Saturday, June 16, 2012

If You are Wondering Where Jesus Is, Here is the Scoop

      With Father's Day coming up tomorrow, I got to thinking about how few days a year people go looking for Jesus. Oh, I know, they sit in a pew at church on Sunday, but are they expecting Jesus to show up? A few maybe. A few even invite His Holy Spirit inside, (but that's another subject for study).
      No, most people, even Christians, go to church four or five, maybe six times a year to look for Jesus. Some go on Christmas and look for a little baby in a feed trough (manger), but He's not there any more. Some go on Resurrection Day and look in an empty tomb, and thank God He isn't there. Others go on Mother's Day or Father's Day looking for Jesus among the memories of mom and dad. As great as Mom and Dad were, they'd be the first to tell you Jesus isn't a memory. Same for Memorial Day of your Church, as great as all the former Church members were they would agree Jesus isn't in the Church. He doesn't live in a building built by human hands.

      So where is Jesus? Easy. Jesus is seated on His Throne, right where He is supposed to be. He is sitting at the "right hand" of His Father, making intercession of our prayers, watching every move we make, waiting for us to say that powerful word Lord. Lord forgive me! He is instantly listening. Lord Save me! He already has. Lord help me! He is always in place and ready.
       The part of the Godhead that is the Father can't look on our sin, but the walking, talking, Seated in Glory Jesus part of the Godhead, has already seen our sin from the Cross, and from that night in the Garden when he drank our sin and shame in that awful cup. He intercedes and says to The Father and The Spirit this is the one I was telling you about, one of those I died for, a great friend and brother, ain't it great to hear from him. I know the whole family down there. I can hardly wait till You tell me to go get them Father. I know it will be soon now. Very Soon! 

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