orders" and end runs around clear precepts of Our Constitution, literally tearing out the lines of that precious Document wherever and whenever those sacred writings got in the way of his Socialist agenda. He spent and he spend, he appointed Czars instead of the Cabinet the Constitution outlines and dictates. He appointed communists, and radicals, and devotees of Islam instead of Christians. He loaded the Czar positions with those opposed to capitalism and entrepreneurship, the ideals that built America and instead told us "you didn't build that".
Then the final straw burst into flames. 9/11 came and Obama; basking in the unearned fame of killing Bin Laden, wasn't ready. To save money for his green and social justice projects, the little man Barry had gutted the defenses of the CIA Outpost and the Lybian Embassy. He said, al Qeada was dead, but a company of 150 well armed with US Weaponry foolishly funnelled to terrorist henchmen used to help liberate the country with no thought of who would have weapons after Qaddafi was gone, attacked the Embassy and the CIA Annex Building. Brave Navy Seals fought off 150 trained al Qeada. They laser lit the targets and waited 7 hours of pure hell for the Air Strike they called in. But Obama, the little man, the little coward, instead gave a Stand Down order and let them die. The little man went off to bed, he had to get sleep for his trip to Vegas. The little man had a party to attend tomorrow, and it was too big for Navy Seal Heroes and Ambassadors dying in the night. We have another little man to vote out of office.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Liberals Hate Facts
Liberals don't like Facts. Benghazi-Gate didn't have to happen. That is the Fact. The CIA and other sources now admit that a Drone was observing the Embassy at least half of the day on 9/11, and Obama being totally Obsessed with Drones had the monitor right in his Bedroom, yet he stood before the TV Cameras and told a baldfaced LIE that all was over a silly video. Its called Benghazi-Gate for a reason, it is due at the very least to supervisory incompetence, and new conspiracy theories are coming every day. It certainly seems there was a concerted effort by someone to lessen the security at the Embassy, and just as certainly it seems deliberate. Was the Ambassador Obama's Uriah ? or was it a scheme to allow Obama via Special Forces to rush in right before the elections and rescue the ambassador? Stay tuned, like everything else about Obama the real facts are hidden in the Sewer.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
God's Political Party
I'm glad God isn't a Democrat or a Republican. God belongs to another Party: Holiness. What earthly political Party and/or Candidate would the Holiness Party (GOD) endorse? Easy! The one that most closely followed His Commandments.
1. You shall have no other gods before me.President Obama has illegally, that is without the authority delegated by our Constitution to Congress only, been funnelling millions of taxpayer dollars to build Mosques to a strange god in foreign countries.
2. You shall not make for yourself any carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.No President before Obama has ever bowed to a foreign leader. Obama bowed to the Saudi King considered by muslims to be the Spiritual head of the Islamic world government.
3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.We all witnessed the Democrat Party vote to take God out of their Platform. Yes they tried to fake a vote to put God back in, but we all saw how insincere and fake that was. God saw too.
4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
5. Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.
6. You shall not murder.The Democrat Platform also calls for and endorses past Murder by Abortion of millions of innocent children. They may call it Abortion instead of Murder but God sees the scissors thrust
7. You shall not commit adultery.God considers any sex outside Biblical Marriage Adultery. Again the Democrat Platform openly endorses ending biblical Marriage and allowing the abominable sin of homosexual marriage.
8. You shall not steal.Make no mistake, redistribution of wealth is not only Socialism it is stealing from the people who worked for their earnings.
9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Sure both parties have some guilt here, but President Obama has been openly caught in deception, lie after lie, and cover up after cover up. His reelection campaign has rightly been called the dirtiest of all time.
10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.”
Again make no mistake, the Democrat Party typified by the Occupy movement has targeted the 1%, and it can be called nothing if not jealousy and coveting the wealth of the people that have earned, through hard work and honest investment, the fruits of their labor.
1. You shall have no other gods before me.President Obama has illegally, that is without the authority delegated by our Constitution to Congress only, been funnelling millions of taxpayer dollars to build Mosques to a strange god in foreign countries.
2. You shall not make for yourself any carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.No President before Obama has ever bowed to a foreign leader. Obama bowed to the Saudi King considered by muslims to be the Spiritual head of the Islamic world government.
3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.We all witnessed the Democrat Party vote to take God out of their Platform. Yes they tried to fake a vote to put God back in, but we all saw how insincere and fake that was. God saw too.
4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
5. Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.
6. You shall not murder.The Democrat Platform also calls for and endorses past Murder by Abortion of millions of innocent children. They may call it Abortion instead of Murder but God sees the scissors thrust
7. You shall not commit adultery.God considers any sex outside Biblical Marriage Adultery. Again the Democrat Platform openly endorses ending biblical Marriage and allowing the abominable sin of homosexual marriage.
8. You shall not steal.Make no mistake, redistribution of wealth is not only Socialism it is stealing from the people who worked for their earnings.
9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Sure both parties have some guilt here, but President Obama has been openly caught in deception, lie after lie, and cover up after cover up. His reelection campaign has rightly been called the dirtiest of all time.
10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.”
Again make no mistake, the Democrat Party typified by the Occupy movement has targeted the 1%, and it can be called nothing if not jealousy and coveting the wealth of the people that have earned, through hard work and honest investment, the fruits of their labor.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Breaking New Conspiracy Theory
It is no secret now that for many months the Obama Campaign has had thousands upon thousands of Fake Twitter Accounts. How do you get Fake Twitter Accounts? Answer: With Thousands upon thousands of Fake E-mail Accounts, (well over 100,000 fake accounts). What do you do with Fake E-mail Accounts? Answer: Make Fake Campaign contributions with Fake and untraceable prepaid Credit Cards provided by untraceable and thus illegal donors, to make it look like small individual donors were making the donations instead of a huge central, secret, and highly coordinated illegal money bomb. You don't even need to go to a real store to make a real Credit Card purchase, just a swipe on a computer of a blank data card, then pass the cards out to the campaign operatives.
Secondary donations, from these same fake accounts, could then be made by the purchase of Official Obama Campaign mugs, T-Shirts, banners, desecrated and defaced take offs on U.S. Flags (now taken off the shelf after public outrage), bumper stickers and so on.
A central, or several regional, computer bank or banks, with carefully selected, and sworn to silence volunteers, and paid staff would systematically use the Fake Credit Cards to make online donations, and online Campaign novelty purchases, with all the dirty money coming into the dirty coffers looking, to auditors, like innocent individual contributions. A nasty and evil plot, and a sad epitaph on the grave of American Decency, if my theory is proven correct, and I believe it will so be found. The legacy of a corrupt Administration so desperate for a 2nd term that no room is left for honesty and fairness.
Secondary donations, from these same fake accounts, could then be made by the purchase of Official Obama Campaign mugs, T-Shirts, banners, desecrated and defaced take offs on U.S. Flags (now taken off the shelf after public outrage), bumper stickers and so on.
A central, or several regional, computer bank or banks, with carefully selected, and sworn to silence volunteers, and paid staff would systematically use the Fake Credit Cards to make online donations, and online Campaign novelty purchases, with all the dirty money coming into the dirty coffers looking, to auditors, like innocent individual contributions. A nasty and evil plot, and a sad epitaph on the grave of American Decency, if my theory is proven correct, and I believe it will so be found. The legacy of a corrupt Administration so desperate for a 2nd term that no room is left for honesty and fairness.
Monday, October 1, 2012
My Prayer this Morning for America!
Our Heavenly Father,
Lord, our prayer for America this morning is that we as Americans would wake up and realize how we have squandered our Christian Heritage especially in recent History. How we have taken the Bible and Prayer out of our schools, but more importantly out of our Hearts and Minds.
Lord we know we must Pray for Revival before we Pray for our Country and its Economy. For as you have said: If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chron 7:14 (KJV)
So Lord we, as Christians, Bow in Humble Obedience to Your Son Jesus the Christ this morning, Seeking Your Holy Face, Your All Knowing Wisdom for our lives, Your Mercy on our land and peoples, Your Guidance for our leaders but more importantly for our own Daily Obedience to your Tenants, Precepts, and Commandments Lord.
We Pray your Forgiveness for the Bloodshed of American Babies in the Unjust Abortion Mills brought on by Liberal Courts and Unmerciful parents. We pray for Forgiveness for allowing the Sin and Abomination of the Homosexual Lifestyle to enter not only our Communities but our Homes and Forgive us Lord, our Churches. We Beg your Forgiveness for allowing even the mention of such Sin, as a normal lifestyle from Pulpits, and for even allowing these False Teachers inside our Denominations. We Turn from all these Wicked Ways Lord and we Pray Forgiveness for failing to teach our Children to Pray, and for failure to teach the Bible in our Classrooms as was our Founding Fathers Design by Example and by the Legislatively Authorized Bible once printed for that specific purpose.
Heavenly Father Please Hear our Plea, and once more Heal Our Land and Return us OH LORD to all that pertains to a Christian Nation. For we ask these things in that Wonderful and Blessed Name of our Savior, Lord, and Master, Jesus!
Amen! and Amen!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Sound the Alarm christians
Christian Brothers and Sisters, Baptists, Methodists, Church of Christ, Catholics, Assembly of God, Non Denominational's, Pentecostals, all Christians WAKE UP! WAKE UP! SOUND THE ALARM! It is time to stand in the Gap and Vote Republican. I know some of you have been Democrats since you were in the Cradle in Diapers, but this ain't your Momma and Daddy's Party anymore. This Democrat Party OPENLY Supports MURDER BY ABORTION. It is central to their Party Platform. They openly support HOMOSEXUALITY, AND HOMOSEXUAL MARRIAGE. They support Obama and his Administration taking Bibles out of Military Bases, Jesus' Name out of Military Prayers and even Funerals of Christian Servicemen. They allow WITCHES AND WARLOCKS as Military Chaplains. They force Christian Schools and Hospitals and Denominational Insurance Plans to pay for MORNING AFTER MURDER BY ABORTION PILLS, and they openly send YOUR TAX DOLLARS to the ABORTION MILLS OF PLANNED PARENTHOOD. Thousands upon thousands of more BABIES WILL DIE this coming year if Obama is elected. WE can Vote the Bible! WE MUST VOTE THE BIBLE! Your Christian conscience Demands it! God's Holy Scripture Demands it. Jesus Said: "IF you Love Me, Keep My Commandments". One of those is "thou shall not shed innocent blood". Another is:
" Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. 23 Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. 24 Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: Lev 18:22-24 (KJV)
God will condemn our Nation if we continue to defy Him. WE MUST VOTE A STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN TICKET unless a specific Democrat has disavowed the Democrat Platform and promised to Vote with the GOP in all these areas. LOOK AT YOUR BIBLES PASTORS!!!!! YOU CANNOT STAND BEHIND GOD'S PULPIT AND PREACH ANY OTHER MESSAGE THAN THE ABOVE! Compel your Congregations to leave the Democrat Party till they renounce this UNGODLY PLATFORM. It is our Christian Duty and Responsibility!
" Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. 23 Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. 24 Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: Lev 18:22-24 (KJV)
God will condemn our Nation if we continue to defy Him. WE MUST VOTE A STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN TICKET unless a specific Democrat has disavowed the Democrat Platform and promised to Vote with the GOP in all these areas. LOOK AT YOUR BIBLES PASTORS!!!!! YOU CANNOT STAND BEHIND GOD'S PULPIT AND PREACH ANY OTHER MESSAGE THAN THE ABOVE! Compel your Congregations to leave the Democrat Party till they renounce this UNGODLY PLATFORM. It is our Christian Duty and Responsibility!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
A Quick Look at Truth
TRUTH is a 4 letter word to Democrats, it is a open threat to Marxists, and it is a fighting word to Rabid Islamists who are already looking for heads to chop, but Truth is also a word to Fear for Satan and for those that serve him, they run from the truth like rabid dogs run from cool water, they fear the taste of truth, know it means freedom, and wisdom, after all freedom is the enemy of communism and Islam, and wisdom is the antipathy of Progressivism. ~ Larry Clifford
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Leftist Spin is Full Speed this Morning
Well the Leftist Spin is full speed this morning. The Lamestream media, including our own Region 8 talking news heads, still falsely claiming a movie cause the well planned 9/11/2012 Terrorist Attacks. And now pouncing on the heavily edited and deceptively titled "secret Romney tape" like hyenas on a dead pig. Yea, Like anything Romney said was any secret to anybody, and implying Romney wanted anything he said kept secret. What he said, ALL of it, was and is the absolute truth. Whether "elegantly stated" or not, Romney needs to stick to his very truthful assessment of the facts. Yes, approx. 47% of once hard working members of the U.S. Workforce, have quit working and started depending on handouts, and they will indeed vote for Zombama so the crumbs of the handouts won't stop, they'll be content with fool stamps and EBT card gas fill ups. They'll get by, but the American Dream they used to strive for is no longer their dream. They'll buy their lottery tickets, get a six pack and play angry birds on their free government cell phone, or watch family guy in their favorite sponge bob underwear trying to forget the greater dream they read about in a dumb history book.
Monday, August 20, 2012
The Corruption of The Classrooms in America
We have the Greatest Teachers in the Civilized World right here in Northeastern Arkansas, mostly because we are in the center of the Bible Belt, though that is making less and less distinction in today's world. That being said, my, my, my how the schools in America as a whole have deteriorated. We have gone from the World Leader in Education to the point where we only rank 25th in the world. Not even near the top tier. Why has our once proud Educational System sunken so low? Let's take a look at how America's School System began.
First let's look at the original textbook in American Schools. Do you realize that first textbook was the Bible? Yes the English Bible. And it was with Congressional intention. Did you know that one of the very first acts of the very first Congress was to unanimously authorize printing of an English Bible "to be used in all School Rooms". All classroom subjects were taught from the Bible; math, English, geography, writing, reading, science, civics and social sciences, manners, morals and ethics, business, History, and agriculture. All subjects were taught from this one text. The McGuffey's Readers and such came later, but they too were based on, yes the English Bible.
America's colleges also were originally Bible Seminaries, with a large percentage of the Signers of the Constitution being either Deans of Christian Colleges or founders of Christian Colleges or Board members of yes, Christian Colleges. Hundreds of our best know Universities today originally began as seminaries. Bible Study was not only encouraged, it was the very center of the curriculum from Grade School to Post Graduate Studies the Bible perspective was never neglected, Christian Prayer was openly and visibly a major part of the Educational activity every single day.
Christian Discipline was also a cornerstone of American Education. The Bible could help us understand not only the facts of historical names, dates, and edicts; but more importantly why wars, and revolts, and edicts were necessary in the first place, and it was and always is a straying from the Precepts of God that gets the world in trouble. I dare say every world conflict in all of history involved one or both parties straying from the Word of God. So too does the dumbing down of American Schools reflect a straying, nay total neglect of God's Word, save a brave handful of Christian teachers working in the background here in the Bible Belt, and hoping their actions don't bring on further ungodly intervention from the Teacher's Association.
We took discipline out of the classroom and wonder why kids don't mind anymore. We took the Truth and Wisdom of the Bible out of the classroom and we wonder why moral and social decay have overtaken our communities. We took the moral model of Business and government out of the classroom and wonder why ethics is a thing of the pass and Statesmen an utter rarity. We put a non-Biblical word "tolerance" at the forefront of education and wonder what happened to Pride, and Respect, and Moral Heroism. We took Prayer out of School and we wonder, where the Reverence?
That is what I see as the reason for the decline of the American School System, it is now built on a foundation of sand instead of the once solid foundation of God's Word, and now the very walls and roof is caving in and destroying the hopes and futures of America's youth.
First let's look at the original textbook in American Schools. Do you realize that first textbook was the Bible? Yes the English Bible. And it was with Congressional intention. Did you know that one of the very first acts of the very first Congress was to unanimously authorize printing of an English Bible "to be used in all School Rooms". All classroom subjects were taught from the Bible; math, English, geography, writing, reading, science, civics and social sciences, manners, morals and ethics, business, History, and agriculture. All subjects were taught from this one text. The McGuffey's Readers and such came later, but they too were based on, yes the English Bible.
America's colleges also were originally Bible Seminaries, with a large percentage of the Signers of the Constitution being either Deans of Christian Colleges or founders of Christian Colleges or Board members of yes, Christian Colleges. Hundreds of our best know Universities today originally began as seminaries. Bible Study was not only encouraged, it was the very center of the curriculum from Grade School to Post Graduate Studies the Bible perspective was never neglected, Christian Prayer was openly and visibly a major part of the Educational activity every single day.
Christian Discipline was also a cornerstone of American Education. The Bible could help us understand not only the facts of historical names, dates, and edicts; but more importantly why wars, and revolts, and edicts were necessary in the first place, and it was and always is a straying from the Precepts of God that gets the world in trouble. I dare say every world conflict in all of history involved one or both parties straying from the Word of God. So too does the dumbing down of American Schools reflect a straying, nay total neglect of God's Word, save a brave handful of Christian teachers working in the background here in the Bible Belt, and hoping their actions don't bring on further ungodly intervention from the Teacher's Association.
We took discipline out of the classroom and wonder why kids don't mind anymore. We took the Truth and Wisdom of the Bible out of the classroom and we wonder why moral and social decay have overtaken our communities. We took the moral model of Business and government out of the classroom and wonder why ethics is a thing of the pass and Statesmen an utter rarity. We put a non-Biblical word "tolerance" at the forefront of education and wonder what happened to Pride, and Respect, and Moral Heroism. We took Prayer out of School and we wonder, where the Reverence?
That is what I see as the reason for the decline of the American School System, it is now built on a foundation of sand instead of the once solid foundation of God's Word, and now the very walls and roof is caving in and destroying the hopes and futures of America's youth.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Our Supporting Chick-fil-A Adventure
My wife and I had quite an Adventure today. We drove some 43 miles round trip to Jonesboro, AR for Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day. We knew from our good friend Frank on Facebook that the noon line was all the way around the building, so we ate a snack and waited till about 3:30 P.M. to drive to Jonesboro.
We waited in the turn lane on Stadium Blvd. to turn into the Mall entrance for a full sixteen minutes, and then the Mall entrance lane another 22 minutes or so. We took a few pictures, laughed and watched others as they waited, took their pictures, and tried to better negotiate the traffic. Some were parking at the Mall by Target and walking across the entrance roads to get to Chick-fil-A's parking lot, others braved parking inside the lot, still others went back out on Stadium Blvd. and got in the south lane to wait on the drive through. We prayed for the staff working so hard inside, holding hands while we waited, it made quite a date. Soon we were actually in the drive through lane, just 34 cars ahead of us now and we'd get to order. Another 20 minutes was spent still watching the traffic and reading the 3 bumper stickers on the truck in front of us. "Obummer", it said, "One Term Only", and "End the Error".
Finally we made the final turn toward the speakers to order. Now only 14 cars ahead of us. We had a great view of God's blue sky, our American Flag waving proudly in the wonderful breeze God was supplying, and the Patriotic line of Chick-fil-A supporters marching as a mighty Army to the walk-in entrance. The Christian Supporters were quite a contrast to the small handful, (about 8), of homosexual protesters on the street corner near the stoplight. They held up scribbled signs on white poster board, that read "Love knows no Gender" and "Love thy Brother" with a scripture reference of John 13:34:
34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. 35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
John 13:34-35
I don't think they understood that the verses they were quoting were about Brotherly Love between fellow Christians, but all the Scripture references apply directly to the special Love between disciples and other disciples, as vs. 35 clearly shows. Sure we Love sinners, and the greatest form of Love is witnessing to the lost and sharing that wonderful Gospel so that they can be a Brother of Christ Himself, and thus our Brother in Christ as well.
One thing must have been evident to the lonely protesters, as they waived their posters in frustration to the thousands upon thousands of happy Christian customers leaving the Restaurant, and waving back with their own Chick-fil-A bags and drink cups in hand: Satan and his lie about same sex marriage lost a Huge battle, and lost it Big Time Today. People all over America stood up for Truth, and Eternal Wisdom, and Traditional yea, Biblical Marriage.
Vera and I placed our order, and rounded the last corner toward the pick up window. The first thing we noticed was the smiling face of a young lady Cashier leaning out the window with an order. After thousands of rushed orders all day, this young lady had a Genuine smile waiting for each and every customer, and that was well before we handed her an $18 tip for the tip jar. Vera and exited the Mall and found a quiet, shady spot near the ASU Farmer's Market to park and "Eat Mor Chikin", we prayed a blessing for our food, and another for the hard working staff at Chick-fil-A, and yet another prayer for the Protesters who we do Love. A prayer that they would find the Joy of Brotherly Love and forgiveness in Christ Jesus and understand the beauty of Christ's Creation, and the Beauty of His Covenant Relationship called Marriage, that they would renounce the choice they have made to go outside the bounds of normalcy and be cured of their sexual addiction to deviancy.
I must mention that the Chicken Sandwich was one of the finest tasting, and well prepared sandwiches I have had in a long, long time, notwithstanding all the hurry and pressure that must have been on the workers today, and the waffle fries were perfect, as was the drink.
Vera and I had a very good Date, and a Very Good Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day!
