Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Americans, Americans, Americans

      Americans, WE have to Unite Again into The United States. As a Fiscal Conservative and a Fundamentalist Christian I try every day to Educate the Left. I Love all People, and I know they have been schooled by Politicians, Union Leaders, well-meaning Environmental Groups, Socialists, and even Communists, and Millennials have had their Education Corrupted by Common Core which is in face Communist Indoctrination. They have been misled by the Lamestream Media and George Soros funded Media Matters. They actually believe in their Anti-Capitalist rhetoric propaganda, not understanding it was Capitalism that built the Railroads, Ford, Chrysler, GM, GE, the Airline Industry, ATT, ah yes, and Cell Phones, they are a product of Capitalism. Pure old greedy Capitalism where a smart, hard working investor can build a product and produce his own individual fortune, and every time he spends money, we all benefit. It doesn't trickle down, that is a misnomer, it floods down prosperity. Prosperity is what we are building today via the Trump Administration. Good Old Fashioned Capitalism is making a come back, and every American Citizen will benefit. Bernie Sanders is DEAD WRONG about Everything he believes. He complains about Rich People getting rich, yet he has amassed his fortune, (yes he is rich enough to be considered rich by his own standards), off the backs of American Taxpayers and through under the table bribes from Lobbyists. He is playing you if you are a Leftist who believes in him.
      I make some people, a few, angry because I tell the Truth as I understand it about Politics, Economics, yes and even the Church and Christianity. I studied Biology and I know this Global Warming Garbage is a bunch of Bunk, and re-doctored-doctored Data by sold out compromising "Scientists" who are void of ethics. I studied Journalism and I know 90% of Journalism is worse than Fake, worse because it is Evil, Contriving, lying, deceptive, and prejudiced against Trump. Not because he is doing anything at all wrong, much less illegal, ( that would be Journalism), no they write and say these things because they are angry The Conservative Silent Majority came out and took away the Democrats Golden Goose.(lobbying, graft, bribery, and dirty backroom deals). They are so misinformed they don't want to Make America Great Again, they want food stamps instead of Jobs. Think America, support our President, he is doing a Hell of a Good Job in every area. He wakes up every morning looking for something Big to do for you and I. Relish it, enjoy it, we are fortunate to have he and Mike Pence.
       I studied the Bible, and I know our Creator expects better from us than this. We need to love, (and educate) our Brothers and Sisters. Both facets are covered throughout the Bible and specifically in Jesus's Teachings and Paul's in the New Testament. We Owe it to the One who Died for Our Sins to do better than this.


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