Sunday, February 18, 2018

There is a Message Potential Shooters Need to Hear

      Yes, there is a Message that will help and stop Potential School Shooters like Nikolas Cruz from creating Satan's Mayhem. There is a Message of Hope. There is a Message of Comfort. There is a Message of Healing for the Hurt this World has burdened us with. No matter the hurt, or the worry, or the burden; no matter the depth of despair; no matter which of our Loved Ones have died or left us alone; no matter how Lonely we feel; how forgotten and discouraged; how hopeless and forlorn; how utterly Lost and alone; there is still a Message of Unending Hope and Sure Salvation. Yes, there is a Gospel Message of a Savior who has Prepared a Path, a Way for you to Live a Life of Peace and Joy! Jesus is the Way, the  Truth and the Life, He said it Himself, "no man comes to the Father except by Me."
      Troubled boys/men like Cruz are everywhere. This troubled world lead us to forget them and abandon them in their sorrows. They feel lonely and bullied. They feel forgotten and hopeless. They feel like no one cares. Are they right? Are you willing to help Share the Good News of the Gospel Message with them? Or are you part of the Problem they face?
      Everyone, almost everyone anyway, has asked the same Question this week of tragedy. Namely, what can we do to stop these needless shootings? Reflexology of Liberal Stinking Thinking would give us the illogic of Gun Control. Well Gun Control would not have stopped Cain from murdering his brother Abel. Cain had murder in his will and he found a way (a rock). Murders today will also find a way to carry out Satan's wishes. Yes, Satan's wishes. The Bible clearly tells us that we either allow God to be our Lord or our lord is Satan. We either serve the Lord or we serve the wishes of Satan. God, as Jesus, came to this very Earth to provide a Way for us to escape our sorrow, find Salvation and ascend from this lowly station to a better Life someday in Heaven.
      How can these troubled boys/men/girls find this new and better Way, if they have no Teachers; no one to share this Good News with them. They won't get the Good news on TV; certainly not on any Video Game or Google. Google will allow them directions for making a bomb, joining a terrorist or supremacist organization, even how to print out parts for a Plastic AR-15 on their parent's printer. Who is going to teach them something better if not you? Yes we still have some Christian Teachers in our Public Schools but they are shackled hand and foot by Liberalism, Socialism and Iron-clad Political Correctness and Common Core Curriculum that prevents Prayer, Truth, and Good News like the Gospel from even being whispered in the Classroom.
      So where does a Nikolas Cruz turn. There is no club for troubled youth, no Church Group to feed the Lonely, no one they can ask or turn to for help. They sit alone in their room with Google to work out their own answers with only Satan's Demons and Video Games like 'Grand Theft Auto', and 'Call of Duty'(shooting everything that moves), and 'Dark Souls', to guide them. No wonder we have school shootings. Satan whispers, "get even." "Don't let these kids and teachers bully you". "A gun will make you famous and Powerful." You can show them all." That is the Demonic Message Satan is sure to deliver if no Christian is around to calm their fears of abandonment.
      This week on Twitter and Facebook I called for Every Available Church and Church Group to Adopt a Local School for after-school Activities to reach out to these Troubled Individuals. A place where hobbies like Target Practice, Archery, Martial Arts and other Sports, Chess, etc. can provide responsible Adults and older youth Volunteers to answer the tough Questions that trouble potential shooters; a place they can turn besides the Dark Internet and al Qaeda or ISIS.
      Yes, we need armed Police on guard at every School; it is finally evident this week to almost every sane American this is the case. Maybe this week has awakened our good senses. Yes, we need better record keeping and reporting when individuals are determined to be a threat by Police and Mental Health Professionals. But this week proved even the FBI can fail if we don't provide a new way.
       We need a place a youth who Loves Guns can have Adult Safety Training, Counseling, and Mentoring along with Target Practice. We did it in the 50s and 60s in classrooms. We had Prayer in the 50s and 60s in our Classrooms; we read the Bible every day in our Classrooms. It needs to be remembered that the very first act of our United States Congress was to authorize the printing of, "an English Bible for use in all Public Schools," Yes the Bible was the first Textbook ever used in American Schools. Separation of Church and State is part of no U.S. Law. It is in no way part of our Constitution. The words, 'separation of church and state', came not from any Legal Document but from a Private Letter of Thomas Jefferson. Without foundation or precedent a FOOLISH Supreme Court ruling placed words from one individual's private letter falsely on a level with the highest most revered documents of our Land. In Jefferson's Letter to Baptist Faithful, separation was supposed to be a comfort and a Promise that Government would not be able to interfere with the Operation of the Church or the Exercise of their Faith. This Supreme Court ruling perverted both the message and the meaning Jefferson had intended. The Bible was always supposed to be taught in our Schools.
      We were there for our kids in the 50s and 60s. We can be again. We can reach troubled youth. We can reach them before the ruin their lives, before they make their big mistakes, before they kill.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