We waited in the turn lane on Stadium Blvd. to turn into the Mall entrance for a full sixteen minutes, and then the Mall entrance lane another 22 minutes or so. We took a few pictures, laughed and watched others as they waited, took their pictures, and tried to better negotiate the traffic. Some were parking at the Mall by Target and walking across the entrance roads to get to Chick-fil-A's parking lot, others braved parking inside the lot, still others went back out on Stadium Blvd. and got in the south lane to wait on the drive through. We prayed for the staff working so hard inside, holding hands while we waited, it made quite a date. Soon we were actually in the drive through lane, just 34 cars ahead of us now and we'd get to order. Another 20 minutes was spent still watching the traffic and reading the 3 bumper stickers on the truck in front of us. "Obummer", it said, "One Term Only", and "End the Error".
Finally we made the final turn toward the speakers to order. Now only 14 cars ahead of us. We had a great view of God's blue sky, our American Flag waving proudly in the wonderful breeze God was supplying, and the Patriotic line of Chick-fil-A supporters marching as a mighty Army to the walk-in entrance. The Christian Supporters were quite a contrast to the small handful, (about 8), of homosexual protesters on the street corner near the stoplight. They held up scribbled signs on white poster board, that read "Love knows no Gender" and "Love thy Brother" with a scripture reference of John 13:34:
34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. 35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
I don't think they understood that the verses they were quoting were about Brotherly Love between fellow Christians, but all the Scripture references apply directly to the special Love between disciples and other disciples, as vs. 35 clearly shows. Sure we Love sinners, and the greatest form of Love is witnessing to the lost and sharing that wonderful Gospel so that they can be a Brother of Christ Himself, and thus our Brother in Christ as well.
One thing must have been evident to the lonely protesters, as they waived their posters in frustration to the thousands upon thousands of happy Christian customers leaving the Restaurant, and waving back with their own Chick-fil-A bags and drink cups in hand: Satan and his lie about same sex marriage lost a Huge battle, and lost it Big Time Today. People all over America stood up for Truth, and Eternal Wisdom, and Traditional yea, Biblical Marriage.
Vera and I placed our order, and rounded the last corner toward the pick up window. The first thing we noticed was the smiling face of a young lady Cashier leaning out the window with an order. After thousands of rushed orders all day, this young lady had a Genuine smile waiting for each and every customer, and that was well before we handed her an $18 tip for the tip jar. Vera and exited the Mall and found a quiet, shady spot near the ASU Farmer's Market to park and "Eat Mor Chikin", we prayed a blessing for our food, and another for the hard working staff at Chick-fil-A, and yet another prayer for the Protesters who we do Love. A prayer that they would find the Joy of Brotherly Love and forgiveness in Christ Jesus and understand the beauty of Christ's Creation, and the Beauty of His Covenant Relationship called Marriage, that they would renounce the choice they have made to go outside the bounds of normalcy and be cured of their sexual addiction to deviancy.
I must mention that the Chicken Sandwich was one of the finest tasting, and well prepared sandwiches I have had in a long, long time, notwithstanding all the hurry and pressure that must have been on the workers today, and the waffle fries were perfect, as was the drink.
Vera and I had a very good Date, and a Very Good Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day!
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
What Really Happened at Aurora, or Freudian Foolishology
Why do we do the things we do? Why do you? Sometimes we do what we are told. Sometimes we do what we love, say a hobby or a trip to a favorite place. Sometimes we do what we are expected to do (unfortunately the only reason many go to Church), and sometimes we rebel and do things out of spite. Sometimes we do something to prove to ourselves or to others that we can. A few even do things because they need to be done and somebody has to get it done. We have obligations, and addictions, gentle urges and wild sprees, lazy days, and spring cleaning. That's the normal stuff.
But, why; why do people do the crazy stuff like the Shooting in Aurora, Colorado? People have been doing the crazy stuff, the insane for a long time with the other "sane" people wondering, why. Abel killed Cain out of Jealousy. Some people get mad enough to kill someone else and we manage to understand that to some degree. But Jesus gave us another scenario, one that we ignore in today's society, and he gave several examples and explanations of how it works. It is something no longer in the Psychology Textbooks, something Dr, Phil won't dare tell you about, and something Freud and all the other Fathers of Psychiatry missed completely.
"And in the synagogue there was a man, which had a spirit of an unclean devil (demon), and cried out with a loud voice, 34 Saying, Let us alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art; the Holy One of God. 35 And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, and come out of him. And when the devil had thrown him in the midst, he came out of him, and hurt him not. 36 And they were all amazed, and spake among themselves, saying, What a word is this! for with authority and power he commandeth the unclean spirits(demons), and they come out." Luke 4:33-36 (KJV)
Now all of us who are Christians at least, believe in Jesus, and to a greater or lesser degree (Oh that it would be the Greater) in his miracles. When Jesus tells us most things we instantly believe him. Here He is telling us the truth of Demon Possession. If you believe in Jesus you MUST believe in demons, the fallen 1/3 of the Angels who were cast out of Heaven for conspiring with Lucifer/Satan. They have Angelic (now demonic) powers, and here Jesus teaches that they can and did and do indwell the bodies of men and women (only the bodies of non-believers, believers have the indwelling Holy Spirit and so cannot be physically indwelled by another spirit).
Christians with the Spiritual Gift of Spiritual Discernment can often recognize a person who has a demon. Sometimes the Demon wants attention and lots of people can see the results of the Demon's will taking over the body of the indwelled individual. Phychiatrists see it at this stage too, but they attribute the behavior to mental illness, not understanding that many if not most, at least severe, mental illness is caused by indwelling spirits. All multiple personalities are demons, sometimes, as Jesus also taught, in Legion, or great numbers, indwelling one person.
No, Dr. Phil probably won't agree. He and other worldly trained physicians will prescribe anti-psychotic medication. The medication however simply makes the host brain fall into a stupor so that the Demon can no longer control the movements and behavior of the body. As soon as the medication wears off and the patient wakes up, the Demon can take over again. Dr. Phil and his colleagues don't want to, and won't ever want to accept this truth, because it would negate everything they have been taught in Freudian Foolishology.
I do have the Spiritual Gift of Discernment. I have seen quite a few, say 70 -80 or so, examples in my lifetime. Some were by way of my jail ministry, some were clients I encountered in a Welfare to Work Agency I headed a few years back, and some were in Church. One of the worst examples I saw was a youth visiting a revival service. Over the years, and called upon to visit numerous Churches in numerous denominations I have also seen Demonic activity by Church members, including twice by a Pastor. Remember, Satan has sowed tares among the wheat.
As I watched the suspect in the Aurora, CO shootings, in his court hearing via TV this week, it seemed quite obvious that at least one Demon was trying to get all the attention of the camera, those wild eyes that the experts couldn't attribute to drugs or explain were the demon attacking the poor mind of his/their victim possible even with the very images of what he had been forced to do.
That is my opinion of what happened this week. Satan loves chaos, fear, gore, confusion, and blood of the innocent, and most of all Satan likes to initiate events that make people question how God could let this happen. He hates the Blood of Jesus, but he loves the blood of the innocent. That by the way is why Satan, the Head Demon, Loves Planned Parenthood.
But, why; why do people do the crazy stuff like the Shooting in Aurora, Colorado? People have been doing the crazy stuff, the insane for a long time with the other "sane" people wondering, why. Abel killed Cain out of Jealousy. Some people get mad enough to kill someone else and we manage to understand that to some degree. But Jesus gave us another scenario, one that we ignore in today's society, and he gave several examples and explanations of how it works. It is something no longer in the Psychology Textbooks, something Dr, Phil won't dare tell you about, and something Freud and all the other Fathers of Psychiatry missed completely.
"And in the synagogue there was a man, which had a spirit of an unclean devil (demon), and cried out with a loud voice, 34 Saying, Let us alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art; the Holy One of God. 35 And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, and come out of him. And when the devil had thrown him in the midst, he came out of him, and hurt him not. 36 And they were all amazed, and spake among themselves, saying, What a word is this! for with authority and power he commandeth the unclean spirits(demons), and they come out." Luke 4:33-36 (KJV)
Now all of us who are Christians at least, believe in Jesus, and to a greater or lesser degree (Oh that it would be the Greater) in his miracles. When Jesus tells us most things we instantly believe him. Here He is telling us the truth of Demon Possession. If you believe in Jesus you MUST believe in demons, the fallen 1/3 of the Angels who were cast out of Heaven for conspiring with Lucifer/Satan. They have Angelic (now demonic) powers, and here Jesus teaches that they can and did and do indwell the bodies of men and women (only the bodies of non-believers, believers have the indwelling Holy Spirit and so cannot be physically indwelled by another spirit).
Christians with the Spiritual Gift of Spiritual Discernment can often recognize a person who has a demon. Sometimes the Demon wants attention and lots of people can see the results of the Demon's will taking over the body of the indwelled individual. Phychiatrists see it at this stage too, but they attribute the behavior to mental illness, not understanding that many if not most, at least severe, mental illness is caused by indwelling spirits. All multiple personalities are demons, sometimes, as Jesus also taught, in Legion, or great numbers, indwelling one person.
No, Dr. Phil probably won't agree. He and other worldly trained physicians will prescribe anti-psychotic medication. The medication however simply makes the host brain fall into a stupor so that the Demon can no longer control the movements and behavior of the body. As soon as the medication wears off and the patient wakes up, the Demon can take over again. Dr. Phil and his colleagues don't want to, and won't ever want to accept this truth, because it would negate everything they have been taught in Freudian Foolishology.
I do have the Spiritual Gift of Discernment. I have seen quite a few, say 70 -80 or so, examples in my lifetime. Some were by way of my jail ministry, some were clients I encountered in a Welfare to Work Agency I headed a few years back, and some were in Church. One of the worst examples I saw was a youth visiting a revival service. Over the years, and called upon to visit numerous Churches in numerous denominations I have also seen Demonic activity by Church members, including twice by a Pastor. Remember, Satan has sowed tares among the wheat.
As I watched the suspect in the Aurora, CO shootings, in his court hearing via TV this week, it seemed quite obvious that at least one Demon was trying to get all the attention of the camera, those wild eyes that the experts couldn't attribute to drugs or explain were the demon attacking the poor mind of his/their victim possible even with the very images of what he had been forced to do.
