Sunday, May 21, 2017

What Kind of Bozo?

      Fellow Americans, What kind of Bozo doesn’t want to “Make America Great Again”? This is a Question which Every Single American surely needs to ask his or herself. What in Heaven’s Name can be wrong with improving the Economy, creating more Jobs, Bringing Thousands of Manufacturing back to America, having a secure Border and making sure immigrants are top notch workers with expert skills that are actually needed in our workforce?

      Everybody seems to agree that America was great until the Bust in 2006-2007. The United States housing bubble was a real estate bubble affecting over half of the U.S. states. Housing prices peaked in early 2006, started to decline in 2006 and 2007, and reached new lows in 2012. What caused the Bubble? Bill Clinton did. While the Economic Collapse is commonly attributed to Bush, because it was on his watch as President, Bush had very little to do with or very negligible effect on what was inevitably going to happen anyway.       Bill Clinton had a vision where even the poor could own their own housing, nothing wrong with that except somebody eventually has to pay for the home. Clinton pushed through legislation that forced Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Banks to Loan money for homes, even to people that clearly had no way to pay for them. A really DUMB idea because it was a Bubble Bound to Burst Sooner rather than later. The Bubble Burst on Bush’s watch, not Bush’s fault at all, it wasn’t his Bubble just his Problem.       Then along comes Barack Hussein Obama. He did a lot of complaining about the mess he had been dealt. Again, he was dealt it by his fellow Democrats; but Democrats were quick to shift the blame to Bush. Obama did NOTHING but make the situation worse. He played Golf (very poorly by the way) and bailed out the Banks (the ones at fault) which had shuffled loans they knew would never be paid off, and traded them to other Banks in Bundles of Dynamite Debt they knew were worthless.       Then Obama Bailed Out the Auto Industry, the Auto Industry that was building cars no one wanted, because the out of control Obama EPA was dictating small cars when the Public was obviously still wanting big gas guzzlers. So, who bought the huge overstocked inventory of funny little EPA dictated cars? The Taxpayers did. The Taxpayers shouldered all the burden. Not the at fault Banks, not the at fault Auto Makers. Obama let Chrysler sell out to European Manufacturers and we lost a third of another industry overseas; Ford, bless their hearts, at least turned down the bailout and cinched up their own belt like they should have, but the American Taxpayer bailed out General Motors and a host of Crooked Bankers. All Bush’s fault if you listened to the callus Democrats stuffing more dollars in their own vest pockets. All the while Obama’s Golf game never improved though the costs for his Family Vacations put a strain on the National Debt all on their own.        We had what effectively amounted to Zero Job Growth all eight years of the Obama Administration, Obamacare added to the dismal nightly news with Business after Business cutting hours below the legal full time threshold so they would no longer have to provide Employer Health Insurance. Obamacare created thousands of part time jobs with Zero Benefits, and less job security. People having to work 3 jobs to make do helped Obama’s Job Creation Data by being counted 3 times for what would have been 1 Forty Hour a Week Job under the Bush Administration. Job Data was falsified beyond any semblance of being truthful data. The Unemployment Rate was touted to be 4.7% when the Real Unemployment Rate was clearly over 12%, perhaps as high as 15%. Black Unemployment remained at around 22% throughout Obama’s 2 terms.

      Then The Silent Majority, mostly Christians who hadn’t voted for 8 or 10 years, fed up with Feckless Politics stepped up to the plate in the Voting Booth and Elected Donald J. Trump. In Donald J. Trumps first 100 days we have already had a dramatic turn around. Companies are fighting to see who can bring the most manufacturing jobs back to America. Companies like Boeing, Caterpillar, U.S. Steel, Alcoa, Arconic, Nucor, Intel, John Deere ……., the list goes on, are surging in the Stock Market since Trump’s election. The Stock Surge has earned the Title “the Trump Effect”. The Promise of less invasive EPA Regulation, lower Taxes, Tax Reform, and overhaul of the Disastrous Obamacare Nightmare continue to spur Economic Growth and Excitement.

      Today I watched President Trump Make by far the single Greatest Compact with Muslim Leaders in the Middle East since the end of WWII. Truly the History of the World was changed for the better in One Single Trip to Saudi Arabia. No more of the Wimpy Apology Tour Politics of the Obama Administration. We saw a Truly Presidential Figure greeted with Grandeur and Respect by every Islamic Leader of the Region with the exception of Iran’s Henchmen. They slapped ISIS in the Face and called for their very souls to be damned. No imaginary Red Line there.

      Patriots, we are Making America Great again. It is happening as I speak, it is getting better every single day. What a Great President we have elected. Happy Days will soon be here again if you look for them and ignore the Fake News Media Nay Sayers whose sole objective is to derail the Speeding Trump Train with lies and rumors. There is Power in Media Journalism these days, and all too many of the Mainstream Clowns care nothing about Journalistic Principles and Ethics as long as their Story is First and Biggest. I watch Fox Business and Fox and Friends; Eric Boling is good, so is Sean Hannity but watch out for Chris Wallace and some of the other Commentators on Fox some are Liberals working for the Gotcha Squad whose only interest is to cast doubt on Trump. Never trust a Liberal. Liberalism is a Brain Disorder.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Larry's Online Jail Ministry: Christians Don't Call themselves Democrats

Larry's Online Jail Ministry: Christians Don't Call themselves Democrats:       Now that I am Disabled, my wife Vera has to lay out my shirts. I can no longer reach up from my wheelchair into the closet or the top ...

