Saturday, July 6, 2019

Fighting Clowns and Snowflakes

        Had to block another Liberal Trump Hater this morning. When they are too hardheaded to Learn, blocking is about all you can do. They Defy All Logic, hating the man who is doing so much to better our Country. But what do we expect from these Politically Correct Snowflake Resistors who don't even know if they are boys or girls; want to Legalize Drugs but Outlaw Old Glory and Patriotism. They Welcome MS-13 thugs, ISIS Jihadists, child traffickers, and Welfare-Grabbing Illegals, yet rush to Murder Babies in or even out of the Womb.
Thanks to Trump we have Real Wages Outpacing Minimum Wage Growth, a Booming Stock Market, the Lowest Unemployment Rate in over 50 years with employers fighting to Lure Workers (there aren't enough skilled workers to go around), Inflation is almost non-existent. Other Countries are Respecting us again, and all these Lamebrain Liberals can think about is Bashing the Man that is doing it all.
Fake Polls tell us Trump is behind yet I see people who never talked Politics before flying Trump Banners below their U.S. Flag. Pollsters Oversample Democrats by 10 - 12% to make it look like Trump is behind, all the Evening News, and I mean ALL, is Skewed totally to the Left. Trump is a Loving Man, yet they say he is filled with hate. I have never heard him say a thing I would classify as Hateful or Hate-filled, but there is a constant murmur about him being Hateful. They nit-pick his statements and Tweets finding fault and accusing him of Lying when in the previous Administration under Obama EVERY statement the man made was a Boldface Lie, a Scam. or a Diss of the America we Love. The change from a Lazy, Feckless, America-Hating Obama to Trump has been truly Dramatic and Stunning. Trump is probably the Hardest Working, Most Caring, Patriotic, and America-Loving President in History. Many compare him to Reagan, but I place him right alongside George Washington and Abe Lincoln with a little Teddy Roosevelt thrown in. Thank God for Pre
sident Trump! Amen!!!