That is my opinion of what happened this week. Satan loves chaos, fear, gore, confusion, and blood of the innocent, and most of all Satan likes to initiate events that make people question how God could let this happen. He hates the Blood of Jesus, but he loves the blood of the innocent. That by the way is why Satan, the Head Demon, Loves Planned Parenthood.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Jesus was Always a Capitalist
I fear the "Church", especially the modern "Church" has badly missed the Jewish Doctrine behind Joses' gift to the early Church at Jerusalem from the sale of his land. God NEVER asked all the Church members at Jerusalem to sell their land, nothing of the sort. Look carefully at what happened: "And Joses, who by the apostles was surnamed Barnabas, (which is, being interpreted, The son of consolation,) a Levite, and of the country of Cyprus, 37 Having land, sold it, and brought the money, and laid it at the apostles' feet." Acts 4:36-37
Joses (Barnabas) was a Levite. He was not supposed to own land to begin with. He was supposed to serve the Congregation free of charge, and the Congregation by Jewish Law was obligated to provide his housing and daily need so he was free for his "Priestly" duties. He felt guilty for the land he owned and sold it to offer as an offering. The rest of the Church was NEVER under obligation to do the same. Ananias and Sapphira
Acts 5:1 had no reason except Pride and the Power they thought they could gain in the Church through their vain and corrupt lie of giving all. They saw Barnabas being patted on the back and cheered and they wanted that Glory for themselves, the same old sin that did Satan in. They were not rebuked for not giving all, they had no obligation to do so, they were rebuked for lying to the Church and thereby lying to God Himself.
"But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land? 4 Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power? why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God. Acts 5:3-4
No, The Church at Jerusalem was not a commune, it was not very much different from The Congregation in the wilderness Temple, not Socialist at all, more of an extended family like our Church Fellowship dinners today. They were certainly never intended of God to wallow and fester there in commune style. God didn't let this Fellowship stagnate long. He allowed Satan to persecute the group so they could be scattered abroad as the whole Scriptural context of Acts is intended to explain. The KEY Verse vs. 1:8 of Acts clearly told the Church to spread the Gospel not start a commune. "But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth." Acts 1:8
When the Church began to get comfortable with its fried chicken fellowships and began to forget its mission to the lost, God used Satan by allowing him to persecute and break up the big congregation. Fearing for their lives the ran to hide in other communities, and took the Gospel message with them as had always been God's plan.
I chuckle to myself in exasperation every time I hear a liberal try to make God's plan for the Church a Socialist one. How foolish! Jesus as Creator was a Capitalist right from the start. Jesus Himself, plowed, sowed and planted the first garden. He gave it to the first man and his family to sharecrop, till, and tend. They brought Him their Firstfruits. Later Jesus trained the first Carpenters, Craftsmen, metal workers, the first Jewelers, even the first plumbers. It is all there in the Scriptures. The Holy Spirit gifted and trained artisans to do the elaborate tapestries, the detailed engravings and carvings to decorate the Temple. God trained man in how to plow a furrow, care for and plant seed, weave fabrics, groom sheep and cattle it is all there in Scripture. Jesus later in the New Testament paints a picture of His second coming to judge how well believers have done the work of spreading the Gospel and bringing in the sheaves of Spiritual Harvest:
And he saith unto him, Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee, thou wicked servant. Thou knewest that I was an austere man, taking up that I laid not down, and reaping that I did not sow: 23 Wherefore then gavest not thou my money into the bank, that at my coming I might have required mine own with usury? Luke 19:22-23
Funny word for a Socialist to use isn't it, usury? Jewish law did not prohibit banking or lending of money. It did say not to require interest from your Brother, but also said that it was allowed to charge a stranger. Again this all falls back to do unto others. You wouldn't expect your brother to charge you interest but you would your boss (OT Lord), a merchant, or banker. In the verse above we must remember this is a picture of Jesus Himself coming back to see what the servant (us) had done with his money. As the old song says, Jesus Paid it All, All to Him I Owe.
Joses (Barnabas) was a Levite. He was not supposed to own land to begin with. He was supposed to serve the Congregation free of charge, and the Congregation by Jewish Law was obligated to provide his housing and daily need so he was free for his "Priestly" duties. He felt guilty for the land he owned and sold it to offer as an offering. The rest of the Church was NEVER under obligation to do the same. Ananias and Sapphira
Acts 5:1 had no reason except Pride and the Power they thought they could gain in the Church through their vain and corrupt lie of giving all. They saw Barnabas being patted on the back and cheered and they wanted that Glory for themselves, the same old sin that did Satan in. They were not rebuked for not giving all, they had no obligation to do so, they were rebuked for lying to the Church and thereby lying to God Himself.
"But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land? 4 Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power? why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God. Acts 5:3-4
No, The Church at Jerusalem was not a commune, it was not very much different from The Congregation in the wilderness Temple, not Socialist at all, more of an extended family like our Church Fellowship dinners today. They were certainly never intended of God to wallow and fester there in commune style. God didn't let this Fellowship stagnate long. He allowed Satan to persecute the group so they could be scattered abroad as the whole Scriptural context of Acts is intended to explain. The KEY Verse vs. 1:8 of Acts clearly told the Church to spread the Gospel not start a commune. "But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth." Acts 1:8
When the Church began to get comfortable with its fried chicken fellowships and began to forget its mission to the lost, God used Satan by allowing him to persecute and break up the big congregation. Fearing for their lives the ran to hide in other communities, and took the Gospel message with them as had always been God's plan.
I chuckle to myself in exasperation every time I hear a liberal try to make God's plan for the Church a Socialist one. How foolish! Jesus as Creator was a Capitalist right from the start. Jesus Himself, plowed, sowed and planted the first garden. He gave it to the first man and his family to sharecrop, till, and tend. They brought Him their Firstfruits. Later Jesus trained the first Carpenters, Craftsmen, metal workers, the first Jewelers, even the first plumbers. It is all there in the Scriptures. The Holy Spirit gifted and trained artisans to do the elaborate tapestries, the detailed engravings and carvings to decorate the Temple. God trained man in how to plow a furrow, care for and plant seed, weave fabrics, groom sheep and cattle it is all there in Scripture. Jesus later in the New Testament paints a picture of His second coming to judge how well believers have done the work of spreading the Gospel and bringing in the sheaves of Spiritual Harvest:
And he saith unto him, Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee, thou wicked servant. Thou knewest that I was an austere man, taking up that I laid not down, and reaping that I did not sow: 23 Wherefore then gavest not thou my money into the bank, that at my coming I might have required mine own with usury? Luke 19:22-23
Funny word for a Socialist to use isn't it, usury? Jewish law did not prohibit banking or lending of money. It did say not to require interest from your Brother, but also said that it was allowed to charge a stranger. Again this all falls back to do unto others. You wouldn't expect your brother to charge you interest but you would your boss (OT Lord), a merchant, or banker. In the verse above we must remember this is a picture of Jesus Himself coming back to see what the servant (us) had done with his money. As the old song says, Jesus Paid it All, All to Him I Owe.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Obama's Cover Ups Hard to Keep Covered
What a queer coincidence that when investigators looked in to the fights out of Kenya immediately after Obama's birth, even more records were missing. Just the flight manifests for the few days immediately surrounding the birth date. Just like all the other missing records, only a day or two, a line or two, or a page or two is missing; systematically records expunged, Date stamps changed, photoshopped and forged documents substituted, cover up after lying cover up, dirty trick after dirty trick. Tricky Dicky Nixon had nothing on what the Chicago Mafia has done to cover Obama's fraudulent tracks and hide his ineligibility for the office of president. But note the trend. The evidence is the hiding, stealing, and sealing of the documents. Too many coincidences, too many times the very line needed to prove innocence or guilt is the line missing. Something smelly and dirty in the way just the right record disappears and a fake one shows up. A little too smelly, a little too fishy, too many muddy tracks to cover, huh Barry????See More
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Sewing Machines and Shotguns
My wife has at last count seven sewing machines. Now Logic would say, you can't sew with but one at a time, but she has seven. Men are the same; they usually have an array of guns in the gun cabinet, and while a few gunslingers were able to use a set of twin holsters, most of us have enough trouble aiming one at a time.
Preaching the Gospel of Christ is a lot the same way. We have a big arsenal at our disposal but how many of us ever go back to the gun cabinet and pick out the right shooting iron for the job at hand. We mostly tell the poor sinner God has placed in our path, "I'll pray for you", and go right back on our merry way, never actually even sharing the Gospel.
Some sewing machines are for basic sewing. In our Christian lives we have our basic witness tools. First our daily life. "Do others see Jesus in you?", is an oft quoted question we should all look at every day in every action we undertake. Second is our personal witnessing, if we do any personal witnessing. So often we drop our needle (or bullet like Barney Fife), by asking instead, "where do you go to Church". Nothing wrong with asking that, but where is Jesus in that question? We need to flat out and confidently ask, "Have you accepted Jesus as your Personal Savior?" Thirdly we need to be praying both for others and that the Lord will providentially place sinners in our path to see and hear our witness. Paul's personal prayer was: "that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, "
Eph 6:19 (KJV)
Some sewing machines are for quilting. You take a piece of fabric from here, place it next to a piece of fabric from over there and geometrically sew them together into beautiful patterns to make one magnificent work of art. Doctrinal teaching is like that. Is doctrinal teaching in your Christian arsenal? A wise Preacher once told his congregation, "most Christians don't know what they believe and if they do, they don't know where to find it in the Bible". I was in that congregation and I prayed right then, "Lord don't let me be like that." I, that very week, began to read the Bible through from cover to cover once a year in addition to the Bible Studies at Church and on TV and Radio.
Read, Take Notes, Study reference scriptures, get a Strong's Bible Concordance and look at the original language and the root meanings of the key words, and most important pray that the Holy Spirit give you enlightenment and understanding of what you are reading. May I also recomend:
John Hagee on TV and Via the internet @GETV.org, Through the Bible with J. Vernon McGee on the Radio, and reruns of Dr. Adrian Rogers on TV and Radio. I believe these three to be the best Bible Teachers available today, when elswhere so little courage is exhibited from the pulpit.
Quilting and putting exactly the right piece in the right spot is a lot different from the Shotgut approach. Shotguns are good for the right purpose but sometimes they are used like the character Mississippi in the John Wayne movie ElDorado. Mississippi couldn't hit a cactus with a handgun so Wayne gave him a sawed-off shotgun with the largest possible shot pattern so he'd be able to hit something. He did. He hit Wayne. Evangelists are good with shotguns at revivals, but sometimes laymen wind up shooting themselves in the foot . Scriptures just thrown out for shock value seldom hit the right spot for Salvation's sake.
So whether God has called you to fix the loose board on some little ladies front porch, quilt a table runner for a gift, or to stand on a street corner with a King James Bible and witness to all comers, be sure you are prayed up, studied up, and carrying the right tools this week in your service to the Lord.
Preaching the Gospel of Christ is a lot the same way. We have a big arsenal at our disposal but how many of us ever go back to the gun cabinet and pick out the right shooting iron for the job at hand. We mostly tell the poor sinner God has placed in our path, "I'll pray for you", and go right back on our merry way, never actually even sharing the Gospel.
