Thursday, February 21, 2019

What is Racism?

         What exactly is Racism? 


Dictionary result for racism

  1. prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

    synonyms:racial discrimination, racialism, racial prejudice/bigotry, xenophobia, chauvinism, bigotry, bias, intolerance; More
    • the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.                                                                                                                                

      That is the textbook definition. Notice that, It doesn't say all racists are white supremacists. That seems to be the Leftist Media definition. Notably that everyone wearing a MAGA Hat is a racist. That notion is a Lie straight from Satan.
      I was never a Racist not even as a kid. I had heard the word Nigger before I was 5, but I didn't know what it meant. I never, ever, thought it meant black, mostly because I had a black Friend. Chuck the Shoeshine man down at Harris's Barber Shop was a terrific friend of mine at five years of age. Chuck would smile, take my quarter, and spend just as much time on my shoes as he did any Banker or Business man. He told me stories, laughed, and treated me just like any other customer. We had a great, fun relationship.
      But I was confused. So what did Nigger mean? One day my Dad parked in front of the Paragould Post Office. We were one parking spot back from the marble steps on 2nd St. I could smell the Marble steps from the back seat of our old coupe. Just then a very young teen black girl went skipping up the steps. I asked my Mom, "Is that a Nigger?" The young girl stopped in her tracks. She had heard my query. She looked our way and I was sure she focused on me in the back seat. I was horrified. So was she. A look of anguish I will never forget came across her face. Tears, real tears, came. Her mouth dropped open and I was sure she was going to scream. She just whimpered and ran up the steps covering her face. She didn't know it but I was feeling just as low, just as bad as she was. I didn't use that word again for almost 20 years, not in a joke, not in any way whatsoever. Any chance of me ever having a racist thought was forever quashed that day in the early 50's.
       So why, if I don't think that way, am I accused of being Racist, just because I am white, or because I wear a red ball cap that says, "make America Great Again"? I am not saying white people are never racist, I just know I am not one of them. And the people, most anyway, that I see wearing MAGA caps are not either. I can't speak for all of them, but the ones I am familiar with are anything but racist. They wear the MAGA hat because they are Certified American Patriots. They are not prejudiced, they are non-discriminatory, and the only antagonistic feelings they have are for Communists, Socialists, Fascists and Looney Leftists.
      Now I may not be a Racist, but I am often a victim of Racism. Not because I am a real threat to anyone of any color, but all because I wear a MAGA hat and support Donald J. Trump, America's Duly Elected President, and frankly the most maligned man in America today. It really is not a white or black thing because I am noticing thousands of Black folks wearing MAGA hats too.
       No, the uninformed people are most often the Racists. A real Racist, President Lyndon Johnson said of the Voting Rights Act he signed, "I'll have those Niggers eating out of Democrats hands for decades". Not one Democrat had voted for the Voting Rights Act, every one of them had opposed it, Only Republicans voted for it; but Democrats took the credit and sure enough Blacks for the most part have supported the Democrat Party, the same party that started the KKK, ever since. They have bought into the Democrat Propaganda Machine ever since too. For every white supremacist, (of which there are far too many), there are dozens if not hundreds of black folks just as racially severe. Just like the white supremacist doesn't trust, and often hates blacks, there are blacks who don't trust and often hate whites. Not because they know what they believe to be true, but simply because they have been taught that is what they ought to believe. (true of all racists whether black or white).
      It is all to easy to be a Bigot. We all tend to believe we know better that those around us. We seldom really do. When we allow ourselves to feel more important than others we are guilty of pride. We can't Love others like ourselves as we are commanded in the Bible if we harbor pride in ourselves. That is not the sacrificial Love of a Christian heart. Black or White we have to Love our fellow man. Our hearts, our brains, and our souls are all the same color, no matter what hat we wear.

The Theft of America's Soul by Phil Robertson

Next to the Bible I can think of no book more needed and pertinent to Today's America. I had no idea of this man's Love for his fellow man or his dedication to Preach the Gospel of Christ Jesus. I didn't know he shared my passion for Jail Ministry, I had no idea of the many people he had Baptized in ponds and ditches. This booked brightened my Faith in God's Saving abilities and it gave me new Hope for the America I Love. To all my friends: You must read this fine book. To all those in despair no matter what the cause: You must read this book. To all those Christians who have given up on the world: You must read this book. Thank You Phil Robertson for saying exactly what America needs to hear for such a time as this. For Saving some with compassion and for pulling others out of the fire, hating even the garment stained with the sin of this world. Thank you Sir.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The Many Woes of Socialism

