Friday, December 22, 2017

Air Force One

      I watched Air Force One take off this morning carrying Our President Donald J. Trump to Mara logo, Florida after the signing of the new Tax Bill. As I watched the plane climb, I began to pray for this Great President and thank God for giving him to America. Donald J. Trump is truly the greatest President America has been privileged to elect since Abraham Lincoln. Even the loudest naysayers will soon realize what a Godsend President Trump is to all the People. Soon we will all see the effects of Making America Greater than she has ever been before. We will see the respect of other World Leaders despite the angry, anti-sematic, and ungodly United Nations Resolution. We knew the U.N. was not our friend and the vote was no surprise. All the U.N wants from America is for us to supply rent free Offices, do all the work and planning defending Europe, and pay all the U.N. Bills no one else is willing to man up for.
      Yes, God has once again Blessed America with a truly Great and Caring President. He has remained humble, even though deeply hurt, by all the Lies and Fake News he has had to endure from the biased Lame Stream Media. He is obviously the hardest working President in many, many years. No Presidency has been more troubled and difficult to manage since the Trumann Administration ending WWII. No President has done more and received so little credit for it as did Trump in the first 11 months of his Administration. Morals and Ethics have also been restored to the Whitehouse after a complete 8-year void. We went from a feckless, inept, dishonest, and lazy leader, to a tireless Statesman and true World Leader. Thank You Lord for Donald J. Trump and may You continue to Bless America with more like him.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Liberal Media Hit Pieces and Fake Polls

     I get so angry when I see the Liberal Media Lying and trying to skew their readers Opinion of Donald J. Trump. Clearly President Trump is the most Presidential occupant of the Oval Office in many decades. Clearly President Trump is getting more done, more changes made, more results than any President since Lincoln. Yet ABC News this morning had a Hit Piece by their “Hot Shot” director of Polling Gary Langer, (remember that name), Langer. The Gary Langer of Langer Associates.
     Now Journalists, Responsible Journalists anyway, don’t use their own research to emphasize a point. Journalists are taught to go out and find independent Research whether it reflects well on their private opinions or not, and report only on the data. Not skew the data to add support to their Opinion.
      This was not Mr. Langer’s methodology. There was nothing Journalist, Objective, Balanced or Fair about Mr. Langer’s Hit Piece on Donald J. Trump. Clearly not reporting the issues or the facts, Mr. Langer skewed the facts to blatantly machine gun the President in the Back with carefully manipulated Fake Polls; Polls intentionally devised with carefully designed Questions to make said polls come out in the worst possible light against the President. He sent his associates out to create Poll figures to make Donald J. Trump look bad.
      If one can read the entire article without throwing up their breakfast; the Poll turns out to be only 1,025 “randomly selected people”. Careful wording to be certain. “selected” to reflect the purposes of the Author of the Hit Piece. “selected” to reflect the Opinion Mr. Langer wanted to leave his audience with. These 1,025 people have been polled many times. They are well known to Mr. Langer’s, Langer Associates. First the Poll, as always was heavily weighted to make sure more democrats and liberal leaning independents by far were represented than those of any GOP or Conservative leaning participants that might be allowed to express their opinion. Then the questions were carefully worded so anyone answering the Poll would inadvertently respond negatively toward their opinion of Mr. Trump.

      Even though the Stock Market is surging with Confidence in President Trump’s Policies, Even though the world is resetting their thinking in regard to World Politics based on the new Strength and Resolve seen in American Leadership under Trump, Even though Economies all over the Globe are thriving in the results of Trump’s Leadership Style and Class, Even though Pundits on both sides of the isle are touting Trump’s Positive Accomplishments, Even though all these positive results are visible to world leaders, the poll comes out saying exactly the opposite.
      I have been saying for months that Journalism, as I studied it at least, is dead and gone. My old Professor Dr. Plunkett is tossing and turning in his grave, wondering what happened to the Journalistic Principles and Precepts he carefully pounded into his Students heads. Mr. Langer either never studied Journalism, or deliberately tossed all Journalistic Precepts aside in the heap of debris including any perceived objectivity.
      If you get your news from ABC, may God have Pity on your Poor Perception of Facts. You may not have a single fact at your disposal based on their reporting alone. Everything you have heard from ABC since the Election has been totally biased and skewed. Fake News indeed.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

  Make no Mistake, Jihadism is Insanity

      Yes, Jihadism is a form of Insanity. Always has been. It is the result of a Pagan, False Religion founded by a proven Madman and Pedophile. Mohammed was a Slave Trader, a Murderer, a Child Rapist (both male and female children were victimized), both women and adolescent men were kept as Sex Slaves for rape and/or Sodomy, while even Animal Sex was allowed in this man’s Evil Life of Crime. Mohammed was a man totally void of any moral character, a man with no ethical values, a man out to get his every wish with no regard to any other person’s wishes or good will or personal intentions.
      Islam’s founding document itself is a Lie, from cover to cover. There is no Allah. God had nothing to do with the Evil Koran, and God’s Name has never been Allah. Allah is a pagan name for a Bedouin/Canaanite Moon God worshiped by Mohammed’s own Father and for centuries before Mohammed took and further corrupted the cult’s name. The Koran is a book to fulfil its author’s Hate and multiple sins, and make Mohammed’s Sin sound somehow more “Logical” to the reader, even though most cult followers have never read the contents, relying on a slightly more literate Imam to interpret the Evil Contents at a Mosque created to indoctrinate illiterate converts herded into their allegiance to the Terrorist Cult Lifestyle.

      No, Mohammed was indeed a Madman not a Prophet of any God save Satan. He was most probably, even by his own supposed quotes, possessed by Evil Demons, perhaps at times indwelled by Satan Himself. Mohammed knew it seems he was Possessed by Demons. It was his Wife who told him, nay convinced him, it was a Bedouin “god” talking in his mind, and not just the Demonic Rambling and guttural foolishness of a Madman. For Power and Selfishness, the two seized on creating a mythical Bedouin “god” to command others to follow orders no sane man or woman could fathom. Giving them Power to command a new Nation, a Nation Satan could use to destroy any community wishing to follow and Worship the One True God YHWH. Insanity indeed! The insanity of the Devil Himself, funneled through an unprincipled man intent on conquering the entire World as he knew it. This is the true foundation of Islam. Power for Satan to Destroy his foe, the one True God YHWH. Power for Lucifer, cast out of Heaven, to regain Heavenly Authority, and destroy Judaism and Christianity. To keep the world from Following a path to the One True God by installing a Fake, an Imposter.