Some sewing machines are for basic sewing. In our Christian lives we have our basic witness tools. First our daily life. "Do others see Jesus in you?", is an oft quoted question we should all look at every day in every action we undertake. Second is our personal witnessing, if we do any personal witnessing. So often we drop our needle (or bullet like Barney Fife), by asking instead, "where do you go to Church". Nothing wrong with asking that, but where is Jesus in that question? We need to flat out and confidently ask, "Have you accepted Jesus as your Personal Savior?" Thirdly we need to be praying both for others and that the Lord will providentially place sinners in our path to see and hear our witness. Paul's personal prayer was: "that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, "
Eph 6:19 (KJV)
Some sewing machines are for quilting. You take a piece of fabric from here, place it next to a piece of fabric from over there and geometrically sew them together into beautiful patterns to make one magnificent work of art. Doctrinal teaching is like that. Is doctrinal teaching in your Christian arsenal? A wise Preacher once told his congregation, "most Christians don't know what they believe and if they do, they don't know where to find it in the Bible". I was in that congregation and I prayed right then, "Lord don't let me be like that." I, that very week, began to read the Bible through from cover to cover once a year in addition to the Bible Studies at Church and on TV and Radio.
Read, Take Notes, Study reference scriptures, get a Strong's Bible Concordance and look at the original language and the root meanings of the key words, and most important pray that the Holy Spirit give you enlightenment and understanding of what you are reading. May I also recomend:
John Hagee on TV and Via the internet @GETV.org, Through the Bible with J. Vernon McGee on the Radio, and reruns of Dr. Adrian Rogers on TV and Radio. I believe these three to be the best Bible Teachers available today, when elswhere so little courage is exhibited from the pulpit.
Quilting and putting exactly the right piece in the right spot is a lot different from the Shotgut approach. Shotguns are good for the right purpose but sometimes they are used like the character Mississippi in the John Wayne movie ElDorado. Mississippi couldn't hit a cactus with a handgun so Wayne gave him a sawed-off shotgun with the largest possible shot pattern so he'd be able to hit something. He did. He hit Wayne. Evangelists are good with shotguns at revivals, but sometimes laymen wind up shooting themselves in the foot . Scriptures just thrown out for shock value seldom hit the right spot for Salvation's sake.
So whether God has called you to fix the loose board on some little ladies front porch, quilt a table runner for a gift, or to stand on a street corner with a King James Bible and witness to all comers, be sure you are prayed up, studied up, and carrying the right tools this week in your service to the Lord.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
When The Supreme Court Makes a Mistake
When the Supreme Court makes mistakes, they make MONUMENTAL Mistakes. An early court did so when they took a private letter by Thomas Jefferson and made its words Law. Because of that Monumental Mistake many people today actually believe that the words "separation of Church and State" occur in the constitution. They do not and were never intended by any of our founding Fathers including Jefferson to be there. The Supreme Court was never designed by the Constitution to make Law or Designate Power, their only purpose is to rightly devine the words of the Constitution itself. Their job is to limit usurped power of the Administrative and Legislative branches.
They made another Monumental Mistake in Roe v. Wade and gave "doctors" (willing to break their Hipocratic Oath) at Abortion mills the power to MURDER babies and call it choice. Murder, the killing of a living Soul is NOT something the Constitution would ever authorize.
Chief Judas...er....Justice Roberts made a Monumental and Cowardly Mistake this past week when he dreamed up a scheme to call a Bad Unconstitutional Law a Tax and granted powers to the Legislative branch they were never entitled to under the constitution.
As a former Federal Judge, Joe Miller said this week: "The chief justice’s rescue of the individual mandate is a massive expansion of federal power, now permitting the federal government to regulate, by taxation, its citizens’ “failure to act” or passivity. I challenge you to go back to the first 150 years of U.S. jurisprudence and find any Supreme Court opinion that would suggest such a construction of Congress’s power to tax and spend under Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution."
In his powerful dissent, Justice Scalia agreed that this power grab was unconstitutional:
"What is absolutely clear, affirmed by the text of the 1789 Constitution, by the Tenth Amendment ratified in 1791, and by innumerable cases of ours in the 220 years since, is that there are structural limits upon federal power—upon what it can prescribe with respect to private conduct, and upon what it can impose upon the sovereign States."
And then the zinger:
"Whatever may be the conceptual limits upon the Commerce Clause and upon the power to tax and spend, they cannot be such as will enable the Federal Government to regulate all private conduct and to compel the States to function as administrators of federal programs."
We MUST, my friends, make sure this November 6th, we vote GOP. We need a clear Republican Majority in the House and Senate and a Republican President so when more Justices are apointed and vetted they will be Constitution Scholars, and lovers of Freedom, with no liberal predjuces against Liberty, no leanings toward Socialism and Communism. We must restore our Constitutional Republic and protect it forever more.
They made another Monumental Mistake in Roe v. Wade and gave "doctors" (willing to break their Hipocratic Oath) at Abortion mills the power to MURDER babies and call it choice. Murder, the killing of a living Soul is NOT something the Constitution would ever authorize.
Chief Judas...er....Justice Roberts made a Monumental and Cowardly Mistake this past week when he dreamed up a scheme to call a Bad Unconstitutional Law a Tax and granted powers to the Legislative branch they were never entitled to under the constitution.
As a former Federal Judge, Joe Miller said this week: "The chief justice’s rescue of the individual mandate is a massive expansion of federal power, now permitting the federal government to regulate, by taxation, its citizens’ “failure to act” or passivity. I challenge you to go back to the first 150 years of U.S. jurisprudence and find any Supreme Court opinion that would suggest such a construction of Congress’s power to tax and spend under Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution."
In his powerful dissent, Justice Scalia agreed that this power grab was unconstitutional:
"What is absolutely clear, affirmed by the text of the 1789 Constitution, by the Tenth Amendment ratified in 1791, and by innumerable cases of ours in the 220 years since, is that there are structural limits upon federal power—upon what it can prescribe with respect to private conduct, and upon what it can impose upon the sovereign States."
And then the zinger:
"Whatever may be the conceptual limits upon the Commerce Clause and upon the power to tax and spend, they cannot be such as will enable the Federal Government to regulate all private conduct and to compel the States to function as administrators of federal programs."
We MUST, my friends, make sure this November 6th, we vote GOP. We need a clear Republican Majority in the House and Senate and a Republican President so when more Justices are apointed and vetted they will be Constitution Scholars, and lovers of Freedom, with no liberal predjuces against Liberty, no leanings toward Socialism and Communism. We must restore our Constitutional Republic and protect it forever more.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
If You are Wondering Where Jesus Is, Here is the Scoop
With Father's Day coming up tomorrow, I got to thinking about how few days a year people go looking for Jesus. Oh, I know, they sit in a pew at church on Sunday, but are they expecting Jesus to show up? A few maybe. A few even invite His Holy Spirit inside, (but that's another subject for study).
No, most people, even Christians, go to church four or five, maybe six times a year to look for Jesus. Some go on Christmas and look for a little baby in a feed trough (manger), but He's not there any more. Some go on Resurrection Day and look in an empty tomb, and thank God He isn't there. Others go on Mother's Day or Father's Day looking for Jesus among the memories of mom and dad. As great as Mom and Dad were, they'd be the first to tell you Jesus isn't a memory. Same for Memorial Day of your Church, as great as all the former Church members were they would agree Jesus isn't in the Church. He doesn't live in a building built by human hands.
So where is Jesus? Easy. Jesus is seated on His Throne, right where He is supposed to be. He is sitting at the "right hand" of His Father, making intercession of our prayers, watching every move we make, waiting for us to say that powerful word Lord. Lord forgive me! He is instantly listening. Lord Save me! He already has. Lord help me! He is always in place and ready.
The part of the Godhead that is the Father can't look on our sin, but the walking, talking, Seated in Glory Jesus part of the Godhead, has already seen our sin from the Cross, and from that night in the Garden when he drank our sin and shame in that awful cup. He intercedes and says to The Father and The Spirit this is the one I was telling you about, one of those I died for, a great friend and brother, ain't it great to hear from him. I know the whole family down there. I can hardly wait till You tell me to go get them Father. I know it will be soon now. Very Soon!
No, most people, even Christians, go to church four or five, maybe six times a year to look for Jesus. Some go on Christmas and look for a little baby in a feed trough (manger), but He's not there any more. Some go on Resurrection Day and look in an empty tomb, and thank God He isn't there. Others go on Mother's Day or Father's Day looking for Jesus among the memories of mom and dad. As great as Mom and Dad were, they'd be the first to tell you Jesus isn't a memory. Same for Memorial Day of your Church, as great as all the former Church members were they would agree Jesus isn't in the Church. He doesn't live in a building built by human hands.
So where is Jesus? Easy. Jesus is seated on His Throne, right where He is supposed to be. He is sitting at the "right hand" of His Father, making intercession of our prayers, watching every move we make, waiting for us to say that powerful word Lord. Lord forgive me! He is instantly listening. Lord Save me! He already has. Lord help me! He is always in place and ready.
The part of the Godhead that is the Father can't look on our sin, but the walking, talking, Seated in Glory Jesus part of the Godhead, has already seen our sin from the Cross, and from that night in the Garden when he drank our sin and shame in that awful cup. He intercedes and says to The Father and The Spirit this is the one I was telling you about, one of those I died for, a great friend and brother, ain't it great to hear from him. I know the whole family down there. I can hardly wait till You tell me to go get them Father. I know it will be soon now. Very Soon!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Never Ever Ever Ever Trust the Liberal Media; & Analysis of FOX News From a Christian Perspective
As I absently-mindedly tried to work on some writing projects, through the distraction of the local Morning News this morning, I couldn't help focusing on the mindless fluff ABC, in this case, had substituted for news. Where, I thought, among all the dancing weathermen, dancing bears and dogs in dresses; where amid the recipes, juggling clowns, sign-waving vacationers, and would-be or washed-up recording artists; where was the news? Why was I watching more previews of the new prime time network schedule, when no ABC series or talk show is morally fit for human viewing anymore; just where was any trace of breaking news?
News after all is what I tuned in to hear. Which brings me to the Question: Where can one find real, straight off the old wire news, without the political spin, and without censorship, left or right?
It has become quite obvious of late, especially since the formation of the so-called Obama 'Truth' Team (who dispense anything but Truth), and the associated Media interference from Leftist Propaganda outlet Media Matters
which has long ago deleted all reference to truth from its data banks; that what we once called the Mainstream Media has been taken over by the liberal/progressive/Socialist/Communist/Chicago Mob Propaganda machine. Intimidation in all forms, mild to the harshest, threat of job security, to yes even threat of assassination, or better yet bribed with promise of advancement; hosts not even closely passing for true Journalists, mindlessly, word for word, read from the Media Matters approved daily Obama reelection tip sheet or script. Each news story carefully rewritten, and Media Matters approved, to favor the left and Obama's reelection campaign.
