Friday, March 25, 2016

The Truth about "Moderate" Muslims

     There is NO Moderate Muslim. There are only two types of Muslims:
1. Believers who believe because they have been forced to or else; 2 Believers who are really foolish enough to believe Mohammad’s fabrication.

Mohammed knew some were easily fooled and would worship anything that sounded like a god.

He also knew that most would not; for those he wielded a sword for intimidation, BELIEVE OR BE BEHEADED, SUBMIT OR ELSE, PAY TRIBUTE AND ALLEGIANCE OR DIE

Mohammed’s plan worked.

His thugs enforced Mafia-like rule and weak believers kept their mouths shut and acted like they believed.

These are the “moderate” believers today. Some/many have never even read the Koran. It doesn’t matter if it is true or not, non-believers who admit to not believing don’t last very long. Moderates keep their mouths shut and financially support any and all levels of Jihad because that is what Muslims are supposed to do.

Islam has nothing at all to do with god. It never did. It (religion) was a tool to keep enforcer thugs, thieves and slave traders in line to do Mohammed’s bidding and later his successors. Allah the Moon god said what Mohammed wanted him to say, at the time he needed god to say something.

Today Muslims are trapped in a lie they can’t even acknowledge because they would immediately be targeted.

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