      Let me interject something here for the person beginning to be converted to this Insanity called Jihadism. You cannot go to Heaven by worshiping the False god Allah. You don’t get 72 Virgins; no one does; you don’t even get one virgin. When you die for Allah, you Die to all your dreams and what you have hoped for. You die, condemned to a Satan’s Hell. You gain only Eternal Torment, pain, loneliness, emptiness, and separation from the One True God for all eternity. Complete, total, abject, Failure and emptiness.  There is not one benefit from a life devoted to Allah because Allah does not exist. You have wasted away your entire life.
      Satan wants you to waste your life. Fooling you is the only way Satan has conjured up to spoil God’s Plan for Mankind. God wants you to be free, free to find Salvation, free to benefit from God’s Salvation Plan, free to gain entry to the Real Heaven.  Not with selfish goals like 72 virgins, but with something much better, sinless perfection and a Personal Relationship with the Creator Himself. Yes, Eternal Fellowship with God Himself.       You don’t have to be fooled by Jihadism. It is all a Lie. But God has a better plan. You can be Grafted in to God’s Family. Yes, you, even you can become a Child of the Living God, Child an heir to all God’s Blessings. The Creator can become closer than your own earthly Brother, He wants to be your Father, Your Brother, and Your Best Friend Ever. Once you accept Him, He will never leave you, Every Promise in the Bible is yours. Heaven and Eternal Life is yours. It is all that simple. Just believe and allow Jesus to become your Personal Savior and Lord of your Life. A Life based on Love, not the Hate of Jihadism. The Love of a Creator who Loved His Creation enough to Die on a Cross so all men could be drawn unto Him, Who’s Blood washed each Believer White as Snow.
      So Chose Today. Chose the Hate and Evil of Islam, or Chose the Love and New Beginning of Salvation through Jesus. Jesus is not just a Prophet and a Good Man, Jesus is the Creator, the Savion, the Prince of Peace, and the Everlasting Father who found a way to Come to Earth as a Man and offer Himself an everlasting Sacrifice for you and me so we wouldn’t have to Suffer Hell with Satan and his fallen angels.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

      If you didn't think all this time that Russia was eager to influence BOTH SIDES of the 2016 Elections as well as elections in Europe; welcome to the 21st Century. The Question is NOT who did the Russians try to influence, the question is which Candidates were willing to listen. Clearly @HillaryClinton and the Clinton Foundation were out for every Dollar they could get. Hungry for Pay to Play, eager to sell out America, Greedy for every penny they could generate, hook or crook ...did not matter, only ruthless greed.
       Not Trump. He ran despite all the money it cost him. He ran because he didn't see a Candidate who was willing and able to Drain the Swamp, end corruption in Washington, D.C., change the way crooked politics was taking our Republic.
       I know the average American can't see Trump's Logic, much less his Patriotism and Extreme Love for America and the Capitalist System that built our Great Country. Trump is a much more simple man than even he wants to admit. His motives are worn proudly on his shirt sleeves. He has rolled up those sleeves to save America and the American Dream.
No Russia tried successfully to influence Hillary, but they were unsuccessful with Donald J. Trump. But Hillary did not lose because of the Russians, she lost because of prayer, and the Silent Christian Majority getting up off their pews and into the voting booths across America. Satan doesn't like it. LGTBQ groups don't like it. Communists don't like it, but Hillary lost because she was a corrupt old drunk, a person not to be trusted, a greedy money hole, and a totally unqualified hack.
       And Trump didn't win because the Russians backed him, he won because the American People did. The Media is not to be trusted. Journalism as I studied it is dead. Dead and gone. The National Media is too corrupt to be trusted, they sold out just like Hillary did, now they are trying to cover their tracks and look holy and just when they are anything but. Yes we need Russia exposed, but we also need the Evil Democrat party and the Media exposed, all three are working for Satan.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Lord Help Me Jesus

      If you are one of those people who say they don't need Jesus or the Church, then you probably need Jesus more than anyone I'll talk to today. We all need a closer relationship with the Creator. The trouble is most Church Members don't really know who Jesus is. Many still think Jesus was a little baby born in Bethlehem; without ever realizing He is the Everlasting Father, Isaiah 9:6 (KJV) 6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. 
 and the Creator, John 1:1-3 (KJV) 1
 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2  The same was in the beginning with God. 3  All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
      These Baby Christians sit in a pew for years and years, never understanding the depth of what Jesus did for them on the Cross, or the level of Sacrifice needed from The Mighty God it took to devise this Plan of Salvation, a plan that not only Saved the Entire World, but me as an individual. They sing, "oh how I Love Jesus", but never understand what His Redeeming Love entailed.
      A Song came to mind this morning: Lord Help me Jesus, by Kris Kristofferson, it goes:

Why me Lord
What have I ever done
To deserve even one
Of the blessings I've known
Why me Lord
What did I ever do
That was worth love from you
And the kindness you've shown

Lord help me, Jesus
I've wasted it so
Help me, Jesus
I know what I am
Now that I know
That I've needed you so
Help me, Jesus
My soul's in your hand

Try me Lord
If you think there's a way
That I can repay
What I've taken from you
Maybe Lord
I can show someone else
What I've

Try me Lord
If you think there's a way
That I can repay
What I've taken from you
Maybe Lord
I can show someone else
What I've been through myself
On my way back to you

Lord help me, Jesus
I've wasted it so
Help me, Jesus
I know what I am
Now that I know
That I've needed you so
Help me, Jesus
My soul's in your hand
My soul's in your hand

This song is a prayer! You can use it to Know Who Jesus Is, what He can do in your Life, how you can have a Personal Relationship with the Creator. Sing it, believe it, use it as your Personal Prayer.


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Shadow of Turning

      It is one of the greatest things about the Wonderful God we serve; He has no Shadow of Turning. They've even written songs about it. But, although we were created in His Image, we humans have a tendency to veer off course in our trek to Righteousness. Not God, He never even thinks of turning.
      It has been a couple of weeks since I have written, but this morning the words Shadow of Turning came to mind.

James 1:17-18 (ASV) 17  
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom can be no variation, neither shadow that is cast by turning. 18  Of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth, that we should be a kind of first fruits of his creatures. 