Who is guilty of giving in to this Media intimidation? Almost every single member of the "mainstream" networks; anchors, producers, writers, foreign corespondents, even cameramen and roving reporters. Not only Network but Local News Desks are given orders to present news stories exactly as the Media Matters Propaganda Script comes written.
Not only news but almost all new programming is deliberately and carefully skewed to influence, indoctrinate, and mind wash the hapless viewer. Most networks now require at least one homosexual be included in every show, series, or special presentation so that the innocent minds of viewers will be bombarded with images of an unnatural sinful lifestyle until their minds are calloused to the sin. Witches, Warlocks, Astrologers, Zombies, Gore, Blood and Guts, Adultery, Divorce, Bisexuality, Abortion, Promiscuity, living together before marriage, Gambling, Body Mutilation, Drunkenness, Drugs, and of course making fun of Christianity are all part of the daily Network indoctrination.
Who is guilty? Well as I said ABC brought this to my attention this morning. As far as regular programming their new prime time schedule is so disgustingly unfit for viewing I dismiss it outright. Ellen is another program
that should be monitored so children are never exposed to the homosexual indoctrination. ABC news is more subtle than some in delivery of the Media Matters Script, NBC and MSNBC not so much to the point that some call MSNBC 'Obama Campaign Headquarters'. CBS falls in line like a good little soldier. Cable Networks are also guilty. Discovery and like networks are sold out to the Leftist Environmentalists who really wouldn't know the difference in an Eastern Narrow-Mouthed Toad and a Polar Bear. The History Channel is so bent on destroying Christianity and the Bible that they have lost all creditability. Even when they include a few seconds of interview with an occasional real Bible authority they take the words so out of context as to totally skew the interview. They misquote Scripture, misrepresent accepted views of Biblical Cannon, and leave the viewer with open ended implications and a screen shot to reinforce the errant point they were trying to present. CNN hungry for viewers of any sort, is more likely to present a somewhat more balanced view so as not to exclude the left or right. This brings us to FOX.
Analysis of FOX News Network from a Christian Perspective:
Fox is indeed far more fair and balanced. Only the ignorant really argue that point. Fox always at least invites comment from the left when a news story regarding left/right issues is being discussed. Usually a panel is involved where often heated discussions develop. Indeed I, as a die hard conservative, am often irritated and disgusted by some of the far less than Conservative hosts like Geraldo Rivera.
Another issue I have with Fox, as a Christian, is their continual reliance on Catholic guest commentators for questions regarding moral issues. No offence intended (please believe me), but Catholic Priests and Bishops are rarely if ever Bible Scholars. I often think of the several times a young Catholic Nephew of mine came to me with Bible questions from the Local Catholic Father (eg. where certain subjects were referenced in the Old Testament). He would relate to the priest things I had commented on and the Priest didn't know how to go to the Scriptures and find it on his own, he would send the young man back requesting Chapter and verse. I know it is hard to get most Pastors of any denomination to speak out boldly. Only a few like John Hagee do so with any frequency, but I wish Fox would invite more like him.
My recommendation rely on Fox for the facts, watch other networks briefly to see what Media Matters and leftist commentators are plotting, and then go back to Fox for facts on how to counter the plot, Pray, and Read Your Bible. If you select what you view based on the Bible and Vote the Bible you will always be right with God and your conscience.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
The Sheep are still Stupid
As I reflected on the recent Primary Elections here in Arkansas, the conclusion came to me that people are Stupid. Yes I know, it is not a particularly original thought, but is reinforced by the cold hard fact that the masses, blinded by the lusts, and confusions, and Satanic propaganda of our day, tend to vote for the very things that will bring about their own extinction. Not just physical extinction but worse; the death of moral conviction, truth, justice, law, ethics, compasion, Love, Freedom, independant thought, Christianity and yes even Hope. Starving poor vote for Casinos and Lotteries instead of Job Creation, the socialially rejected and disillusioned vote for Socialist leaders who will ignore them and enslave them, dreamers vote for the very things that will destroy their dreams.
Has Mankind lost their ablility to reason, or is this just a continuation of age old inability to focus on truth and experience? I think the latter. Lessons learned yesterday seldom influence our stupidity of today until we have lived and relived the stupid act in question multiple times. We do the same stupid things, over, and over, and over, and over, and over, until we are so sick of seeing the negative outcome that a small percentage of wiser people, lets call them Conservative Visionaries, actually sit down and think for a change.
The Truth is there waiting for us, where it has been for ages past. Not just in our God-given Conscience, but there written down for us. In the writings of Mark Twain, Ben Franklin, in the Music of Hank Williams, in the great works of art, in our Nation's Declaration of Independance, and in that Greatest Source of all time God's Holy Word, the Bible. God Himself wrote down all the rules, with sample illustrations of those who did it wrong as well as those who did it right. Writings to the point, simple to understand, proven through the ages, God's Absolute Truth and the Key to solving all our problems, Jesus, is not only our Key but our Savior and Redeemer for every stupid mistake we have ever made.
Has Mankind lost their ablility to reason, or is this just a continuation of age old inability to focus on truth and experience? I think the latter. Lessons learned yesterday seldom influence our stupidity of today until we have lived and relived the stupid act in question multiple times. We do the same stupid things, over, and over, and over, and over, and over, until we are so sick of seeing the negative outcome that a small percentage of wiser people, lets call them Conservative Visionaries, actually sit down and think for a change.
The Truth is there waiting for us, where it has been for ages past. Not just in our God-given Conscience, but there written down for us. In the writings of Mark Twain, Ben Franklin, in the Music of Hank Williams, in the great works of art, in our Nation's Declaration of Independance, and in that Greatest Source of all time God's Holy Word, the Bible. God Himself wrote down all the rules, with sample illustrations of those who did it wrong as well as those who did it right. Writings to the point, simple to understand, proven through the ages, God's Absolute Truth and the Key to solving all our problems, Jesus, is not only our Key but our Savior and Redeemer for every stupid mistake we have ever made.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Obama Wrong Again, this time Challenging God
I get tired of speaking about this subject, but "President" Obama who is already masquerading as POTUS without being a natural born citizen, came out after last night's dismal primary results Desparate for homosexual votes (or any kind of votes) and endorsed Homosexual Marriage.
@ All the immoral (or too silly to understand) people who don't support the Bible and God's abhorance of what He calls the Abomination (or rotten stench) of Homosexuality, you are arguing, as Obama is, with your Creator, not mere public opinion. What homosexuals do and what they believe is between them and the same God who destroyed Sodom, but it is certainly not wise. Jesus said of marriage between a man and a woman, "let not man put assunder, that which God hath joined together", in a foolish comment one poster on MSN's page earlier today wrongly said, "Jesus would endorse his gay neighbor". That is simply not what the Bible proves and clearly teaches. It was specifically The Angel of the LORD (preincarnate Jesus) who personally destroyed Sodom and Gomorah for the specific sin of Homosexuality. The book of Daniel also tells us that the Anti-Christ himself will be a homosexual. Satan always trys to pervert God's way of Living and perverting wholesome and natural marriage between a man and a woman is a perfect example of Satan's work here on earth. Wake up America. Jesus Destroyed Sodom for the same thing America is becoming, a den of homosexual depravity!
@ All the immoral (or too silly to understand) people who don't support the Bible and God's abhorance of what He calls the Abomination (or rotten stench) of Homosexuality, you are arguing, as Obama is, with your Creator, not mere public opinion. What homosexuals do and what they believe is between them and the same God who destroyed Sodom, but it is certainly not wise. Jesus said of marriage between a man and a woman, "let not man put assunder, that which God hath joined together", in a foolish comment one poster on MSN's page earlier today wrongly said, "Jesus would endorse his gay neighbor". That is simply not what the Bible proves and clearly teaches. It was specifically The Angel of the LORD (preincarnate Jesus) who personally destroyed Sodom and Gomorah for the specific sin of Homosexuality. The book of Daniel also tells us that the Anti-Christ himself will be a homosexual. Satan always trys to pervert God's way of Living and perverting wholesome and natural marriage between a man and a woman is a perfect example of Satan's work here on earth. Wake up America. Jesus Destroyed Sodom for the same thing America is becoming, a den of homosexual depravity!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Articles: What Dan Savage Doesn't Know about the Bible and Slavery
Please Pray for Homosexual Activist Dan Savage. Dan Savage is an anti-spirtual IDIOT who knows nothing about the Bible. He is a poor lost and badly perverted soul who needs prayer as badly as any man since Hitler. He is deeply lost in homosexual perversion and takes out his guilt on society by ranting anti-Christian retoric and foul language.
Articles: What Dan Savage Doesn't Know about the Bible and Slavery
Articles: What Dan Savage Doesn't Know about the Bible and Slavery
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
The Truth About "Earth Day"
Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. Romans 1:25
This week millions of innocent Children will be indoctrinated into Earth Worship, and a fake holiday celebrated by wiccans, Mother Earther's, and environmentalists who wouldn't know the difference between an Elm Tree and a Polar Bear. Schools have bought... into this scam in full force and the poor kids don't understand the evil plot behind it all. The President Tweeted today about his "carbon footprint", and the Junk Science of "Global Warming" is still being touted by politicians and the United Nations even though it has been proven a false by all reputable Scientists. Please tell your children the Truth. This is the Day the Lord has made, and the Earth is His Creation! Amen!
This week millions of innocent Children will be indoctrinated into Earth Worship, and a fake holiday celebrated by wiccans, Mother Earther's, and environmentalists who wouldn't know the difference between an Elm Tree and a Polar Bear. Schools have bought... into this scam in full force and the poor kids don't understand the evil plot behind it all. The President Tweeted today about his "carbon footprint", and the Junk Science of "Global Warming" is still being touted by politicians and the United Nations even though it has been proven a false by all reputable Scientists. Please tell your children the Truth. This is the Day the Lord has made, and the Earth is His Creation! Amen!
Friday, April 13, 2012
The Problem's Source
Who do we blame for all the problems in the world? Is it the world's fault? No the problem of the world is that the Church is failing in its job.
some would say it is the sinners fault. I say it is the church's fault for failing to rebuke Sin. Some say it is the Bad guys out there. I say it is the supposed good guys and gals in the pews who won't take the Good News out on the street corner, and out to the jail cells, and the Grocery Store and WalMart when they shop.
Some don't even pick up the phone and call others.
Some don't even pray for others.
Some have never knocked on a door to visit.
Some don't think very often about the Gospel themselves.
Some don't remember where they put their Bible last Sunday
after Church and they won't look for it till this Sunday Morning.
Some, I hear, have never shared the Plan of Salvation with another
living Soul.
some would say it is the sinners fault. I say it is the church's fault for failing to rebuke Sin. Some say it is the Bad guys out there. I say it is the supposed good guys and gals in the pews who won't take the Good News out on the street corner, and out to the jail cells, and the Grocery Store and WalMart when they shop.
