Thursday, February 19, 2015

A Higher Plane than I Have Found

     Pastor Matthew Hagee impressed me last week with an upbeat rendition of the song Higher Ground. Finding a "higher plane" of righteousness should be the central thought of every "man or woman of God". But is it? Certainly not in the Islamic Community. So are Christians on a higher plane that Muslims? Yes! If Heaven is up and Hell is down, Christians are light years higher than Muslims, at least based on their respective Holy Texts the Bible vs. the Qur'an.
     The Qur'an tells Muslims it is OK to marry/rape a 6-9 year old girl, it tells them they can keep a young, prepubescent boy for sexual slavery and sodomy, it tells them they can have sex with a goat or a camel as long as the goat or camel is killed for the offence. Not to worry the farmer won't lose money for the goat, he can sell the meat in the neighboring village, just not his own. Yes! The "holy" Qur'an makes those provisions for sinners.
     Not the Bible. In it, rape, sodomy, and bestiality are all serious sins. Even selling a tainted goat would be sinful. So which is higher ground? Obviously the Bible and Christians stand on higher ground.
     Islam does not mean Peace at all, it means one may obtain a level of Peace ( if you really want to call it that) if you pay a tax or submit and convert to Islam. Islam means submission, not peace.
     Islam and the Qur'an say that infidels who do not submit should be beheaded. Yes! the Qur'an says that. Beheaded, fingers cut off, burned alive; do you recognize anything you have been seeing in the news lately?
     Religious Freedom is NOT permitted in Islam. Only conversion to Islam can be the ultimate situation. One can pay a tax (tribute) for a time, but eventually you must convert to Islam or be beheaded, (your choice of course). Chop!
     Beheading in the Bible is reserved in Revelation to those who worship the Antichrist, and they behead those who will not worship the beast, (not the higher plane).
     I think I will stick to Christianity. I don't know of any Christians who have beheaded anybody this week or burned anyone alive. How high a plane will you and I attain this coming week is the question. You know how I feel about pew sitters, not much of a plane with your butt glued to a pew. Most First Baptist Churches will have about 3 people on a true Higher Plane this Sunday, and 1 or 2 of the 3 will be back on the low ground by Tuesday. But at least they won't be relying on the Evil Qur'an to forgive them for having sex with a goat.
     I thank God for Churches with Pastors who better instill their congregations with the Word. Congregations like the Hagee's Cornerstone where the Holy Spirit is moving, Baptist Churches, Assembly of God Churches, I don't care what the denomination, it is Preaching the Word and The Holy Spirit moving in the congregation that is important. Pray for your Pastor this week. Pray that he will deliver the message both you and your friends in your congregation need, not the one you'd like to hear, but the one you need. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move, Pray for Jesus to be there, Baruch haba b'shem Adonai. 

     I assure you that the Qur'an does in fact teach and condone the acts I have described above. I decided not to even print the terrible things it says. I find even the words there to be offensive, and chose not to repeat them in print. Plenty of sites on the internet have the words well documented.

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