      Turning toward Sin makes a Dark, Ugly Shadow; one we may think no one sees, but one that is usually all too visible to those around us. Sin leaves three types of trails: Paper trails, in these days digital trails, and Spiritual Trails. Those trails are something no sinner likes to revisit, but the thing about trails; there is always some hungry hound dog sniffing around.
      As I think about Sin in the Church, nothing comes to mind more destructive to the Church than Gossip. Nothing can tear a Congregation apart any quicker, nor deeply. Even murder does not compare to the evil of Gossip. Yet, most of us are not only willing but eager to share it, usually with the one most likely to further spread it.
      Say we had someone sneaking out to bars and drinking within our Congregation; it is not the person doing the drinking that causes division, though a brother or sister would do well to bring it to the sinners personal attention, no, it is the Gossip that spreads the nasty rumor through the Church to injure the confidence of the weaker vessels in the Body that does the damage. Whispers turn to even worse exaggerations of the situation. Soon a sinner who could have repented and been reconciled is shamed out of the same Church that should have Loved him or her and brought them back to a closer Walk with the Lord.
      It seems we humans have too good of peripheral Vision where lust and sin are involved. When Manna was falling from the sky for the Israelites, out of their peripheral vision, they saw visions of leeks and garlic, and imagined how good it would taste, just for a little added seasoning. The same in today's Church; a member of the Congregation who is in a perfectly happy Marriage, looks down the pew for a little extra seasoning. Then the gossips get involved, and you know the rest of the story. The shadow cast leads to a split Church and broken lives.
      We have to remember we are in a Spiritual Battle. We are on a daily Battlefield for the Lord or we are not doing our job. There is a line from a song that says: "Yes, I'm on the Battlefield for my Lord". We all need to sing that line every time our peripheral vision starts to get the best of us. We need to remember the Tactics of our foe.
      An old farmer once said, "Satan sure knows what I like in my soup". We have to remember that Demonic Forces have checked us out and researched our weak points. Satan knows just the trick to get your mind off your morning devotional and off track in lustful thinking. That is how fortune tellers know so much about you, Demons have done their research on you and how to trip you up.

      So, eyes front, Christian. Set your course straight ahead. No variation, no shadow of turning. The Bible is your charted course, read it, believe it, trust it, share it daily.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Will God Forgive Your Sins?

      What do you see when you look at the David Dukes of #Charlottesville? When you look at the Hooded and Helmeted KKK and White Supremacists? When you look at the black-hooded Black Lives Matter racists and Antifa hoodlums on the other side of the Police Line. Both were hateful, both were unruly and mean, both were crossing the line of anything we would call Peaceful or Loving.
      Who was the worst and most hateful person of all time? Let's say just for the purpose of illustration we pick Hitler. Can you forgive Hitler for his atrocities? Can you? Can God? Yes, God was waiting, ready and able to forgive Hitler. It may be hard to focus hard enough on God's Character and Grace, but He in his Omnipotence was capable of Total Forgiveness even of Hitler.
      Now Hitler would have been responsible for Repentance and asking for Forgiveness. He would have had to ask and be willing to repent. I seriously doubt he did that; but God was there Waiting and Willing to Forgive. Yes, that's hard for us, as mere humans, to understand, but for God it is quite reasonable. God takes our offenses, (if we ask Forgiveness), and places them so far behind His back, that He actually forgets what we did. When Jesus died and shed His Blood for our sins, we who have accepted what He did and asked His Forgiveness are covered with that shed Blood. When God the Father looks at a Believer, all He can see is the Blood of His Son. His Love and Forgiveness is all that is reflected to His eyes. He can no longer see our sin.
      This of course is a Godly trait that we humans don't possess. We have to try a lot harder to even approximate God's Grace. But even as humans we have a God Commanded Responsibility to forgive all others. All others. The David Dukes, the child molesters, the murderers, the liars, the thieves, the drug dealers, the pimps, the terrorists, the rapists, the thugs. All others, no matter what the offence. If we want our own sins forgiven we have to be willing to forgive the offences of others. A scary proposition.

Matthew 6:14-15 (KJV) In Jesus' own Words14  For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: 15  But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

  It isn't easy to forgive the bad guys, but it is our Responsibility. It probably wasn't easy for God the first time He did it either. But He has progressed to a level of Forgiveness and Grace we must strive to attain. I hate what the KKK and white supremacists stand for. But I must learn to forgive them, pray for their Salvation, and try my best to Love them anyway. I have to feel sorry for their Lost Condition. After all these mean Evil men were once some sweet Mother's suckling child. They were once cute little kids playing with their kittens and puppies. Their Momma's nursed and loved them, prayed for them, and tried to teach them right from wrong.
      For me it is just as hard to forgive Racial Hatred on one side as on the other. I see racial hatred on both sides, the white supremacists and the Black Lives Matter. Sure not all on the BLM side are hardened in their hatred of the white race, but many are. Is their Hate any less sinful from that on the other side? I think not. Both sides need God's Forgiveness just like I certainly do for other offences that I must own.

      Donald J. Trump is right. There are in Fact, Two Sides at Fault. Two Armies of Hatred to blame. It is my understanding that the very first act of aggression in #Charlottesville was the throwing of open bottles of urine by either the BLM or Antifa counter-protesters toward the KKK. Whoever started the fighting, both sides were swinging clubs, shouting obscenities, and spewing hate. Both sides were wrong in what they were doing. Neither was completely Peaceful and Lawful in their respective assemblies. There is nothing at all wrong in President Trump pointing that out. One must identify all sides of a problem to solve it.
      Both sides need our understanding and God's Forgiveness. We can't solve this problem until we admit where we went wrong. The President has a head start on the Media Pundits and the Newspapers. He is at least being Honest about where blame lies. Now we all have to admit part of the blame lies within us all. We have to Love and Forgive each other as God has taught us.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The Meaning of your Flag