      There is an Entrenched Battle going on not just between the DNC and the GOP, not Just between Republicans and Democrats, not Just between the Organized Church and the State, not just between Good and Bad, not just in Washington D.C.; but in your very Neighborhood, in fact in your very Church, between you and your friends and co-workers, your own Family, between brothers and sisters, Fathers and sons. Yes Good and Evil are entrenched; Liberalism and its allies (Communism, Progressivism, Socialism, and Political Correctness) are entrenched against the Church and Conservatism, Logic, Reason and the Truth.
      This is not a new Battle, it is the same War that Satan has been waging against God since he first asked Adam and Eve, "yea, hath God said?" It is Satan's oldest tactic and his best trick to prevent us from a closer relationship with Truth and more importantly Peace and Joy based on an understanding of the Gospel Message of Christ. Yes, Politics is a never ending battle against doing God's will in our daily lives. You may not see it that way, but I assure you Satan does.
       We all have Family members who just don't get it. They buy into the Common Core Math of Political Correctness. They can see the Point in the Liberalistic Propaganda, or at least they think they can. They go on believing it can get better, all the while watching it get so very much worse.
That is what the Bible has always said would happen in these, the Last Days. "Things will was worse". They certainly have and are.
2 Timothy 3:12-14 (ASV)
12 Yea, and all that would live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
13 But evil men and impostors shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.
14 But abide thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them.
       Don't forget you are in a War. When you watch the Evening News, don't forget Satan is writing your evening news report via the Liberal News Agency Media Matters funded and founded by Communist George Soros who is openly out to Destroy America. He funds hundreds of Agencies, Groups, and Causes to disrupt American daily life and culture. He funds Black Lives Matter rioters, yes, he actually pays rioters to throw rocks, burn garbage cans and bails them out when, and if, they get arrested. He is the lead agitator in exile who foots the bill for disrupting peace in our Great Country.
       Don't forget which trench you are supposed to be in. Entrench yourself in the Bible, the Word of God, so when the firry Darts are hurled your Armor will repel them. Don't fall for Satan's Lies, or his Political Correctness, his Common Core Math, or the Troubles that so easily beset us. Christ will always be Victorious, Christ in you will always prevail if we keep our eyes on Christ like our Founding Fathers did when they wrote the Constitution. Freedom will prevail, not the chains Satan tries to drape over you, not the dark dreary picture that Pelosi, Schumer, and the DNC try to paint. Keep watching the Cross and Pray for our President as he keeps Draining the Washington Swamp and slaying the Deep State Creatures lurking in its sewer-laced waters.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Russia, Russia, Russian Collusion. Well there never was Russian Collusion. There was never a there there. Not in the Trump Campaign anyway. All the Collusion was on the part of the Clinton Foundation, the DNC and the Obama Administration and is now being carried on with the Fake News Liberal Media and Obama's Dark Shadow OFA Organization. Clinton Operatives colluded with Russia to manufacture a Fake Dossier. It was so amateurish no one in their right mind could believe it; but that didn't matter it was written for dark purposes never considering accuracy. It was strictly a hit piece; meant to shock; meant to mislead; meant to confuse the unwary.
Now that the Nunez Memo has come out the Russia, Russia non-story should be a thing of History; but the Democrats have no other bullets in their Dark Holster. All CNN and MSNBC can do is say "that's my story and I'm sticking to it." They have to defend the best lie they have going and they are desperate. All their marbles were bet on one Russian lie. They got caught red handed, crowbar (dossier) in hand and black masks and gloves in their dark back alley. Rats inhabit better neighborhoods than do Liberals. No alley is too dark or too close to an open sewer. No Lie too rash and despicable.
The Dossier was paid for by Hillary. It was so sketchy and improbable that no one wanted to touch it at first. It had to be a hard sell to any FISA Judge that actually looked close at it, but it was dressed up with a few Political Favors and confusing memos to introduce it. Warrants were issued while no one was paying attention. Legal Briefs begin to be anything but "brief" as they get passed around; soon they are 3-4 inches thick. It is a lot of work to fact check a lot of legal mumbo jumbo. Professional Bureaucrats are not fond of hard work beyond opening their exorbitant paychecks.
I have no doubt there are many good, many great, many ultra honest and patriotic FBI Agents and DOJ. Many are Loyal to the nth degree. But there are always bad apples. I have said so often that Liberalism is a Mental Disorder. It certainly appears that several high ranking officials were so mentally deranged that they refused to rely on the American People to decide who they wanted to be their President. They needed an "insurance policy" to make sure Donald J. Trump was never elected; Damn what the Voter's wishes were. So the Bogus Trump Dossier was drug through the dark allies where Swamp Water and Liberal Sewers were seeping. The DNC pushed it, the Clinton Foundation pushed it, CNN and Media Matters were involved, John McCain even got in the act because he hated Trump too. Don't Listen to the naysayers and liberal would be pundits on CNN and MSNBC. They are complicit in the Lie. We need to arrest and convict those responsible, fire those that were sloppy. We have a good base, I believe in the FBI. We have to get all the Obama appointees out of the Justice Department. NO one Obama appointed can be trusted. But we will eventually get the Swamp Drained and we can and will Make America Great Again.