Some don't even pick up the phone and call others.
Some don't even pray for others.
Some have never knocked on a door to visit.
Some don't think very often about the Gospel themselves.
Some don't remember where they put their Bible last Sunday
after Church and they won't look for it till this Sunday Morning.
Some, I hear, have never shared the Plan of Salvation with another
living Soul.
Some vote for politicians who support gambling, and abortion,
and legalizing drugs, and homosexual marriage.
and legalizing drugs, and homosexual marriage.
Some apparently don't care about anyone but themselves.
And some are too busy gossiping about others to do anything
And some are too busy gossiping about others to do anything
Could any of these church members be Me???
Thanks! to American Family Radio's "Talk" for the following post that inspired today's comments.
The problem of the world is not the world.
The problem of the world is the church.
The problem of the world is not the sinners in the world.
The problem of the world is the saints in the church.
The problem is not the bad guys out there.
The problem is the good guys in here who won’t take the Good News out there to the people who really need to hear it.
The problem is not the sin we see all around us.
The problem is the really good people who remain comfortably trapped inside the four walls of the church.
The problem is me.
~~AFR Talk
The problem of the world is the church.
The problem of the world is not the sinners in the world.
The problem of the world is the saints in the church.
The problem is not the bad guys out there.
The problem is the good guys in here who won’t take the Good News out there to the people who really need to hear it.
The problem is not the sin we see all around us.
The problem is the really good people who remain comfortably trapped inside the four walls of the church.
The problem is me.
~~AFR Talk
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Where is the Voice of the Prophet
Sometimes I feel like old Elijah:
Then said Elijah unto the people, I, even I only, remain a prophet of the Lord; but Baal's prophets are four hundred and fifty men.
1 Kings 18:22 (KJV)
We do have some good Preachers out there, I hear some good Sermons on Love, on tithing, on healing. I hear good teaching on lots of subjects, even explaining the prophecy of Daniel and Revelation. But where is the Voice of the Prophet? Where is the Thus Saith, and the Woe Unto, where is the call to repent and the Trumpet to don armor and man the wall?
Where is the Preacher that tells it like it is, no holds barred? Why are we tolerant of Sin? I don't find the word tolerance in the Bible anywhere. Yes I know the word wasn't coined until 1,300 years after Christ, but I don't find the concept anywhere in the Bible where we are to show "patience, sufferance or forbearance" to sin of any sort. For instance, " Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. " Ex 22:18 (KJV), no tolerance there and of patience with the sinner jesus said: " I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:
Rev 2:2 (KJV)
So yes, we are to be patient with the sinner, but never with the sin. When we have sin in the Church, we need a Preacher wit a prophet's voice who will point it out, rebuke it, and get it out of the Church.
When we have sin in our local community we need Preachers who will, point it out, rebuke it , and get it out of the Community.
When we have sin in the Nations we need Preachers who will point it out, rebuke it, and get it out of the Nation in question.
Paul taught Timothy: "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry."
2 Tim 4:2-5 (KJV)
Be instant, in season, out of season, but instant in rebuking sin. Prove it over and over, God has no tolerance for sin. Exort your congregation to do the same, exort them with patience, but Doctrine requires truth and directness and exact obedience. Doctine is sound even if lust won't regard it or endure it. Don't let your congregation listen to the fables of the outside world as they attack the teachings of the true Church. Don't allow what false teachers and deacons from outside do affect the sure dogma inside your own Church Pastor. Rebuke over and over, in season and out, no matter what, for Woe are those who do not the Will of the Savior.
Tolerance of homosexuality, of drugs, of abortion, gossip, beastiality, lying, greed, witchcraft, busybodying, drinking, cussing, pewsitting, pride, hate, murder, adultry, and the idolatry of loving anything in this world so that it affects your Service to God; these are sins the Voice of the Prophet must weed out of the Church.
Then said Elijah unto the people, I, even I only, remain a prophet of the Lord; but Baal's prophets are four hundred and fifty men.
1 Kings 18:22 (KJV)
We do have some good Preachers out there, I hear some good Sermons on Love, on tithing, on healing. I hear good teaching on lots of subjects, even explaining the prophecy of Daniel and Revelation. But where is the Voice of the Prophet? Where is the Thus Saith, and the Woe Unto, where is the call to repent and the Trumpet to don armor and man the wall?
Where is the Preacher that tells it like it is, no holds barred? Why are we tolerant of Sin? I don't find the word tolerance in the Bible anywhere. Yes I know the word wasn't coined until 1,300 years after Christ, but I don't find the concept anywhere in the Bible where we are to show "patience, sufferance or forbearance" to sin of any sort. For instance, " Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. " Ex 22:18 (KJV), no tolerance there and of patience with the sinner jesus said: " I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:
Rev 2:2 (KJV)
So yes, we are to be patient with the sinner, but never with the sin. When we have sin in the Church, we need a Preacher wit a prophet's voice who will point it out, rebuke it, and get it out of the Church.
When we have sin in our local community we need Preachers who will, point it out, rebuke it , and get it out of the Community.
When we have sin in the Nations we need Preachers who will point it out, rebuke it, and get it out of the Nation in question.
Paul taught Timothy: "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry."
2 Tim 4:2-5 (KJV)
Be instant, in season, out of season, but instant in rebuking sin. Prove it over and over, God has no tolerance for sin. Exort your congregation to do the same, exort them with patience, but Doctrine requires truth and directness and exact obedience. Doctine is sound even if lust won't regard it or endure it. Don't let your congregation listen to the fables of the outside world as they attack the teachings of the true Church. Don't allow what false teachers and deacons from outside do affect the sure dogma inside your own Church Pastor. Rebuke over and over, in season and out, no matter what, for Woe are those who do not the Will of the Savior.
Tolerance of homosexuality, of drugs, of abortion, gossip, beastiality, lying, greed, witchcraft, busybodying, drinking, cussing, pewsitting, pride, hate, murder, adultry, and the idolatry of loving anything in this world so that it affects your Service to God; these are sins the Voice of the Prophet must weed out of the Church.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Obama Doesn't Know Much About Jesus
At this year's "Easter" Prayer Breakfast, Obama let his mouth run as usual, showing his ignorance of the Bible.
“For like us, Jesus knew doubt,” Obama said. “Like us, Jesus knew fear. In the garden of Gethsemane, with attackers closing in around him, Jesus told His disciples, ‘my soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.’”
Obama went on:
“He fell to his knees, pleading with his Father, saying, ‘If it is possible, may this cup be taken from me.’ And yet, in the end, he confronted his fear with words of humble surrender, saying, ‘If it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done,’” Obama said. “So it is only because Jesus conquered his own anguish, conquered his fear, that we’re able to celebrate the resurrection."
According to CNS News.com, Denny Burk, an associate professor of biblical studies at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, believes Obama erred in ascribing both fear and doubt to Jesus.
“Does the Bible really teach that Christ had doubts and fears on the same order as our own? The Bible in fact never teaches such a thing, and it diminishes Christ’s achievement to suggest otherwise,” Burke wrote on his blog, which was later reported in Baptist Press and on Townhall.com.
“In the Bible, doubt and fear are sins. In fact, Jesus Himself describes doubt as the opposite of faith (Matt. 14:31; 21:21; Mark 11:23),” Burk wrote. “In very explicit terms, Jesus himself commands his disciples not to ‘fear’ those who persecute them (Matt. 10:26; 28, 31). No less than seven times, Jesus himself commands his disciples not to be ‘anxious’ about their lives (Matt. 6:25, 31, 34; Mark 10:19; 13:11; Luke 12:11, 22.”
Burk goes on to write, “To say that Jesus had doubts and fears is to make him into a transgressor. But that is not at all the biblical depiction of Jesus. Yes, Jesus can sympathize with all of our weaknesses and, yes, he was tempted in all things as we are. But He did it without sin! (Heb. 4:15)”
In Fact, the cup to which Jesus referred did not refer at all to his upcoming capture, torture and cruxifiction. The Cup to which Jesus referred contained the shame and disgrace of all mankind's sin which Jesus was about to bear, the Cup allowed those sins to be nailed to the Cross via his earthly body. Our sins and shame and disgrace and regret and nastiness, things Jesus had never experienced first hand because He had never committed a sin, were in that cup. Every ugly, nasty, perverse thing I have ever done was seen by Jesus in the Garden that night, that was what he saw in the cup. As Abominable as the shame was Jesus drank and took it upon himself to spare us. The Greatest act of love ever conceived. He had never been separated from His Father, yet His Father who cannot look on sin was about to let him die on the Cross bearing sins and shame Jesus didn't deserve. God would have to turn His back on His Son and not look those last moments as the Sin of the whole world was transferred to Jesus' shoulders.
No, Jesus who Created the Universe had no fear of what His Creation could do to Him, in His Omnipresence he knew the outcome. Jesus had no doubt, He had already seen the New Jerusalem coming down from the Heavens, He was already seated on his Everlasting Throne in His mind's eye. Jesus doesn't experience doubt or fear, only non-believers or those with little Faith deal with those emotions, only those of other religions or no belief in the Omnipotent God, The One True God, The God of Israel, The Creator, Jesus!
“For like us, Jesus knew doubt,” Obama said. “Like us, Jesus knew fear. In the garden of Gethsemane, with attackers closing in around him, Jesus told His disciples, ‘my soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.’”
Obama went on:
“He fell to his knees, pleading with his Father, saying, ‘If it is possible, may this cup be taken from me.’ And yet, in the end, he confronted his fear with words of humble surrender, saying, ‘If it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done,’” Obama said. “So it is only because Jesus conquered his own anguish, conquered his fear, that we’re able to celebrate the resurrection."
According to CNS News.com, Denny Burk, an associate professor of biblical studies at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, believes Obama erred in ascribing both fear and doubt to Jesus.
“Does the Bible really teach that Christ had doubts and fears on the same order as our own? The Bible in fact never teaches such a thing, and it diminishes Christ’s achievement to suggest otherwise,” Burke wrote on his blog, which was later reported in Baptist Press and on Townhall.com.
“In the Bible, doubt and fear are sins. In fact, Jesus Himself describes doubt as the opposite of faith (Matt. 14:31; 21:21; Mark 11:23),” Burk wrote. “In very explicit terms, Jesus himself commands his disciples not to ‘fear’ those who persecute them (Matt. 10:26; 28, 31). No less than seven times, Jesus himself commands his disciples not to be ‘anxious’ about their lives (Matt. 6:25, 31, 34; Mark 10:19; 13:11; Luke 12:11, 22.”