      When you see a Flag displayed at a Protest or a Rally it means something. A Mexican Flag is an Anti-United States Statement. A Communist Flag is an Anti-American, Anti-Constitution Statement. An ISIS Flag is an Evil Anti-American, Anti-Christian, Anti-Civilization, Anti-everything Statement of Hate; likewise, with a Nazi-Flag it is based only on Hate and Destruction, and we must remember that in WWII Islam and the Nazis’ fought side by side against everything good.       We see other Flags at today’s Rallies and Protests. We see a Flag with the symbols of Antifa. Supposedly meaning Anti-Fascist, it in all actuality is a Pro-Fascism banner. The groups Antifa includes in its gunsight like the Trump Administration are as far from Fascist as one can demonstrate. Fascism is a Leftist leaning movement just like Communism, Socialism, Progressivism, and Yes, Nazism. Hitler was after all a Socialist and a stated Anti-Capitalist. He used Socialist and Anti-Capitalist rhetoric in all his speeches to build his Socialist following. His Speeches could be played back at Bernie Sanders rallies and the Bernie fanatics would all believe it was Bernie talking. Hitler deceived the Propagandized Masses just like Bernie, Warren, Hillary, and the DNC are deceiving the Democrat Party and its affiliated minions, Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ, and Antifa.   
      The BLM Flags and Banners are another Leftist group that I kind of feel sorry for; after all they have very little idea of what they themselves believe or stand for. Mostly poorly Educated, they stand against everything the GOP and Conservatives are trying to do to support Black Communities not realizing that the Republican Party is the one that has fought Democrat Bigots tooth and nail to give them the Civil Rights they now enjoy. The Democrat Party is the Party that formed the KKK, wrote all the Jim Crow Laws and fought the Civil Rights Amendment. Not one Democrat voted to free slaves or let them vote. Yet who do BLM members vote for? The Party that held them down. Any time you see a BLM symbol, you see a confused victim of DNC policy and the feckless 8 years of the Obama Administration, which set Civil Rights back 40 years or more. Obama didn’t understand the Black Community or their needs. Obama was raised as a privileged, and communist young white, by white Grandparents and a white mother.   
      The Flag of LGBTQ is a Stolen Flag from the Bible. The Rainbow is God’s Symbol. God’s Throne sits against the backdrop of the Rainbow,
Revelation 4:3 (KJV)
3  And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.
he set the Rainbow in our skies as a symbol that He would never again punish men for their sins by universal flood. Oh, how ironic that this Sinful Community would use the Rainbow to taunt God for His Righteousness and Goodness. LGBTQ worships Satan. They promote his filthy agenda. They wave their flag in God’s face in rebellion. That rebellion applies as well to everything America Stands for.       Our Constitution Guarantees the Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Free Speech. Waving flags has sometimes been supported as Constitutional by the Courts. Even Burning the U.S. Flag has received some protection as a form of Free Speech, but how far will this slur on genuine Patriotism be allowed to metastasize. What depth of depravity will be allowed.
      I say, if you are about to be a part of a so-called Peaceful Protest and you decide to stop and put on a mask or a helmet to hide your identity, carry an axe handle and pepper spray, or such manner of preparation, then I say, your intentions are not Peaceful and you have forfeited your own Constitutional Rights. Axe handles, mace, and bricks are not Peaceful. Throwing open bottles of urine, bags of feces, and setting garbage cans on fire, is not Peaceful. Foul Language and levels of nudity may be broadly considered Free Speech, but are they Logical, rational ways to productively influence the other side of the issue.       We have lost our ability to communicate with each other. We yell and scream obscenities instead of reasoning with each other. We don’t bother to study History or try to learn from it, so we are guaranteed Failure through repeating our mistakes. Waving a flag is never a substitute for understanding all the issues. We have more than enough Flag Wavers. What we desperately need are Problem Solvers.       There is one more Flag, that sadly, almost no one is waving. It is the Christian Flag. If we took its Pledge faithfully and fully there would be no more need for demonstrations, protests and the like. Jesus really is the Answer to all our need, wants, and desires. He is waiting to show us how to Forgive our Brothers and Sisters. Oh, for a day when we quit calling each other bad names and truly Loved each other as the Bible waits to teach us. If you want to stop things like the tragedy at Charlottesville, open your Bible and read it this week.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

All Racism denotes a lack of Intelligence and Education

      White supremacy is stupid, it is of course racist, and it denotes an education via Fascist Propaganda as opposed to Historical Correctness. Black Lives Matter likewise is based on Leftist Propaganda and requires a certain ignorance of Historical Fact. Both sides are angry, unhappy, people with a certain lack of Christian Love in their miserable lives. You cannot call yourself a Christian and be racist. It won’t work.
      I have never understood, as a white man, what fuels White Supremacy. I have never once felt superior to any fellow man even where he or she is clearly confused by a false religion, a cult, or a racist ideology. If they are involved in false teaching or a cult, I simply feel sorry for them. I don’t hate any group of people no matter how badly I may hate their foolish and destructive behavior. I simply realize they can’t possibly have Jesus leading their lives to be involved it racist behavior.
      Going to Church or belonging to a Denomination, or a Cult, never makes you a Christian. Only a personal relationship with your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ can do that, and no other Religion can give you the Peace and Joy and Security that having Jesus as you Friend and Brother can do. Buddhists can feel good but that is not joy. Hindus can know a lot of false gods and idols but none have Salvation Power. Muslims don’t even know that Allah doesn’t exist, they are perhaps the most hopeless of all lost souls. They have neither a peaceful religion or sound theology to fall back on, and if they really read and believe the Evil Koran they become radicalized terrorists by nature. Only Christians have a Savior, Absolute truth, and Joy on their side. Only they have the Power of The Holy Spirit and the Wisdom of the Creator. Only they have true Peace.
      I as a white man of course have no idea or comprehension of what it feels like to grow up and live like a black man or woman. Black men however have no direct knowledge of what I, as a white man, am thinking. I have never owned a slave or wanted to. I have picked very little cotton, but neither have the vast majority of black men. I have never entertained a racist thought. A Black man can’t look at me and know that, but I know it, and it is a principal I have lived by. I am sure and know personally many blacks of the same character. What precious time we waste by not sharing our knowledge of racial peace with the masses.
      I honestly feel that most people in the Charlottesville Protests today have no understanding of how easy it is for different races to get along. We all need to help them with that understanding. The Place to Start is Jesus. There is no Racial Bigotry in the Christian Church Body. Not the actual Body, and we need to get the tares who do exhibit bigotry in any form out of our fellowship until they wise up.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

                   Desk known as Resolute, made from the wreckage of the Warship
           Resolute, being removed from the Oval Office for Office renovation this week.

      The Fake News this weekend is focused on lying media efforts to make Donald J. Trump look feckless and lazy; traits that should have been emblazoned forever upon Barack Hussein Obama’s traitorous forehead.       Donald J. Trump is the Hardest Working President Since WWII. He makes Obama look like Garfield the Cat on his laziest day, and that is being far overly gracious to Barry. Trump gets more done before Breakfast than Obama did in a week.       Leftist bots are lying and saying that Trump takes more Vacations than Obama. It would be laughable were it not so disingenuous and mean. Nobody in Presidential History ever wasted more money and time on unneeded Vacations than Barack Hussein Obama and his wife, “the Mooch”. They flew so many hairdressers, maids, assistants, and dog walkers to Vacations on Air Force One, the poor Pilots had to make several separate trips back and forth to Washington to pick up the family dogs. Yes, hundreds of thousands of dollars for a trip to haul Labradoodles.  Never was an Administration more wasteful and callus.       The reason for the Trump Working Vacation this month is that the Oval Office is being renovated. It had really been allowed to run down during the 8 years under the Obama’s. Anyway, the Trumps have plenty of places of their own to stay while renovations go on, with zero cost to American Taxpayers. We’d have been paying lavishly for a temporary pad for the Obama’s. But no mention of why Trump volunteered for a Working Vacation from the conniving Leftist Media. They see this just as another chance to make Trump look bad.       The Newsweek Cover this month was a sad epitaph for the once proud magazine; now a tabloid rag. Trying to make our Hard-Working President look like Al Bundy is only funny to a fool. I doubt Donald has ever slouched in a recliner with a bag of chips. He prefers hamburgers, fries and ice cream in his working lunches.  Obama officials said, “never waste a crisis.”  Trump’s motto is, “never waste time eating lunch, when there is work that can be hashed out.”

