Sunday, November 5, 2017

Liberal Media Hit Pieces and Fake Polls

     I get so angry when I see the Liberal Media Lying and trying to skew their readers Opinion of Donald J. Trump. Clearly President Trump is the most Presidential occupant of the Oval Office in many decades. Clearly President Trump is getting more done, more changes made, more results than any President since Lincoln. Yet ABC News this morning had a Hit Piece by their “Hot Shot” director of Polling Gary Langer, (remember that name), Langer. The Gary Langer of Langer Associates.
     Now Journalists, Responsible Journalists anyway, don’t use their own research to emphasize a point. Journalists are taught to go out and find independent Research whether it reflects well on their private opinions or not, and report only on the data. Not skew the data to add support to their Opinion.
      This was not Mr. Langer’s methodology. There was nothing Journalist, Objective, Balanced or Fair about Mr. Langer’s Hit Piece on Donald J. Trump. Clearly not reporting the issues or the facts, Mr. Langer skewed the facts to blatantly machine gun the President in the Back with carefully manipulated Fake Polls; Polls intentionally devised with carefully designed Questions to make said polls come out in the worst possible light against the President. He sent his associates out to create Poll figures to make Donald J. Trump look bad.
      If one can read the entire article without throwing up their breakfast; the Poll turns out to be only 1,025 “randomly selected people”. Careful wording to be certain. “selected” to reflect the purposes of the Author of the Hit Piece. “selected” to reflect the Opinion Mr. Langer wanted to leave his audience with. These 1,025 people have been polled many times. They are well known to Mr. Langer’s, Langer Associates. First the Poll, as always was heavily weighted to make sure more democrats and liberal leaning independents by far were represented than those of any GOP or Conservative leaning participants that might be allowed to express their opinion. Then the questions were carefully worded so anyone answering the Poll would inadvertently respond negatively toward their opinion of Mr. Trump.

      Even though the Stock Market is surging with Confidence in President Trump’s Policies, Even though the world is resetting their thinking in regard to World Politics based on the new Strength and Resolve seen in American Leadership under Trump, Even though Economies all over the Globe are thriving in the results of Trump’s Leadership Style and Class, Even though Pundits on both sides of the isle are touting Trump’s Positive Accomplishments, Even though all these positive results are visible to world leaders, the poll comes out saying exactly the opposite.
      I have been saying for months that Journalism, as I studied it at least, is dead and gone. My old Professor Dr. Plunkett is tossing and turning in his grave, wondering what happened to the Journalistic Principles and Precepts he carefully pounded into his Students heads. Mr. Langer either never studied Journalism, or deliberately tossed all Journalistic Precepts aside in the heap of debris including any perceived objectivity.
      If you get your news from ABC, may God have Pity on your Poor Perception of Facts. You may not have a single fact at your disposal based on their reporting alone. Everything you have heard from ABC since the Election has been totally biased and skewed. Fake News indeed.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

  Make no Mistake, Jihadism is Insanity

      Yes, Jihadism is a form of Insanity. Always has been. It is the result of a Pagan, False Religion founded by a proven Madman and Pedophile. Mohammed was a Slave Trader, a Murderer, a Child Rapist (both male and female children were victimized), both women and adolescent men were kept as Sex Slaves for rape and/or Sodomy, while even Animal Sex was allowed in this man’s Evil Life of Crime. Mohammed was a man totally void of any moral character, a man with no ethical values, a man out to get his every wish with no regard to any other person’s wishes or good will or personal intentions.
      Islam’s founding document itself is a Lie, from cover to cover. There is no Allah. God had nothing to do with the Evil Koran, and God’s Name has never been Allah. Allah is a pagan name for a Bedouin/Canaanite Moon God worshiped by Mohammed’s own Father and for centuries before Mohammed took and further corrupted the cult’s name. The Koran is a book to fulfil its author’s Hate and multiple sins, and make Mohammed’s Sin sound somehow more “Logical” to the reader, even though most cult followers have never read the contents, relying on a slightly more literate Imam to interpret the Evil Contents at a Mosque created to indoctrinate illiterate converts herded into their allegiance to the Terrorist Cult Lifestyle.

      No, Mohammed was indeed a Madman not a Prophet of any God save Satan. He was most probably, even by his own supposed quotes, possessed by Evil Demons, perhaps at times indwelled by Satan Himself. Mohammed knew it seems he was Possessed by Demons. It was his Wife who told him, nay convinced him, it was a Bedouin “god” talking in his mind, and not just the Demonic Rambling and guttural foolishness of a Madman. For Power and Selfishness, the two seized on creating a mythical Bedouin “god” to command others to follow orders no sane man or woman could fathom. Giving them Power to command a new Nation, a Nation Satan could use to destroy any community wishing to follow and Worship the One True God YHWH. Insanity indeed! The insanity of the Devil Himself, funneled through an unprincipled man intent on conquering the entire World as he knew it. This is the true foundation of Islam. Power for Satan to Destroy his foe, the one True God YHWH. Power for Lucifer, cast out of Heaven, to regain Heavenly Authority, and destroy Judaism and Christianity. To keep the world from Following a path to the One True God by installing a Fake, an Imposter.

      Let me interject something here for the person beginning to be converted to this Insanity called Jihadism. You cannot go to Heaven by worshiping the False god Allah. You don’t get 72 Virgins; no one does; you don’t even get one virgin. When you die for Allah, you Die to all your dreams and what you have hoped for. You die, condemned to a Satan’s Hell. You gain only Eternal Torment, pain, loneliness, emptiness, and separation from the One True God for all eternity. Complete, total, abject, Failure and emptiness.  There is not one benefit from a life devoted to Allah because Allah does not exist. You have wasted away your entire life.
      Satan wants you to waste your life. Fooling you is the only way Satan has conjured up to spoil God’s Plan for Mankind. God wants you to be free, free to find Salvation, free to benefit from God’s Salvation Plan, free to gain entry to the Real Heaven.  Not with selfish goals like 72 virgins, but with something much better, sinless perfection and a Personal Relationship with the Creator Himself. Yes, Eternal Fellowship with God Himself.       You don’t have to be fooled by Jihadism. It is all a Lie. But God has a better plan. You can be Grafted in to God’s Family. Yes, you, even you can become a Child of the Living God, Child an heir to all God’s Blessings. The Creator can become closer than your own earthly Brother, He wants to be your Father, Your Brother, and Your Best Friend Ever. Once you accept Him, He will never leave you, Every Promise in the Bible is yours. Heaven and Eternal Life is yours. It is all that simple. Just believe and allow Jesus to become your Personal Savior and Lord of your Life. A Life based on Love, not the Hate of Jihadism. The Love of a Creator who Loved His Creation enough to Die on a Cross so all men could be drawn unto Him, Who’s Blood washed each Believer White as Snow.
      So Chose Today. Chose the Hate and Evil of Islam, or Chose the Love and New Beginning of Salvation through Jesus. Jesus is not just a Prophet and a Good Man, Jesus is the Creator, the Savion, the Prince of Peace, and the Everlasting Father who found a way to Come to Earth as a Man and offer Himself an everlasting Sacrifice for you and me so we wouldn’t have to Suffer Hell with Satan and his fallen angels.