Burk goes on to write, “To say that Jesus had doubts and fears is to make him into a transgressor. But that is not at all the biblical depiction of Jesus. Yes, Jesus can sympathize with all of our weaknesses and, yes, he was tempted in all things as we are. But He did it without sin! (Heb. 4:15)”
In Fact, the cup to which Jesus referred did not refer at all to his upcoming capture, torture and cruxifiction. The Cup to which Jesus referred contained the shame and disgrace of all mankind's sin which Jesus was about to bear, the Cup allowed those sins to be nailed to the Cross via his earthly body. Our sins and shame and disgrace and regret and nastiness, things Jesus had never experienced first hand because He had never committed a sin, were in that cup. Every ugly, nasty, perverse thing I have ever done was seen by Jesus in the Garden that night, that was what he saw in the cup. As Abominable as the shame was Jesus drank and took it upon himself to spare us. The Greatest act of love ever conceived. He had never been separated from His Father, yet His Father who cannot look on sin was about to let him die on the Cross bearing sins and shame Jesus didn't deserve. God would have to turn His back on His Son and not look those last moments as the Sin of the whole world was transferred to Jesus' shoulders.
No, Jesus who Created the Universe had no fear of what His Creation could do to Him, in His Omnipresence he knew the outcome. Jesus had no doubt, He had already seen the New Jerusalem coming down from the Heavens, He was already seated on his Everlasting Throne in His mind's eye. Jesus doesn't experience doubt or fear, only non-believers or those with little Faith deal with those emotions, only those of other religions or no belief in the Omnipotent God, The One True God, The God of Israel, The Creator, Jesus!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
The Shroud of Turin Controversey
Every year at this time, people who know little about the Bible yet are looking for something magically "religious" bring up the shroud of Turin. The Shroud, regardless of how interesting the image may be has no connection whatsoever with Jesus the Christ. Jesus was not buried in a shroud. The bible very clearly teaches that Jesus' body was wrapped in burial cloths (strips about two inches wide, as was the Jewish custom carried from the Egyptian captivity). That is part of the proving part of the Gospel that Peter and John testified to after visiting the empty tomb, the burial strips were flat and empty but had not been unwrapped, the body had Resurrected through the cloth. The Napkin, or what we would call a bandanna, used to cover the face was neatly folded as a carpenter folded his sweaty headband after a job was completed, and it would placed on top of the finished work to denote "being finished".
Sunday, April 1, 2012
It is Not "Easter", it is Resurrection Day!!!
Every year of my Christian life my soul has cringed when I heard people say they were celebrating "Easter". Even as a young boy of 11 or 12, I had read in the Book of Judges and other places in the Bible about the Worship of Baal, and Ishtar the Goddess of Fertility, ( she was a goddess of erotic "love" also know as Astarte, Ashtaroth, and later in Greek mythology as Aphrodite; her symbols included, phalic and female body sculptures, the Rabbit or "Ishtar Bunny" a reproductive symbol, and the "Ishtar Egg" which likewise denoted fertility and was used in a game where dyed eggs were hid for the children, at least where the cult didn't itself sacrifice children). [And you thought modern business enterprize had invented "Easter Baskets"?]
As I read the Bible it said: " And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, and served Baalim: 12 And they forsook the Lord God of their fathers, which brought them out of the land of Egypt, and followed other gods, of the gods of the people that were round about them, and bowed themselves unto them, and provoked the Lord to anger. 13 And they forsook the Lord, and served Baal and Ashtaroth. "`
Judges 2:11-13
And: They did not destroy the nations, concerning whom the Lord commanded them: 35 But were mingled among the heathen, and learned their works. 36 And they served their idols: which were a snare unto them. 37 Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils, 38 And shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood.
Psalms 106:34-38
So this Resurrection Day, Celebrate the RESURRECTION of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Don't call it "Easter". Don't buy chocolate bunnies, and hide eggs, and celebrate pagan games and goddesses. Jesus is the Reason for this season too, not a false goddess. Not the game the world has made of the Most Victorious Day in Christian History.
Monday, March 26, 2012
How Deep is God's Ocean?
Hast thou entered into the springs of the sea? or hast thou walked in the search of the depth?
Job 38:16 (KJV)
Director James Cameron has recently descended into God's Ocean to someplace only two men have gone before — to to the ocean's deepest point. Yet 5,000 years ago a man named Job sitting in the middle of what we now call Saudi Arabia saw through God's eyes this same trench, "the springs of the deep", or sea. Old Job had probably never even seen the ocean and certainly had no super submarine with 6 inch compound steel walls. Yet he saw in God's brilliantly painted picture the springs boiling a nutrient rich soup (the root meaning here translated ointment).
He maketh the deep to boil like a pot: he maketh the sea like a pot of ointment.
Job 41:31 (KJV)
Job knew that in God's earlier judgement of earths people, God had opened these springs of the deep and allowed the new invention of rain from above, and the underground floods to cover the earth and rid it of the sin that had caused the Creator to almost regret His Creation. But God in His Mercy left Job's 8 ancestors floating high above the waves and later gave them a Rainbow in the sky to remind man of God's mercy.
Job saw not only the springs but the Leviathan, or the sea monster of earthly legend, something modern man has only had fleeting glimpses of except for a Japanese trawling crew who brought one up in a fouled net, so decomposed they took only a couple of poor photographs and cut the net, loosing the find of a scientific lifetime back into the sea to end the overwhelming stench. No man is poorly equipped to see much less understand the depth of God's ocean or His Love. God has to draw us mental and Spiritual pictures.
I am sure Director Cameron will have exciting stories to tell, 3D photos they say, and precise readings of depth and location. But not as exciting as the story God has already given us in His Holy Bible, no Cameron will only add verification of God's greatness, His Omnipresence, Omnipotence, and Love.
Job 38:16 (KJV)
Director James Cameron has recently descended into God's Ocean to someplace only two men have gone before — to to the ocean's deepest point. Yet 5,000 years ago a man named Job sitting in the middle of what we now call Saudi Arabia saw through God's eyes this same trench, "the springs of the deep", or sea. Old Job had probably never even seen the ocean and certainly had no super submarine with 6 inch compound steel walls. Yet he saw in God's brilliantly painted picture the springs boiling a nutrient rich soup (the root meaning here translated ointment).
He maketh the deep to boil like a pot: he maketh the sea like a pot of ointment.
Job 41:31 (KJV)
Job knew that in God's earlier judgement of earths people, God had opened these springs of the deep and allowed the new invention of rain from above, and the underground floods to cover the earth and rid it of the sin that had caused the Creator to almost regret His Creation. But God in His Mercy left Job's 8 ancestors floating high above the waves and later gave them a Rainbow in the sky to remind man of God's mercy.
Job saw not only the springs but the Leviathan, or the sea monster of earthly legend, something modern man has only had fleeting glimpses of except for a Japanese trawling crew who brought one up in a fouled net, so decomposed they took only a couple of poor photographs and cut the net, loosing the find of a scientific lifetime back into the sea to end the overwhelming stench. No man is poorly equipped to see much less understand the depth of God's ocean or His Love. God has to draw us mental and Spiritual pictures.
I am sure Director Cameron will have exciting stories to tell, 3D photos they say, and precise readings of depth and location. But not as exciting as the story God has already given us in His Holy Bible, no Cameron will only add verification of God's greatness, His Omnipresence, Omnipotence, and Love.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Homosexuality Is Unnatural and Destructive
Former “Growing Pains” star Kirk Cameron told CNN’s Piers Morgan Friday that homosexuality is “unnatural” and “destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization.”
Homosexual Activist Herndon Graddick, GLAAD’s senior director of programs says, “Kirk Cameron is out of step with a growing majority of Americans, particularly people of faith who believe that their gay and lesbian brothers and sisters should be loved and accepted based on their character and not condemned because of their sexual orientation.”
Graddic and GLADD are both dead wrong! "People of True Faith" are all 100% in alignment with Cameron, Homosexuality is 'Unnatural' and 'Destructive', the Bible says so, our Faith says so, and God Says So! It is the homosexual community who is out of step, out of step with Faith in God, out of step with Bible Doctrines and Precepts, and out of step with God's Will and God Himself. Christians do deeply love all homosexuals, that is why we tell them the truth about the destructive unnatural sin they are delving in. It would be an act of hate to not try and help them.
Homosexual Activist Herndon Graddick, GLAAD’s senior director of programs says, “Kirk Cameron is out of step with a growing majority of Americans, particularly people of faith who believe that their gay and lesbian brothers and sisters should be loved and accepted based on their character and not condemned because of their sexual orientation.”
Graddic and GLADD are both dead wrong! "People of True Faith" are all 100% in alignment with Cameron, Homosexuality is 'Unnatural' and 'Destructive', the Bible says so, our Faith says so, and God Says So! It is the homosexual community who is out of step, out of step with Faith in God, out of step with Bible Doctrines and Precepts, and out of step with God's Will and God Himself. Christians do deeply love all homosexuals, that is why we tell them the truth about the destructive unnatural sin they are delving in. It would be an act of hate to not try and help them.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Pray for Lost Muslim Populations
We need to be more critical and insist on strict Bible Doctrine, the modern "church" is indeed watered down and Satan is doing his best to continue the process. Now Wycliffe Bible publishers has a new "bible" that is taking the "Father" , the Trinity, and any references to Jesus as "the Son" out, and instead of the verse on Baptism, "in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit", with "in the name of Allah". This is supposed to help muslims accept Christianity or some call it "Chrislam". But the FACT is there is no Christianity without a Savior and the Savior is the SON Jesus the Christ. There is ONLY ONE, One world Religion, and it is Christianity. Islam is a False religion, allah is a pagan moon deity just one of the 360 Canaanite deities of Baal Worship history that the False Prophet Muhammad had to choose from when he invented a name for his new god.
We as Christians need to pray for those enslaved to Islam. They don't understand they have been duped into believing a False Prophet. When Muhammad rejected Jesus as Savior, he rejected his only chance to Eternal Life in Heaven. Jihadists are not going to heaven, they have believed a lie. A lost soul is the saddest thought a Christian can imagine. Please, Pray that the very Holy Spirit that the muslim masses don't believe in would convict them of their sin and the lost and dying condition of their Eternal Soul, and that they would turn to Jesus the only door to Salvation. Amen! and Amen!
We as Christians need to pray for those enslaved to Islam. They don't understand they have been duped into believing a False Prophet. When Muhammad rejected Jesus as Savior, he rejected his only chance to Eternal Life in Heaven. Jihadists are not going to heaven, they have believed a lie. A lost soul is the saddest thought a Christian can imagine. Please, Pray that the very Holy Spirit that the muslim masses don't believe in would convict them of their sin and the lost and dying condition of their Eternal Soul, and that they would turn to Jesus the only door to Salvation. Amen! and Amen!
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