Christians Don't Call themselves Democrats

      Now that I am Disabled, my wife Vera has to lay out my shirts. I can no longer reach up from my wheelchair into the closet or the top drawer of a dresser. I am reliant on her to pick out a pair of slacks and a shirt that will match.
      All too many self-proclaimed Christians are disabled Spiritually. Sure they attend a Church on Sunday Morning; some even attend Sunday Evening and a few go to Pray on Wednesday Evening. But they can't reach the top shelf in their Bible and lay out their own clothing; pick out their Spiritual Tie; they can't match their shoes for their Daily Life without a Sermon from their Pastor to tide them over to the next Sunday Morning. I too often call them Pew Sitters. Except for Sunday Morning Sermons they have no Christian direction in Life.
 9 .... seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds; 10  And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him: Colossians 3:9-10 (KJV) 

      One of the most important duties of a True Christian is to support Godly Politicians, (Oh! How rare a Flower!), in the Ballot Box. Do you think when you vote? Yes, "What would Jesus do?", is a good question, but if you are relying on the Sermon Last Sunday to remind you, you may not be prepared to check the right box on the Ballot. Do you study on your own? Not just reading the Newspaper and watching the Leftist skewed Quasi Journalists on TV; but getting into the issues and checking with Christian Organizations to see how they Grade Politicians on Christian issues. And when is the last time you actually picked up your Bible an studied God's Word on your own? Do you have to hunt for your Bible so you won't be late for Church at the last minute on Sunday? If so what good is your Bible doing you. I guarantee the reader, if you pick up that Bible, say a little prayer for guidance, and open it up, God via The Holy Spirit will reward you with Spiritual Enlightenment beyond your wildest dreams.
Psalm 18:28 (KJV) 28  For thou wilt light my candle: the LORD my God will enlighten my darkness.

      No True Christian can affiliate Himself or Herself with the Democrat Party, Leftism, Communism, Progressivism, Socialism or most other isms. The Democrat Party Platform is one of the most Evil Documents ever written. It permits the Premeditated Murder by Abortion of Living Babies. Just like the Canaanites laid their infants on the Molten Red Hot Arms of the Idol Moloch in false worship, Modern Day Dems blindly lay Our Infants on the Molten Hot Arms of the Idol of Abortion to worship Satan. There is so little difference it is sickening. For a few minutes of indiscretion and lust, an innocent young child is Sacrificed for Convenience. This is not Birth Control, Birth Control works before the sex act. This is Premeditated Murder to solve a man/woman made inconvenience where Birth Control was not considered.
       This Evil Democrat Platform also calls for the abolishment of the God Ordained Institution of Covenant Marriage between a Man and Woman and their God. It cheapens Marriage through unsavory, unnatural unions identified as "same sex". Something God has repeatedly called Abomination, (literally a stench in God's Nostrils). It calls for Perverted Men to be allowed in little girl's Restrooms where they can slobber over and molest little girls with their eyes (at the very least).

      The Democrat Platform is openly a Socialist/Communist Document calling for the diminishment of any Religious test for Legislation. We know that Communism promotes Atheism and Abolishment of the Worship of any God. We know that in 2012 Democrat Delegates at their Convention took great pride in Booing God, ( an obvious acknowledgment of their hatred of Our Creator and Lord).
      Of Late the DNC has become an Organized Source of Hatred toward our Elected President Donald J. Trump. They call themselves the Resistance. Resistance to what? To making America Great Again! To correcting the Damage to our Constitution, Economy, Security and Prosperity fostered by the Feckless, misguided, corrupt governance of the Obama Administration. How can they Question the Job Enhancing, Business Strengthening, Economy Growing changes so far by the Trump Administration? The Economy which had barely grown at 1% the entire two terms of Obama is Thriving under Trump, a testament to the job killing disaster that will be the Obama Legacy.
      Right now the DNC is Colluding with the Leftist Mainstream Media; twisting and skewing everything the Trump Administration says and does from something wonderful into the Craziest Kind of Nonsense. Journalism as I studied it is Dead at the Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, even half of the Hosts on FOX News Network are Leftist Plants. I have begun watching Fox Business Network for Honest News; Fox and Friends early morning is also Fair and Balanced as they say.
      Christians Overwhelmingly Elected Donald Trump. In 2008 and 2012 Christians sat on their pews and stayed home from the voting booth. But this election year they were fed up with sin in higher places of Government. They got off their pews and voted for Donald Trump. A lot of this is do to Pastors like John and Matthew Haggee, and Franklin Graham, and Organizations Like CUFI (Christians United for Israel), a block of over 3,000,000 voters by itself who got the vote out. The Silent Majority voted again.
      Please don't call yourself a Christian if you are going to vote for the Evil Democrat Platform or any of their candidates. Christians don't vote for Murder by Abortion. And Please be a True Patriot and Support the Donald J. Trump Administration. If you Love America Support Her and Her President. He is the Hardest Working President Since Abraham Lincoln and Harry Truman. He is working diligently for you, to Make Your America Great Again, to correct the wrongs of the Evil Obama Administration, to end Islamic Terror, to make our Economy Roar with the Spinning Gears of Healthy Capitalism that Created Our Great Country in it's Heyday. He can do it if we support him.