Wednesday, February 8, 2017

So Called Judges

      A lot of people may call themselves Judges. That doesn't mean they faithfully execute the Duties of a Judge. A while back we lost Judge Antonin Scalia an Honest Man, and infinitely faithful to every Letter of our well thought out Constitution. Several Judges currently on our Supreme Court do not live up to the level of the Bar set up by Judge Scalia. He set the Bar high.
      The Constitution is a Document unique in its God Breathed ingenuity; its Christian Wisdom; it is The Holy Grail of Documents, and frankly non-Christian brains cannot understand its principles, and precepts. If they can't see God in the Constitution, they don't understand God at all, much less Absolute Truth. It is a principle I have previously talked about.

       Without the indwelling of God's Holy Spirit, the Bible cannot be understood. Only Born Again Christians can read and understand the deeper Spiritual themes in the Bible. The same goes for the Constitution. Because the Constitution was formed directly upon the Precepts of God's Holy Word, only those Indwelled by God's Holy Spirit can fully understand its words and deeper principles.
     Judges, especially unsaved Judges; those with open sin in their lives may never be able to see God's vision and precepts written within our Founder's Document. Some would contend, and I will not presume to argue, with the idea that a Lesbian cannot be a Christian, because no true Christian would live openly in sin as a Lesbian. That being in direct rebellion to God's own directives. Homosexuality is an Abomination to God; literally a 'stench in His Nostrils'. Homosexuality is sickening to God. He cannot look upon it. He can't look at or listen to anyone openly practicing it. He can't hear their prayer or answer their questions till they repent. A lesbian Judge according to my interpretation of the Bible possesses a reprobate mind, incapable of understanding basic right from wrong.
      Basic intelligence or IQ, will allow a man or woman to understand a law book or a Dictionary. But it takes the supernatural indwelling presence of The Holy Spirit inside a Believer to understand the deeper Mysteries of the Bible. The Holy Spirit's job is to Enlighten and give Spiritual Understanding to the Believer and only Believers. A lost person can read a Scripture a million times and not understand the "God Part" inside it. Even Christians may not receive enlightenment until they are ready Spiritually to understand from a Godly Perspective. I know several seemingly simple Scriptures I had read over and over and over, which suddenly opened up and taught me precepts I had never realized were in there.
      Political Hacks continue to make their way into Judgeships. Political favors still win out over things like Honesty, the Letter of the Law, and Logic. Good Ole Boy Politics get in the way of Justice, and the chance of Great Appointments suffer. Judge James Robarts appears to be a prime example. He Looked like a good Judge, was appointed by a well meaning President, (in this case Bush), but when he gets in office goes off on political tangents far distant from the clear meaning of the Constitution.
      I have read the Statute giving President Trump the Clear Authority to set immigration standards and protect our borders. (see top) Any low IQ Third Grader could easily see that President Trump is 100% within his Constitutional Rights to issue the Executive Order he issued. There is absolutely no Constitutional issue with the Executive Order. Again it is 100% legal and fully Constitutional. No Question whatsoever. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar.


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