Thursday, August 3, 2017

A View on Journalism by a Trained Journalist

      The entire Washington Post Editorial Staff, Ditto the NY Times, and in fact the whole Washington Press Corp needs to take a Remedial Journalism Course immediately. The WAPO publication of illegally obtained transcripts of our Presidents Conversations was not only illegal, it broke every basic rule of objective Journalism. Journalism does not include Kamikaze Attacks on a President. Journalism is Honest and Fair, Objective, reporting of the Who, What, Where, Why, When, How, and maybe How Much of a new...s story. When you cross the line, and print and illegally obtained transcript of a private conversation, you violate the most basic rule of decency, the privacy every American espouses, and our Constitutional Rights.
       Opinion Articles belong on the Opinion Page and News Headlines are on a different page because of very Basic Journalistic Principles. When News Headlines become Op-eds news is no longer news but indoctrination. Americans are hungry for unbiased news sources. Even, (maybe I should say especially) our Local Evening News on TV has completely lost this objectivity. Our Region 8 News is reading verbatim propaganda Edited and Produced by Media Matter's the George Soros funded Media-Checker off the news wire. The stories are all twisted and worded to make the Trump Administration look bad. The America Public deserves better. Region 8 Viewers deserve better, Honesty in reporting is not too much to ask. Just give us the story and let we viewers decide which Congressmen, Lawyers, Businessmen, Actors, Bankers, and Manufacturers are telling the truth. Of course that won't be very many of the Congressmen, but let us make that differentiation.
      Fake Skewed Polls are just as bad. All the Polls seem heavily weighted with Democrats and Left-leaning Independents, and only carefully selected moderate Republicans. The few Polls I have been contacted by, didn't like my answers, asking questions over and over, and one hung up to get a better respondent for their purposes.
Romans 1:25 (KJV) 25  Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the
Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Folks this is not a Reality Show!

    Folks this is no Reality Show! America is engaged in a Bloody Life and Death Battle between the Patriotic forces typified by Donald J. Trump - and the Dark Satanic Forces; Barrack Hussein Obama with his legion of Muslim Brotherhood, Communist, and Spy Appointees in every Major Department, the DNC Socialist Communist Front, Hollywood Clowns and Leftist TV Clowns like “The View”, Traitor RINO Liars Like John McCain and Susan Collins bought and paid for by Liberal Lobbyists, straight out Communist Money Thugs like George Soros, Liberal Propagandist Media (ABC (Yes including our Local Region 8 Evening News), NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, Rolling Stone, New York Times, Washington Post, Boston Globe, Cosmopolitan, Media Matters, ….. and the list goes on and on. All fighting as hard as they can to Limit the Donald J. Trump Administration from fulfilling his Promises to the Silent Conservative and Christian Minorities who elected him.    
These beasts don’t want the Washington D.C. Swamp to be drained, they don’t want Progress in its genuine definition, they don’t want jobs or infrastructure, or Manufacturing brought back from overseas, they want continued stagnation and dependence on corrupt Government Programs that feed the pockets of the Swamp Creatures who in turn pay off and feed the lower level slime, sluggards, and maggots.
If you want Genuine Health Care Reform as most intelligent people surely do, you have to help President Trump open the valves of Sanity that will drain this putrid D.C. Swamp. We must get a new Governor here in Arkansas where our own Swamp is just as bad as D.C. Frankly we are losing the War because Voters are sound asleep to the genuine issues. We all want our piece of the pie, regardless of how many empty calories and hidden, poisons, pesticides, and noxious chemicals are hidden within. We bite right in and to Hell with the other guy.
Responsibly we should all have our own Personal Health Care Savings Accounts years before we need them. We should demand it. No more should we be forced to purchase an Insurance Policy we neither want or require. Yes, novel idea, if we want Erectile Dysfunction Medications we need to pay for them ourselves. We should be able to check off on a list the kinds of treatments we do not wish our Insurance Policy to cover, if we want an insurance policy at all. Catastrophic Policies should be exactly that, and paid for by those in the Catastrophic Pool. We should shop for Insurance and FORCE Insurance Companies to compete for our purchase of their Services. They must be forced to provide those services or they will go on doing what they have been doing these last 20 years; stockpiling consumer money for their own rainy day, not that of the Policy Holder.
We need to promote health living. Not giving in to the Illicit Drug Industry, including cigarettes, e-cigs, Marijuana, Alcohol, and designer drugs. Moderation needs to be the mindset, not I’ll try anything. Drug Highs are always temporary, the ride coming down is always a runaway rollercoaster with no brakes and no soft-landing spot. 90% of all Drug use is unneeded and unwise including Prescription Drugs. We need healthy eating, prudent exercise, early and frequent checkups, healthy water resources, responsible clean air. We need to quit listening to the egghead food experts, and eat some eggs, butter, milk, peanut butter, Corn Oil, Olive Oil, and real cheese not rubber made from hydrocarbons. We need to get our Corn out of our Gas Tanks, and Non-GMO Kernels in hungry bellies. We need to severely limit pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, nematicides, and Companies like Dupont, and Monsanto that produce them. Roundup should be forever banned and Monsanto required to collect it and dispose of it safely.
Five Percent of Health Care Patients soak up 50% of all Health Care Payouts. It is easy to see in that Statistic, the waste and inefficiency of our Current system. Fully 30% of that Sickly Five are themselves responsible by their own very unhealthy living habits. Under our present system Doctors can’t be paid, they can’t refer patients, they spend their time at a computer screen trying to protect themselves from lawsuits instead of time spent with the patient in examination and question and answer sessions. We need to free our Doctors to do their jobs.
We need to free our Teachers to teach American History, Math, Shop, English, and Civics and not force them and our Children into endless but meaningless Multiple-Choice Tests to feed the Political Machine of the Left. We need kids graduating to become Plumbers, and craftsmen, and salesmen for great American Products. There is only so much room in the job market for Philosophy Majors. Not everyone goes to Hollywood. There is no shame in working for a living at an honest profession. We need more Community Colleges teaching kids’ professions, and less Multi-Million Dollar Universities making their millions off Student Loans and fake studies for Chemical Companies to promote their products. All such studies do is torture rats, monkeys, and beagles to make unneeded products look good.
What can the little guy like us do? Get serious about Voting, get serious about Studying the Bible and revisiting our Great Constitution, get involved in local politics (not the showy kind, the do something kind). Churches need to get their parishioners off their padded pews and get them active in the voter’s booths. And while we are at it we need to get quality voting inspections overseen by both/all parties, and go back to paper ballots that can’t be manipulated remotely by hackers. In 2008, it is estimated 5.7 Million illegal votes were cast for Barack Hussein Obama. (dead, multiple votes often in multiple states often bussed in by Union drivers, and Illegal aliens). At the same time, some 60,000 to 150,000 fake or bot Twitter and Facebook Accounts spouted propaganda and fake polls many over our own Whitehouse Web Page. No wonder millennials are so poorly informed. They graduate unable to read any more than perhaps a marijuana rolling paper or a lottery ticket, with totally zero exposure to an American History Course, while being deeply steeped in Communist and Socialist Propaganda, bound to fail, certain to implode.
Help us dear God! We cannot make this Constitutional Republic work again without Your Devine Providence! May You give Donald J. Trump, the few Statesmen we have left, our Police, our Teachers and our Local Leaders Your Godspeed! And ever-present help. Amen! and Amen!