       The European Union it falling apart. Everywhere Socialism has reared its Ugly Head economies are failing. It also adversely affects the United States Economy. European Countries are not buying American Made Cars. Socialism is an insane concept that will never work. Unfortunately Liberalism is a Mental Disorder that enables one insane idea after another. Liberals have no trouble coming up with new insane ideas. In the U.S. the newest insanity is to Tax the Rain.
       Now God has said it would Rain on the Just and the Unjust. But even in Noah's Day He provided the Rain for Free. Only a Modern Day Liberal would be foolish enough to Tax air and water, but there they are racing to do these unthinkably crazy things. The Socialist Dictator in Venezuela is turning down free food and medical supplies for a starving population. 
       Why on earth do people fall for such nonsense? In America the blame has to be placed on our Educational System. We quit teaching our kids Civics and History. A shady car salesman can make an old rusty, smoking, Model T sound like a good trade if you don't know anything about cars. And fast talking, greedy, politicians are making Socialism sound good to students who have never heard of Stalin or Pow Pot. (Kids today would think that is something to smoke).
       Disciples of Our Second Amendment know that there is no difference between Hard Core Communists like Stalin and Modern American Socialists except for the Second Amendment and the millions of guns owned by American Patriots. Hitler and Stalin had no real power until most of the guns were confiscated. But our School Children have never seen the photos of innocent people being led to ditches and getting their brains blown out by Government Troops. Socialist Dictators were too cheap to dig graves using any available ditch or gully to hold the bodies. If we don't teach the Truth, our kids will believe the Lie and someday be standing there waiting for their own Socialist Bullet.
       We certainly did not learn anything before our latest mid-term elections. We elected some of the most scatterbrained idiots I have ever seen, not to mention retreading Nancy Pelosi and putting the Old Gal in charge of Congressional Confusion. We also foolishly voted for openly Jihadist Muslims and let them be sworn in on a Koran instead of a Bible. When you swear your allegiance to a Pagan god like allah, you don't have any allegiance left for the Constitution. It is Utter Confusion, and as I often remind my readers, Satan is always the Author of all Confusion.
       We have to Teach our kids Civics and History, (World History and American History). It is just as important as English and Math. We have work to do even in English and Math. Common Core has been a disaster, many of our kids can't read cursive, and we have to reestablish English as our official language; but it is imperative that we reeducate our population in regards to Civics and History. We have to do better in Education in general. We are failing to educate our children. One Fact that must begin all Social Science classes is that Socialism has never worked in any country where it has been tried, not ever. Not anywhere.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Rapture is Near

      I genuinely believe the Rapture is very near. Oh, I don't know the exact hour or the day, but I know it is time to watch for Christ's Second Coming. The unfortunate reality is that many Church's will go on with regular services and have less than 3-4 members who were taken up. They won't even be missed. The Preacher will Preach his regular Sermon, the Music Minister will sing his usual songs including "Oh how I Love Jesus", and there will be the usual potato salad and green bean casseroles at the afternoon Fellowship. But they will have missed the Rapture. Left Behind.
      Jesus gave us warnings and signs of when these times were to be. He told us which generation would see the Rapture.
 Luke 21:29-32 (KJV) 29  And he spoke to them a parable; Behold the fig tree, and all the trees;
30  When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand.
31  So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand.
32  Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled. 

            The Fig tree is a symbol of the Nation of Israel becoming a Nation again in 1948. That generation is the Baby Boomer Generation of which I am a part. I was a first year Baby Boomer. And as a kid I loved to watch the evening news with Dad because there were tanks rolling across the Mideast. I had toy soldiers and tanks and there on the Evening News were conquering Israeli forces. There were no People known as Palestinian in those days, all the refugee camps were full of Egyptians, Syrians, Lebanese, and Jordanian. I saw it all happen. So I am, "that Generation". I am now 72, and I don't have a huge lifespan left on this earth. But I believe before fully 50% of the Baby Boomers are dead and gone, Jesus will Return for His Church.
      Jesus gave the Church another warning in the Parable of the Foolish Virgins. There were 5 Foolish Virgins and 5 who were Prepared with Oil (The Holy Spirit) in their Lamps (vessels). All were Virgins (or Church Members) but 5 had received the Holy Spirit and 5 had not. In a picture of today's Church, I see this as meaning that fully 50% of the established membership of the world's Churches are simply playing Church and have never truly been Saved. You can Preach, lead singing, or lead a Sunday School Class and have never received the Holy Spirit. You can know a lot of Bible Stories about Jesus and yet never Know Him as your Personal Savior.

      Are you a Foolish Church member? Are you good at Playing Church on Sunday? Or is the Holy Spirit fully indwelling your Soul? You had better decide, if you don't want to be Left Behind, He is coming soon.