Thursday, June 15, 2017

The Good Guys vs. the Bad Guys

Just a brief comparison between Liberals and Conservatives. I grew up at a time when we watched Western Movies. The good guys wore White Hats. Everyone who wore a Black Hat and/or a MASK was a Bad Guy with the exception of the Lone Ranger.
I have received dozens and dozens of Compliments on my red Make America Great Again Hat. I wear it Proudly, I fly the American Flag, I actually still move my lips and help recite the Pledge of Allegiance, I remove my hat and place my hand over my heart when our Flag is presented. I am a Peaceful Citizen. My Point? I say Conservatives are Patriotic and Respectful.
On the contrary, Liberals are wearing black hoodies, masks, clown faces, and bandanas; too ASHAMED of their Actions to show their Faces, Law Breakers hiding from the Police, out to do Evil not Good. There is a long history of wearing Masks in the Democrat Party, the KKK was their first Terrorist Organization. The Democrats fought tooth and nail against Racial Equality, against Black Voting rights, they wrote the Jim Crow Laws, our own Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus was one of the most Racist Figures in American History; yet the Left wants to lay the name "Racist", on the right where it has never belonged. Hooded BLM thugs are the most Racist Citizenry in America today, leaders like Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan are equally at fault. At Berkley Pampered little babies who have never had to get out and work wear the Black Hoodies. They cover their baby faces with black masks and bandanas, pull their hoods over their heads, start fires, throw bricks through windows, and why? To violate the Constitution and Prevent someone's free speech. Why? Because they are cowards, afraid to hear the Truth. They need a Safe Zone where their ears will not be subject to anything True or Logical or God Forbid, Spiritual and Edifying.
Our Leftist Society puts letters together in sometimes clever acronyms; we had Occupy Wall Street, OWS, for a while to Protest making money. Yes to fight people making it in the Business World, creating Jobs for others, and boosting the entire Economy. We've had the ACLU protecting everything from Pornography to outright Murder for years now. If the ACLU is for it, it has to be wrong and Bad for America. The Right had to initiate its own organization ACLJ, American Center for Law and Justice, to counter the Injustice of the ACLU.
Now Obama and 32,000 or so disgruntled, seditionists and Traitors have formed the OFA "Dark Shadow Government" with the sole intended purpose of Destroying our Constitution and thus our Republic, and more specifically disrupting anything good they see being done by the Legitimate Trump Administration. Obama still has the same Chief of Staff, Iranian Valerie Jarrett. Jarrett moved right in to the same walled and fortified house as our Tyrannical Ex President. With a $40 Million annual budget ant tied to Former Nazi George Soros and his Evil Slush Fund they are Openly Out to Get Donald Trump and take over the Country in the Bargain.
There is a big difference in the Peaceful well meaning Conservatives and the Hate-Filled, vitriol-spewing, anti-American Leftists. it is time for the Left to Repent and Reform. Time to think for a change, Time to change. Get yourself a Trump hat or your own White Hat if you don't yet endorse Trump,(You'll proudly endorse him after his 8 years in office, Fly the Flag Proudly, reassert the Pledge of Allegiance, say a little Prayer for America, Pray that Congress will wake up, get together, and all work to Make America Great Again.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Americans, Americans, Americans

      Americans, WE have to Unite Again into The United States. As a Fiscal Conservative and a Fundamentalist Christian I try every day to Educate the Left. I Love all People, and I know they have been schooled by Politicians, Union Leaders, well-meaning Environmental Groups, Socialists, and even Communists, and Millennials have had their Education Corrupted by Common Core which is in face Communist Indoctrination. They have been misled by the Lamestream Media and George Soros funded Media Matters. They actually believe in their Anti-Capitalist rhetoric propaganda, not understanding it was Capitalism that built the Railroads, Ford, Chrysler, GM, GE, the Airline Industry, ATT, ah yes, and Cell Phones, they are a product of Capitalism. Pure old greedy Capitalism where a smart, hard working investor can build a product and produce his own individual fortune, and every time he spends money, we all benefit. It doesn't trickle down, that is a misnomer, it floods down prosperity. Prosperity is what we are building today via the Trump Administration. Good Old Fashioned Capitalism is making a come back, and every American Citizen will benefit. Bernie Sanders is DEAD WRONG about Everything he believes. He complains about Rich People getting rich, yet he has amassed his fortune, (yes he is rich enough to be considered rich by his own standards), off the backs of American Taxpayers and through under the table bribes from Lobbyists. He is playing you if you are a Leftist who believes in him.
      I make some people, a few, angry because I tell the Truth as I understand it about Politics, Economics, yes and even the Church and Christianity. I studied Biology and I know this Global Warming Garbage is a bunch of Bunk, and re-doctored-doctored Data by sold out compromising "Scientists" who are void of ethics. I studied Journalism and I know 90% of Journalism is worse than Fake, worse because it is Evil, Contriving, lying, deceptive, and prejudiced against Trump. Not because he is doing anything at all wrong, much less illegal, ( that would be Journalism), no they write and say these things because they are angry The Conservative Silent Majority came out and took away the Democrats Golden Goose.(lobbying, graft, bribery, and dirty backroom deals). They are so misinformed they don't want to Make America Great Again, they want food stamps instead of Jobs. Think America, support our President, he is doing a Hell of a Good Job in every area. He wakes up every morning looking for something Big to do for you and I. Relish it, enjoy it, we are fortunate to have he and Mike Pence.
       I studied the Bible, and I know our Creator expects better from us than this. We need to love, (and educate) our Brothers and Sisters. Both facets are covered throughout the Bible and specifically in Jesus's Teachings and Paul's in the New Testament. We Owe it to the One who Died for Our Sins to do better than this.


Sunday, May 21, 2017

What Kind of Bozo?

      Fellow Americans, What kind of Bozo doesn’t want to “Make America Great Again”? This is a Question which Every Single American surely needs to ask his or herself. What in Heaven’s Name can be wrong with improving the Economy, creating more Jobs, Bringing Thousands of Manufacturing back to America, having a secure Border and making sure immigrants are top notch workers with expert skills that are actually needed in our workforce?

      Everybody seems to agree that America was great until the Bust in 2006-2007. The United States housing bubble was a real estate bubble affecting over half of the U.S. states. Housing prices peaked in early 2006, started to decline in 2006 and 2007, and reached new lows in 2012. What caused the Bubble? Bill Clinton did. While the Economic Collapse is commonly attributed to Bush, because it was on his watch as President, Bush had very little to do with or very negligible effect on what was inevitably going to happen anyway.       Bill Clinton had a vision where even the poor could own their own housing, nothing wrong with that except somebody eventually has to pay for the home. Clinton pushed through legislation that forced Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Banks to Loan money for homes, even to people that clearly had no way to pay for them. A really DUMB idea because it was a Bubble Bound to Burst Sooner rather than later. The Bubble Burst on Bush’s watch, not Bush’s fault at all, it wasn’t his Bubble just his Problem.       Then along comes Barack Hussein Obama. He did a lot of complaining about the mess he had been dealt. Again, he was dealt it by his fellow Democrats; but Democrats were quick to shift the blame to Bush. Obama did NOTHING but make the situation worse. He played Golf (very poorly by the way) and bailed out the Banks (the ones at fault) which had shuffled loans they knew would never be paid off, and traded them to other Banks in Bundles of Dynamite Debt they knew were worthless.       Then Obama Bailed Out the Auto Industry, the Auto Industry that was building cars no one wanted, because the out of control Obama EPA was dictating small cars when the Public was obviously still wanting big gas guzzlers. So, who bought the huge overstocked inventory of funny little EPA dictated cars? The Taxpayers did. The Taxpayers shouldered all the burden. Not the at fault Banks, not the at fault Auto Makers. Obama let Chrysler sell out to European Manufacturers and we lost a third of another industry overseas; Ford, bless their hearts, at least turned down the bailout and cinched up their own belt like they should have, but the American Taxpayer bailed out General Motors and a host of Crooked Bankers. All Bush’s fault if you listened to the callus Democrats stuffing more dollars in their own vest pockets. All the while Obama’s Golf game never improved though the costs for his Family Vacations put a strain on the National Debt all on their own.        We had what effectively amounted to Zero Job Growth all eight years of the Obama Administration, Obamacare added to the dismal nightly news with Business after Business cutting hours below the legal full time threshold so they would no longer have to provide Employer Health Insurance. Obamacare created thousands of part time jobs with Zero Benefits, and less job security. People having to work 3 jobs to make do helped Obama’s Job Creation Data by being counted 3 times for what would have been 1 Forty Hour a Week Job under the Bush Administration. Job Data was falsified beyond any semblance of being truthful data. The Unemployment Rate was touted to be 4.7% when the Real Unemployment Rate was clearly over 12%, perhaps as high as 15%. Black Unemployment remained at around 22% throughout Obama’s 2 terms.

      Then The Silent Majority, mostly Christians who hadn’t voted for 8 or 10 years, fed up with Feckless Politics stepped up to the plate in the Voting Booth and Elected Donald J. Trump. In Donald J. Trumps first 100 days we have already had a dramatic turn around. Companies are fighting to see who can bring the most manufacturing jobs back to America. Companies like Boeing, Caterpillar, U.S. Steel, Alcoa, Arconic, Nucor, Intel, John Deere ……., the list goes on, are surging in the Stock Market since Trump’s election. The Stock Surge has earned the Title “the Trump Effect”. The Promise of less invasive EPA Regulation, lower Taxes, Tax Reform, and overhaul of the Disastrous Obamacare Nightmare continue to spur Economic Growth and Excitement.

      Today I watched President Trump Make by far the single Greatest Compact with Muslim Leaders in the Middle East since the end of WWII. Truly the History of the World was changed for the better in One Single Trip to Saudi Arabia. No more of the Wimpy Apology Tour Politics of the Obama Administration. We saw a Truly Presidential Figure greeted with Grandeur and Respect by every Islamic Leader of the Region with the exception of Iran’s Henchmen. They slapped ISIS in the Face and called for their very souls to be damned. No imaginary Red Line there.

      Patriots, we are Making America Great again. It is happening as I speak, it is getting better every single day. What a Great President we have elected. Happy Days will soon be here again if you look for them and ignore the Fake News Media Nay Sayers whose sole objective is to derail the Speeding Trump Train with lies and rumors. There is Power in Media Journalism these days, and all too many of the Mainstream Clowns care nothing about Journalistic Principles and Ethics as long as their Story is First and Biggest. I watch Fox Business and Fox and Friends; Eric Boling is good, so is Sean Hannity but watch out for Chris Wallace and some of the other Commentators on Fox some are Liberals working for the Gotcha Squad whose only interest is to cast doubt on Trump. Never trust a Liberal. Liberalism is a Brain Disorder.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Larry's Online Jail Ministry: Christians Don't Call themselves Democrats

Larry's Online Jail Ministry: Christians Don't Call themselves Democrats:       Now that I am Disabled, my wife Vera has to lay out my shirts. I can no longer reach up from my wheelchair into the closet or the top ...

Christians Don't Call themselves Democrats

      Now that I am Disabled, my wife Vera has to lay out my shirts. I can no longer reach up from my wheelchair into the closet or the top drawer of a dresser. I am reliant on her to pick out a pair of slacks and a shirt that will match.
      All too many self-proclaimed Christians are disabled Spiritually. Sure they attend a Church on Sunday Morning; some even attend Sunday Evening and a few go to Pray on Wednesday Evening. But they can't reach the top shelf in their Bible and lay out their own clothing; pick out their Spiritual Tie; they can't match their shoes for their Daily Life without a Sermon from their Pastor to tide them over to the next Sunday Morning. I too often call them Pew Sitters. Except for Sunday Morning Sermons they have no Christian direction in Life.
 9 .... seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds; 10  And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him: Colossians 3:9-10 (KJV) 

      One of the most important duties of a True Christian is to support Godly Politicians, (Oh! How rare a Flower!), in the Ballot Box. Do you think when you vote? Yes, "What would Jesus do?", is a good question, but if you are relying on the Sermon Last Sunday to remind you, you may not be prepared to check the right box on the Ballot. Do you study on your own? Not just reading the Newspaper and watching the Leftist skewed Quasi Journalists on TV; but getting into the issues and checking with Christian Organizations to see how they Grade Politicians on Christian issues. And when is the last time you actually picked up your Bible an studied God's Word on your own? Do you have to hunt for your Bible so you won't be late for Church at the last minute on Sunday? If so what good is your Bible doing you. I guarantee the reader, if you pick up that Bible, say a little prayer for guidance, and open it up, God via The Holy Spirit will reward you with Spiritual Enlightenment beyond your wildest dreams.
Psalm 18:28 (KJV) 28  For thou wilt light my candle: the LORD my God will enlighten my darkness.

      No True Christian can affiliate Himself or Herself with the Democrat Party, Leftism, Communism, Progressivism, Socialism or most other isms. The Democrat Party Platform is one of the most Evil Documents ever written. It permits the Premeditated Murder by Abortion of Living Babies. Just like the Canaanites laid their infants on the Molten Red Hot Arms of the Idol Moloch in false worship, Modern Day Dems blindly lay Our Infants on the Molten Hot Arms of the Idol of Abortion to worship Satan. There is so little difference it is sickening. For a few minutes of indiscretion and lust, an innocent young child is Sacrificed for Convenience. This is not Birth Control, Birth Control works before the sex act. This is Premeditated Murder to solve a man/woman made inconvenience where Birth Control was not considered.
       This Evil Democrat Platform also calls for the abolishment of the God Ordained Institution of Covenant Marriage between a Man and Woman and their God. It cheapens Marriage through unsavory, unnatural unions identified as "same sex". Something God has repeatedly called Abomination, (literally a stench in God's Nostrils). It calls for Perverted Men to be allowed in little girl's Restrooms where they can slobber over and molest little girls with their eyes (at the very least).

      The Democrat Platform is openly a Socialist/Communist Document calling for the diminishment of any Religious test for Legislation. We know that Communism promotes Atheism and Abolishment of the Worship of any God. We know that in 2012 Democrat Delegates at their Convention took great pride in Booing God, ( an obvious acknowledgment of their hatred of Our Creator and Lord).
      Of Late the DNC has become an Organized Source of Hatred toward our Elected President Donald J. Trump. They call themselves the Resistance. Resistance to what? To making America Great Again! To correcting the Damage to our Constitution, Economy, Security and Prosperity fostered by the Feckless, misguided, corrupt governance of the Obama Administration. How can they Question the Job Enhancing, Business Strengthening, Economy Growing changes so far by the Trump Administration? The Economy which had barely grown at 1% the entire two terms of Obama is Thriving under Trump, a testament to the job killing disaster that will be the Obama Legacy.
      Right now the DNC is Colluding with the Leftist Mainstream Media; twisting and skewing everything the Trump Administration says and does from something wonderful into the Craziest Kind of Nonsense. Journalism as I studied it is Dead at the Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, even half of the Hosts on FOX News Network are Leftist Plants. I have begun watching Fox Business Network for Honest News; Fox and Friends early morning is also Fair and Balanced as they say.
      Christians Overwhelmingly Elected Donald Trump. In 2008 and 2012 Christians sat on their pews and stayed home from the voting booth. But this election year they were fed up with sin in higher places of Government. They got off their pews and voted for Donald Trump. A lot of this is do to Pastors like John and Matthew Haggee, and Franklin Graham, and Organizations Like CUFI (Christians United for Israel), a block of over 3,000,000 voters by itself who got the vote out. The Silent Majority voted again.
      Please don't call yourself a Christian if you are going to vote for the Evil Democrat Platform or any of their candidates. Christians don't vote for Murder by Abortion. And Please be a True Patriot and Support the Donald J. Trump Administration. If you Love America Support Her and Her President. He is the Hardest Working President Since Abraham Lincoln and Harry Truman. He is working diligently for you, to Make Your America Great Again, to correct the wrongs of the Evil Obama Administration, to end Islamic Terror, to make our Economy Roar with the Spinning Gears of Healthy Capitalism that Created Our Great Country in it's Heyday. He can do it if we support him.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Forgotten 44

      It is amazing how quickly most People have completely forgotten Barack Hussein Obama. The only people who have not forgotten are his very few Thousand #OFA/ paid and organized, Propagandized Agitator Zombie Protesters. In most ways it is a good thing to forget his Feckless, inept Administration. One thing is not good. We need to remember that Obama needs to be Prosecuted for Treason and all his many other Crimes, not to mention a Thousand or more Misdemeanors.
      It must be remembered that Obama was never a legitimate President. He is, from all I can research, still a citizen of Indonesia. (he never filed the paper work to reinstate his U.S. citizenship, if he ever was a citizen to begin with). That is probably why his records are still sealed. He has a lot to hide. Not just his bad grades and shady past. Not just a Homosexual Marriage in Pakistan, nor losing his Law License. Not just illegally obtaining and distributing Marijuana and Cocaine to his Choom Gang and homosexual buddies. Not just his Stolen Social Security Card or the Photo shopped, Fake Birth Certificate he tried to palm off on American Citizens.
      It will take decades to undo all the Damage of the Obama Administration. Every paper he signed was illegal; besides being a mistake someone will have to fix. His Presidency did only one constructive thing: It finally got the Christian Silent Majority up off their comfortable pews to undo the damage they had done by failing to vote the past eight years. American finally has a President again in Donald J. Trump. The silent Majority finally spoke again.
      So why are what looks like a bunch of people foolishly protesting? Simple; they are being organized and often paid for their dirty shenaginians by OFA,, and several Nazi George Soros funded organizations like Black Lives Matter. OFA has published guide books for Agitators, showing them how to disrupt GOP events and Town Halls, block streets, and generally make fools out of themselves. It gets a lot of Press attention, so the Leftist Media can claim there is chaos on the streets. Yes, the Leftist Media is in on the game.
      Lazy Broadcasters and Newspapers that went out of their way to avoid any Article where Obama was genuinely at fault, (to overlook even the 4 deaths at Benghazi), are all too happy to jump on any hint or whisper of President Trump saying the tiniest thing the wrong way. I studied Journalism at Arkansas State University. I had an old Grizzled Journalism Professor named Tex Plunket. He hammered it into our heads to publish only facts; who, what, where, when, why, and how but NOT our Opinion. Opinions are formed by the reader when they observe your carefully presented facts. If you have your own Opinion it goes on the Opinion Page not in a Headline. That is Basic Journalism. You cannot call yourself a Journalist and violate that principle. Yet violation of that rule is the norm today is what is known as "the Mainstream Media". The New York Times, and Washington Post are prime examples of Newspapers who have sold themselves out to the Left and are no longer objective or even truthful with their coverage of the President. They have declared war on Donald Trump and thus are at war with not only the Truth but the American People and our Government itself. Magazines like the Huffington Post, and Rolling Stone have joined the fray; as have TV's
ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, MSNBC, and CNN. Media Matters bleaches the AP news feed, filters it, rewrites it, and redistributes it to the Networks for your Evening News Broadcast. No matter which station you watch you get the same Media Matters Pablum, hand picked to make Conservatives look bad and Dimwitted Democrats look good.
      Brainless Hollywood Clowns who work from scripts for a living and haven't had a genuine brain wave pattern of their own in years are eager to jump in for attention. Why they wanted to support on old washed out and failed politician like Hillary is a mystery for Sherlock Holmes. But she represented their party and its line of Propaganda and they are used to reading scripts. Never mind Hillary was a brain dead old drunk, they work with lots of braindead old drunks and druggies in every movie. Being braindead and a druggie is the norm in Hollywood.
      So the Election is over. We have a real President again for the first time in eight long years. The Stock Market is roaring, small businesses are hiring again, factories are refurbishing plants and hiring American Workers. As soon as we get our tax system reformed and Obamacare repealed and replaced with real Health Care Options we need to get busy prosecuting, Obama, Hillary, George Soros, and the CAIR/Muslim Brotherhood Operatives/Spies who worked for Obama. We owe it to the American People who have suffered these last 8 years to see these villains in Prison where they belong.